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Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
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Dr. Grace Catherine Wanja Ndeke is a lecturer of Science Education at the Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management department, Faculty of Education and Communinty Studies, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. She is also the coordinator of post graduate programmes at the department. She holds a doctoral and master degree in Science Education(Biology) from Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. She also received her Bachelor of Science Education (Biology) from the same university. She has taught Biology in various secondary schools in Kenya for 21 years before joining Egerton University as an assistant lecturer. Her research areas include Gender and Science Education, Scienctific Creativity, Nature of Science, nonverbal communication in Science teaching and learning and Science teachers classroom practices. She is currently involved in teaching, research, mentoring and supervision of post graduate students in areas of Science Education. Dr. Ndeke is also involved in development of modules in Health and Physical Education for blended learning. Dr. Ndeke has published seven publications in peer reviewed journals.


2016: PhD in Science Education - Egerton University

2003: M. Ed in Science Education - Egerton University

1991: Bachelor of Education ( Science) - Egerton University

1987: KACE Garba Tulla High school

1985: K.C.E Nthagaiya Girls Sec. School

1981: C.P.E, Sacred Heart Kyeni Girls

  • Science Education(Biology)
  • General Methods of Teaching.
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Curriculum Development
  • 8th November, 2021 to 25th Febuary, 2022:Training Trainers for Teacher Education and Management in Keny (TOTEMK) on Enhancing the Participants Knowledge and Skills in Using Modern Technology in Teaching and Learning to support the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). Offered by The Finish Government in Collaboration with Helsinki University and Laurea Universities Finland and three Kenyan Universities ( University of Nairobi, Strathmore and Pwani univeristy),  Under TOTEMK Project.

  • 5th to 19th September , 2020: PedaL Online Grading by Partnership for Social Research Governance(PASGR).
  • 24th July to 17th August , 2020: PedaL Online: Technology for Transformative Pedagogy by Partnership for Social Research Governance(PASGR).
  • 13th July to 21st August 2020: Tertiary Educator course “Taking your teaching Online” by The Open University, U.K.
  • APRIL 2019:  Advanced Quantitative Research Methods by Partnership for Social Research Governance (PASGR).
  • August 2018-June 2019: Pedagogical Leadership in Africa(PEDAL) by Partnership for Social Research Governance (PASGR).
  • March 2018: Advanced Training for Multi-Method and Policy Oriented Research, by Partnership for Social Research Governance (PASGR).
  • 30th October  to 27th November 2017: On-line course on Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century, Africa by 
  • Future Learn ,The Open University, U.K.
  • January 2014: Research Proposal Writing and Data Management, by Egerton University.
  • March 2013: E-Learning Capacity Building Course by Egerton University.
  • February 2013: TESSA  Secondary Science Materials by TESSA.
  • July 2012: Research Methodology Training Workshop For PhD candidates by OSSREA.
  • October 2011: Research Methodology Training Workshop For PhD candidates by OSSREA.
  • May 2011: Career counseling Workshop for secondary school teachers by Egerton university.
  • December 2007: Educational management for heads of department of secondary schools by Kenya Education Staff Institute.
  • August 2004 to 2009: SMASSE Training by Ministry of Education.
  • 8th July to 9th August, 2024: Facilitator on Competency Based Curriculum to Bachelor of Education Students who have graduated from Egerton University.
  • 8th to 19th July, 2024: Acting Chairmanof Department, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management.
  • 26th to 28 th June, 2024: Facilitaror in Transformative Pedagogical Training for Egerton University Academic Staff.
  • 18th to 24th June, 2024: Acting Chairmanof Department, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management.

