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Prof. Wilkister Nyaora Moturi, PhD is ....


2004-2008: Ph.D Environmental Science (Health) - Egerton University, Kenya
1995-1998:  MPhil. in Environmental Health - Moi University, Kenya.
1988-1992: Bsc. Agriculture and Home Economics - Egerton University, Kenya
1987: Kenya Advanced Cert of Education (A Level) - Alliance Girls High School, Kenya
1985: Kenya Certificate of Education (O Level) - Alliance Girls High School, Kenya
1981: Certificate of Primary Education - Itierio Girls boarding, Kenya

  • Environmental Health with a bias towards environmental pollution and health; waste management; water, sanitation and hygiene; occupational safety and health
  • August 2020-October, 2021:  International Training Programme on “Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation – Integrated Processes” NIRAS, Sweden. Funded by SIDA, Sweden
  • Feb 2018:  Mentorship training AWARD (African Women in Agricultural Research and Development), Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Nov 2013: ISO 14001 EMS Internal Audit course Kenya Bureau of Standards, Egerton Unversity, Kenya.
  • 21st June - 3rd July 2013:: Workshop on e-Learning Network Integrated Watershed Management. Kazakh-German-University, Kazakhstan.
  • June 2012 E-Learning Futuristic Ltd, Egerton University, Kenya.
  • March 2012 Transformative Leadership Kenya Institute of Administration, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • May-June 2010 Integrated pest management Wageningen UR, Netherlands.
  • Feb 2009 Women’s Leadership Course AWARD (African Women in Agricultural Research and Development), Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Jun 2008 Corporate Governance Kenya Institute of Administration, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Jul-dec 2004 Epidemiology University of California, Davis, USA
  • Jul-Dec 2004 Medical Statistics University of California, Davis, USA
  • Jul-Dec 2004 Water Management University of California, Davis, USA
  • March 2004 GIS University of Wyoming / Egerton University
  • July 2001 Pedagogy Egerton University, Kenya.
  • July 2001 Academic advising Egerton University, Kenya.
  • July 1997 Environmental and social impact assessment Moi University
  • 2021-Date:  Professor (Environmental Health), Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University
  • 2022-Date: Adjunct Professor (Environmental Management), The Cooperative University of Kenya
  • 2018-2021: Associate Professor (Environmental Health), Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University,
  • 2012-2018: Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University,
  • 2005- 2012: Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University
  • 2003-2005: Assistant lecturer, Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University
  • 1999-2003: Assistant lecturer, Department of Human Nutrition, Egerton University
  • 1995- 1999: Teaching Assistant, Department of Human Nutrition, Egerton University
  • 1991-1995: Teaching Assistant, Department of Home Economics, Egerton University

Adminstrative positions

  • March 2021-Date: Dean, Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
  • March 2023-Date: Member of Research Committee, Egerton University
  • May 2018-May, 2021:  Trust Secretary (CEO), Egerton University Retirement Scheme
  • 2018- 2022:  Faculty Representative, Egerton University Conference Committee
  • March 2007-June 2017:  Chairperson, Department of Environmental Science
  • 2015- 2018: Trustee, Egerton University Retirement Benefits Scheme.
  • 2014-2018:  Board member of the Institute of Women, Gender and Development Studies
  • 2011-2013:  Senate representative to the University Council
  1. Principal Investigator, "Enhancing Capacity for Climate Change Resilience in Nakuru, Kenya through an AI-based

    Monitoring and Early Warning System for Climate Change Induced Air Pollution".  Funded by International Climate Finance 2023 - G-STIC Climate Action Program.  The project will be undertaken in collaboration with KU Leuven University, Belgium.  2024-2026

