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Library Administration

<a href='eprofile/17494'>Mrs Janegrace K. Kinyanjui</a>
Mrs Janegrace K. KinyanjuiUniversity Librarian

The Library has an elaborate administrative structure that is fully integrated with the University’s organizational structure. The University Librarian reports to the DVC (Academic Affairs) and is a member of the University Management Board, Senate, Deans Committee and Board of Post Graduate Studies, and Board of Quality Assurance, among others


The Library has an elaborate administrative structure that is fully integrated with the University’s organizational structure. The University Librarian reports to the DVC (Academics, Research and Extension) and is a member of the University Management Board, Senate, Deans Committee and Board of Post Graduate Studies, and Board of Quality Assurance, among others

 The University recognizes the Library as an academic department and clearly states in the statutes that the University Librarian is the Head of the Library Department. The duties and responsibilities of the University Librarian are clearly stated in the Duties and Responsibilities of Staff in the Academic Division. There is a standing Library and Bookshop Advisory Committee, a sub-committee of Senate, which considers all aspects of the Library’s developmental needs including policies and procedures, staff and information resources. This committee is chaired by the DVC (A, R&E), and its members are drawn from various faculties and from the students’ body. The Library has a clear internal administrative structure to guide the operations and management of the Library services. There is a Library Management Committee comprising of the Branch Librarians and Division Heads.

The current Library Management Members are:

    1. Mrs. Janegrace K. Kinyanjui  - University Librarian
    2.  Ms. Sally Kiplagat– I/C of  Readers Services Division
    3. Mr. Kenneth Rotich-   I/C  of Digital Library Services Division
    4. Ms.  Felicitas C.Ratanya – Nakuru TownCampus College Librarian
    5. Mr. Benjamin Butuk- I/C of  Technical Services Division
    6. Ms Milcah Musachi – I/C of  Facultly of Arts and Social Sciences  Librarian
    7. Andrew Njuguna - I/C of  Faculty of Law Librarian/ I/C of Library Systems
    8. Ms. Rose Okumu - I/C of  Faculty of Education , Development studies Library
    9. Mr. Edward Ruto- I/C of  J.D. Rockefeller Librarian
    10. Mrs. Rosemary Miriti- I/C of    Records Management and Archives Center Archivist.

Library Policies, Rules and Regulations

The day - to - day operations of the library are guided by a Strategic Plan and various Policies and Guidelines.  These include:

  1. The Comprehensive Library Policy, which incorporates The Collection Development Policy, The ICT Policy, and The Weeding and Disposal Policy;
  2.  The Records Management and Archives Policy;
  3. The Library Rules and Regulations;
  4. Policy on how to serve the part time lecturers.



RMAC – Records Management and Archives Centre

J.D.R. – J.D. Rockefeller Library

FASS – Faculty of Arts and Social sciences Library

NTCC – Nakuru Town Campus College Library

FHS – Faculty of Health Sciences Library

FOL – Faculty of Law Library

FEDCOS – Faculty of Education and Community Studies

SAA – Senior Administrative Assistant

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