Chancellor, Egerton University ,The Principal Secretary, State Department for Higher Education & Research, Ministry of Education
Chancellors of other Universities present virtually
Chairman, Egerton University Council
Chairpersons of Councils of other Universities
Council Members, Egerton University
Vice Chancellors of other Universities
Deputy Vice Chancellors
Members of the University Senate
Senior Government Officials
Members of Staff, Graduating Class, Parents and Guardians
Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the University Management, Senate, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Students I welcome you all to the 46th Graduation Ceremony of Egerton University. This is the first physical graduation ceremony since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.
To those graduating today, I convey my heartfelt congratulations to you as we celebrate your successes in your chosen field of study.
Today, a total of 1,287 students are being conferred degrees and awarded diplomas across our various Faculties. We are confering 8 PhDs, 26 Masters Degrees and 1,203 Bachelor's degrees and and awarding 50 Diplomas. We take pride in the input of your parents, guardians, faculty, staff, family and friends who did their part, thereby ensuring that you successfully get to this day.
Mr Chancellor Sir,
May I thank the Principal Secretary, State Department for Higher Education and Research Dr Beatrice Inyangala for taking time off from her busy schedule to be with us during this auspicious occasion.
Mr Chancellor Sir,
The University has made tremendous progress in the pursuit of its core mandate. Our staff and students continueto make a mark in the global arena through their research and innovations since our last graduation. To mention a few;
- Mr. Joseph Nguthiru, a final year Faculty of Engineering and Technology student, invented the use of water hyacinth to produce biodegradable seedling bags. He won the best innovation award at the Kenya Innovation Week in December 2022. The student was lauded by the President of the Republic of Kenya His Excellency William Ruto, during the Presidential Launch of the Forestry & Land Restoration Acceleration Programme
at Ngong' Hills in Kajiado County on 21st December 2022, in which we participated.
- In order to foster a condusive learning environment and support our needy students, the university has reached out to various partners to support needy students.
- The University Chancellor Dr. Narendra Raval (Guru), leading from the front, will be providing scholarships to ten (10) students’ for one academic year.
- The Chinese Government, through the Confucius Institute at the university provided eleven (11) scholarships to Egerton University Students this academic year. These were
awarded during a visit by the Chinese Ambassador H.E. Zhou Pingjian to the university in September 2022.
- Internally, the university continues to apply a work-study program for needy students.
- In order to advance the intellectual capabilities of Egerton University students through writing, the chancellor, Narendra Raval (Guru), sponsored an essay writing competition during the year 2022. The competition was open to all Egerton University undergraduate students and was hosted and administered by the Department of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. The winners of the competition will be presented with certificates and financial token today by the chancellor.
- The university takes great pride in the calibre of students’ leadership exhibited by the Egerton University Students Association (EUSA). During the “Annual Uongozi Career Awards” hosted by the Corporate Career Academy in December 2022, the current EUSA Secretary General, Mr. Brian Bett, won the countrywide Seretary General of the Year This was in recognition of his contribution towards preparing future industry leaders. During the same event, Jackline Omango of our faculty of health sciences came up 2nd runners-up in the category of
“Student Mental Health Ambassador of the year”. The university will always do its best to promote and nurture such leadership skills among our students.
Mr. Chancellor Sir
- The University successfully organized the second General Assembly of the Austrian – African Research Network, popularly known as the Africa-UniNet and Erasmus + Cooperation Seminar from 17th to 19th October, 2022. The assembly was graced by the Austrian Ambassador to Kenya Mr Peter Christian Fellner, who hailed the collaboration between African and Austrian universities for purposes of knowledge sharing through research partnership. A total of 130 delegates from African and European countries met to
discuss scientific and institutional questions and possibilities for further cooperation – both on the basis of the Africa-UniNet network and as part of possible participation in Erasmus+ funding program.
Mr Chancellor Sir,
In spite of the above many positive strides made by the university, serious challenges, especially financial ones, remain. The university continues to operate at a deficit and is therefore unable to meet all is financial obligations as and when they fall due. This has led to the continued accumulation of pending bills.
Due particularly to financial dificulties, the university has been beset by frequent industrial disharmony, strident negative narratives in the media and many court cases since 2020, which continue to take valuable time and resources. These cases revolve around demands for full salary payment which, unfortunately, the university is unable to pay within the present financial constraints. In trying to deal with these issues, the university has taken many initiatives to turn around the financial situation. Some of the initiatives taken so far include:
- Restructuring of the university management structure by reducing the number of Deputy Vice Chancellors from three to two, and re-assigning duties accordingly.
