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Dr. Tabitha A. Amollo is  a lecturer in the physics department of Egerton University, Kenya.  She holds a Ph.D. in Physics (solid state physics and materials sciences) from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, an MSc degree in physics (solid state physics) from Egerton University  and a BED (maths/physics) from Egerton University.  Her research fields include materials and device engineering for energy conversion devices,  plasma physics, thin film and vacuum coating technologies, and nanotechnology.

Google Scholar
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in physics, specializing in solid state physics and materials sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (2018).
  • Master of Science in Physics, specializing in solid state physics, Egerton University, Kenya (2013)
  • Bachelor of Education Science, (physics and mathematics)  Egerton University (2009)
  • Kenya Secondary School Education (2003)

Solid state physics, Plasma physics

  • Nov-Dec 2022     Transdisciplinary research workshop at African Early Career Researchers Meeting at University of Pretoria,  topics                                        included a systems thinking approach in                                   transdisciplinary research, team and transdisciplinary                                     science, science communication, policy engagement, 

    Sept 2022                   Resource mobilization, management, and productivity at Kenya School of Government Baringo

    Sept 2022                   Leadership: Reimagine Leadership by Future Africa

    Sept 2022.                  Workshop on public procurement processes by the public procurement regulatory authority

    Aug 2022                    Transdisciplinary research workshop at Future Africa, University of Pretoria, topics included transdisciplinary                                                research, research leadership, science communication, sustainability in research, and ethics.

    Aug 2021        Pedal (pedagogy) training edition of Egerton University, Moi University and Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya (ESSRAK
  • July 2020 to Aug 2023:  Chairperson, Physics Department, Egerton University, Kenya
  • Sept 2019 to Aug 2023: Bachelor of Science (Physics) program academic leader
  • March 2022 to August 2023  Advisory Board Member, Institute of Women, Gender and Development Studies

  • June 2019 to date: Lecturer, Physics Department, Egerton University, Kenya. Teaching of both undergraduate and postgraduate physics courses. 
  • Oct 2014 to June 2019: Assistant Lecturer, Physics Department, Egerton University, Kenya
  • Feb 2016 to April 2018: Physics Tutor and Practical Demonstrator, University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Chemistry and Physics
  • Sept 2012- Sept 2014: Part time Lecturer, Physics Department, Kisii University, Kenya
  • Oct 2012- Oct 2014: Head of Science department, Kobura Girls Sec. School, Kenya

Research Fellowships

  1. Future Africa Research Leader Fellowship (FAR-LeaF), Future Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa, April 2022
  2. Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) African Futures Research Leadership
    program at Michigan State University, US, 2023 -2024