  2. External Reviewer of proposals on Environment and Sustainability for Swedish Research Council (June-December, 2023)

  3.  Principal Investigator, Study of Neogene and Recent Volcano-Sedimentary Series of the Tugen Hills Contribution of Sedimentology and Geochemistry (Pamoja Project).   Funded by National Research Fund (NRF) and Campus France.  The project will be undertaken in Collaboration with Sorbonne University, Paris, France (2022 – 2024).
  4. Principal Investigator, Erasmus + international mobility project.   Funded by European Commission.  The project will be undertaken in Collaboration with Sorbonne University, Paris, France (2023 – 2025). 
  5. Principal investigator, Developing an Inclusive Research Partnership to Strengthen Environmental and Social Development in Kenya.  2021 Alliance for Africa Partnership (AAP) Transforming Institutions Strategic Grant.  The project is being undertaken in collaboration with Michigan State University, United States University, Kenya and Technical University of Kenya.  (2021-2023).  
  6. Consultant for Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Urban Circle Project.  The initiative was led by SEI and financed by the Swedish research council – Formas.  It included research on Recovery of resources from urban organic waste streams to generate products which can contribute to food and energy security while connecting sanitation and waste management to a circular and bio-based economy. The project involves case studies in Kenya (Naivasha), Colombia (Chia) and Sweden (Stockholm). (2020-2022). 
  7. Internal Evaluator for externally funded research projects, Egerton University, Kenya (2017- present). 
  8. External Reviewer of proposals on Environment and Sustainability for Swedish Research Council (June-September, 2018). 
  9. Resource person, Mau Mara Serengeti (MaMaSe) Sustainable Water Initiative, Egerton University Component.  The Initiative is led by UNESCO-IHE and includes a diverse consortium of international and Kenyan partners combining their knowledge, expertise, networks, and resources to improve water safety and security in the Mara River Basin (MRB).  (2014-2017). 
  10. Team member, in project on Harnessing Processed Faecal Matter Products for Improved Soil Health, Safe Crop and Bio-Fuel Production in Nakuru County.  The project is being undertaken in collaboration with Egerton University and Nakuru County Sanitation Programme (NCSP)/NAWASCO.  Funded by SNV, Netherlands (2014-2017 ). 
  11. Coordinator/principal investigator for establishing an active network of schools and communities region with the goal that they implement projects towards a low carbon society in Kenya.  Funded by myclimate, a Swiss non-governmental organization dealing with climate protection partnership initiatives (2012-2015). 
  12. Principal Investigator, factors and Health Risks of Geophagia in Pregnant Women in Nakuru County, Kenya.   Funded by Egerton University.  The project was undertaken in Collaboration with the Departments of Environmental Science and Human Nutrition, Egerton University (2013 – 2014). 
  13. Member of research team, Lake Naivasha Sustainability Project: Managing Resources for Continual Improvement of the Ecosystem for Human Health and Well-being. The project is in collaboration with Schulich School of Medicine, University of Western Ontario Canada, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), Department of Environmental Biology, Ontario Agriculture College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) and the Division of Medical Services Rift Valley Province, Ministry of Health the Ministry of Health, Kenya. (2009 -2012). 
  14. Principal Investigator, Enhancing Sustainable Community Health and Nutrition Security and Safe Motherhood among Rural and Low Income Urban Households in Nakuru District. The aim of the project was  to improve and enhance sustainable nutrition and health status of the community through awareness creation in nutrition, hygiene and reproductive health activities. Funded by Egerton University.  The project was undertaken in Collaboration with Departments of Human Nutrition and Clinical Medicine, Egerton University (2009 – 2010).
  15. An assessor with the Family Planning and Environmental Sustainability Assessment project (FPESA) of the Worldwatch Institute, USA.  2014-2016. 
  16. Organiser and facilitator, of International refresher course on “Innovative approaches for safe food production in emerging economies”at CMRT, Egerton University. The course was offered in collaboration with Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen UR and Farming Systems Kenya. Funded by NFP, Netherlands.  5th-16th October, 2015 
  17. Lead expert, Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the 20MW Baringo and 40 MW Korossi Power Plants, Baringo County, Kenya.  May to July, 2014. 
  18. Lead expert, Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Proposed Mau Likia Fish Farms Project in Nakuru County, Kenya.  July 2013 to October, 2013. 
  19. Lead expert, Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Proposed Ngongogeri Poultry Development Project, Egerton University, Nakuru County, Kenya.  July 2013 to September, 2013. 
  20. Lead expert, Environmental Impact Assessment Study for proposed water boreholes in Kijabe, Kiambu County, Kenya.  June, 2013 to August, 2013. 
  21. Lead expert, Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Arus - Korosi - Chepchuk Geothermal Development Project, Baringo County, Kenya.  October, 2011 to February, 2012. 
  22. Lead expert, Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Menengai Geothermal Drilling project - World Bank recommendations.  February, 2012 to April, 2012. 
  23. Facilitator, Environmental Impact and Audit course, in CETRAD - Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development.  Nanyuki.  October, 2012- 2017 
  24. Facilitator, Preparation for the working curriculum for the Greening Kenya Initiative.  Office of the Prime Minister. 21st October, 2012 to 2014. 
  25. Facilitator, the Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES).  YES is an initiative that builds a network of young leaders around the world in order to advance sustainability Naivasha – Kenya.  26th October – 12th November 2012. 
  26. Facilitator, World Vision/WEMA training on Disaster Risk Reduction.   7th and 8th November, 2012.
  • Environmental Health/Ecotoxicology;
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene;
  • maternal and child environmental health;
  • food safety;
  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit;
  • Water and Environmental Resources Conservation;
  • Disaster Risk Reduction

