Egerton University will hold its 46th Graduation ceremony on 10th February 2023.This will be a physical Graduation Ceremony.To ensure a smooth graduation process and enhance accuracy and speed of processing of certificates, the prospective graduands are requested to observe the following and strictly adhere to the specified deadlines.
This is to inform all continuing students in Njoro Campus and Nakuru Town Campus College that the University will open on Friday 6th January 2023 for continuation of its academic programmes.
Teaching timetable for semester II academic year 2022/2023 for undergraduate and postgraduate students
Participate in AGLEAD's business competition by sending your business plans in groups of 3-5 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Authors are invited to submit research articles to the Kenya national commission for UNESCO.You can find more guidelines by clicking the link:https://bit.ly/3qSXSwO
The final examination timetable 2022/2023 for undergraduate and postgraduate students in semester I, 2021/2022 & semester II 2022/2023 academic years
Vice-Chancellor Prof. Isaac Kibwage Wishes Students Success in End of Semester Examinations
A leading Public University seeks to recruit a qualified and competent individual to fill the position of Managing Director for its Egerton University Investment Company (EUICO) with varying interest in the areas of Agriculture, Hospitality and General trading. Click Here for More Information
Happy Mashujaa Day by Prof. Isaac O.Kibwage Egerton University Vice-Chancellor.
The vice-chancellors announcement on Essay writing competition;open to all Egerton University undergraduate students.
On 12 September 2022, the Office of the Vice-Chancellor announced “The 2022 Egerton University Chancellor’s Essay Writing Competition”. The Competition is open to all Egerton University undergraduate students.
The Chancellor, University Council, Staff, Students and Alumni hereby extend our warm congratulations to His Excellency Hon. Dr. William Samoei Ruto and Hon. Rigathi Gachagua
This is to notify all students that Resit/Special Examinations for the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 Academic years have been scheduled for Monday 12th toWednesday
21stJune 2023.
This is to notify all students that Resit/Special Examinations for the 2021/2022 Academic year have been scheduled for Monday 5th to Friday 9th September 2022.