  • 8th February, 2024: Appointed as a member to the catering, Hospitality and Security sub-committee for the 15th Egerton University International Research Committee.
  • 13th Febuary 2024: Appointed to the Training Team for the Provision of Teachers Proffessional Development(TPD)and Related Programmes for Registered Teachers in Kenya.
  • 23rd to 6th Janaury, 2024: Facilitaror in Transformative Pedagogical Training for Egerton University Academic Staff.
  • 8th to 19th January, 2024: Acting Chairmanof Department, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management.
  • 9th to 16th October, 2023: Facilitator on Competency Based Curriculum to Egerton University Academic Staff.
  • 10th July to 21st August, 2023: Acting Chairman of Department, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Education Management (CIEM)
  • 17th February, 2023: Egerton University International Conference Committee Member.
  • 7th March to 11th March 2022: Acting Chairman of Department, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Education Management (CIEM)
  • 23rd to 25th March 2022: Chairing session on Transformative Education for Social-Economic Adaptability during 14th Egerton University Biennial International Conference 
  • 1st November 2021: Reviewer of Abstracts and Papers for Biennial International Conference on 23rd to 25th March 2022.
  • 11th December 2019 to 6th January 2020: Acting Chairman of Department, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Education Management (CIEM)
  • June 2019:  Developed E-content for Health and Physical Education course.
  • June 28th 2017 to date: Member of Faculty post graduate committee.
  • June 22nd   2017 to date: Departmental Post graduate coordinator, CIEM department.
  • April 24th to 28th 2017: Acting COD, CIEM.
  • 15th December 2016 to date: Lecturer, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management.
  • 2012 to 14th December 2016: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Education Management.
  • October 2016 to June 2017: B.Ed. (Science) Programme Coordinator. 
  • September 2016 to 2017: B.Ed. ( Science) Programme Self-Assessment 2016/2017 academic year.
  • October 2015: Aligning CIEM programmes according to CUE guidelines.
  • September 2015: Performance contract vetting.
  • 2013 to 2017: Academic advisor B.Ed. ( science) 2013 class.
  • 2011-2012: Part- time lecturer, Department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational management.
  • 2003-2012: Langa Langa Secondary School, teaching Biology.
  • 2006-2012: Langa Langa Secondary School, Head of Careers Department, Science club Patron, Junior Achievers Club Patron
  • 2005: Judging of exhibitions at Secondary school science congress, Nakuru District.
  • 1993-2000: Upper Hill secondary School- Teaching Biology and Acting H.O.D (Science).
  • 1991-1993: Kaplong Girls secondary School- teaching Biology and Chemistry.

Ongoing project:

  • Influence of STEM teachers/lecturers non verbal communication on their learners uptake of STEM related courses in institutions of higher learning.
  1. Gender and Science Education
  2. Scientific creativity
  3. Non-verbal communication in Science Teaching and Learning.
  4. Nature of Science
  5. Science Teachers' classroom practices 
  1. Kakai, L. F., Sang’, A., & Ndeke, G. C. W. (2024). Stakeholders’ Perceptions on Influence of Energy Efficiency Practices Adopted on Economic Performance of Selected Small and Medium Sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Nakuru County, Kenya. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 7(1), 437-453.
  2. Mutua, E. K., Ndeke,G.C.W., &Mboga, M. K. (2024).Influence of public participation in the planning phase on the outcome of water projects in Matungulu sub-county, Machakos County. Journalof policy and development studies,3(1), 27-42.
  3. Kibor, E. C., Ndeke, G., Wambugu, P. (2024). Enhancing Students‘ Motivation to Learn Chemistry through use of Mastery 5Es
    Constructivist Teaching Approach. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Vol. XIII, Pp 161-171. .
  4. Kibor, E. C., Ndeke, G. C. W., Wambugu, P. W. (2023). Effects of Mastery 5Es Constructivist Teaching Approach on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Chemistry in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. Education Quarterly Reviews, 6(2), 138-149. ISSN 2621-5799. 
  5. Agata W. Ndegwa, Joel K. Ngeno, Grace C. W. Ndeke. (2023). Effects of simulation teaching technique on achievement of students in physics concepts in Buuri-east sub-county Kenya. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas (JEREDA) Vol. 4. Issue 1, Pp. 65 – 77. DOI: 
  6. Anne C. Barmao & Dr. Grace C. W. Ndeke. (2022). Secondary School Learners’ Views on STEM Teachers’ Non Verbal Communication that Inspires Them to Participate in STEM Subjects. Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education. Vol.6, Iss.3, 2022 (pp. 209 - 220). 
  7. Ndeke, Grace C. W., and Barmao, Anne C. (2021), Learners’ Perceptions of the Influence of Teachers’ Nonverbal Communication on Their Aspirations to Pursue STEM Courses. Education Quarterly Reviews, Vol.4, No.1, 27-38. 
  8. Grace C. W. Ndeke & Fred N. Keraro (2020).Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom Practices that Inculcate Scientific Creativity. Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol.9 (2).
  9.  Grace C. W. Ndeke & Fred N. Keraro (2017). Secondary School Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of the Nature of Science. American International Journal of Social science, vol. 6(3). 

  10. Grace C. W. Ndeke, Mark I.O. Okere & Fred N. Keraro (2016). Secondary School Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of Scientific Creativity. Journal of Education and Learning, vol. 5(1) 

  11. Grace C. W. Ndeke, Mark I.O. Okere & Fred Keraro (2015). Influence of secondary school biology teachers’ perceptions of scientific creativity on their classroom practices in Kericho and Kajiado counties, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Research, vol. 4(9), pp 101-115.'_PERCEPTIONS_OF_SCIENTIFIC_CREATIVITY_ON_THEIR_CLASSROOM_PRACTICES_IN_KAJIADO_AND_KERICHO_COUNTIES_KENYA 

  12. Kamonjo F. W. & Ndeke G. W. (2014). A correlation study of secondary students’ academic achievement in chemistry and their chemistry self-concept. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, vol. 5(10), pp1737-1739. 

