Teaching and Learning

The University has undertaken major research projects, including: Vegetable Oil Protein System (VOPS), Agricultural Management Project (AMP), Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Lake Nakuru Research Project, the Horticultural Technology Experimental Project, Fingerponds Project, Wetland Project, River Njoro Watershed, Soil Fertility Replenishment, Tropical Legumes Project, Managing the Process of Growing Up, and Epidemiology, Blood Safety and Research Project (EBR), evaluation and promotion Pigeon pea Genotypes, genetic improvement of East African Zebu cattle for milk production in ASAL, cassava post-harvest value addition, identifying socio economic constraints to and incentives for faster technology adoption. There are a number of projects are funded by Lake Victoria Research Project (VICRES) and Edulink. The University has also established the Crop Management Research Training (CMRT) Centre, and created Tegemeo Institute of Agriculture Policy and Development. The University currently holds the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.
Egerton University has established a series of local and international partnerships and linkages in research, teaching, and industry. Other developments include: establishment of HIV and AIDS Unit; rehabilitation and development of Lord Egerton Castle; development of University Botanic Garden; establishment of Local Council of International Reading Association (IRA); setting up of Egerton University Community Resource Centre; hosting the Secretariat of the African Council for Distance Education; and the development and introduction of a joint programme in Governance, Ethics, Anti-Corruption, and Economic Crimes with what was the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (now the Kenya Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission).