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Prof. Fred Nyabuti Keraro

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Prof. Fred N Keraro, has a Ph.D in Science Education from Egerton University, M.Ed (Science Education) and Advanced Diploma (Educational Studies), University of Leeds, UK and a B.Ed (Science) ,University of Nairobi. He is a Professor of Biology Education in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction & Educational Management, and Egerton University. Prof Keraro joined Egerton University in July 1994 after a successful 10 years stint in Teacher training colleges as a Science Education tutor. Prof Keraro has successfully supervised six [6] PhD and Twenty two [22] Masters' students. He has authored/co-authored over forty articles in refereed journals and book chapters. Prof Keraro has research interests in Culture and Science Education, Pedagogy, E-Learning, and Health and Environmental Education.

Prof Keraro has internally examined 5 PhD and 24 Masters Theses [in Egerton University]. He has also externally examined 4 PhD and 5 Masters Theses in other Universities]. He is also a member of the Editorial Boards of 8 International Journals where he has reviewed several articles. Prof Keraro also reviewed the TESSA primary science OERs and the TESSA Junior Secondary Science OERs.

At Egerton University, Prof Keraro is the Director of the School of Distance Learning [SoDL] and coordinates e-learning programmes, has facilitated in Development of e-content and the migration of courses offered to the on-line platform. Prof Keraro has also coordinated Part Time Programmes (formally School Based Programmes) at various times. Prof Keraro also coordinated the TESSA project in Egerton University from 2005 to 2016. He has also acted as the Director of the School of Distance Learning (SoDL) at various times. Prof Keraro has served as a member of the Board of Governors of 2 High Schools and chaired the Board of Keroka Technical Training Institute for 5 years [2013 – 2017 both inclusive].

Prof Keraro has participated in over 80 Conferences and workshops in the country and outside the country. He has also participated in a number of research projects and consulted for the Ministry of Education in a research project ““Investigation on Poor Performance in Mathematics and Science in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (KCSE)” in January – February, 2011.

He was awarded a fellowship by the Olnet Project, Open University UK in the 2010/2011 Academic year


2002 - PhD- Science Education - Egerton University

1990 - M.Ed - Science Education -The University of Leeds, UK

1989 - Advanced Diploma (Educational Studies)-  The University of Leeds, UK

1984 - B.Ed (Science) -  University of Nairobi, Kenya      

1979 - East African Advanced Certificate of Education (A Level) - Dagoretti High School, Nairobi

1977 - East African Certificate of Education (O Level) -St. Paul’s Gekano Sec. School, Nyanza

1973 - Certificate of Primary Education - Amabuko Primary School, Nyanza

  • Science Education [Biology Eduaction]
  • Teacher Education
  • E-Learning [Blended Learning]

2012 - April - Examinations Item Writing - The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC)

2010 - June/July - Instructional Systems Design, Development and Evaluation - African Council for Distance Education & National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

2010 - Jan. E-Content Development- RUFORUM

2008 - June - Corporate Governance and Strategic Planning- Centre for Corporate Governance

2006 - Nov. -Implementation of ISO 9001: 2008. Quality Management Systems- Kenya Bureu os Standards

2006 - Jan. - Leadership, Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning & Institutional Management - Ashley Consultants Ltd

2005 - August- Financial Management- Federation of Kenya Employyers

2003 - Sept- Distance Learning Material Development- University of South Africa [UNISA]



October 2013

Professor of Biology Education

March 2008- Sept 2013

Associate Professor of Biology Education

Dec 2002–Feb 2008

Senior Lecturer, Curriculum, Instruction & Educational Management Dept, Egerton University

April 1998- Nov 2002

Lecturer, Curriculum & Instruction & Educational Management Dept, Egerton University

July 1994 – March 1998

Assistant Lecturer, Curriculum & Instruction & Educational Management Dept, Egerton University

Nov 1990- June 1994

Assistant Lecturer, Teachers Service Commission (Kisii Teachers College)

July 1984 – October 1990

Tutor, Teachers Service Commission ( Asumbi Teachers College)



August 2021- Present            Director, School of Distance Learning

Sept. 2014 –July  2021

January 2005 –August 2014

   Coordinator, Egerton University E-Campus

 Co-ordinator, Instructional Materials Development Dept. College of Open and Distance Learning

Nov. 2005– Jan 2019

Coordinator Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa (TESSA) Project in Egerton University

