The Faculty of Law Legal Aid Project (FOLLAP) will host the second national legal aid conference from Monday November 29th to Saturday December 4th.
This year’s conference will be held in Naivasha under the theme “Access to Justice and Socio-Economic Crisis: Lessons from Covid-19 Pandemic.”
There will be paper presentations and key-note addresses on different sub themes such as role of Duty bearers in access to justice through legal aid and the role of development partners in strengthening access to justice in Kenya: post pandemic lens.
Those expected to give addresses at the conference include: Uinted Nation’s Development Proramme (UNDP) Kenya Resident Representative – Walid Badawi, Netherlands Ambassador Maarten Brouwer, and European Union (EU) Delegation in Kenya – Head of Section – Governance & Macro Economics - Alexandre Baron.
Others are the National Legal Aid Service Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Flora Bidali and the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary of Kenya, Anne Amadi.
Renowned Lawyer Prof. PLO Lumumba leads a session at FOLLAP’s first National Legal Aid Conference that was held last year with a focus on strengthening access to justice through legal aid. This year’s conference focusses on lessons on access to justice during the Covid-19 period.
Egerton University Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaac Kibwage is also expected to grace the occasion as well as Prof. Micah Chepchieng and Prof. Bockline Bebe who are, respectively, in charge of the Academic Affairs and Research divisions at Egerton University.
FOLLAP is a project that promotes access to justice among the indigent members of the community through the provision of legal aid and other services. It is being implemented in 6 of Nakuru sub counties: Nakuru Town West, Njoro, Nakuru North, Subukia, Gilgil, and Rongai.
The project is sponsored by European Union (EU) through UNDP’s flagship project, Amkeni Wakenya.