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DR Alice Wanjiku Njue

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Dr Alice Wanjiku Njue is a lecturer of Organic Chemistry in the Chemistry Department of Egerton University. She was a former teacher of Njoro Boys high school from 1990-1997 after graduating with a Diploma in Education from KSTC- Nairobi. She later joined Egerton University as a Technologist from 1997-2012. She crossed over to teaching as an assistant lecturer in 2012 and later to lecturer in 2018. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Chemistry, specializing in Natural Products Chemistry within Organic Chemistry. The PhD degree was obtained from Egerton University in a split site program sponsored by Commonwealth with University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. She obtained her MSc and BSc in Chemistry from Egerton University. She has experience in search for bioactive molecules from Natural habitats in both Plant and Fungal. The research has led her to work with equipment such as UV-Vis, Infra-Red (IR), Flash column, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Mass Spectrometry. She has been able to work in collaboration with Prof Dulcie Mulholland (University of Surrey), Dr Sianne Schwikard (Kingston University London) and Dr Moses Langat (Kew). She has successfully supervised both undergraduate and postgraduate students where they have isolated anticancer, antifungal, antioxidant and insecticidal compounds.

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2023-present-Post-doc in Electrochemistry-Michigan State University

2017-PhD in Chemistry-Egerton University

2009-Master of Science (Msc) degree in Chemistry.-Egerton University

2005-Bachelor of Science (Bsc) degree-Egerton University

1990-Diploma in Education (Science)-KSTC

1984-A level-Kapropita Girls High School

1982-O Level-Mary Mount sec school

1978-CPE-Molo Primary School



1. Organic chemistry ( Natural Products Chemistry in Plant and Fungal Biotechnology)

2. Electrochemistry (Bioanalysis chemistry)



Jan 2018-Present-Lecturer –Egerton University

Mar. 2012 to Dec 2017-Assistant Lecturer -Egerton University.

Apr. 2009 to Mar 2012-Senior Technologist - Egerton University.

Nov. 1996 to Apr. 2009-Technologist- Egerton University.

Apr. 1990 to Nov. 1996-Teacher- Njoro boys high school


  1. Name of the funder: Africa AgriFood Knowledge Transfer Partnership (AAKTP). KTP partners with EcoFix(K) Ltd (formally Eco Fuels Kenya Limited) for the application of Croton seed oil for biorational pest management technologies in Kenya. Name(s) of grant holder(s): Prof. J. O. Omolo and Prof. Phil Stevenson. Total grant funds: £62,558. Role as the African Knowledge Base Partner: Start dates : Jan 2022-Sept 2023
  2. Name of the funder: Global Challenges Research Fund Networking Grants Networking Grants - Round 3. Name(s) of grant holder(s): J. O. Omolo. Dr. Moses Langat. Title of the project: Croton seed oil partnership: a diverse industrial natural product for sustainable development in East Africa. Total amount awarded: £25000. Role in the project: Co-researcher. The start and end dates: Jan 2019-April 2020
  3. Name of the funder: Royal Society International Exchanges (UK) Name(s) of grant holder(s): Dr Sianne Shwikkard and Dr Alice Wanjiku Njue. Title of the project: An investigation into potential anticancer properties of polysaccharides from edible mushrooms. Total amount awarded: £3,000. Role in the project: Researcher as co-applicant The start and end dates: Jan 2018-Dec 2018
  4. Name of the funder: Commonwealth scholarship Commission in the UK. Name(s) of grant holder(s): Alice Wanjiku Njue Title of the project: Anticancer activities of Compounds from Extracts of Selected Basidiomycetes from Kenya. Total amount awarded (and how much of this you received): £11,000 Role in the project: PhD student. The start and end dates: March 2013-August 2014
  5. National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation, Kenya (NACOSTI) on search for anticancer compounds from basidiomycetes (2013). Amount Ksh 680,000.00
  6. Egerton University Internal Research Funds (2006-2007). Project Title: Screening for anti-microbial secondary metabolites from submerged cultures of ten species of basidiomycetes using biotechnological techniques. Amount Ksh 200,000.00

1. Search for novel biologically active natural compounds from cultures of higher fungi (ascomycetes and basidiomycetes). Focus on isolation and structural determination based on spectroscopic techniques and biological activities of these compounds.

2. Electrochemical analysis a technique to analyse the chemical reactivity of a sample surface or a solution especially electrochemical methods for drug analysis



1.Regina Kemunto Mayaka, Alice Wanjiku Njue, Moses Kiprotich Langat, Peter Kiplagat Cheplogoi1 and Josiah Ouma Omolo (2019): Antimicrobial compounds from the Kenyan Ganoderma adspersum (Schulz.) Donk species. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences.13(7): 3390-3397, DOI:

2. Fasahat Parkar, Alice Wanjiku Njue, Moses Kiprotich Langat & Josiah Ouma Omolo (2019): Characterization of secondary metabolites from the berries of Ziziphus mucronata and their antioxidant properties, Natural Product Research.) 1478-6427, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2019.1705816