  13. Okere, M.I.O. & Ndeke, G.C.W. (2012). Influence of Gender and Knowledge on Secondary School Students’ Scientific Creativity Skills in Nakuru District, Kenya. European Journal of Educational Research 1(4):353-366. doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.1.4.353

  1. 19th to 21st March 2024: Egerton University 15th Biennial International Conference on Research for Innivation Soilutions in the 21st Century. Ndegwa, A. G., Ngeno, j. k. and Ndeke, G. C. W. (March, 2024) Effects of Simulation Teaching Technique on Co-edcuation Secondary School Students' Attitude Towards Learning Physics in Buuri-East Sub-County, Kenya.
  2. 23rd to 25th March 2022: 14th Egerton University Biennial International Conference on Research and Innovations for resilience in a changing Enviroment. 
  3. Ndeke, G. C. W. and Barmao, A.C. (Febuary, 2021). Career talk to form four students of Langa langa secondary school, nakuru, Kenya.
  4. Ndeke, G. C. W. and Barmao, A.C. (September, 2019). Career talk to form four students of Langa langa secondary school, nakuru, Kenya.
  5. Barmao, A. C. & Ndeke, G. C.W. (September, 2018). Students’ Perceptions of the Influence of Instructors’ Non Verbal Communication on their Uptake of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Related Courses. Paper presented at the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) REGIONAL CONFERENCE –AFRICA 2018, ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya.


  1. Biology Teaching Methods.
  2. Health and Physical Education.
  3. Education Seminars.
  4. Micro-teaching.
  5. Teaching practice Supervision.
  6. Learning Resource Project Supervision and Assessment.


  1. Biology Education
  2. Qualitative Research Methods
  3. Research Work Supervision


  1. KIBOR EDNAH CHEROTICH (EM13/12061/17): Effect of mastery 5e learning cycle model on students’ academic achievement and motivation in chemistry in rongai sub-county, nakuru county, kenya - Graduated December 2023
  2. AGATA W. NDEGWA (EM13/14502/18): Effects of simulation teaching appraoch on students achievement and attitudes towrds learning physics in co-education secondary schools in buuri east sub-county, kenya - Graduated December 2023.
  3. ELIAS KYALO MUTUA (EM22/11863/16): Influence of the level of public participation on the outcomes of rural water projects in matungulu sub-county, machakos county - Graduated Novemeber, 2025.
  4. LINDAH FATUMA KAKAI (EM22/17530/17): Influence of environmental policy adoption on economic performance of small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises in nakuru county - Defended her thesis successfully in December 2024, waiting for graduation.

In Progress

  1. LUCY CHEMUTAI (ESM14/820/16): Effects of simulation; drill and practice on achievement and self-concept towards learning biology among secondary school students in kuresoi-south sub-county, kenya - preparing for faculty defense
  2. EUSTACE MUGAMBI (EM13/14961/18): Effects of individualized learning on acquisition of science process skills and achievement in physics among   secondary school students   in igembe central sub-county, kenya - Submitted his thesis for examination.
  3. MERCY MUTHONI OMOLO (ESM11/00361/15): Analysis of the suitability of instructional school farms for uniform implementation of the competence based agriculture curriculum among public secondary schools in nakuru county, kenya - piloting of research instruments
  4. PAUL KIARIE (ESM11/01015/19):INfluence Of Adequacy and Utilization of Agricultural Teaching-learning Resources on Secondary Schools Learners’ Performance In Agriculture in Molo Sub-county, Kenya. Prepairing for Departmental defence
  5. CAROLYNE CHERONO (EM11/3765/14): Perception Of The Influence Of Selected Factors On Agriculture  Subject Selection By Female Students In Public Secondary  Schools In Nakuru Town West Sub-county Kenya. Prepairing to collect data.

  6. GLORIOUS JESANG (EM22/04089/22). Influence of Women’s Experiences With Quality of Maternal Healthcare Services on Their Utilization Patterns And Satisfaction Levels In West Pokot County, Kenya. Prepairing for departmental defence.

  1. Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD).
  2. Teacher Education for sub-Sahara Africa (TESSA ) ambassador.
  3. Board of Management (B.O.M) Langa langa secondary school.
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