Nov. 2005– Jan 2019

Coordinator Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa (TESSA) Project in Egerton University

June 2004  – Jan 2015

Member of CODL/FEDCOS Consultative Committee for SSP – School Based Programmes

 August – October 2008

Acting Director College of Open and Distance Learning

August 2006 –  July 2007

Acting Co-ordinator Teacher Education Programmes

Feb. 2005 –May 2006

Acting Director, College of Distance Education, Egerton University

June 3rd – October 5th 2004

Acting Co-ordinator Teacher Education, Programmes, College of Open & Distance Learning, Egerton University

  1. July 2017 - January 2019 - iBali Network – Member of Core Project Team on Education, Urban Issues, Youth and Collaborative/Participatory /Storytelling Research Approaches.
  2. 2012 - 2013 The Readiness for Sustainable and Successful use of OERs in Higher Education in Kenya: A case study of Egerton University - Funded by the Olnet Project, Open University, UK.
  3. 2009 - 2011 - Improving Pupils’ Cultural Interpretations of Scientific Phenomena [Funded by the National Council for Science and Technology, Kenya]
  • Culture and Science Education
  • Pedagogy
  • E-Learning
  • Health and Environmental Education
  1. Ekwam L, Keraro F. N & Ngeno J. K (2023) Gender Differences in Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Chemistry in Samburu County, Kenya. Frontiers in Education Technology Vol. 6, No.4. 
  2. Ekwam L, Keraro F. N & Ngeno J. K (2023) Relationship Between Cultural Beliefs and Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Chemistry in Samburu County, Kenya. GPH International Journal of Educational Research Vol. 06 Issue 07 July-2023.

  3. Orori M. K, Keraro F. N & Wachanga S. W (2022) Role of Pedagogical Training on Teaching Competencies in Higher Education: A Case of Egerton University. Review of Education Studies E-ISSN 2770-9779, Vol. 2, No. 1 2022. www.stslpress.otg/journal/res
  4. Ronoh P. K; Keraro F. N & Wachanga S. W (2021) Enhancing Biology Achievement of Secondary School Learners Using Experiential Computer Assisted Instruction. International Education Studies and Sustainability. Vol. 1, No. 1 2021, pp 59-77. doi:10.22158/iess.v1n1p59   
  5. Ndeke G. C. W & Keraro F. N (2020) Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom Practices that Inculcate Scientific Creativity. Asian Journal of Social  Sciences and Humanities Vol. 9(2) PP 27-42.
  6. Ronoh P.  K; Wachanga S. W & Keraro F. N (2020) Relative Effects of Experiential Computer Assisted Instruction on Secondary School Students’ Self-Concept in Biology in Bomet County, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2020, PP 77-84.
  7. Wambugu, P. W & Keraro F. N (2020) Integrating TESSA Science OERs in the Secondary School Curriculum in Kenya for Effective Pedagogy. Journal of Education and Human Development. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp 122-127.
  8. Gichohi J. K; Githua B. N & Keraro F. N (2020)  Effects of Teams - Games - Tournaments Cooperative Learning on Students’ Mathematics Achievement in Public Secondary Schools in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya.  Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 9(2)pp. 27-38 Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 9(2) www.ajmse.leena
  9. Inyangala J. K; Keraro F & Kipchumba S (2019) The Mediating Effect of job Security on Career Management Practices and Administrative Staff Job Satisfaction in chartered Public Universities in Kenya. The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, Vol. 3 issue 4. P88-100 Number 2 April 2020 Online ISSN:2186-845X,
  10. Inyangala J. K; Keraro F & Kipchumba S (2019) Relationship Between Career Path Progression and Administrative Staff Job Satisfaction in Charted Public Universities in Kenya. International Journal of Management Studies Vol. VI, Issue 3.  
  11. Kevin K. Omondi, Fred N. Keraro and Zephania O. Anditi (2018) Effects of Advance Organizers on Students’ Achievement in Biology in Secondary Schools in Kilifi County, Kenya. Frontiers in Education Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2018.
  12. Obwoge R. O *; Mosol P. J; Keraro F. N; Mohamed E. A; Kangethe.  S (2017) IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN: 2320–7388,p-ISSN: 2320–737X Volume 7, Issue 5 Ver. III (Sep. – Oct. 2017), PP 26-32 .
  13. Ndeke G. C. W & Keraro F. N (2017):  Secondary School Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of the Nature of Science. American International     Journal of Social Science Vol. 6 No. 3 pp 131 – 136 DIO: 10.30845/aijss
  14. Obwoge, R. O; Mosol, J.P; Mohammed, E. A; Keraro, F. N; Kangethe, S (2017): Medical Students’ KCSE Grade and their Relationship to Academic Performance: A Case of Egerton and Moi Universities, Kenya. Science Journal of Education Vol. 5 (2) pp 34-44. Published Online: Mar. 15, 2017  DOI: 10.11648/j.sjedu.20170502.11,
  15. Ndeke C. G. W; Okere ,M. I. O & Keraro, F. N (2016) Secondary School  Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of Scientific Creativity. Journal of Education and Learning; Vol. 5, No. 1; pp 31-43,  doi:10.5539/jel.v5n1p31 URL:
  16. Ndeke C. G. W, Okere M. I. O & Keraro F. N. (2015) Influence of Secondary School Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of Scientific Creativity on their Classroom Practices in Kajiado and Kericho Counties, Kenya. International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research Vol. 4 (9) pp. 101 – 115
  17. Wachanga S. W*, Githae R. W, Keraro F. N. & (2015) Effects of Collaborative Concept Mapping Teaching Approach on Secondary Students’ Achievement in Biology in Nakuru North Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research (JEPER) Vol. 2, No. 8 pp 1-17.
  18. Githae R. W, Keraro F. N*. & Wachanga S. W. (2015) Effects of collaborative concept Mapping teaching Approach on Secondary Students’ Achievement in Biology in Nakuru North Sub-County, Kenya. Global Research Journal of Education Vol 3(5) pp321-328.  
  19. Ronoh P. K, Wachanga S. W, Keraro F. N (2014) Effects of Computer Based Mastery Learning Approach on Students’ Motivation to Learn Biology. Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 5, No. 32 p117-125.