This has made university operations more lean and efficient in addition to cutting down on operating costs.
- The University closed its campuses in Nairobi and Baringo and has consolidated its resources in Nakuru City. The consolidation of activities in Nakuru city has further reduced rent expenses.
- Stricter control and realignment of operations has enabled the university to make further cost savings in various areas of operation such as costs of hiring part time lecturers, electricity costs, contracted services, travel expenses among others.
- The university has been allowing natural attrition to reduce the staff numbers and payroll costs by not
replacing non-strategic staff who leave the service. However, an occasional need to hire an academic staff, coupled with the nationally negotiated CBAs which are not fully funded, tend to reverse the gains made in reducing the payroll cost.
- The university continues to review its degree programs and has discontinued those that do not attract sufficient numbers of students. This is expected to further cut on staff costs.
Mr. Chancellor Sir,
- To improve the revenues, the university has made very concerted efforts in the marketing of its programmes. This has resulted in the steady increase in the number of students admitted over the last five years from 3074 admitted in 2018/2019 academic year to 5118 admitted in 2022/2023 academic year. The university has also expanded its reach regionally, thereby attracting foreign students to pursue its programs. Presently, there are 143 foreign students from 25 different Nationalities enrolled in various degree programs at the university.
- The university is also pursuing several other revenue enhancement initiatives, including but not limited to revamping of the Income Generating Units, which are
expected to generate more revenue in the coming financial years.
The above initiatives are expected to improve the financial situation, but not to the extent to enable the university meet all its financial obligations fully in the short term.
The university has therefore reached out to the government for support in various ways to enable the university to turn around its financial situation.
Mr Chancellor Sir,
The University continues to collaborate with other institutions and has made a number of initiatives to increase the portfolio of research income. Some of these include
supporting academic staff to write proposals and bid for funding locally and internationally. As of this financial year 2022/2023, the total research portfolio stands at Ksh 2.52 billion. This amount is being disbursed to the university
annualy based on the work plan and sheduled research activities.
On a positive note, and in spite of the many challenges and strident negative narratives in the media, the university has received a favourable ranking in the January 2023 edition of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, by being ranked the third best University in Kenya. This has arisen due to the university’s concerted efforts that has kept its core activities of learning and research ongoing.
Mr. Chancellor Sir,
The University recognizes the key role the alumni plays in supporting and advancing their alma mater, and their contributions help to shape the future of the institution and its students. On 26th November 2022, the Egerton University Alumni Association elected new executive board members under the chairmanship of Dr Richard Kipsang Rop. I congratulate the new board and we look forward to working together to make Egerton University greater.
Mr Chancellor Sir,
As I conclude, I wish to once again thank the Principal Secretary, State Department for Higher Education and Research, for accepting to be our chief guest and for gracing this occasion. To the graduands, I want to remind you that this is not the end of everything but just the beginning of a new milestone in your professional and personal lives. You have received quality education and this makes you our brand ambassadors. You can now confidently tackle today's world challenges and by doing so contribute to transforming lives.
Congratulations on your graduation today and may God bless you. GOD BLESS EGERTON . GOD BLESS KENYA
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The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Isaac O. Kibwage takes the podium at the #Egerton46Graduation Ceremony at Main Campus in Njoro today on 10th February 2023.
