Egerton University (EU) is one of the founding members of the Alliance for African Partnership (AAP). The AAP aims to foster lasting partnerships between African institutions, Michigan State University (MSU), and other global collaborators that are sustainable, impactful, and fair. By connecting universities, NGOs, government, and the private sector, the AAP works to address development challenges in various thematic areas. Through mobilizing and backing these partnerships, the AAP endeavors to bring about positive transformations in African institutions and livelihoods. Other AAP consortium members include Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) – Malawi, Makerere University – Uganda, Universite des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Bamako – Mali, United States International University-Africa – Kenya, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop – Senegal, University of Botswana – Botswana, University of Dar es Salaam – Tanzania, University of Nigeria, Nsukka – Nigeria, University of Pretoria - South Africa and the African Network of Agricultural Policy Institutes (ANAPRI) – Zambia.
EU has actively participated in several AAP programmes to foster sustainable development and innovative research across Africa. These initiatives include the Partnerships for Innovative Research in Africa (PIRA), which promotes collaborative research in key areas such as soil health, precision agriculture, water resources, healthy diets, and eco-friendly packaging. Through such partnerships, EU has collaborated with MSU to enhance research and educational outcomes. Additionally, EU has engaged in the AAP African Futures Research Leadership Program, which supports early-career women researchers in building their research leadership capacity. The activities of the AAP at EU are coordinated by Prof. A. K. Kahi of the Department of Animal Science who is the Focal Point.
Egerton University researchers, innovators, and scientists have benefited from the AAP programmess as outlined below;
Conference Support
- Anthony Mwangi Kibe from Crops, Horticulture and Soils (CHS) attended the Community Engagement Conference in Yo, Ghana, from June 24-29, 2019, where he presented a paper on the potato value chain in Nakuru, Kenya. The conference enhanced the university’s understanding of global community-engaged learning and facilitated new research collaborations, including strengthened ties with MSU and a mentorship partnership with ADANU.
Partnership for Innovative Research in Africa (PIRA)
- The EGERTON PIRA Project, partly funded by a $50,000 Early Stage Research Partnership and Network Development Grant, spanned from July 2021 to June 2023. The multidisciplinary team from EU led by Prof. Arnold Opiyo combined expertise in crops, soil health, nutrition, bioenergy, food safety, water resources, and big data to cultivate and support multidirectional and transregional research. The experts were Joyce Ndemo (CHS), Dr. Lydiah Waswa (Food Nutrition and Dietetics), Prof. Eng. Daudi Nyaanga (Agricultural Engineering), Dr. Benard Oloo (Food Science and Technology), Dr. Romulus Okwany (Agricultural Engineering) and Dr. George Odongo (Computer Science). Highlights of the project include Prof. Lisa Tiemann’s involvement as a Fulbright Scholar, where she integrated research with local experts, supervised MSc students, and taught soil biology. Additionally, the project produced proposals for climate-smart waste-to-energy solutions and fortified food products, contributing to international conferences and awaiting funding from USAID.
- Benard Odhiambo Oloo from the Department of Dairy and Food Science and Technology at EU has significantly benefited from the AAP programs, including PIRA Africa - Asia Partnership for Sustainable Development (2021 to 2024) and AAP-Transforming Institutions Strategic Funding (2022 to 2023) programs. These initiatives have facilitated his collaboration with MSU Principal Investigators Prof. Karim Maredia and Prof. Evangelyn Alocilja. Dr. Oloo's achievements include establishing the Centre for Sustainable Climate Action, Development, and Engagement (CASCADE) at Somaiya Vidyavihar University, focusing on regenerative agriculture systems and applying big data and AI in sustainability. Notable contributions include Dr. Lisa Tiemann's setup of a high-throughput soil lab and student mentoring, while Dr. Oloo secured a PIRA Grant for nano-biosensor technology. His plans involve the development of rapid diagnostic tests for African swine fever, a nano-vaccine for chickens, and tests for aflatoxin in food products. Additionally, Dr. Oloo has developed a short course on nano-biosensors and is implementing the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Africa Faculty Fellowship program.