  20. Ombaba S, Njonge T, Keraro F. N, Chemiat A, Mokogi H (2014) Assessment of Guidance and Counselling Services Offered to Students on Career Choice in Secondary Schools in Nakuru Munivipality, Kenya.  Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 5 No. 28 p10-14.

  21. Orora, W; Keraro, F. N & Wachanga S. W (2014). Using Cooperative E-Learning Teaching Strategy to Enhance Students’ Creativity in Secondary School Biology: A Study of Selected Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 2(6) p137-146.

  22. Orora, W; Keraro, F. N & Wachanga S. W (2014). Effects of Cooperative E-learning Teaching Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Secondary School Biology in Nakuru County, Kenya. Sky Journal of Educational Research Vol. 2(1)p 1-9

  23. Wachanga S. W ; Ronoh, P. K & Keraro, F. N. (2013). Effects of Computer based Mastery Learning Teaching Strategy on Secondary School Students’  Achievement in Biology in Bomet District, Kenya. International Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research (IJSSIR) Vol. 2 (12) p374-249 

  24. Keraro, F. N, Okere M. O & Anditi Z (2013) Cultural influence on pupils’  Understanding of conception, birth of twins and sex determination in Kenya. International Education Studies Vol. 6, No. 5, p11-22. doi:10.5539/ies.v6n5, URL:

  25. Okere, M O., Keraro, F. N. & Anditi, Z (2013) Pupils’ Cultural Interpretations of Causes of rainbow in Kenya. Journal of Education and Social Research Vol. 3 (1), p169 – 177. Doi: 10.5901/jesr.2013.v3n1p169

  26. Okere, M. O, Keraro, F. N & Anditi, Z (2012) “Cultural Interpretations of Causes of Lightning by Pupils from Ten Ethnic Communities in Kenya”. Global Research Journal on Mathematics and Science Education, Vol. 1 No. 2 p 99 - 117

  27. Okere, M. O, Keraro, F. N & Anditi, Z (2012) "Pupils’ Beliefs in Cultural Interpretations of ’Heat’ associated with Anger:  A Comparative Study of Ten Ethnic Communities in Kenya", European Journal of Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 2, p143 - 154. 10.12973/eu-jer.1.2.143

  28. Wolfenden, F; Buckler, A & Keraro, F (Spring, 2012). OER Adaptation and re-use across   cultural contexts in Sub Saharan Africa: lessons from the TESSA Consortium. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME) Special Issue. P.Art.3 DOI:

