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Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
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536, Egerton

Geography (Climatology)

  1. Geographic Information System- Central University of Karnataka, India
  2. Certified Public Accountant Part One- Kenya Accountant and Secretarial National  Examination Board

Sep 2015- Date: LecturerDepartment of Geography, Egerton University.

Sep 2015- Date: Coordinator departmental Seminars, Department of Geography, Egerton University.

Mar 2015-Aug 2015: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Humanities, Chuka University.

Sep 2011- Feb 2015: Associate LecturerDepartment of Humanities, Mount Kenya University.


2011-2013: Analysis of rainfall variability on Irish Potato production in Oljoro-Orok Division, Nyandarua County, Kenya


Climate change mitigations and adaptations, Agriculture systems and land use and GIS

  1. Karanja, A. M., Shisanya, C. and Makokha, G. (2014) Analysis of the Key challenges facing potato farmers in Oljoro-orok Division. Kenya. Agricultural Sciences journal, Vol.5 No.10. (
  2. Karanja, A. M., Shisanya, C. and Makokha, G. (2014) Analysis of rainfall variability on potato production in Kenya: a case of Oljoro-orok Division. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences. Vol. 2 No.4 ISSN: 2321 – 0893
  3. Karanja, A. M. (2014) Rainfall Characteristics and Variability. Lap Lambert Academic publishing. Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-16431-6

  1. Karanja, A. M. 2018. Participated and presented a paper on Impact of the 2009 drought on household livelihoods in Laikipia West sub-County, Kenya during the 12th Egerton University International Conference from 27th-29th March, 2018
  2. Karanja, A. M. 2018. Participated and presented a paper on the analysis of the farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Rainfall Variability in Oljoro-Orok Division Nyandarua County, Kenya at Mount Kenya University Conference held on 1st March 2018
  3. Karanja, A. M. 2018. Participated and presented a paper on analysis of Temporal Drought Characteristic Using SPI Drought Index Based on Rainfall Data in Laikipia West Sub-County, Kenya at the 13Th Kenya Meteorological Society (KMS) international Conference at Starback Hotel Eldoret on 20th -22nd Feb, 2018
  4. Karanja, A. M. and Kihika, J. 2018. Participated and presented a paper on challenges and Opportunities for Resources Management in light of Climate Change; A case of Oljoro-Orok Division at 2nd international interdisciplinary conference at Kisii University 24th to 27th June, 2015.
  5. Karanja, A. M. 2010. Adaptations to climate change for Sustainable development in Kenya. Article presented on a Joint International Moi and Bayreuth University Conference at Hotel Sirikwa- Eldoret on 17th -20th November 2010
  6. Karanja, A.M. 2010. the role of technology in Sustainable food production in Kenya. Article presented on the 6th Annual international conference 7th to 11th September, 2010 at Moi University, Eldoret.
  7. Karanja, A.M. 2010. Mitigation of climate change for Sustainable development. Article presented and published on the 6th Annual international conference 7th to 11th September, 2010 at Moi University, Eldoret
  8. Karanja, A.M. 2010.Youth and Sustainable development for a peaceful Kenya. Article presented on the 2nd Annual international conference 12-14 May 2010 at Moi University, Eldoret


  1. Sep 22nd, 2021 County Government of Nakuru Climate Change Adaptation Action Planning Workshop, Waterbuck Hotel, Nakuru
  2. Jun 15th, 2021: County Government of Nakuru Climate Change Adaptation Visioning and Target Setting
    Workshop, Waterbuck Hotel, Nakuru
  3. Aug 7th-10th, 2020: International Webinar Series on Climate Change and Rural Development in COVID-19, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur, India
  4. July 20– 24th, 2020: Virtual Training Workshop on Management of Internationalization for Young University Academic and Administrative Staff, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DEKUT)
  5. May 6th, 2019: Training Workshop on Systematic Literature Review, Meta-Analysis and Theory of Change, FEDCOS Boardroom, Egerton University
  6. March 11-12th, 2019: Attended Training workshop on using research findings to inform policy and practice in Kenya, ILRI Campus, AgriFoSe 2030
  7. November 27-28, 2018: Research to Inform Agricultural and Food Security Policy and Practices in Kenya, Emory Hotel, Nairobi, AgriFoSe 2030
  8. June 5th, 2017: Attended training in capacity Building and Consultancy services at CMRT seminar Room Egerton University
  9. Dec 2016: Attended a Capacity Building and Consultancy service Seminar at CMRT, Egerton University
  10. June 2016: Attended the Fourth Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum, Shenzhen, China
  11. June 9th -30th, 2016: Participate in the 1st Seminar on Climate change and low carbon development in Beijing China
  12. April 2nd- 3rd, 2015: Attended the Chuka University 4th Pedagogy Workshop held on at Science Complex, Chuka University
  13. March 27th, 2014: Attended and Participated in the DAAD PhD Proposal Writing Workshop at the Luke Hotel, Nairobi

Awarded certificate of recognition for the Egerton University vice chancellors list of honors for excellent academic performance in Doctor of philosophy in Geography presented during 38th graduation ceremony on 15th June 2018

  • GEOG 107- Introduction to Physical Geography
  • GEOG 109- Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climatology
  • GEOG 213- Atmospheric Systems and world Climate
  • GEOG 304- Geography of Agriculture
  • GEOG 312 – Advanced Climatology
  • GEOG 322- Climate Change and Development
  • GEOG 329- Research Methods in Geography
  • GEOG 423- Environmental Hazards Studies
  • GEOG 703- Quantitative Techniques in Geography
  • GEOG 730- Climatology
  • GEOG 821- Independent Studies in Geography
  1. Frankline Kiprotich Yatich, M.A, Reg No: NM14/12115/17, Assessment of Climate Smart Agriculture and their effects on Farmers’ Livelihoods in Soy Sub County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
  2. Julius Mwaniki Ngwatu, M.A, Analysis of the effects of Land certification on Agriculture Productivity among Small Holder Farmers in Nguutani Ward Kitui County, Kenya
  3. Geoffry Mukonambi Maina, M.A, Reg No: NSM14/14107/15, Spatio-Temporal Mapping of drivers of Landuse Change and their Impacts on   Lake Baringo Basin, Kenya.
  4. Samwel Kibe Rono, M.A, Reg No: MAGE/000314/2122/13267, Effects of Small Scale Stone Mining on Households in Londiani Sub-County, Kericho County, Kenya (Mount Kenya University)
  5. Gabriel Kinyua Kinyingi, MSc, Reg No: KM23/14699/18, Factors Determining Access and use of Climate Advisory Services among Potato Agri-Enterprises in Nyeri County, Kenya
  1. Pauline Wegesa Nyamohanga, Ph.D, ND13/16560/18 an Assessment of the Effects of Drought on Cattle Farming and Household Preparedness in Migori County, Kenya
  2. Jackob Ondiko Haywood, Ph.D, Reg No: ND13/15540/19, Assessment of Meteorological Drought and impacts, adaptation constraints and crop farmers mitigation in dryland: A case of Makueni County, Kenya
  3. Auma Janet Atieno, Ph.D, Reg No: ND13/30008/16, Assessment of Farmer’s Awareness and Perceptions on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Nyando Wetland Resources, Kenya
  • Member of the Kenya Meteorological Society
  • Member of Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA)
  • Member of Ecosystem Based Adaptation for Food Security Assembly (EBAFOSA)- Kenya
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