Papers in refereed jpournals

  1. Moturi, W.K.N.; Tole, M.P.; Davies, T.C. 2002. The contribution of drinking water towards dental fluorosis: A case study of Njoro division, Nakuru district, Kenya. Environ Geochem Health, , vol. 24 (2): 123-130
  2. Moturi, W.K.N. 2004. Household water sources and their contribution towards fluoride consumption in Njoro Division, Nakuru District, Kenya. African Journal of Aquatic Science, vol. 29 (2): 275-277.
  3. Moturi W. K. N. 2008. Factors likely to enhance mycotoxin introduction into the human diet through maize in Kenya. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Vol. 8 (3): 265-277.
  4. Moturi W.N. and Shivoga W.A. 2009. Geophagia, a risk factor for diarrhoea in home environment: study of Mauche division, Molo, Kenya. J Infect Developing Countries 3(2):94-98
  5. Omweri J.O., Obwoyere O.G. and Moturi W.N. 2009. Characterization of Wetland Values for Sustainable Utilization in Kisii Central District. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology 9.
  6. Moturi W.N., Shivoga W.A. and Lelo F.K. 2010. The Need To Extend Protection Of Water To The Point Of Use: A Study Of Upper River Njoro Watershed, Kenya. African Journal of Science and Development 1(1):27-31.
  7. Moturi W. N. 2010. Risk factors for indoor air pollution in rural households in Mauche division, Molo district, Kenya. African Health Sciences 10(3): 230 – 234.
  8. Mutia T. M, Virani M.Z, Moturi W.N, Muyela B, Mavura W.J and Lalah J.O. 2012. Copper, lead and cadmium concentrations in surface water, sediment and fish, C. Carpio, samples from Lake Naivasha: effect of recent anthropogenic activities. Environmental Earth Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1556-8
  9. Okoko A.A, Muia A.W, Moturi W.N, Oyake M. 2012. Levels of E.coli contamination of River Awach and household water in western Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources Vol. 1(5), pp. 120 – 126.
  10. Omweri O.J, Moturi W.N and Obwoyere G.O. 2012. Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Plant Species Diversity in Tropical Wetlands, Kenya. Journal of Environment Natural Resources (JENRS): 104-114
  11. Muoria E.W, Moturi W.N and Ndiritu F.G. 2013. Electronic Waste Management in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya: An Environmental Health Risk. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies 2(10): 124-133
  12. Ochodo C., Ndetei D.M, Moturi W.N. and Otieno J.O. 2014. External Built Residential Environment Characteristics that Affect Mental Health of Adults. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine.doi:10.1007/s11524-013-9852-5
  13. Oruko R.O., Moturi W.N. and Mironga J.M. 2014. Assessment of Tannery Based Solid Wastes Management in Asili, Nairobi Kenya. International Journal for Quality Research 8(2): 227–238
  14. Cheruiyot M.K, K. Kurgat B.K, Moturi W.N and Kosgey I.S. 2014. Assessment of Urban Cattle Keeping Patterns and Waste Disposal Mechanisms in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 4 (16): 138-144
  15. Cheruiyot M.K, Kurgat B.K, Moturi W.N, and Kosgey I.S. 2014. Environmental Effects of Urban Cattle Keeping in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Natural Science Research 4 (18): 113-119.
  16. Murray C.J.L, Ortblad K.F……Moturi W. N. et al. 2014. Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2014; 384: 1005–70.
  17. Muchukuri K.I, Ogendi G.M and Moturi W.N. 2014. Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Microbial Quality of Surface Water in Subukia Town, Kenya. Journal of Environment Natural Resources (JENRS): 1-10
  18. Kilonzi C.M, Moturi W.N, Ogendi G.M, Koech H.K and Maina J. 2014. Spatio-temporal Variations in Physico-chemical Parameters and Coliform Level of Domestic Water Sources in Njoro District, Kenya . Journal of Environment Natural Resources (JENRS): 11-23
  19. Atalitsa C.N, Moturi W.N and Mironga J. 2014. Assessment of Jatropha curcas on Food Crop Production in Kibwezi, Shimba Hills and Bondo, Kenya. Journal of Environment Natural Resources (JENRS): 48-58
  20. Mbuthia, J.W. 1, Ogendi, G. M., Moturi, W.N., Koskey, J.C. & Maina G.M. 2014. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Tissues of Commercially Exploited Fish (Oreochromis Niloticus Baringoensis, Protopterus Aethiopicus, Clarias Gariepinus) from Lake Baringo, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology Volume 8, Issue 11 Ver. III (Nov. 2014): 55-63
  21. Tsimbiri, P.F., Moturi, W.N., Sawe, J., Henley, P. and Bend, J.R. 2015. Health Impact of Pesticides on Residents and Horticultural Workers in the Lake Naivasha Region, Kenya. Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine, 3, 24-34.
  22. Munene M.M, Moturi W. N., Ogendi G. 2015. The Impact of Household Indoor Socioeconomic Factors on the prescence of ARI among children in Nakuru Town, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology Volume 9, Issue 3 Ver. II (Mar. 2015), 74-78.
  23. Gwako A. B., Makindi S. M. and Moturi W. N. 2015. Assessment of the Extent of Land Degradation in the River Loboi Watershed of Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research: 839-844
  24. Forouzanfar M. H., Alexander L, H Ross Anderson H. R……..Moturi W. N…… Murray C.J. 2015. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet.
  25. Odongo A. O., Moturi W. N. & Mbuthia. E.K. 2015. Heavy metals and parasitic geohelminths toxicity among geophagous pregnant women: a case study of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. DOI 10.1007/s10653-015-9690-3
  26. Naghavi, M., Wang, H., Lozano, R., Davis, A., Liang, X., Zhou, M., Vollset, S.E., Ozgoren, A.A., Abdalla, S., Abd-Allah, F, ….Moturi, W.N……… Sabin, N., Temesgen, A.M. 2015. Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Correction. The Lancet volume 385, issue 9963, pp. 117 – 171
  27. Atalitsa C. N., Moturi N. W., Mironga J., Ogendi G. M., Koech H. K. 2015. Cultivation of Jatropha Curcas L. for Energy Purposes in Kibwezi, Shimba Hills and Bondo, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research Vol.4(9): 539-543
  28. Ochodo C, Ndetei D. M, Moturi W. N and Otieno J.O. 2015. Impacts of External Built Residential Environment that is Associated with Anxiety Disorders of Children. Nanosci. Technol 2(3): 1-6.
  29. Olilo C.O, Onyando J.O, Moturi W.N, Muia A.W, Ombui P, Shivoga A.W and Roegner A.F. 2016. Effect of vegetated filter strips on transport and deposition rates of Escherichia coli in overland flow in the eastern escarpments of the Mau Forest, Njoro River Watershed, Kenya. Energ. Ecol. Environ. (2016) 1(3):157–182
  30. Kariuki, C. W., Muia, A. W., Moturi, W. N., Ngigi, A N., and Karanja, R.W. 2016. Relationships between Soil Physico-chemical Properties and Bacteria Counts in Nzoia Sugar Company Farms of Western Kenya Egerton J. Sci. & Technol. Volume 15: 123-131
  31. Kariuki J. M, Moturi W.N, Shivoga W.A., Kingori I.W. and Kilonzi C.M. 2016. Demand for, Awareness on and Constraints to Proper Solid Waste Management in Njoro Division, Nakuru, Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 11(2): 1-10
  32. Olilo C.O, Muia A.W., Moturi W. N. and Onyando J.O and Roegner A.F. 2016. The current state of knowledge on the interaction of Escherichia coli within vegetative filter strips as a sustainable best management practice to reduce fecal pathogen loading into surface waters. Energ. Ecol. Environ. 1(4):248–266
  33. Owino A.O, Moturi W.N. and Wangari S.N. 2016. Geophagic behaviour and factors influencing it among pregnant women: a case study of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Int. J. Behavioural and Healthcare Research, Vol. 6, No. 1:28-41
  34. Olilo C.O, Muia A.W., Onyando J.O., Moturi W.N., Ombui P. and Shivoga W.A. 2016. Effect of vegetated filter strips on infiltration and survival rates of Escherichia coli in soil matrix at Mau, Njoro River Watershed, Kenya. Energ. Ecol. Environ. DOI 10.1007/s40974-016-0049-0
  35. Garang M.J, Moturi W. N and Mokua M.A. 2016. Assessment of the Factors and Challenges Related to Solid Waste Management in Bor Town, South Sudan. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 6:22.