  29. Ongowo, R. O, Keraro, F. N. & Okere, M. O (2011) Concept Mapping: an Interactive Teaching Strategy that Enhances Active Learning and Students’  Achievement in Biology. Journal of Education & Pedagogy Vol. III, No. 2 pp 1 – 12   

  30.   Joab M. Kinzi, Aggrey M.Sindabi, Briston E. E.Omulema & Fred N. Keraro(2011)The Correlate between Interest and Achievement in Sciences among Secondary School Students in Kenya. Kenya Journal of Guidance, Counseling and Psychology Vol. 1 No. 1. Pp159 – 168    

  31. Ongowo, R. O, Keraro, F. N. & Okere, M. O (2011) Effects of Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy on Students’ Attitude towards Learning Biology. Kenya Journal of Educational Planning and Development. Vol. 3 No. 3 p. 11-18

  32. Shihusa,H. & Keraro, F. N  (2009) Using advance organizers to enhance student’s Motivation in learning Biology: A case of Bureti district, Kenya. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Vol. 5 (4) P 413 – 420.

  33. Keraro F. N., Wachanga S. W. & Orora W (2007).  Effects of Co-operative Concept Mapping Teaching Approach on Secondary School Students’ Motivation in Biology in Gucha District, Kenya.  International Journal for Science and Mathematics Education Vol. 5 No. 1. P 111-124 . DOI

  34. Keraro, F. N. & Shihusa, H. (2005) Effects of Advance Organizers on Students’ Achievement and Motivation in Biology:  A Case of Bureti District, Kenya.  Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria Vol. 10 No.2. P 1-9.

    DOI: 10.4314/joten.v10i2.35709

  35. Orora W, Wachanga, S. W. & Keraro F. N. (2005) Effects of Co-operative Concept Mapping Approach on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Biology in Gucha District, Kenya. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 17 No. 1. P. 1-14.

    DOI: 10.4314/zjer.v17i1.26052

  36. Keraro F. N., Okere M. I. O., Mondoh H. O. (2004) The Relationship between Pupils’ mastery of the language of instruction and achievement in science. Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria Vol. 9 No. 2. P 8 – 13.

    DOI: 10.4314/joten.v9i2.35664

  37. Keraro F. N., Okere M. I. O., Mondoh H. O. (2004) Cultural influence on the acquisition of science concepts and skills:  A comparative study of pupils from four cultural communities in Kenya.  Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria, Vol. 9 No. 1 P 1 – 10.

    DOI: 10.4314/joten.v9i1.35653

  38. Keraro F. N., Okere M. I. O., Mondoh H. O. (2004) Nature and quality of teacher – Pupil interaction in primary science lessons; A constructivist perspective. Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria Vol. 9. No. 1 P 19 – 32.

    DOI: 10.4314/joten.v9i1.35655

  39. Okere M. I. O. & Keraro F. N. (2002) Cultural Influences on Childhood Science Education:  The Kenyan Experience.  Egerton Journal.  Humanities, Social Science and Education Series, Vol. 4 No. 1 p. 140 – 153.

  40. Wachanga, S. W., Keraro F. N. & Githua, B. N. (2001).  Towards the Improvement of Teaching practice:  the role of Practicing Schools and University Supervisors from Students’ Perspective.  Journal of Education and  Human Resources.  Vol. 1 No. 1 p. 90 – 104.

  41. Wachanga, S. W, Githua, B. N. & Keraro F. N. (1999) University Students’ Perceptions of the Course They Take and their Expectations of the Workplace:  The Case of Egerton University.  Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 11 No. 3 p. 201 – 225.


Book Chapters

  1. Keraro, F. N & Okere, M. I. O. (2009). Cultural Influences on the Learning of Science: An African Perspective. In Larson, J. E (Ed). Educational Psychology: Cognition and Learning, Individual Differences and Motivation. New York, Nova Science Publishers Inc.

  2. Keraro, F. N. (2008). Personal Verification: The Risk of Education. In Sanna, al (Eds). Education and Reality. Reflections on Luigi Giussani’s book : he Risk of Education.  Nairobi, Fondazione AVSI & Kenyatta  University.


