All Egerton University Data Now on UEMIS
Quality assurance is one of the drivers for universities to achieve excellence in teaching and learning and also in research. There is need to ensure that the quality of educational programmes in the University meets local and international standards. Egerton University, in its pursuit of becoming a world-class university for the advancement of humanity, has a regulatory framework that mandates and ensures, among others, continuing attention to promoting and attaining quality education and training of the students.
The Direcorate of Quality Assurance (DQA) is tasked with the mandate of initiating and monitoring the internal Academic Quality Assurance procedures and guidelines as provided for the Egerton University Academic and Research Quality Assurance Policy as well as other University documents.
DQA carries out Teaching Effectiveness Evaluation (TEE) and Practical Instruction Effectiveness Evaluation (PIEE) every semester/term. The main aim is to provide feedback on the quality of teaching and learning to the members of the academic/teaching staff for continuous improvement of quality learning. DQA successfully carried out TEE and PIEE for Semester I and II 2020/2021 Academic Year online using Teaching Effectiveness Evaluation Management System (TEEMS) via Academic Record Management Records Mnagament System (ARMS).
Examinations are important tools for appraising an individual's knowledge, understanding, and abilities or skills gained after a period of teaching and learning. Examinations are used to establish the extent to which a student/learner has achieved the intended learning outcomes of a course or module. Thus, External Examiners (EEs) are invited to evaluate the examinations conducted for all the programmes every semester and each EE provides a written report. This is to assure quality of examinations and that of the programmes offered in the University. DQA prepares a synthesised summary of all the EE reports with the recommendations for continued quality improvement. The recommendations in the report, once approved by the senate, are implemented by faculties and departments. To maintain quality, the departments follow up the areas that require improvement from the summary of EE report and ensure that the corrective measures are put in place . In October 2021, DQA successfully completed the analysis of EE reports for Semester II 2019/2020 Academic Year and Semester I 2020/2021 Academic Year and prepared a summary report.
Academic programmes that have undergone a full cylce of implementation are required to go self-assessment. Due programmes are identified by Deans of Faculties, in consultation with the Chairpersons of Departments (CoDs) and forwarded to DQA. Selected teams for the identified programmes are appointed by respective CoDs and trained by DQA on how to conduct the self-assessment. At the completion of the self-assessment process, acompiled self-assessment report (SAR) is submitted by the team to the DQA for internal review and follow-up on the recommendations made. DQA successfully conducted virtual training for the identified five teams in July 2021. The teams are in the process of collecting data and preparing the SAR.
In line with the Performance Contract for the Financial Year 2020/2021 signed between the Vice- Chancellor and DQA, the Directorate has planted 12 trees around the office to contribute in rehabilitation of the Njoro River ecosystem in the Mau escarpment in line with the presidential directives of increasing forest cover.
The Direcorate continues to monitor the quality of education offered in the University through academic audits and through coordination with the Commission for University Education (CUE) on quality management systems. The Directorate successfully completed uploading Egerton University data from all the departments and units on the University Education Management Information System (UEMIS) in September 2021.
Dr Patricia Wambugu
Director, Directorate of Quality Assurance