On behalf of the University Management, Senate, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Students I welcome you all to the 46th Graduation Ceremony of Egerton University. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
This is the first physical graduation ceremony since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
To those graduating today, I convey my heartfelt congratulations to you as we celebrate your successes in your chosen field of study. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
Today, a total of 1,287 students are being conferred degrees and awarded diplomas across our various Faculties. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
We are conferring 8 PhDs, 26 Masters Degrees and 1,203 Bachelor's degrees and and awarding 50 Diplomas. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
I thank the Principal Secretary, State Department for Higher Education and Research Dr Beatrice Inyangala for taking time off from her busy schedule to be with us during this auspicious occasion. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University has made tremendous progress in the pursuit of its core mandate. Our staff and students continue to make a mark in the global arena through their research and innovations since our last graduation. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
Mr. Joseph Nguthiru, a final year Faculty of Engineering and Technology student, invented the use of water hyacinth to produce biodegradable seedling bags. He won the best innovation award at the Kenya Innovation Week in December 2022. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The student was lauded by the President of the Republic of Kenya His Excellency William Ruto, during the Presidential Launch of the Forestry & Land Restoration Acceleration Programme at Ngong' Hills in Kajiado County on 21st December 2022, in which we participated. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
To foster a condusive learning environment and support our needy students, the university has reached out to various partners to support needy students. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University Chancellor Dr. Narendra Raval, leading from the front, will be providing scholarships to ten (10) students for one academic year. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The Chinese Government, through the Confucius Institute at the university provided eleven (11) scholarships to Egerton University Students this academic year. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
To advance the intellectual capabilities of Egerton University students through writing, the chancellor, Dr. Narendra Raval (Guru), sponsored an essay writing competition during the year 2022. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The competition was open to all Egerton University undergraduate students and was hosted and administered by the Department of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University takes great pride in the calibre of students’ leadership exhibited by the Egerton University Students Association (EUSA). During the “Annual Uongozi Career Awards” hosted by the Corporate Career Academy in December 2022, the current EUSA Secretary General, Mr. Brian Bett, won the countrywide Seretary General of the Year award. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
During the same event, Jackline Omango of our faculty of health sciences came up 2nd runners-up in the category of “Student Mental Health Ambassador of the year”. The university will always do its best to promote and nurture such leadership skills among our students. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University successfully organized the second General Assembly of the Austrian – African Research Network, popularly known as the Africa-UniNet and Erasmus + Cooperation Seminar from 17th to 19th October, 2022. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The Assembly was graced by the Austrian Ambassador to Kenya Mr Peter Christian Fellner, who hailed the collaboration between African and Austrian universities for purposes of knowledge sharing through research partnership. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
In spite of the above many positive strides made by the University, serious challenges, especially financial ones, remain. The University continues to operate at a deficit and is therefore unable to meet all is financial obligations as and when they fall due. This has led to the continued accumulation of pending bills. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
Due particularly to financial difficulties, the University has been beset by frequent industrial disharmony, strident negative narratives in the media and many court cases since 2020, which continue to take valuable time and resources. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
In trying to deal with these issues, the university has taken many initiatives to turn around the financial situation. Some of the initiatives taken so far include:
Restructuring of the university management structure by reducing the number of Deputy Vice Chancellors from three to two, and re-assigning duties accordingly. This has made university operations more lean and efficient in addition to cutting down on operating costs. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University closed its campuses in Nairobi and Baringo and has consolidated its resources in Nakuru City. The consolidation of activities in Nakuru city has further reduced rent expenses. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
Stricter control and realignment of operations has enabled the university to make further cost savings in various areas of operation such as costs of hiring part time lecturers, electricity costs, contracted services, travel expenses among others. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The university has been allowing natural attrition to reduce the staff numbers and payroll costs by not replacing non-strategic staff who leave the service. However, an occasional need to hire an academic staff, coupled with the nationally negotiated CBAs which are not fully funded, tend to reverse the gains made in reducing the payroll cost. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University continues to review its degree programs and has discontinued those that do not attract sufficient numbers of students. This is expected to further cut on staff costs. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
To improve the revenues, the University has made very concerted efforts in the marketing of its programmes. This has resulted in the steady increase in the number of students admitted over the last five years from 3074 admitted in 2018/2019 academic year to 5,118 admitted in 2022/2023 academic year. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University has also expanded its reach regionally, thereby attracting foreign students to pursue its programs. Presently, there are 143 foreign students from 25 different Nationalities enrolled in various degree programs at the University. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University is also pursuing several other revenue enhancement initiatives, including but not limited to revamping of the Income Generating Units, which are expected to generate more revenue in the coming financial years. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The above initiatives are expected to improve the financial situation, but not to the extent to enable the university meet all its financial obligations fully in the short term. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University has therefore reached out to the government for support in various ways to enable the university to turn around its financial situation. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University continues to collaborate with other institutions and has made a number of initiatives to increase the portfolio of research income. Some of these include supporting academic staff to write proposals and bid for funding locally and internationally. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The university has received a favourable ranking in the January 2023 edition of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, by being ranked the third best University in Kenya. This has arisen due to the university’s concerted efforts that has kept its core activities of learning and research ongoing. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
The University recognizes the key role the alumni plays in supporting and advancing their alma mater, and their contributions help to shape the future of the institution and its students. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
On 26th November 2022, the Egerton University Alumni Association elected new executive board members under the chairmanship of Dr Richard Kipsang Rop. I congratulate the new board and we look forward to working together to make Egerton University greater. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
I wish to once again thank the Principal Secretary, State Department for Higher Education and Research, for accepting to be our chief guest and for gracing this occasion. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation
To the graduands, I want to remind you that this is not the end of everything but just the beginning of a new milestone in your professional and personal lives. You have received quality education and this makes you our brand ambassadors. You can now confidently tackle today's world challenges and by doing so contribute to transforming lives. Prof. Kibwage Vice Chancellor #Egerton46Graduation