Research Projects

  • 2020-Graphene-based nanomaterials for solar energy conversion application funded by TWAS
  • 2022-Development of cutting-edge solar energy conversion nanomaterials and the fabrication of a solar-driven refrigeration system  funded by Carnegie corporation of NewYork
  • 2022-Trust in Science and Science-Related Populism (TISP)
  • 2023-Ion-beam assisted magnetron sputtering for the development of solar energy conversion devices funded by AAP
  • Nanotechnology and nanomaterials
  • Photovoltaic technologies
  • Thin films technology
  • Vacuum coatings
  • Solid state electronics
  • Thermoelectricity
  1. Amollo T. A (2024) Metallic nanoparticles and hybrids of metallic nanoparticles/graphene-based nanomaterials for enhanced photon harvesting and charge transport in polymer and dye sensitized solar cells Heliyon, 10 e26401
  2. Amollo T.A and Qi Hua Fan (2024) Graphene-based nanocomposites for improved performance and long-term stability in perovskite solar cells. In Nanocomposites - Properties, Preparations and Applications, IntechOpen, UK, 10.5772/intechopen.114965
  3. Chebwogen M, Nalyanya K.M, Amollo T.A, Githaiga B.M (2023) Effect of Gamma Radiation on Microbial and Bacterial Load of Hide at Preservation Stage, International Journal of Physics, 2023, Vol. 11, No. 6, 291-293
  4. Chebwogen M, Nalyanya K.M, Amollo T.A., Gachagua S. (2024), Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Stability of Tanned Leather Textile & Leather Review (7) 550-568
  5. Amollo T. A and Nyamori V.O, (2022) Photovoltaic application of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide: Perspectives on material characteristics and device performance. In Energy Applications for 2D Nanomaterials, pp 263-278 CRC, Boca Raton, USA, edited by Ram Gupta. DOI: 10.1201/9781003178453-15
  6. Amollo T. A and Nyamori V.O, (2020) Graphene-based materials for energy conversion applications.  In Nanoscience, RSC, UK, Volume 6, pp 150-173 doi:10.1039/9781788017053-00150
  7. Amollo T.A, Mola G.T and Nyamori V.O, (2020), Improved short-circuit current density in bulk heterojunction solar cells with reduced graphene oxide-germanium dioxide nanocomposite in the photoactive layer. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 254, 123448 doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.123448
  8. Amollo T.A, Mola G.T and Nyamori V.O, (2020), Organic solar cells: Materials and prospects of graphene for active and interfacial layers. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences,45, 4, 261-288. org/10.1080/10408436.2019.1632791
  9. Amollo T.A, Mola G.T and Nyamori V.O, (2018), High-performance organic solar cells utilizing graphene oxide in the active and hole transport layers. Solar Energy 171 83-91. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2018.06.068
  10. Amollo T.A, Mola G.T and Nyamori V.O, (2018), Germanium quantum dot/nitrogen-doped graphene nanocomposite for high-performance bulk heterojunction solar cells. RSC Advances, 8, 21841-21849. doi:1039/C8RA04223C
  11. Amollo T.A, Mola G.T and Nyamori V.O, (2018), Polymer solar cells with reduced graphene oxide-germanium quantum dots nanocomposite in the hole transport layer. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29, 7820-7831. doi:10.1007/s10854-018-8781-1
  12. Amollo T.A, Mola G.T Kirui M.S.K and Nyamori V.O, (2018) Graphene for thermoelectric applications: Prospects and challenges. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 43, 133-157. doi:10.1080/10408436.2017.1300871
  13. Amollo T.A, Mola G.T and Nyamori V.O, (2017), Reduced graphene oxide-germanium quantum dot nanocomposite: Electronic, optical and magnetic properties. Nanotechnology, 28, 495703. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa9299
  14. Amollo T.A, Kirui M.S.K, Golicha H.S.A, Kemei K and Nyakan P.O (2013), Heat dissipation in a computer. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policies,3,43-49.
  15. Amollo T.A, Kirui M.S.K, Golicha H.S.A, Kemei S.K and Omwoyo J.O (2013), Thermoelectric power Generated from Computer Waste Heat. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policies,3, 50-55.
  16. Kemei S.K, Kirui M.S.K, Ndiritu F.G, Ngumbu R.G, Odhiambo P.M and Amollo T.A, (2012) Determination of optical band gap and heat dissipation of Ga1-xMnxAs with light in UV-Vis-IR region using OSA SPECTRO 320. Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, 8, 13-24.
  17. Kemei S.K, Kirui M.S.K, Ndiritu F.G, Odhiambo P.M, Ngumbu R.G and Amollo T.A, (2012) Determination of Hall effect parameters of gallium arsenide and gallium manganese arsenide by Van De Pauw geometry. Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, 8, 1-12.
    1. Oral Presentation: Electrical and optical properties of indium tin oxide thin film grown by ion beam enhanced magnetron sputtering at the International Conference on Recent Smart Material Research (ICRSMR-24), Washington DC, July 02-03, 2024
    2. Oral Presentation: Indium-free transparent conductive electrodes: Effects of deposition temperature on the thin film characteristics at the 67th Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) Technical Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA May 4-9, 2024
    3. Poster presentation: Effects of Deposition Angle on The Thin Film Quality of Indium Tin Oxide Grown by Magnetron Sputtering at the MRS Spring meeting and exhibit, Seattle, Washington Apr 22-26
    4. Oral Presentation: Structural and optical properties of silver sulfide/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite, at the International Conference on Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 03-04, 2023
    5. Oral Presentation: Influence of materials characteristics on device performance: A case study of graphene-based nanomaterials in organic solar cells, at the 15th BESSY@HZB user meeting, Berlin, Germany, 22-23 June, 2023
    6. Poster and Flash talk presentation: Improved short-circuit current density in organic solar cells with graphene oxide in the photoactive layer, to be presented at the 14th Hope Meeting with Nobel Laureates, Epochal Tsukuba, Japan, 27 Feb-04 March, 2023
    7. Keynote speaker: Cutting-edge nanomaterials for the development of solar powered refrigeration system at Materials Science Workshop: The Synchrotron Radiation Source BESSY II – Research Options for the International Science Community held on 10th and 11th Nov, 2022, Egerton Universit
    8. Oral Presentation: Magnetism in reduced graphene oxide-germanium quantum dots nanocomposite, at the 14th Biennial Egerton University International Conference held at Egerton, Kenya (March 2022)
    9. Poster presentation:  Polymer solar cells with graphene and germanium quantum dots-based nanomaterials in the photoactive layer, at the 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference held at Egerton, Kenya (Nov 2020)
    10. Oral presentation: Polymer solar cells with reduced graphene oxide-germanium quantum dot nanocomposites in the hole transport layer, at the 23rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology held in London, UK (March 2018)
    11. Oral presentation: Polymer solar cells with reduced graphene oxide-germanium quantum dot nanocomposites in the hole transport layer, at the University of KwaZulu-Natal college of Agriculture, Engineering and Science Postgraduate Research day held at UKZN Westville campus, South Africa (October 2017)
    12. Oral presentation: Quantum confinement in reduced graphene oxide-germanium quantum dot nanocomposites, at the University of KwaZulu-Natal Nanotechnology Platform workshop held at UKZN Westville campus, South Africa (November 2017)
    13. Flash talk and poster presentation: Quantum confinement in reduced graphene oxide-germanium quantum dot nanocomposite, at SACI Inorganic Chemistry Conference held in Cape Town, South Africa (June 2017)Poster presentation: Synthesis and structural properties of reduced graphene oxide-germanium nanocomposite, at the University of KwaZulu-Natal Nanotechnology Platform workshop held at UKZN Westville campus, South Africa (October 2016)


  1. Best oral presentation award at the International Conference on Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands during, August 03-04, 2023
  2. South African Chemical Institute (SACI) post–graduate award for 2019
  3. First prize in oral presentation category at the UKZN 2017 College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science Postgraduate Research Day, South Africa
  4. Best-performed female student in Suba district in the 2003 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), Kenya
  5. Best-performed candidate in Lambwe Sec. School in the 2003 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), Kenya
  • Solid state physics
  • Material Science
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Electronics
  • Optics


  • 4 MSc students


  • 2 PhD students
  • International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
  • American Physical Society (APS)
  • Materials Research Society (MRS)
  • Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC)
  • South African Chemical Society (SACI)
  • Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET)
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