Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law was established in 2015 following recommendations of expert studies on the state of legal education in the region. Our undergraduate degree program was duly accredited in February 2016.

We recognize that we are operators in an increasingly crowded field of service providers. Therefore, we have determined from the outset that our mission must contribute to redefining quality standards in legal education in Eastern Africa. Our commitment to quality is evident in our program content, inputs, selection of learners and overall institutional positioning. Our curriculum is unique, progressive and clearly distinguishable from the alternatives. Our emphasis on research and writing skills throughout the program has been informed by needs assessment studies, extensive surveys and engagements with external stakeholders. Moreover, our program is delivered by a team of highly skilled and experienced academics with world class credentials, who serve on full-time basis. Learners admitted to study with us normally have above-average capability. We select only the most highly qualified students who have best prospects of thriving in our programme and represent realistic promise of a successful professional career in Law. We believe that our high admission criteria will help to strengthen the quality of graduates of our program, positioning them and our brand ahead of the rest. Read More...