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DR Samwel Auya

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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
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536-20115, Egerton University

Dr. Samwel Auya is a   Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,  Department of Peace, Security, and Social Studies, Egerton University. He has PhD, MA, and BA in Sociology from Moi University. Dr Auya is a consultant and researcher in rural development, food security, land tenure, devolution, conflict resolution, and gender issues.   He is currently the Departmental E-Campus Coordinator, Departmental Web Representative, Departmental Postgraduate Coordinator,  and a Member of the International AIDS Society Geneva, Switzerland.  

Google Scholar

2022: Ph.D Sociology - Moi University, Kenya

2014: M.A Sociology - Moi University, Kenya

2008: B.A Sociology - Moi University, Kenya

  • Sociology
  1. Advanced Training for Multi-Method and Policy-Oriented Research Training held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan, Nigeria between September 4-14, 2019.
  2. Gender in Rural Entrepreneurship Training Held at University of Dar es salaam between 12th -16th March 2018, Tanzania
  3. Building Sustainable Communities Training -Leadership, Gender and the Environment Held between 20th November and 8th December 2017 at Haifa, Israel.
  4. Other trainings with different bodies
    • Non-Governmental Organization and Community Based Organization
    • Monitoring and Evaluation
    • HIV/AIDS Management
    • Community Capacity Building
    • Gender Development and Human Rights
    • HIV/AIDS Management, Nutrition and Counseling
    • Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance
    • Guidance and Counseling
    • Statistical Packages for Social Scientists
  • January 2011-September 2015: Graduate Assistant, Zetech University.
  • January 2013 to September 2015: Part time lecturer, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Maasai Mara University
  • January 2015 to April 2015: Part time lecturer, Department of Humanities and  Social Sciences, Chuka University.
  • September 2014 to May 2015: Part time lecturer, Department of Sociology and  Psychology, St Paul’s University.
  • September 2012 to January 2015: Part time lecturer, Department of Social Sciences,  Mount Kenya University
  • October 2009-January 2011: B.O. G Tutor, Eldoret Polytechnic
  • August 2008- December 2009: Tutor, African Institute of Research and Development Studies
  • Rural development
  • Food Security
  • Land Tenure
  • Conflict resolution
  • Devolution and Gender issues

Books, book chapters, and case studies

  1. Bunei, E.K, Auya, S, and Rono, J. (2016). Agricultural Crime in Africa: Trends and Perspectives in, Donnermeyer, J.F, (Ed) The Routledge International Handbook of Rural Criminology, New York: Routledge (
  2. Auya, S. (2014). Decentralization and Social Development. Rural Development Experiences, Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN: 978-3-659-25068-2. 

Scientific journal articles

  1. Diba, A.G., Mwaeke, P.,Auya, S. (2023). Influence of Illicit Brews on Security in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru County Kenya. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.Volume 18, Issue 4
  2. Auya, S., Sutter P, and Barasa, F. (2023). Food Survival Strategies Among Households in Land Limited Rural Areas in Kenya. Journal of Frontiers of Humanities and Social Sciencies.Volume 1 Issue1.

  3. Auya, S. (2023). Emerging Role of Women in Household Food Access in Nyamira North Sub County, Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology. Volume 7, Issue 3
  4. Auya. S. (2022). Land and Rural Folk: Social Meaning of Land and Its Implications on Land Sub-Division in Kenya. African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2(2) (2022) 1-6
  5. Mwangi, E.M., Bor, E.K., and Auya, S. (2022). Influence of Trust for the Police in Gilgil Ward on Reporting of Property Crime by Victims in Gilgil Ward, Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.Volume 2 Issue 3
  6. Mwangi. E.M., Bor.E.K. Mwaeke, P and Auya. S. (2022). Influence of Victim-Offender Relationship on Reporting of Property Crime to the Police by Victims in Gilgil Ward, Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.  Vol 2, Issue 6
  7. Auya, S., Barasa, F. and Sambu, L. (2022).  Land Sub-Division and its Impact on Household Food Security. Evidence from Nyamira North Sub County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research. Volume 11 Issue 4. Use of Mobile Phones to Enhance Households’ Access to Agricultural Information in Nyamira North Sub-County, Kenya in Sibomana, L., Skandrani, S, and Pettersson, J.S (eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication Technology for Development M4D 2022, 28-29 April 2022, Kigali, Rwanda. Karlstad University, Sweden. Link:

  8. Auya, S., Barasa, F. and Sambu, L. (2022).  Land Sub-Division and its Impact on Household Food Security. Evidence from Nyamira North Sub County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research. Volume 11 Issue 4.Barasa, F. and Sambu, L. (2022).  Land Sub-Division and its Impact on Household Food Security. Evidence from Nyamira North Sub County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research. Volume 11 Issue 4.
  9. Auya, S., Barasa, F. and Sambu, L. (2021). Food Survival Strategies and Social Life in Households: A Critical Literature Review. IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(2): 24-31.  For more details click here.
  10. Auya, S., Barasa, F. and Sambu, L. (2021). Social Meaning of Land and Land Sub- Division in Africa: A Critical Review of Literature. IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(1): 100-104. For more details click here
  11. Auya, S. and Ogega.G. (2017). Decentralization in Kenya: The Constituencies Development Fund and its Impact on Literacy Levels in North Mugirango/Borabu Constituency International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 2:1875-1879. For more details click here.
  12. Mwirigi,P.W and Auya, S. (2017). Performance Drivers Among Women Groups in Nyandarua County, Kenya, Scholar Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 5 Issue 10; ISSN: 2347-5374. For more details click here.
  13. Auya, S. and Ogega,G. (2017). Effect of Constituency Development Fund on Health Sector in North Mugirango/Borabu Constituency, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 6 Issue 2: 1870-1874. For more deatils click here.
  14. Auya, S. and Mogusu, J. (2017). Influence of Gender and Worker Roles on Mental Health Among Urban Women in Kenya. A Case of Kawangware Slums, Nairobi, Scholar Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 5 Issue 9; ISSN: 2347-5374. For more details click here.
  15. Auya, S. and Ogega. G.K. (2017). Challenges Faced by Counsellors in Home Based HIV Counselling and Testing In Kibera Slums, Kenya, Scholar Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 5 Issue 9; ISSN: 2347-5374. For more details click here.
  16. Auya, S., Bunei, E., and Kimeu, S. (2015). Rural Development Programs in Kenya: Challenges Facing Constituency Development Fund in North Mugirango/Borabu Constituency, Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 4(4).For more details click here
  17. Auya, S. and Kimeu, S. (2015). Socio-Economic Barriers to Agricultural Research Results Uptake among Africa’s Rural Communities: A Case Study of Yatta Division, Machakos County, Kenya, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 (1):13-18. For more details click here.
  18. Auya, S., and Ndombi, C.S. (2015). Defensive Counterterrorism: Effectiveness of Screening on Preventing Terror Attacks in Institutions of Higher Learning in Nairobi, Kenya, International Journal Series in Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 2, No 1, 2015, 11-20.For more details click here.
  19. Auya, S, and Oino, P. (2014). Women Groups, a Pathway to Rural Development in Nyamusi Division, Nyamira County, Kenya, International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Vol 7: pp 111-120. For more details click here.
  20. Chweya, M and Auya, S. (2014). Socio- Economic Effects of Alcoholism on Families in Mukuru Slum, Nairobi County, International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Vol. 9: pp. 35-39.For more details click here.
  21. Auya,S, and Oino, P. (2013). The Role of Constituency Development Fund in Rural Development: Experiences from North Mugirango Constituency, Kenya, International Journal   of Science   and  Research 2(6):306-312. For more details click here.
  22. Auya,S and Oino, P. (2013).The Role of Networks of Relations among Street Children in Kenya: Evidence from Eldoret Municipality, International Journal of Science and Research  2(6):313-319.For more details click here.


  1. Auya, S. (2021). Land Sub-Division and Household Food Security in Nyamira North Sub County Kenya. PhD Dissertation, Moi University, Kenya.
  2. Auya, S. (2014). Role of Constituency Development Fund on Social Development in North Mugirango/Borabu Constituency, Kenya. MA Thesis, Moi University, Kenya.
  1. The 4 annual Circularity Africa Conference held between 10th and 12th May 2023 at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. Title of the paper presented “Adoption of Hermetic Bags Among Maize Growing Households in Magwagwa Division, Nyamira County, Kenya”.
  2. The 24th International AIDS Conference held in Montreal, Canada from 29 July to 2 August 2022. Title of the paper presented- Influence of Mandatory HIV Testing Policy on Prenatal Services Seeking Behavior Among Pregnant Women in Nyamira North Sub-County Kenya”.
  3. M4D 2022 – 7th International Conference on Mobile Communication Technology for Development held at University of Kigali on 27th and 29th April 2022. Title of the Paper Presented- “Use of Mobile Phones to Enhance Households’ Access to Agricultural Information in Nyamira North Sub-County, Kenya”.
  4. The Rangeland Society of Tanzania’s fifth scientific Conference held at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania on 11th and 12th April 2022. Title of the Paper Presented-Land Sub-Division and Rural Livelihoods in Nyamira North Sub County, Kenya”.
  5. University of Eldoret Food and Nutrition Security Conference from 15th to 17th February 2022. Paper presented "Emerging Role of Women in Household Food Access in Nyamira North Sub County, Kenya"
  6. Evidence to Action Conference (E2A) 2019 held at ISSER Conference Hall, University of Ghana, Accra on 9th – 12th July 2019.
  7. Scientific symposium in Nairobi on “Translating the science to end new HIV infections in Kenya: Perspectives, practices and lessons” on 29th May, 2017 at Hilton Hotel, courtesy of International Aids Society, Geneva Switzerland.
  8. The 21st International AIDS Conference Held at the International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa from 18th to 22nd July 2017
  9. Conference on “Towards Achieving a Knowledge Economy through Research and Innovation” Held at Mt Kenya University, Thika from 28th to 30th August 2013.