  1. Sambili H. J., Muthwii S. M. & Keraro, F. N. (1998) Biological Techniques, Lectern Publications Ltd. Nairobi.

  1. Facilitator in the Development and Validation of Online Examination Items for University Common Courses. Dairy Training Institute (DTI), Naivasha 2nd-4th October 2024

  2. The Higher Education eLearning Technologies International Conference (HiETeC-2024). Day Star University, Nairobi 21st. - 23rd February 2024

  3. Facilitator in a Pedagogy/Andragogy Training Workshop for Egerton University Academic Staff; Egerton University Main Campus 23rd-26th January 2024
  4.  African Council for Distance Education (ACDE) Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAAA) Train –the - Trainers’ Workshop. Enhancing Quality Through Internal Quality Assurance Using the ACDE Quality Assurance Toolkit. Workshop held in Kenyatta University, Kenya  27th-29th March 2023
  5. 28th  - 29th  September  2021- The 6th AFRICAN COUNCIL FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE: Held virtually:  THEME:  "Open and Distance Learning, The Continental Education Strategy for Africa and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 [SDG4]  Engagement"
  6. 23rd  - 25th August 2021 -  Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Development Workshop for TAGDEV Masters Sponsored programs [For Egerton University Academic Staff]. A Workshop held at the Dairy Training Insitute, Naivasha.
  7. 16th - 28th April 2020-  Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Development Workshop & On-line Teaching for Egerton University Academic Staff. An Online Workshop.
  8. 27th – 29th March, 2019: ACDE-QAAA Quality Assurance Workshop: Train the Trainers Workshop on Quality Assurance for Teacher Training and Professional Development. An ACDE/CoL Sponsored Workshop held in the Open University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam Tanzania.
  9. 26th – 28th June, 2018:- ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Transition Course, Egerton University.
  10. 23rd – 28th April, 2018:- Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Development’ Workshop, Egerton University. Workshop held at Shanzu Probation Training Centre, Mombasa
  11. 24th – 29th March, 2018:- iBali Network Storytelling for Transformation Workshop Held at the District Six Guest House, Cape Town, South Africa
  12. 24th – 29th March, 2018:- Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Development Workshop, Egerton University. Workshop held at Kenya School of Government [KSG] Baringo
  13. 20th – 24th Nov, 2017:- Training Course on Principles of Open, Distance and e-Learning. University of Nairobi, ODeL Campus
  14. 12th – 16th September, 2016:- The E-learning Innovations Conference and Expo [ELICE]: KICD, Nairobi. Paper Presented: Establishing the e-learning function in a public university: From content to results.
  15. 22nd -26th August, 2016:- 1st Biennial Conference on the Status of Higher Education in Kenya: held at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, August 22-26, 2016: Paper Presented: “Mainstreaming Open and Distance Learning in Higher Education in Kenya: Prospects and Challenges”
  16. 4th - 5th August, 2016: Planning Workshop for a Development of a Postgraduate Diploma in ICT Integration in Education [DigiTeacher Project] in Hotel, Africana, Kampala, Uganda
  17. 16th – 20th May, 2016:- Singapore _ Commonwealth of Learning Joint Training Programme on “Importance of ICT in Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century”. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  18. 20th – 24th July, 2015 :- 5th Distance Education and Teachers’ Training in Africa (DETA) Conference held in Mauritius Institute of Education, Mauritius Co- Presented two papers;
    1. Challenges of Embedding and Extending TESSA science OERs for effective pedagogy in secondary schools in Kenya.
    2. TESSA OERs – 10 years on: providing a model for transforming Teacher development in diverseAfrican contexts.
  19. June 21st – June 27th, 2015:- Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Digitization and Uploading Workshop, Egerton University. Workshop held at Morendat Training and Conference Centre, Naivasha
  20. 17th – 21st Dec, 2014:- Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Digitization and Uploading Workshop, Egerton University. Workshop held at Morendat Training and Conference Centre, Naivasha
  21. 9th-15th Nov. 2014:- Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Development Writers’ Workshop, Egerton University. Workshop held at Morendat Training and Conference Centre, Naivasha
  22. 5th-11th October, 2014:- Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Development Writers’ Workshop, Egerton University. Workshop held at Morendat Training and Conference Centre, Naivasha
  23. 23rd. - 25th September, 2014:- Facilitator in an E-Learning Materials Development Training Workshop. CMRT, Egerton University. Two Papers presented: 
    • Using OERs for E-Learning
    • Learner Support for E-Learning
  24. 10th – 12th June 2014:- The 3rd Africa Forum of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA) Conference, Mensvic Grand Hotel, Accra, Ghana. Paper Presented: “Improving the Learning of Science in Secondary Schools in Kenya Using TESSA Science OERs: Prospects and Challenges” 