African Futures Program – Post-Doc
- Miriam Karwitha Charimbu from the Department of CHS at EU participated in the African Futures Program as part of its 2nd cohort from August 2021 to July 2022. Her mentors included Prof. Paul Kimurto from the CHS at EU and Dr. Susan Wyche from the Department of Media and Information (MSU). During the programme, Dr. Charimbu completed her postdoctoral training, acquired six certificates, secured seven research grants and two consultancies, and presented five papers at conferences. She published 12 peer-reviewed papers and three non-peer-reviewed articles, collaborating closely with her mentors. In 2022-2023, she hosted two training sessions on human-centered design (HCD) for 58 students from various disciplines (EU), resulting in 10 prototypes exhibited in collaboration with MSU faculty. Another achievement is the Technologists in Residence program in 2024, a 14-week short-term scholar initiative funded by Mozilla Foundation and MSU, which includes online classes facilitated by EU and MSU faculty, followed by a two-week exchange visit to MSU for selected students and faculty.
- Regina Kemunto Mayaka from the Department of Chemistry at EU participated in the 3rd Cohort of the African Futures Postdoc programme from August 2022 to July 2023. Under the mentorship of Prof. Josiah Omolo from the Department of Chemistry (EU) and Prof. Evangelyn Alocilja from the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (MSU), her research focused on developing nano biosensors for rapid pathogen detection in food and water. Dr. Mayaka successfully developed a novel nano biosensor for early detection of the Bla NDM1 gene in clinical bacterial isolates, resulting in a manuscript currently under review and presentations at two international conferences. She plans to seek funding to further develop and commercialize the nano biosensor for bacterial detection in water.
- Tabitha A. Amollo, Ph.D., from the Department of Physics at EU, is currently participating in the 4th cohort of the 2023/2024 African Futures Programme, running from September 2023 to July 2024. Her home mentor is Prof. Josphat Matasyoh from the Department of Chemistry (EU), and her host mentor is Prof. Qi Hua Fan from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSU). Dr. Amollo's research has led to the development of transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) with high optical transparency and electrical conductivity using ion beam-enhanced magnetron sputtering. These TCOs have applications in solar cells, smart windows, LEDs, and flat panel displays. She presented her work on indium-free transparent conductive electrodes and the effects of deposition temperature on thin film characteristics at the 67th Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference in Chicago in May 2024. She also presented a paper on the effects of deposition angle on the quality of indium tin oxide thin films at the MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit in Seattle in April 2024.
- Alice Wanjiku Njue from the Department of Chemistry at EU, mentored by Prof. Josiah Omolo (EU) and Prof. Greg Swain from the Department of Chemistry (MSU), is currently participating in the 2023/2024 African Futures Programme as part of its 4th cohort, running from September 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024. Through this 11-month postdoctoral programme for early career women researchers, she has expanded her professional network, gained new skills in electrochemical analysis techniques, and improved her academic skills in grant writing and manuscript preparation. She has a manuscript ready for submission and intends to present her findings at conferences. She plans to continue collaborating with new partners on future proposal writing.
Transforming Institutions Strategic Grant
- Wilkister Moturi of the Department of Environmental Science (EU) is leading a project titled "Developing an Inclusive Research Partnership to Strengthen Environmental and Social Development in Kenya," funded by the 2021 AAP Transforming Institutions Strategic Grant. This project aims to establish a long-term network of researchers and practitioners working together to develop knowledge, spread awareness, and advocate for sustainable social and environmental rights in Kenya. Due to initial time constraints with the MSU collaborator, the project recommenced in early 2024. Significant progress has been made since then. A stakeholder analysis has been completed to identify relevant individuals and groups. Three workshops were planned to develop the network further. The first workshop, held in Nakuru on May 8th, 2024, brought together innovators, researchers, and practitioners under the RCE Mau Ecosystem Complex. During this successful workshop, participants discussed ongoing environmental sustainability initiatives in the RCE, showcased research, practices, and innovations, identified challenges facing the region, and explored opportunities for collaborative activities. The project will hold its second workshop at the United States International University-Africa (USIU-A) in June 2024 to finalize objectives related to the network's framework and activities. The final workshop in Naivasha will gather stakeholder input to develop a consensus on a socially transformative research topic. With a solidified network and a focused research agenda, the team will then propose their findings to relevant funding agencies.