  36. Masakha E.J., Moturi W.N. and Ogendi G.M. 2017. Spatial temporal Distribution of Selected Heavy Metals in an Urban Stream: Case Study of Sosiani River in Eldoret Municipality Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 7 (12): 67-74
  37. Gudda, F. O., Moturi, W. N., Omondi, S. O. and Muchiri, E. W. 2017. Analysis of physiochemical characteristics influencing disposal of pit latrine sludge in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 11(3): 139-145, DOI: 10.5897/AJEST2016.2226
  38. Esilaba F. A, Moturi W. N. and Mokua M. A. 2017. Urban consumers’ fish preferences and the determinants influencing fish selection and consumption: Case study of Nakuru Town, Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies; 5(3): 356-360
  39. Kurui E. J., Ogendi G. M. and Moturi W. N. 2017. Microbiological contamination of water pans in Baringo County. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development: 485-494
  40. Masakha E.J., Moturi W.N. and Ogendi G.M. 2017. Seasonal and Longitudinal variations of Water Quality in an Urban Stream: Case Study of Sosiani River Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Journal of Natural Resources Development and Management, 33:1-8
  41. Joab Odhiambo Okullo J. O, Moturi W. N and Ogendi G. M. 2017. Open Defaecation and Its Effects on the Bacteriological Quality of Drinking Water Sources in Isiolo County, Kenya. Environmental Health Insights Vol. 11: 1–8
  42. Kibitok N.K, Moturi W.N. and Ogendi G.M. (2017). Characterization of anthropogenic activities influencing surface water quality along Molo river ecological system, Kenya. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies & Management 10(10): 1234 – 1249.
  43. Masakha E.J., Moturi W.N. and Ogendi G.M. 2017. Microbiological Water Quality of Urban Streams and the Health Implications: Case Study of Sosiani River Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 7 (6): 5-13
  44. Olilo C. O, Muia A.W, Onyando J.O and Moturi W.N. 2018. Effect of vegetative filter strips on the dynamics of E. coli biofilm building potential and expression of virulence factors at Mau, Kenya. Energ. Ecol. Environ.
  45. Chege B. G, Moturi W. N and Makindi S. M. 2018. Physical Chemical Parameters of Wastewater: A Case Study of Njoro Sewage Works, Nakuru, Kenya. Journal of Environment and Earth Science Vol.8, No.12: 80-88
  46. Muchemi S. M, Moturi W.N and Morara G. O. 2018. Influence of dry erase ink solvent mixtures on eye irritation. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences. Vol. 10(5): 44-55
  47. Muchemi S. M, Moturi W.N and Morara G. O. 2018. Knowledge, attitudes and practices on use of white board marker pen ink among school teachers. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 12:11: 48-54
  48. Maingi J.M, Moturi W.N, Omondi S.O and Muchiri E.W. 2018. The Occurrence of Viable Helminthes Ova in Pit Latrine Faecal Sludge In Nakuru Sub County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 12:11: 31-38
  49. Kimutai J.J and Moturi W.N. 2018. The Impact of Open Defecation on Fecal-Oral Infections: A Case Study in Burat and Ngaremara Wards of Isiolo County, Kenya. International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 12:9: 428-431
  50. Tom Achoki, …… Moturi W.N… Murray J.L and Naghavi M. 2018. Health disparities across the counties of Kenya and implications for policy makers, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Global Health:
  51. Kitonga L.M, Moturi W.N, Mwonga S.M and Taabu I. 2018. Assessment of physico-chemical characteristics of groundwater among different farm sizes in Ainabkoi sub-county, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 12(11): 408-416
  52. Muchemi S. M, Moturi W.N and Morara G. O. 2018. Knowledge, attitudes and practices on use of white board marker pen ink among school teachers. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 12(11): 48-54
  53. Wekoye S. A., Moturi W.N. and Maingi S. M. 2019. Knowledge and Attitudes on Practices of Occupational Safety and Health in the Informal Non-food Manufacturing Sector in Kampala City, Uganda. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 36(6): 1-12.
  54. Muoria E. W, Moturi W. N and Eshiamwata G. W. 2019. Rapid urbanization Vis a Vis meeting target of access to improved sanitation. Internal Research Journal of Environmental Science 8(4): 46-51
  55. Kenyanya T. M., Moturi W. N., Nyaanga J., Macharia J.K. and Birech R. J. 2019. Determination of pesticide residues in organic and conventional exotic vegetables. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch 4(04): 6-11
  56. Odongo A. O, Moturi W. N and Obonyo M. A. 2019. Health Effects of Occupational Lead Exposures among Informal Automobile Repair Artisans: A Case Study of Nakuru Town, Kenya. International Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 4(2): 079-088
  57. Mutungi J.K, Moturi W.N and Makindi S.M. 2019. Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems and Their Compliance among Petrol Stations in Kenya: A Case Study in Nakuru County. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 37(2): 1-8
  58. Kimani H. W, Moturi W. N and Kariuki S. T. 2019. Association between Anthropogenic Sources of Outdoor Air Pollution and Lichen Diversity, in Nakuru Town, Kenya. Resources and Environment 9(5): 99-109
  59. Wekoye S. A., Moturi W.N. and Maingi S. M. 2019. Factors Influencing Non-compliance to Occupational Safety and Health Practices in the Informal Non-food Manufacturing Sector in Kampala City, Uganda. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 38(6): 1-12.
  60. Muoria E. W, Moturi W. N and Eshiamwata G. W. 2019. Effects of Population Growth on Urban Extent and Supply of Water and Sanitation: Case of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 8, No. 1: 42-56.
  61. Odongo A. O, Moturi W. N and Obonyo M. A. 2019. Risk of high blood lead levels among informal sector automobile artisans: a case study of Nakuru town, Kenya. Int. J. Environment and Health, Vol. 9, No. 3: 258-270
  62. Gudda, F.O, Moturi W.N, Omondi S. O, Muchiri E.W and Ensink E.J. 2019. Pit latrine fill-up rates: variation determinants and public health implications in informal settlements, Nakuru-Kenya. BMC Public Health, 19:68.
  63. Odongo A. O, Moturi W. N and Obonyo M. A. 2019. Influence of task-based airborne lead exposures on blood lead levels: a case study of informal automobile repair artisans in Nakuru town, Kenya. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. DOI 10.1007/s10653-019-00464-7
  64. Wekoye S. A., Moturi W.N. and Maingi S. M. 2019. Occupational Safety and Health Hazards in the Informal Non-food Manufacturing Sector in Kampala City, Uganda. Asian Journal of Medicine and Health 14(2): 1-13.
  65. Mokaya S. B., Ondimu K. N. and Moturi W.N. 2020. Households’ utilization of Public Primary Healthcare Facilities in Nakuru Town, Kenya. Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 25(7): 01-10
  66. Esilaba F.A, Moturi W.N, Mokua M.A and Terewe M. 2020. Human Health Risk Assessment of Trace Metals in the Commonly Consumed Fish Species in Nakuru Town, Kenya.Environmental Health Insights 14: 1-8
  67. Mokaya S. B., Ondimu K. N. and Moturi W.N. 2020. Factors Influencing Urban Variations of Household’s Utilization of Public Primary Healthcare Facilities in Nakuru Town, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development 9(7): 36-44. DOI No.: 10.24940/ijird/2020/v9/i7/JUL20012
  68. Moturi W. N. 2021. Environmental Degradation’s Effect on the Gains Made in SDG6. In: W. Leal Filho et al. (eds.), Clean Water and Sanitation, Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature Switzerland.
  69. Kitonga L.M, Moturi W.N, Mwonga S.M and Taabu I. 2022. Sanitary Survey of Shallow Wells within Farms in Ainabkoi Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County Kenya. London Journal of Research in Science 22(9).
  70. Abanga C, Moturi W. N. and Makindi S. 2023.  Determinants of Compliance with Occupational and Safety Regulations in the Vehicle Body Manufacturing Industry in Kenya.  Open Access Library Journal Volume 10: 1-13
  71. Kimutai JJ, Lund C, Moturi WN, Shewangizaw S, Feyasa M, Hanlon C (2023). Evidence on the links between water insecurity,inadequate sanitation and mental health: Asystematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE18(5): e0286146.

