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Brian Sang

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2018: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Law - University of Cape Town

2011: Master of Laws (LLM) (International Law) - University of Cape Town

2009: Bachelor of Laws (LLB) - Moi University

  • International Humanitarian Law
  • International Criminal Law
  • International Refugee Law
  • International Human Rights Law
  • Law and Religion

June 2018 – Present: Lecturer, Faculty of Law - EGERTON UNIVERSITY

Mar 2017 – Mar 2018: Research Fellow - Centre for Alternative Research on Law and Policy, (CARLP)

May 2016 – Nov 2016: Doctoral Fellow/Lecturer, Strathmore Law School, STRATHMORE UNIVERSITY

Feb 2015 – Sep 2015: Legal Researcher, to Lady Justice Margaret W. Muigai, The Judiciary - MILIMANI LAW COURTS

May 2010 – Feb 2011: Research Associate, United Nations Women’s Rights Research Project,

Under the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences,
Prof. Rashida Manjoo,
Law, Race and Gender Unit,

2010 – 2011: Research Advisor, Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Team, FACULTY OF LAW, WILFRED & JULES KRAMER LAW SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN 2009 – 2010: Legal and Research Assistant, JAMES FINLAY (K) LTD, KENYA

  1.  Constitutional Law, LGBTI Rights and Criminalization of Homosexuality in Kenya: A Legal Critique of the EG Decision (2021) 13 African Journal of Legal Studies (forthcoming).
  2. Delimiting Jurisdiction in the Context of Cybercrime: A Challenge for Constitutional Protection, in Tom Kabau et al (eds), Law, Science and Technology: Concepts and Context in Kenya (LawAfrica 2021) (forthcoming).
  3. Constitutional Law and Islamic Hijabs in Kenyan Schools: The Supreme Court’s Specious Constraint in Methodist Church in Kenya (2021) 10 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion (
  4. Constitutional Law and Atheists in Kenya: Affirming Associational Rights, Avoiding Non-Religious Freedoms (2019) 8(3) Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 668–679 (
  5. Unlocking the Legal Deadlock over Dreadlocks in Kenyan Schools: Constitutional Law, Rastafarians, and Religious Freedom (2020) 9(2) Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 388–403 (
  6. Prelates, Property, and Prejudice: Vindicating the Legal Tenancy Rights of a Muslim-run Restaurant in Kenya’s Catholic Headquarters (2020) 9(1) Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 179–192 (
  7. The Strategic Utility of Lawfare: Orde F Kittrie’s Study of How International Law Can be Weaponised (2020) 4(1) Strathmore Law Journal 203–209 (
  8. International Humanitarian Law in the Jurisprudence of African Human Rights Treaty Bodies, in Jure Vidmar & Ruth Kok (eds), Hague Yearbook of International Law Vol. 29 (Brill 2018) 1–53 (
  9. Horizontal Application of Constitutional Rights in Kenya: A Comparative Critique of the Emerging Jurisprudence (2018) 26(1) African Journal of Comparative and International Law 1–27 (
  10. The Mediation Committee of Parliament in Kenya: Institutionalizing Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Legislative Process (2019) 7(2) Alternative Dispute Resolution 82–114 (
  11. The Approach of African Human Rights Treaty Bodies to International Humanitarian Law: Normative Basis and Institutional Basis (2017) African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law 1–36 (
  12. The Reach of the Bill of Rights into Private Legal Relations in Kenyan Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence (2016) 16(2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 235–261 (
  13. International Humanitarian Law in the Work of Regional Human Rights Courts: African and Comparative Trends (2017) 4(2) Journal of Comparative Law in Africa 1–33 (
  14. The Limits of Targeted Killing in Counter-terrorist Operations: An International Law Perspective (2017) 2(2) Strathmore Law Journal 1–39 (Click here..).
  15. Extraterritorial Scope of Constitutional Rights: Instructive Insights from Comparative and International Law (2017) 2 Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law 71–114 (
  16. Contemporary Conflicts and Protection Gaps in International Law: The Necessity and Practical Utility of Fundamental Standards of Humanity (2015) African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law 24–58 (
  17. Clearing Some Fog of War over Combating Terrorists on the Frontiers of International Law: Targeted Killing and International Humanitarian Law (2011) African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law 1–46 (
  18. Tending towards Greater Eco-Protection in Kenya: Public Interest Environmental Litigation and Its Prospects within the New Constitutional Order (2013) 57(1) Journal African Law 29–56 (
  19. Legal Regulation of Belligerent Reprisals in International Humanitarian Law: Historical Development and Present Status (2012) African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law 134–184 (
  20. Improving the Protection of Human and Peoples’ Rights in Africa: Reflections from the Yogogombaye Case (2012) 20(3) African Journal of International and Comparative Law 341–364 (
  21. The Right to Life in International Law: Emanation of a Unitary Concept in Comparative Adjudicatory Practice (2015) 3(1) Africa Nazarene University Law Journal 1–41 (
  22. Application of the Kenyan Bill of Rights: Legal Insights from Comparative Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence (2013) 1(2) Africa Nazarene University Law Journal 1–40. (
  23. Friends, Persons, Citizens: Comparative Perspectives on Locus Standi and the Access of Private Applicants to Sub-Regional Trade Judiciaries in Africa (2011) 13 Oregon Review of International Law 355–394 (
  24. Conserving the African Rhino: A Critical Analysis of the Debate on the Legalization of Trade in Rhino Horn (2015) 1(1) Jomo Kenyatta University Law Journal 57–83 (
  25. Book review for: The American Convention on Human Rights: Essential Rights (2018) 18(2) Human Rights Law Review 401–407 (
  26. Book review for: Haidi Willmot et al (eds), Protection of Civilians (2017) 17(2) Human Rights Law Review 801–807 (
  27. Book review for: Sally E Merry et al (eds), The Quiet Power of Indicators: Measuring Governance, Corruption, and Rule of Law (2017) 17(1) Human Rights Law Review 196–202 (
  28. Book review for: Jens David Ohlin (ed), Theoretical Boundaries of Armed Conflict and Human Rights (2018) 18(2) Human Rights Law Review 801–807 (
  29. Book review for: Jean Thomas, Public Rights, Private Relations, 2015 (2017) 2 Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law 185–189 (
  30. Book review for: Danwood M Chirwa, Human Rights under the Malawian Constitution, 2011 (2014) 2(1) Africa Nazarene University Law Journal 173–179 ( 
  1. Gender Discrimination in Access to Justice in Kenya: Enhancing the Agency of Women in Securing Effective Legal Aid (co-presented with Dr Ruth Aura), a paper presented at the 1st National Conference on Legal Aid, 8–12 December 2020.
  2. From Substantive Injustice to Equitable Injustice: Reforming the Legal Aid Act to Promote Inclusivity and Overcome Systemic Barriers to Justice , a paper presented at the 1st National Conference on Legal Aid, 8–12 December 2020.
  1. Manuel and Luby Washkansky Scholarship 2012 for Outstanding Academic Achievement.
  2. Law Faculty Masters & Doctoral Scholarships 2012.
  3. Wilfred Kramer Law Scholarship & Grants 2010.
  4. First Prize Winner, 7th Annual Humanitarian Law Essay Competition for East African Students.  
  • International Humanitarian and Refugee Law
  • Public International Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • Labour Law
  • Child Law
  • Trial and Appellate Advocacy
  1. Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), United Kingdom.
  2. Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), Kenya.
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