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  • Egerton University and ICRISAT have been engaged in improving production and productivty enhancement of dryland crops mainly sorghum, millets, groundnuts and greengrams in six counties dryland counties in Kenya which include Tharaka Nithi, Makueni, Kitui, Siaya, Busia and Elgeyo Marakwet, through funding support from USAID Feed the Future-FtF, Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD).

  • The Faculty of Law Legal Aid Project (FOLLAP) will host the second national legal aid conference from Monday November 29th to Saturday December 4th.

    This year’s conference will be held in Naivasha under the theme “Access to Justice and Socio-Economic Crisis: Lessons from Covid-19 Pandemic.”

  • Get a chance to be involved in #CHANGETHESTORY of climate and river restoration during a cleanup exercise

  • The 44th Congregation (Virtual) for the Conferment of Degrees and Award of Diplomas - Friday 17th December, 2021

  • The 45th Graduation of Egerton University is the long-awaited event at which we can acknowledge with pride that the hard work, sacrifice,which we can acknowledge with pride that the hard work, sacrifice,and resilience of our students have paid off. 

  • As a farmer and a community leader, retired policeman Simon Peter Gitahi’s constant worry until 2018 was how a local growers’ marketing cooperative society could be kicked back to life and help farmers earn an income from cassava farming.

  • The 5th Africa Universities Cross Country Championships were held at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (J.K.U.A.T) on 20th November 2021 with over 200 athletes and officials participating in the event. In the men’s category, Maxime Chaumeton from the University of Johannesburg won with a time of 30.54.0 followed closely by Geoffrey Chirchir 31.33.0 from Egerton University Njoro pursuing Bachelor of Education degree in Maths and Physics.

  • I welcome you all to the 44th Graduation Ceremony of Egerton University. In this event, our Ph.D. graduands are in attendance as the other graduands follow the proceedings through our virtual platforms.

  • Egerton University is seeking to boost value addition for cassava, which is largely consumed as subsistence food in Eastern Africa’s rural households.

    The programme funded by Community Action Research Project (CARP+), Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) and the MasterCard Foundation also targets to create jobs, increase food and nutrition security, as well as improve cassava quality, productivity and its marketability both locally and abroad.

  • There is no doubt that the most momentous transformation that the world has undergone in recent times has to do with the socio-cultural evolution that is unfolding in what we have come to know as “cyberspace”. In effect, the Internet has created a universe that not only parallels the concrete world that we are used to but that also brings with it altogether new and unprecedented opportunities across all aspects of life.

  • Quality assurance is one of the drivers for universities to achieve excellence in teaching and learning and also in research. There is need to ensure that the quality of educational programmes in the University meets local and international standards. Egerton University, in its pursuit of becoming a world-class university for the advancement of humanity, has a regulatory framework that mandates and ensures, among others, continuing attention to promoting and attaining quality education and training of the students.

  • The Faculty of Law Legal Aid Project (FOLLAP) will start its activities for this year on Friday, January 14. The project’s team are set to hold a legal aid clinic at the Kapkures Sub County offices in Nakuru Town West from 10 am.

  • The Egerton University community mourns the passing of Dr Wilson Nguyo Mwarari and celebrates its connection to this distinguished Researcher, Scholar, Educator, and Academic Administrator. Dr Nguyo was born on the 10th of April 1941 in Kagumo, Nyeri County, Central Kenya. He was the founding Director of the Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development between 1992-2003, when the Institute established its headquarters in Nairobi. Earlier as a Researcher and Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management in the Faculty of Agriculture, he was the Project Team Leader where the project started in 1988.

  • As the Division of Academic  Affairs  of  the  University,  we  are pleased to see well-equipped individuals being ushered into the world of work to better their lives and to serve humanity using the knowledge and skills attained during their stay in this world-class university.

  • The Faculty of Commerce is home to undergraduate and graduate students preparing to lead the business world and foster entrepreneurial growth by completing our various academic programmes offered in both the traditional classroom setting and an online format. We offer programmes at Undergraduate, Master’s, and Doctoral levels.

  • The Directorate of Income Generating Units was created in May 2021. It falls under the Division of Administration, Planning and Development and has the goal of enhancing the University's- ability to sustain itself beyond the funding it receives from the government and through research.

  • The Faculty has four departments and offers four undergraduate degree programmes, namely Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Water and Environmental Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Technology, and Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation and Control Engineering. All our programmes are accredited by the Commission for University Education, and we make a point of updating them regularly as required by the regulator.

    The current update of the programmes, which takes into account the input from the Engineers Board of Kenya, (EBK) is near completion and will soon be submitted to the commission for the Commission for University Education (CUE) for their action as required by the  regulations. The Faculty also empasises a great deal on postgraduate studies, and currently there are four Master of Science and five Doctor of Philosophy programmes with local and international students.

    The Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Prof. Japheth O. Onyando, receives electrical equipment worth Ksh2 million donated by GIZ on 15 November 2021. The donation was made possible by Mr Germano Mugambi of the Department of Electrical and Control Engineering, who is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in Germany.

    The Faculty is pursuing a number of important projects through its Departments as outlined below.

    Centre  for  Integrated  Water  and Basing Management

    The Centre for Integrated Water and Basing  Management  (CIWAB)  was established in 2017 following the completion of Mau Mara and Serengeti (MaMaSe), which was funded by The Nertherlands Embassy. It focuses on improving water security for livelihoods, economic benefits and environmental sustainability. CIWAB is affiliated to the Department of Agricultural Engineering, and it facilitates staff in developing proposals and running the subsequent projects. Through this initiative, the projects outlined below have been attracted.

  • Egerton University, in partnership with the University of Greenwich, UK, has gained funding for a 2-year project with the Anolei Women Camel Milk Co-operative. The project objective is to add value to camel milk value chain in Northern Kenya and to strengthen capacity for new value-added products and enhance productivity in camel milk production, collection, and marketing. This project is funded and supported by the UK Government through its African Agriculture Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (AAKTP) scheme.

  • It has been our pleasure as a Directorate to create a conducive living environment in the University to enable  you  achieve  your  goals.  In striving to fulfil our mandate of providing  quality  accommodation facilities, the Accommodation Department achieved 90.1% full capacity at 7,842 students in semester I of the 2021/2022 academic year, despite  Covid-19.

  • The Rector of Malatya Turgut Ozal Univercity, Prof. Dr Aysun Bay Karabulut and Doc. Dr Ercan Karabulut of Ankara Yildirim Beyazit Univercity, both based in Turkey, paid a courtesy call to the Vice-Chancellor of Egerton University, Prof. Isaac O. Kibwage, on Wednesday, 19 January 2022.

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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"