Principal Nakuru City Campus College

Address: P O Box 13357-20100, Nakuru, Kenya.
Telephone: + 254 xxx xxx
Fax: + 254 xxx xxx.
The only University’s Campus College, Nakuru City Campus College, hosts the following faculties;
- Faculty of Commerce - FoC
- Faculty of Health Sciences - FHS
TheNakuru City Campus College (NCCC) was officially launched in 2001 as a campus with the aim of providing alternative educational opportunities popularly known as Self Sponsored Programmes (SSP). Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom) and Masters in Business administration (MBA) were the pioneer programmes at the inception. At this initial point it was headed by a director. The campus has since been upgraded to a college headed principal. The faculties which offer courses at NTCC are: Commerce; Arts and Social science; Science; Engineering and technology and Health sciences.