  72. Orina, C. N., Kimani, V. N., Moturi, W. N., & Sishia, S. K. (2023). Handling Procedures of Pharmaceutical Waste among Medical Facilities in Nakuru town, Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 2(1), 91-100.

  73. Books/book chapters:

  74. Kitetu J., Moturi W. N., Oketch M. and Lugo C.C.       2008. Introduction to Environmental Management: A Diploma Course in Military Science. Egerton University. ISBN 9966-838-54-6.

  75. Moturi W.N. 2013. Children’s Environmental Health Risks in Kenya. In: Maternal Child Health: Interdisciplinary Aspects within the Perspective of Global Health. Gros U. and Wydra K. eds.       Gottingen International Health Network (GIHN). Gottingen, Germany. Pgs 77-87

  76. Muthoka S, Kamau E. M, Moturi W.N and Ngotho D.K. 2013.       Nutrition, Sanitation and reproductive Health in Maternal-Child Health: Challenges in Low Resource Settings. In: Maternal Child Health: Interdisciplinary Aspects within the Perspective of Global Health. Gros U. and Wydra K. eds. Gottingen International Health Network (GIHN).       Gottingen, Germany. Pgs 23-30.

  77. Muoria E.W, Moturi W.N and Ndiritu F.G. 2013.       E-waste: Disposal Behaviour of Consumers in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. In: Solving the e-waste problem: An interdisciplinary compilation of international e-waste research. Khetriwal D.S, Luepschen C. and Kuehr R. eds. United Nations University Press, Tokyo, Japan.       Pgs 99-110

  78. Kurui E.J., Ogendi G. M, Moturi W. N. and Nyawanga D. O. 2018. Household Water Handling Practices in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya.       In: The Relevance of Hygiene to Health in Developing Countries. Potgieter N. and Hoffman A.N.T.       Eds. chapter 6. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.80392.

  79. Bockarie A.S., Feresu S., .........Moturi W.N..... et al. 2023. Developing the Africa We Want: Achieving Agenda 2063 Also Improves Air Quality and Addresses Climate Change. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.

  80. Mulumba J.M., Anyango S.O., ...........Moturi W.N. al. 2023. Aligning Air Quality, Climate Change and Development Objectives to Promote Action in Africa. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.

  81. Wright C., Alo B., .............Moturi W.N. et al. 2023. Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa: Summary for Decision Makers. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.

  82. Conference proceedings

  83. Shivoga W.A. and Moturi W.N.  2005.  Pollution Contribution by Inflow Streams into L. Nakuru, Kenya.  Proceedings for the 1st Professional Forum on Urban Environment, Nakuru, Kenya.

  84. Moturi W. N.  2006.  Children’s Environmental Health Stress: A Study of Selected Risks in Rural Households in Upper River Njoro Watershed, Kenya.  Proceedings of the 1st Regional DAAD Scholars Conference, 30th Nov-1st Dec. 2006, Nairobi, Kenya: 218-222.

  85. Moturi W.N., Shivoga W.A. and Lelo F.K.  2009.  The Need to Extend Protection of Water to the Point of Use: A Study of Upper River Njoro Watershed, Kenya. Proceedings of the SUMAWA Mau Forest Complex Conference, 27-29 April 2009, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.

  86. Kimani V. N., Oduor S.O., Aguyo J., and Moturi W.N.  2009.  Assessment of wastewater quality for use in crop production: Case studies of Egerton University and Nakuru wastewater stabilization ponds.  34th WEDC International Conference;  01/2009 Addis Ababa

  87. Omweri, O.J., Obwoyere, O. G. and Moturi, W. N. (2009) Mau forest excision 1973-2009, Proceedings of the SUMAWA MAU forest complex conference, 27-29 April 2009 Egerton University

  88. Omweri, O.J., Obwoyere, O. G. and Moturi, W. W. (2010) Livelihoods and climate change: the link and feedback loop on wetlands, CCAA-supported international conference on “Pastoralism and climate change adaptation in Africa” 24-28 may 2010, Utafiti complex, Egerton University

  89. Omweri, O.J., Obwoyere, O. G., Moturi, W. N. and Otachi, E. O. (2010) Potential and opportunities for constructed wetlands for water quality in East Africa, 5th Annual Research week and International conference, 22-24 September 2010 Agricultural Resource Centre, Egerton University Njoro, Kenya

  90. Maina, G. A., Omweri, O. J., Kigen, C. K., Moturi, W. N., Shivoga, G. O., Obwoyere, O. G., Otachi. E. O., Ataltsa, N. K. and Nyawanga, D. O. (2010) Remote sensing technologies and utilities in natural resource management, 5th Annual Research week and International conference, 22-24 September 2010 Agricultural Resource Centre, Egerton University Njoro, Kenya.