  25. 9th June, 2014:- TESSA Workshop, Mensvic Grand Hotel, Accra, Ghana
  26. 21st – 22nd November, 2013:- 1st AVU Conference:   Integrating eLearning and Open Education to Increase Access to Quality Education and Training in Africa.  Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  27. 15th – 20th November, 2013:- AVU Capacity Enhancement Program (ACEP) Workshop, Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  28. 29th July – 1st August 2013:- 4th Distance Education and Teachers’ Training in Africa (DETA) Conference 2013. Co- Presented a paper “Implementing TESSA Secondary Science: Learning from experience and Implications for partnerships-working. University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
  29. 19th & 25th June 2013:- Facilitator in a Pedagogy and Academic Advising Workshop for Kenya Forestry Service Instructors.Shepherd Inn, Ngata, Nakuru.  Presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a College
  30. 26th, Feb, 2013:- Facilitator in the TESSA Secondary Science Implementation Workshop held in Egerton University, ARC Hotel
  31. 6th November, 2012:- Moderator, UNESCO 2012 EFA Global Monitoring Report (GMR): “Youth and Skills: Putting Education to Work” Open Forum held in Kisii University College.
  32. July 9 – 12, 2012:- The AVU Multinational Project II Policy Harmonization and Curriculum Conceptualization Workshop, Hotel Intercontinental Nairobi, KENYA
  33. 9th – 11th May, 2012:- Facilitator in a Pedagogy and Academic Advising Workshop for Egerton University   Lecturers, Egerton University.  Presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a University
  34. 10th. April, 2012:- Facilitator in a TESSA Secondary Science Materials Versioning Workshop, Egerton University
  35. 29th March, 2012:- Facilitator in a Workshop for Manga District Secondary School principals, Nyamira County.  Paper presented “Change Management and Transformational Leadership in Kenya Secondary Schools”. Workshop Held inNaivasha, Kenya.
  36. 21st – 23rd September, 2011:- 6th Egerton University International conference and Expo. Paper Presented “Influence of Pupils’Beliefs in Cultural Interpretations on the Learning of Science:  A Comparative Study of Ten EthnicCommunities in Kenya”. Egerton University
  37. 15th – 16th September, 2011:- Facilitator in a Pedagogy and Academic Advising Workshop for African International College (AICO) Lecturers), AICO, Eldoret.  Presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a University
  38. 1th. August, 2011:- Organizer & Facilitator of a Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) Sensitization Workshop. A Workshop organized to Sensitize Stakeholders in Primary Education on TESSA Activities. Egerton University,
  39. 2nd to 5th August, 2011:- Distance Education and Teachers’ Training in Africa (DETA) Conference 2011. Co- Presented a paper “The Context of Using TESSA Resources in Teacher Education in Egerton University. Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
  40. 1st – 3rd June, 2011:- Facilitator in a Staff Capacity Building: Pedagogical Skills Training for Transformative Leadership and Resource Mobilization: A Workshop Organized for Egerton University Senior and Middle Level Managers. Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi.
  41. 23rd – 26th March, 2011.- Workshop for Mt Kenya University Academic Staff, Nakuru Campus, Presented a Paper “Teaching in a University: Concepts and Principles”
  42. 14th – 17th Feb, 2011- TESSA OER Secondary Science Material Writers’ Workshop. Egerton University
  43. 23rd - 25th Nov.,  2010:- TESSA OER Secondary Science Project: Planning Workshop for the Development of SecondaryScience Materials (OERs). Dar Es Salaam University College of Education, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
  44. 28th June – 2nd July, 2010:- International Workshop on Instructional Systems Design, Development and Evaluation. NationalOpen University of Nigeria (NOUN), Lagos, Nigeria
  45. 27th April – 1st, May 2010:- TESSA Open Educational Resources: Impact and Influence. Paper presented: “The Use of TESSA Materials: The Egerton University Experience”. TESSA 2010 Conference held at Aloe Ridge Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa
  46. 16th -17th April,  2010:- Facilitator in a Pedagogy Workshop for Pwani University College Lecturers Pwani University College, presented a Paper “Planning for Teaching and Learning in a University”
  47. 29th  – 30th March, 2010:- Facilitator in a Pedagogy Workshop for Laikipia University College Lecturers, Laikipia University College. Presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a University”.
  48. 22nd. - 24th. March, 2010:- OER10 Conference.  A conference held at the University of Cambridge, Clare College, UK. CoPresented a paper: OER Adaptation and Reuse Across Cultural Contexts in Sub –Saharan Africa: Lessons from the TESSA Consortium.
  49. 17th – 19th February 2010:- Facilitator in a Pedagogy Workshop for Egerton University Lecturers, Egerton University. Presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a University”.
  50. 26th January, 2010.  Facilitator in an Induction Workshop on the Embedding and Utilization of TESSA Materials in Primary School Curriculum in Kenya. A Workshop for Primary School Heads and Teachers held at Egerton University