2019: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, Inc. (“3ie”) Bursary Programme to attend Evidence to Action Conference (E2A) 2019   held at ISSER Conference Hall,  University of Ghana, Accra on 9th – 12th July 2019.

2018: RUFORUM Graduate Teaching Assistantship Scholarship to undertake PhD at Moi   University

2018: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the University of Dar es  Salaam Business School (UDBS) Scholarship to attend Gender in Rural Entrepreneurship Workshop Held at University of Dar es salaam between 12th -16th  March 2018, Tanzania

2017: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, United Nations Environment Programme and United Nations Human Settlement Programme scholarship to attend Building Sustainable Communities- Leadership, Gender and the Environment Held between 20th November and 8th December 2017 at Haifa, Israel.

2016: International Aids Society Educational Fund Scholarship to Attend the 21st  International Aids Conference (AIDS 2016) at the International Convention Centre in Durban, South Africa, 16-22 July 2016.

2014: Zetech University excellence in student performance Award in Development Studies and Ethics



I encourage my students to utilize sociological principles and skills to identify and address social problems afflicting people in society. I expect my students to take a leading role in addressing social problems by utilizing people centred approach and research findings/evidence.

Development of problem-solving skills in students

Students in Social Sciences are trained to face the day to day problems in society. I usually trainmy students  to tackle the really challenges in the world. Based on differential abilities, I mould my students to effectively address the myriad challenges and even do better than my self in terms of community engagements and research.


Ongoing Supervisions

  1. Grace Nyambura Kimani, Probation Sentence and Its Influence on Reformation of Offenders in Nakuru County, Kenya” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  2. Abdul Galgallo Diba, “Influence of Illicit Brews on Security in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru County Kenya” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  3. Gitonga Weddy Mukami, “Role of Community-Based Rehabilitation Support on Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Tigania East, Meru County, Kenya” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  4. Sharon Awuor Ogwenya, “Role of Community Based Organizations in Mitigating Gender Based Violence in Kuria East and West Sub Counties, Migori County, Kenya” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  5. Edema Evance Kenyi Lubajo, “Effects of Ongoing South Sudan Conflicts on The Security of Displaced Persons in Kajo – Keji County, South Sudan” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  6. Deborah Sheila Ondari,Challenges Facing Staff at Rehabilitation Institutions In Reforming Juvenile Delinquents At Moiben Sub County Uasin Gishu County Kenya” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  7. Kibet Sylvester Kiplagat,Contribution of Social Capital on Access to Health Care Service Delivery Among Household, In West Pokot, Kenya” (Candidate registered at Kisii University).
  8. Lawrence Kiniti Nyaruai,Influence of Strategic Cross Border Practices in Combating Human Trafficking Along the Kenya- Ethiopia Border” (Candidate registered at Mount Kenya University)
  9. Japhet Mwenda Gichuru,Effectiveness of Community Policing in Combating Cattle Rustling in Laikipia West Sub County” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  10. Hellen Nthenya Makau, “Factors Influencing Vulnerability to Security and Safety at Kenya Airports: A Case Study of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  11. Josphat Morris Mwangi, “Influence of Emergency Preparedness on Security in Kenyan Universities. A Case Study of Garissa University” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  12. Mwiti Gitonga Mberia, “Factors Influencing Police Officers in the Management of Gender Based Violence Cases in Dagoretti North Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  13. Obadiah Kiprop Kiplagat, “Factors Influencing Motorcycle Related Crimes in Nakuru East Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya”, (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  14. Kimani Mary Wambui, “Factors Contributing to Criminality Among Househelps: Lived Experiences of Incarcerated Former Househelps in Lang’ata Women Prison” (Candidate registered at Egerton University).
  15. Peter kipruto, “Factors Influencing Homicide-Suicide Among the Police in Njoro Police Division, Nakuru County” (Candidate registered at Mount Kenya University)
  1. Member of International AIDS Society, Geneva, Switzerland 
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