  91. Zilpher A. Nyakwara, Millicent Mokua,Wilkister Moturi, Tuey K. Remy.  2014.  Assessment of Gender Roles in Oil Crop Production and their Potential Environmental Impact in Lare Division, Nakuru County, Kenya.  8th Egerton University International Conference, Egerton, Kenya.  26th-28th March, 2010 at Education Complex, Egerton University Njoro, Kenya.

  92. Muchukuri K. I., Ogendi, G. M. and Moturi, W. N.  2014.  Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Microbial Quality of Surface Water in Subukia Town, Kenya.  26th-28th March, 2010 at Education Complex, Egerton University Njoro, Kenya.

  93. Kenyanya T. M., Moturi W. N., Nyaanga J., Macharia J.K. and Birech R. J.  2018.  Determination of Pesticide Residues in Organic and Conventional Exotic Vegetables.  In: Rahmann G., Olowe V., Olabiyi T., Azim K and Adeoluwa O. (Eds.) (2018).  Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. “Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063”. November 5-8, 47-52

  94. Moturi, W. N. Juma,  Nakhone L,  Nyalala S and Kimaru L. 2018.  Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sewage Sludge and Their Accumulation in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata).  IN: Shaw, R.J. (ed). Transformation towards sustainable and resilient WASH services: Proceedings of the 41st WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 9-13 July 2018.  Paper 2923, 5 pp.

  95. 13. Gudda, F.O, Moturi W.N, Omondi S. O, Muchiri E.W and Ensink E.J.  2018. Pit latrine faecal sludge accumulation: assessment of trends and determinants in low-income settlements, Nakuru, Kenya. IN: Shaw, R.J. (ed). Transformation towards sustainable and resilient WASH services: Proceedings of the 41st WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 9-13 July 2018, paper 2911, 6 pp.
  1. 30th-31st January, 2024: Water as a Leverage in Sustainable Urban Solutions.  Sarova Woodland Hotel, Nakuru.

  2. 26th March, 2024: Validation Workshop on Water as Leverage and Sponge City Model.  Sarova Woodland Hotel, Nakuru

  3. 8th-30th November, 2022.  12th African RCE Regional meeting and Conference at Kenyatta University, Kenya.
  4. 28th - 30th June, 2022. 4th Annual International Conference held in Machakos University, Kenya.
  5. 29th March, 2022. WORKSHOP ON ENHANCEMENT OF ORGANIC WASTE RECOVERY at Naivasha, Kenya.
  6. 23rd – 25th  March, 2022. 14TH BIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE at Egerton University
  7. November 5th 8th, 2018 4th African Organic Conference. “Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063”.
  8. July 9th -13th 2018 41st WEDC International Conference, Egerton University, Nakuru, Kenya, 2018
  9. June 3rd-9th , 2018 Workshop on Health and Social Change in Africa at APHRC campus, Nairobi Kenya
  10. April 6-8, 2016 Conference on “Research and Networking: Laying the Foundation for a Sustainable Development Goals”. Humboldt “Kolleg” 2016 at Naivasha, Kenya.
  11. 10th-11th March, 2016 Process group member in “National Consultation Workshop on CGIAR National Integration in Kenya”. World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.
  12. 9th -11th Dec 2015 Workshop on the “Role of Street Foods in Africa”. CMRT Egerton University, Kenya.
  13. 17th-22nd May, 2015 Attended 2nd SNOWS Science conference hosted by the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.
  14. July 1-3, 2014 Panelist in the conference on “Landscapes for People, Food and Nature in Africa” at ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.
  15. 7th June- 21st June. 2014 Workshop on “Population and Development: New Approaches to Enduring Problems” at Brown University, Providence, USA.
  16. 26th-28th Mar 2014 8th Egerton University International Conference, Egerton, Kenya
  17. 21st Jun- 3rd Jul, 2013 Workshop on"e-Learning Network Integrated Watershed Management" at Kazakh-German-University, Kazakhstan.
  18. 30th-31st May, 2013 KDSA Conference on African Cities of the Future: Smart, Sustainable, Participatory at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  19. 26 Nov–8 Dec 2012 Workshop on Emerging Risks in Agriculture in Lima, Peru.
  20. 15th-16th Nov 2011 First Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) conference held at KICC, Nairobi, Kenya.
  21. 22 - 24 Sept. 2010 5th Research Week and International Conference at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. Rapporteur.
  22. 21 - 23 Oct. 2009 DAAD alumni seminar at University of Nairobi, Kenya. 60 Years of German Constitution – Constitutional Debate in Kenya
  23. 27 - 29 April 2009 Sustainable Management of Rural Watersheds (SUMAWA) Mau Forest Complex Conference at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  24. 1 – 5 Dec. 2008 International Ecohealth Forum (IEF) 2008, Merida, Mexico. Poster presentation.
  25. 24-28 Nov. 2008 MESA (Mainstreaming Education and sustainability into African Universities) conference at UNEP headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya.
  26. 16-18 Sept. 2008 3rd Annual Research week and International Conference at Egerton University, Kenya. Rapporteur.
  27. 12-14 Aug. 2008 Bioethics Conference at Egerton University, Kenya.
  28. 26-27 Mar. 2008 Stakeholders Workshop for the National Strategy for University Education at Kenya Institute of Education, Nairobi, Kenya.
  29. 10-14 Dec. 2007 Union for African population Studies, Fifth African conference in Arusha, Tanzania.
  30. 9-11 May 2007 Training Workshop on Women and Management in Higher Education for Academicians and Managers at KCCT Mbagathi, Nairobi, Kenya.
  1. 2018-2019:  AWARD mentorship programme as a mentor for Nyakwara Zilpher
  2. June 2014:  fellowship to attend wtraining on "Population and Development: New Approaches to Enduring Problems" at Brown University, Providence, USA.
  3.  26 Nov–8 Dec 2012:  Netherlands Fellowship Programme (Nuffic) to attend course in Emerging Risks in Agriculture in Lima, Peru.
  4. 31 May–20 June 2010:  Netherlands Fellowship Programme (Nuffic) to attend course in Integrated Pest Management and Food Safety   at the Centre for Development Innovation Wageningen UR, the Netherlands.
  5. 2008-2010:  AWARD mentorship programme as a mentor for a Msc. student (Thecla Munanie)
  6. July- Dec. 2004:  Fellowship by USAID through the SUMAWA project as a visiting scholar at University of California, Davis, USA.
  7. 2003- 2007: German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD) scholarship for PhD study at Egerton University, Kenya.  
  8. 1995- 1997: Dutch scholarship to study for Master of Philosophy in Environmental Health at Moi University, Kenya.  
  1. Environmental Pollution and Management
  2. Environmental epidemiology
  3. Biostatistics
  4. Disaster Management
  5. Water and Sanitation
  6. Environment and Health
  7. Waste management
  8. Occupational Health and Safety
  9. Health Risk Management
  10. Environmental Impact Assessment

