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DR Obadiah Cheruiyot Ronoh

Staff Information
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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
Directorate / Dept
Curriculum Instruction and Educational Management
274, Bomet

2014-2021: University of Eldoret (Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Education)

2009-2012: Moi University (Master of Education- Chemistry Education)

2003-2007: Moi University (Bachelor of Education Science)

1999-2001: Eldoret Polytechnic (Diploma in Analytical Chemistry)

1991-1994: Kplong Boys High School (KCSE)

1883-1990: Kabusare Primary School: (KCPE)


Chemistry education. This center on teaching and learning of Chemistry and enable the students' training to be teachers to understand effective instructional strategies to be used in content delivery. It is a requirement that in the 21st century, there is need to enhance Chemistry curriculum in the education system because it is a subset of STEM. Teaching methods in Chemistry should be aligned to Competency Based Curriculum to enhance the development of knoweledge, skills, attitude and values that will enable learners solve challenging problems in the society like climate change, food security, energy crisis among others.


peer counseling 

Basic skills in Computer applications.


January 2009- August- Kipreres Secondary school- Teacher of Chemistry/Biology (Under Teachers' Service Commission).

September 1st 2023- Date: Egerton University- Lecturer.

January 2023-August 2023: Kipreres Secondary School-Deputy Principal (Acting Capacity).

September-December 2021: Egerton University- Part-Time Lecturer (Department of CIEM).

2016-2020: Moi University- Part Time Lecturer (Department of Centre for Teacher Education).

May- August 2000 and January- April: Tea Research Foundation- Industrial Attachment.

May 2007- July 2008: Olbobo Secondary School- Teacher of Chemistry/ Biology (BOM).

May-August 2006: Kiplokyi Girls Secondary School- Teaching Practice. 

May 1st- May 31st 2005: Longisa Boys High School- Teaching Practice.



Scinence Education with bias to Chemistry


1. Ronoh,O.C. (2015). An Assessment of the Influence of SMASSE Project Activities on Learning of Chemistry in Bomet District Secondary Schools, Kenya. AJEST, (2) 234-246.

2. Ronoh, O.C.; Lusweti, K.; Aloo, W.O & Muthoka, T.M. (2015). An Assessment of the Challenges facing the Implementation of SMASSE Project Activities in Bomet District, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice. ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online), 6 (2). IISTE

3. Ronoh, O.C. (2018). Perceptions to techniques of Improving Mathematics and Science: A case of SMASSE Project on Teaching and Learning of Chemistry in Bomet District Secondary Schools, Kenya. Journal of Innovation Research and Development, IJRD. 7 (2)

4. Ronoh, O.C. (2020). Effect of Student Perception to Chemistry Practicals on Performance in Chemistry Subject. International Journal of Research in Education Humanities and Commerce, IJREHC 1 (3)

5. Ronoh, O.C. (2020). Influence of Teaching Strategies in Chemistry Practicals on Performance in Chemistry Subject. Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN:2320-7388, p-ISSN: 2320-737x 10 (5), PP 43-49

6. Ronoh, O.C; Waswa, P. & Lusweti, K. (2021). Effects of Scientific Competencies in Chemistry Practical on Performance in Chemistry Subject. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, January, 2021, 6 (2)

7. Ronoh, O.C; Waswa, P & Lusweti, K. (2021). Influence of Teaching Resources in Chemistry Practicals on Performance in Chemistry Subject. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) 5 (2) ISSN 2454-6186


EDCI 311: Secondary School Curriculum

EDCI 211: Theory and Principles of Curriculum Development

EDCI 331: Chemistry Teaching Methods

EDCI 626: Methods of Teaching Chemistry


Member of Kenya Chemical Society.

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