Directorate of Research and Extension
Egerton University, way back in 1987 pioneered among the Kenyan Universities, dedicating a Division of Research and Extension to foster good management and delivery of research, extension and consultancy services and to linkage with the industry. The Division is charged with research administration; delivery of extension outreach and consultancy services; documentation of research outputs; workshops and conference.
“To offer exemplary services and models of Research, Extension, Consultancy Documentation, Publication and Information Dissemination including linkagesmwith the industry”
“To forge partnership with stakeholders in co-creation, resource mobilization, and generation and dissemination of knowledge from Research and Innovations.”
- Research administration
- Extension and outreach delivery
- Consultancy services delivery
- Vocational training
- Documentation of research outputs
- Coordination of seminars, workshops
- Planning conferences & Symposia.

Telephone: + 254 51 2217808 +254 51 2217808 ,
Fax: + 254 51 2217942
P.o Box 536 Egerton-Njoro
Sections of the Division
- The Research Committee
- The Extension Committee
- The Publications Committee
- Research Oversight Committee
- Research Ethics Committee
- Conferences/Research Week Committee
- Show & Exhibitions Committee.
Core Values:
National unity and social fairness; integrity, transparency and accountability; professionalism; internationalism; passion for excellence and devotion to duty; team work; passion for environmental conservation; and innovativeness and creativity.
Quality objectives FY 2024/2025:
- To publish 225 scientific papers annually.
- To competitively win grants worth Ksh. 482 M.
- To hold an International Conference to disseminate research outputs.
- To upscale uptake of three (3) dryland food crops and Climate Smart Agricultural practices to farmers in at least 3 Counties.
- To hold one (1) Monitoring and Evaluation exercise of on-going Research & Extension projects.
- To competitively win at least five (5) consultancy bids.
- To forge partnership with one (1) private firm for incubation of innovations.
Through the Directorate of Research and Extension, Egerton University conducts demand-driven research that generates new knowledge, technologies and innovations that benefit communities within and outside Kenya.
The research projects in the Division seek to provide practical/ innovative solutions to societal and global problems based on Kenya’s national policies and priorities as well as market needs. To address issues of food insecurity, for instance, Kenya needs to increase the productivity of its crops and livestock by using proper farm management techniques, planting high yielding and drought-tolerant hybrid seeds, giving adequate and balanced rations to our livestock, controlling post-harvest losses and ensuring value addition and efficient marketing of our farm products.
The University researchers endeavor to explain how this can be done sustainably. They also ensure that their research-based information is well packaged and effectively disseminated to the end-users in simple, easy-to-understand language.
The Directorate staffs fully understand the importance of working together with all the stakeholders as a team and of information sharing. For this reason, the Division has established a functional network of partners/ collaborators in the public and private sector within and outside Kenya. Some of our partners work closely with our scientists in joint research, extension outreach and information dissemination initiatives and activities while others provide financial and material support for the research projects.
The Directorate’s major priority is to serve the public satisfactorily by promptly responding to their needs for innovations that make work easier, farms more productive, farm products easily marketed and household incomes and quality of life continuously improved. If you, your family or friends are looking for a University that will make a difference in your life by giving you reliable advice on how to make your farms benefit you better as a result of applying research-based technologies, Egerton should be your University of Choice particularly for issues related to agriculture and environment. For more information on how Egerton can serve you better with its pool of highly qualified, experienced and competent professionals, please contact the Director Research and Extension Tel. +254 708 489 256 or +254 775 015 388; email:
The Drectorate of Research and Extension was established in 1987 and is mandated by the University to manage, co-ordinate, promote and facilitate research and extension. It is through these activities that new knowledge is generated, packaged and disseminated to a wide variety of end-users in fulfillment of the primary objective of the University. It is headed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic,Research and Extension).