Students Who Have Graduated:

  1. Ooga O. J: Characterization of Wetland Values for Sustainable Utilization in Kisii Central District. (Msc Graduate 2010, Egerton University).
  2. Kimani V. W: Assessment of wastewater quality for potential use in crop production - case studies of Nakuru-Kaloleni and Egerton university wastewater stabilization ponds. (Msc Graduate 2010, Egerton University).
  3. Muoria E. W: Electronic waste Management in Nakuru, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2010, Egerton University).
  4. Joseph Maina Kariuki: Solid waste management at Egerton University, Kenya and the surrounding communities. (Msc Graduate 2011, Egerton University).
  5. Mutia T. M: Assessment of Heavy Metal Concentration in Sediments in Water and Common Carp(Cyprinus carpio C. linnaaeus, 1758) in L. Naivasha, Kenya ((Msc Graduate 2011, Egerton University)
  6. Kamau P. N: Iimplications of spatial-temporal changes in coffee farming on the forest cover of Nyeri district, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2012, Egerton University)
  7. Okoko A. A: Determinants of water treatment and handling practices at the point of consumption in Konyango-Jieri sublocation, Rachuonyo District, Kenya: a household level survey. (Msc Graduate 2012, Egerton University)
  8. Atalitsa C. N: Assessing the Impact of Jatropha curcas on Land Use Change and Food Production in Kibwezi, Shimba Hills abnd Bondo, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2012, Egerton University)
  9. John Veronica Wangui: Assessment of the Water Resources Users Association in Water Management and Conservation in the Upper Catchment of Lake Bogoria Basin, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2013, Egerton University)
  10. Mogire Julius: Effects of Agricultural Credit Facilities on Household Food Security Nakuru District, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2013, Andrews University, USA)
  11. Ngundo joseph M. A comparative study of the Effects of Sand Harvesting on Water Accessibility in Muooni River, Nzaui District, Kenya. . (Msc Graduate 2014, Egerton University)
  12. Ongon’g Richard Oruko: To Assess the Effectiveness of Tannery Based Solid Wastes Management in Aziz Tanneries Limited in Njiru Nairobi County, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2014, Egerton University)
  13. Gwako, Alice Bitengo:   Assessment of the Extent of Land Degradation in The River Loboi Watershed of Baringo County, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2015, Egerton University)
  14. Moseti, Yvonne Kemuma: Water Supply and Sanitation Situation In Naivasha Municipality, Kenya.   (Msc Graduate 2015, Egerton University)
  15. Mugambi Munene Mutuma. Assessment of the Influence of Energy Sources and Household Socioeconomic Characteristics on the Prevalence of Acute Respiratory Infections among Children in Nakuru Town, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2015, Egerton University)
  16. Mbuthia Judy Wanjiru. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Tissues of Commercially Exploited Fish (Oreochromis Niloticus Baringoensis, Protopterus Aethiopicus, Clarias Gariepinus) from Lake Baringo, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2015, Egerton University)
  17. Nyakwara Agnes Zilpher: Assessment of Gender Roles in Oil Production and their Potential Environmental Impact in Lare Division, Nakuru County, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2015, Egerton University)
  18. Kitheka Anna Ndinda : Assessment of Environmental Risk Factors Predisposed to Children Below Five Years in Naivasha Daycare Centres, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2015, Egerton University)
  19. Odongo Alfred Owino. Heavy Metals and Parasitic Geohelminths Exposure among Geophagous Pregnant Women in Nakuru Municipality. (Msc Graduate 2015, Egerton University)
  20. Kimutai Joan Jepkorir. Assessment of Faecal Disposal Practices and Their Relation to the Burden of Faecal-Oral Infections in Isiolo County, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2016, Egerton)
  21. Kariuki Catherine W.: Isolation and Characterization of Soil Bacteria, Capable of Degrading Metribuzin Herbicide, Used in Sugarcane Farms of Western Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2016, Egerton)
  22. Gudda Frederick Owino. Characterization of Faecal Sludge and User Activities of Poor and Good Performing Pit Latrines in Periurban Settlements of Nakuru and Njoro Subcounty, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2017, Egerton)
  23. Esilaba Felly Atolwa. Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Toxicity through Consumption of Selected Fish Species Sold in Nakuru Town, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2017, Egerton)
  24. Garang Manyok John. Assessment of Solid Waste Handling Practices in Bor Town, South Sudan. (Msc Graduate 2017, Egerton)
  25. Kurui Edith Jepchirchir. Prevalence of Water Related Diseases in Relation To Microbiological Water Quality of   Water Pans in Central and South Baringo, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2018, Egerton)
  26. Okullo Joab Odhiambo. Assessment of The Contribution of Faecal Disposal Practices on Microbiological Quality of Water Sources in Isiolo County, Kenya. (Msc Graduate 2018, Egerton)
  27. Claire N. Orina. An Assessment of Disposal Practices of Pharmaceutical Waste among Households within Nakuru Town, Nakuru County, Kenya. (MSc Graduate 2018, Egerton)
  28. Maingi Jayson Masila. Assessing Helminthic Ova Viability in Faecal Sludge and Pit Disludging Practices in Nakuru County, Kenya. (Msc graduate 2018, Egerton)
  29. Bancy Chege. Assessment of the Performance of Njoro Industrial Sewage Works, Nakuru Town, Kenya. (MSc graduate 2019, Egerton)
  30. Harriet Kimani. Assessment of Effectiveness of Using Lichens as Tools for Air Quality Monitoring and Land Zoning In Nakuru Town. (MSc graduate 2019, Egerton)
  31. Teresa Kenyanya Mogoi. Assessment of Human Exposure to Pesticide Residues through Consumption of Vegetables Sold in Selected Markets of Nakuru Town, Kenya. (MSc graduate 2019, Egerton)
  32. Mutungi Joshua Kyalo. An Assessment of Occupational Hazards Awareness and Safety Practices among Petrol Service Stations in Nakuru County, Kenya. (MSc, Egerton, 2021)
  33. Kibitok Nicholas Kipchumba: Assessment of Spatial Variations in Physio-Chemical and Nutrient Loads in the Upper Catchment of Molo River in Kenya. (Msc graduate 2022, Egerton)