3. Regina Kemunto Mayaka, Moses Kiprotich Langat, Alice Wanjiku Njue, Peter Kiplagat Cheplogoi and Josiah Ouma Omolo (2019) Chemical compounds from the Kenyan polypore Trametes elegans (Spreng:Fr.) Fr (Polyporaceae) and their antimicrobial activity. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 13(4) 2352-2359. 8221-IJBCS

4. Alice W. Njue, Josiah O. Omolo, Peter K. Cheplogoi, Moses K. Langat, Dulcie A. Mulholland. (2018). Cytotoxic ergostane derivatives from the edible mushroom Termitomyces microcarpus (Lyophyllaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 76:12-14

5. Areej Aldhaher, Moses Langat, Beth Ndunda, Denis Chirchir, Jacob O. Midiwo, Alice Njue, Sianne Schwikkard, Mark Carew, Dulcie Mulholland. Diterpenoids from the roots of Croton dichogamus Pax. Phytochemistry 144: 1-8

6. Abigael W. WAWERU, Josiah O. OMOLO, Peter K. CHEPLOGOI and Alice W. NJUE. (2017). Mosquito larvicidal trihydroxylindene derivative from submerged cultures of Trametes species. African Journal of Biotechnology. 11(72), pp. 13683-13689

7. Alice W. NJUE, Josiah O. OMOLO, Peter K. CHEPLOGOI and Abigael W. WAWERU (2017). Cytotoxic triterpenoids from the mushroom Clavulina cinerea (Bull) J. Schröt (cantharellaceae) Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 11(2): 865-873,

8. Mevis K. M., Josiah O. Omolo, Regina K. Mayaka, Alice W. Njue, John O. Adongo and Joseph Matofari (2014).Antimicrobial activity of the seed crude extracts of Triumfetta rhomboidea (Tiliaceae).

9. John Onyango Adongo, Josiah O. Omolo, Alice, W. Njue and Joseph W. Matofari (2012). Antimicrobial activity of the root extracts of Tylosema fassoglensis Schweinf. Torre & Hillc (Caesalpiniaceae). Science Journal of Microbiology. Volume 2012, Issue 2. Pg 1-3. DOI: 10.7237/sjmb/209.

10. John Onyango Adongo, Josiah O. Omolo, Peter K. Cheplogoi, Dan O. Otaye and Alice, W. Njue (2012). In vitro Inhibition of the grey mold fungus - Botrytis cinerea - by Crude extracts from sub-merged cultures of basidiomycetes fungi. Science Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 2012 pg 1-3. DOI: 10.7237/sjbt/175.

11. Alice W. Njue, Dan O. Otaye, Peter K. Cheplogoi and Josiah O. Omolo (2012). In vitro inhibition of tomato Fusarium wilt causative agent by zearalenone from a soil inhabiting fungus. African Journal of Biotechnology. 11(72), pp. 13683-13689. DOI: 10.5897/AJB12.501.

12. Njogu E. M., Njue A. W., Omolo J. O. and Cheplogoi P. K. (2009). Larvicidal activity of (oxiran-2-yl) methylpentanoate extracted from mushroom Cyptotrama asprata against mosquito Aedes aegypti. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 3 (6) 1203-1211.



September 2017- Researcher Links, British newton Fund & National Research Fund, Kenya Workshop held on 10th to 14th Sep 2017 at The                                    Great Rift Lodge, Naivasha, Kenya.                             

March 2016- 10th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo (30th -1st April 2016)-Theme: Research and innovation for                            advancement of humanity. Venue: Fedcos complex, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya 

August 2015-  The 15th NAPRECA Natural Products and their Applications. (31st Aug-3rd Sept 2015) Venue: Palace Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania

May 2015 -The 8th International kenya Chemical Society Conference, Theme: Applied chemistry and technology in industry (5th -8th May 2015).                      Venue: University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus, Millenium hall, Nairobi, Kenya

July 2013 -Joint Symposium of the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE) and the Austrian Pharmaceutical Society, Theme: Trends in natural products research: A young scientists meeting of PSE and OPhG (21st -25th July), Venue: University centre Obergurgl/Tyrol, Austria

August 2012- The 14th NAPRECA Symposium and AAMPS Ethnoveterinary Medicine Symposium (8 - 12th August 2012). Venue: International Center for Insect physiology & Ecology (ICIPE) Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya

July 2007- The 12th NAPRECA Symposium  22-26 July 2007, Hotel Africana Kampala Uganda, Theme: Drugs Discovery from Africa Flora


Organic chemistry


Organic Spectroscopy


Parkar Fasahat Abdul, SM11/11785/16: Investigation of Antioxidant Compounds from the berries of Teclea simplicifolia (ENGL.) I. VERD. and Ziziphus mucronata willd. Graduated in December 2020. completion

Eric Ngutu Muange, SM11/17507/17: Characterization and Investigation of Antioxidant Secondary Metabolites from berries of Dovyalis abyssinica. Ongoing

Kibet Geoffrey Koech Kiprotich Sawe SM11/14721/18: Investigation of Insecticidal Chemical Compounds from extracts oFermented Tagetes minuta leaves against storage insect pests. Ongoing


Kenya Chemical Society

The Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA)

Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD)

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