- A project led by Prof. Josiah Omolo and Prof. Guo-Qing Song from MSU and funded by the 2022 AAP Transforming Institutions Strategic Grant aims to strengthen African universities' genetic engineering and biotechnology research capacities. This project is a facilitative seed grant to contribute to the establishment of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Regional Research Centre (ICGEB RRC) at EU. The ICGEB RRC initiative propels genetic engineering and biotechnology research in the Kenya and Africa regions. To achieve this, the project implements a South-North partnership between EU (Kenya), MSU (USA), The University of Pretoria (South Africa), and the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) (Kenya). The seed grant is for developing plans and programmes for the ICGEB RRC's research management structure, preparing joint research funding proposals to secure resources, and organizing capacity-building workshops for institutional managers and scientists. Significant progress has been made. Two successful webinars on new biotechnological tools and the Feed the Future Global Biotech Potato Partnership have been held. Additionally, a workshop brought together participants on August 2023 to discuss the ICGEB RRC's objectives, develop research management plans, initiate joint funding proposals, and foster collaboration. Four proposals have already been submitted for review, and the ICGEB RRC implementation plan is nearing completion. Currently, new research collaborations are underway with plans to submit joint proposals. It is important to note that following a selection process led by NASOSTI and subsequent endorsement by the ICGEB Board of Governors, EU was chosen as the site for this ICGEB The ICGEB RRC holds promise for enhancing Africa's capacity for cutting-edge genetic engineering and biotechnology research, potentially leading to advancements in food security and other crucial areas.
Strengthening the Socio-economic Prospects of the Youth in Kenya
- AAP supported a study on Kenya’s youth entrepreneurial ecosystem in 2022. The study, titled “Youth Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: The Case of Kenya,” was conducted by Mr. Wilson M. Karimi, Programme Manager at EU’s CoELIB Project. It captured input and insights from eight entrepreneurs and 22 different actors on how existing youth entrepreneurial ecosystems support the youth. It also explored the challenges the youth face, including inadequate capital, skills, knowledge, lack of right mindsets, a difficult policy and governance ecosystem, and the lack of a proper legal framework that governs entrepreneurship. It further captures the importance of entrepreneur support organizations and their critical role in growing entrepreneurship in Kenya. Read more here.
- Partners within the AAP consortium, i.e., EU, MSU, and USIU-A, joined capacities with the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA) and the National Youth Bunge Association (NYBA) to implement the USAID Empowered Youth activity, which sought to improve the lives of youth aged 18-24 years old and the most vulnerable adolescent girls aged 15-19 years old. The project implemented between 2021 and 2023 had the following objectives:
(a) Increase the economic prospects of Kenyan youth.
( b) Build the capacity of Kenyan higher education institutions.
( c) Strengthen youth-serving systems.
( d) Strengthening partnerships and gender, equity, and social inclusion mainstreaming.
The activity also expanded and strengthened formal networks between county governments, private sector partners, higher education institutions, and youth networks in
6 counties (Isiolo, Kakamega, Kiambu Kisumu, Mombasa, and Nakuru) by continuously co-creating opportunities for youth to gain skills, develop youth-led enterprises, and increase employment prospects. Key milestones of the project include 8,800+ youth trained in entrepreneurship, 1,460+ youth receiving career guidance support, and130+ youth-serving organizations strengthened.
Strengthening Importance and Relevance of Higher Education in Africa
12.The AAP also provided an avenue for EU’s Prof. A. K. Kahi (Department of Animal Science) to share best practices and demonstrate evidence and impact of how higher education institutions can sustain their strategic importance in the dynamic academic landscape of the 21st Prof. Kahi shed light on approaches to robust recruitment and admissions, student-focused programme delivery, transforming research to innovation, and service delivery. The delegation of 26 senior leaders from the Malawian Higher Education System further received insights on Kenyan higher education institutions’ (HEIs) approach to open-distance and e-learning, student tracking and data management, student support and protection systems, and the commercialization of university-led innovations. The integral role of innovation spaces like CoELIB as a conduit for transforming scientific knowledge into solutions was highlighted as a key sustainability tool for HEIs to remain relevant. This intervention is within the framework of the Transforming Higher Education Systems (THES) project implemented by MSU in Malawi and funded by USAID.
Call to Action
Egerton University researchers and scientists, Unleash your potential with AAP grants and global exposure! Connect with Egerton AAP champions, experienced colleagues, and our dedicated focal point for assistance and guidance on the application. Partner with fellow researchers across AAP to develop impactful research projects. Visit the AAP website, explore funding opportunities, and join the movement to elevate your research and make a global impact!
Compiled by Prof. Josiah Ouma Omolo, Egerton University AAP Grantee Representative, and Prof. A. K. Kahi, AAP Focal Point.