Ongoing Student Thesis Supervision:

  1. Joseph Walter Maira.  Risk Assessment of Soil Exposure to Antibiotic Residues in Animal Manure in Livestock Rearing farms of Ronga Sub-county, Nakuru County.  (MSc, Egerton)
  2. Petrolina Chepchumba Bore.  Assessment of Occupational Health Hazards and Safety Needs of Commercial Motorcyclists in Kapseret Sub County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.  (MSc, Egerton)
  3. Lynette Cheruiyot.  Assessment of Organic Waste Stream and Resource Recovery Potential in Naivasha Town, Nakuru County, Kenya.  (MSc, Egerton)
  4. Devota Rejina Mkanjala.  A Waste Management Initiative to Determine the Market Attractiveness of Products Recovered from Organic Waste Streams in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya.  (MSc, Egerton)
  1. Ochodo C: Implications of the Urban Built Environment on the Mental Health of Residents of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. (PhD Graduate 2013, Egerton University).
  2. Said M. Abdallah: Sustainability in Kenya’s Energy and Development: An alien concept? (PhD Graduate 2016, University of Twente, the Netherlands).
  3. Kitonga L. M: Nitrogen balance and groundwater nitrate contamination: comparison among three cropping systems in Ainabkoi division, Uasin Gishu District, Kenya. (PhD graduate 2018, Egerton).
  4. Odongo Alfred Owino. Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Lead among the Informal Sector Automobile Artisans in Nakuru Town, Kenya. (PhD graduate 2019, Egerton)
  5. Muchemi Sabina Muthoni: Assessment of Influence of Occupational Exposure to White Board Marker Ink on Symptoms of Allergic Conjunctivitis Among School Teachers in Nakuru County, Kenya. (PhD graduate 2019, Egerton)
  6. Edward Juma Masakha. Longitudinal and Seasonal Variations in Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Water Quality of Sosiani River Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. (PhD graduate 2019, Egerton)
  7. Muoria Elizabeth W: Assessment of Impact of Urban Population Dynamics on Household Access to Water and Sanitation in Nakuru, Kenya. (PhD graduate 2019, Egerton)
  8. Wekoye Aurice Stephen: Assessment Of the Occupational Safety and Health Status in the Informal Non-Food Manufacturing Sector in Kampala City, Uganda. (PhD graduate 2019, Egerton)
  9. Ongoing Student Thesis Supervision:
    1. Henry Kiprono Koech. Assessment of Accessibility of Improved Water Supply and Prevalence of Water-Related Diseases in Low Income Areas In Nakuru Muicipality, Kenya. (PhD, Egerton)
    2. Charles o. Abanga. Assessing the Effects of Bus Body Building Activities on Workers Safety and Health in Nairobi, Kenya. (PhD, Egerton)
    3. Nyakwara Agnes Zilpher. Gender Perspective in Mitigating Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) towards Food Production Resilience among Smallholder Farmers in Bomet County, Kenya. (PhD, Egerton)
    4. Loureen Akinyi Awuor. Dietary Intake Assessment and Risk Characterization of Exposure to Aflatoxins in Households’ Within Uasin Gishu and Busia Counties of Kenya. (PhD, Egerton)
    5. Kimutai Joan Jepkorir. Using Syndemic Lens to Investigate Psychosocial Impacts of Water Insecurity and Inadequate Sanitation among women in Informal Settlements in Kenya. (PhD, Addis Ababa University)
    6. Claire Nyaboke Orina. An Analysis of Handling and Disposal of Pharmaceutical Waste among Medical Facilities and Their Contribution to Environmental Pollution in Nakuru Town, Nakuru County, Kenya. (PhD, Laikipia University).

Professional membership

  1. Member, Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK)
  2. Member, Union for African Population Studies (UAPS)
  3. Member, Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA)
  4. Registered NEMA Lead Expert No. 4029
  5. Member, Organization of Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)

Other professional responsibilities

  • Advisory Board member, Hanell International.  Hanell International is a network of environmental practitioners with over 2000 members worldwide. It is a membership network whose aim is to advance the environmental management discourse and profession. The network is duly registered in England and Wales as a not-for- Profit Company.
  • Advisory committee member, Future without Poverty (FWOP).  Future Without Poverty is a non-profit organization that was founded in USA in 1995.  The organization is committed to working with the unique needs of each community, supporting that community as it grows in all areas of sustainability. Education, Enterprise, Environment and Empowerment provides individuals and communities the necessary tools to decide their own destiny.
  • Patron, Egerton University Environmental Association.  The club champions environmental sustainability and promotes Education for Sustainable Development through outreach activities in and outside campus
  • Reviewer of Environmental pollution/Ecosystem health manuscripts for Egerton Journal of Science and Technology
  • Editorial and advisory board member, Current World Environment Journal.  Current World Environment is an open access, international, scholarly peer-reviewed research journal which publishes original research after double-blind peer review. Published triannually in April, August and December by Enviro Research Publishers.
  • Member of steering committee in charge of Public health and Sanitation issues, Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) for Mau Ecosystem Complex. 
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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"