  51. 26th – 29th October, 2009.Facilitator in a TESSA Workshop on Widening Participation. A Workshop Held in Sportsview Hotel, Kampala, Uganda for Teacher Educators, Kyambogo University and Primary Teachers’ College (PTCs) Tutors.
  52. 4th - 6th August, 2009 Distance Education and Teachers’ Training in Africa Conference, “Issues and Challenges in Education in Africa: The Need for a ‘New’ Teacher”.  Facilitator in a Workshop: “Using TESSA Materials to Support School Based Teacher Education” in the   University of Cape Coast, Ghana

  53. 2nd – 3rd August 2009.Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) Workshop: “TESSA Open Educational Resources: Embedding and recording use”. Workshop held at University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
  54. 4th June 2009.A Distance Learning Materials Development Workshop for the Military Science Programme. Presented a paper titled “Developing Learning Materials for Distance Learners: Issues of Concern. Workshop held at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  55. 27th – 28th April, 2009.Organizer & Facilitator of a Review Workshop on the Utilization of the Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) Resources in Egerton University:  A TESSA Workshop held at Egerton University, Njoro
  56. 30th – 31st October 2008 Organizer & Facilitator of a Review Workshop on the Utilization of the Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) Resources in Egerton University:  A TESSA Workshop held at Egerton University, Njoro
  57. 1st. – 3rd October, 2008:- Teacher Education at a Distance Conference 2008 held at the University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria Presented a paper “Teacher Education at a Distance in Kenya: Constraints and Challenges”
  58. 2ndSeptember, 2008. University Academic Advising Training Workshop held at the CMRT, Egerton University
  59. 24th – 26th September, 2008:-Pedagogy Workshop for Egerton University Lecturers, Egerton University.  Co-presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a University”.
  60. 27th – 28th May, 2008:- Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) Open Educational Resources: Sharing Strategies for Successful Take-Up Conference, Accra, Ghana.  Co-presented a paper “Teachers’ lives in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case Studies from Five African Countries”
  61. 23rd, May, 2008:-Effective Teaching in Large Classes. A Workshop for Faculty of Education Academic Staff and Students, Egerton University Presented a paper “General Perspectives on Effective Teaching in Large Classes”
  62. 7th – 9th May, 2008:- Co- Organizer, DL Materials Reviewers’ Workshop for Egerton University Lecturers, Egerton University). Co-presented a paper “Developing Learning Materials for Distance Learners: Issues of Concern”.
  63. 2nd – 4th April, 2008:- Pedagogy Workshop for Egerton University Lecturers, Egerton University.  Co-presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a University”.
  64. 29th  Nov. – 1st Dec., 2007:- Facilitator for a Versioning of TESSA Materials Workshop for Lecturers in Kigali Institute of Education (KIE), Kigali, Rwanda)
  65. 12th – 22nd  November, 2007:- Co- Organizer, ODL Material Writers’ Workshop for Egerton University Lecturers, Egerton University
  66. 5th – 8th November 2007:- Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) East African Workshop, OU Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania
  67. 6th. - 8th. August, 2007:- Distance Education and Teachers’ Training in Africa [DETA] Conference, Makere University, Kampala, Uganda
  68. 3rd  – 5th August 2007:-Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) East African Workshop, OU Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania
  69. 26th & 27th July 2007:- AVSI Workshop on “Risk of Education” , Kenyatta University,   Presented a Paper  “Personal Verification: A Risk in Education”.
  70. 27th – 29th June 2007:-Team Leadership and Corporate Governance Workshop. PPD Consultants Ltd. Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi,
  71. 21st  – 23rd  May 2007:- Pedagogy Workshop for Egerton University Lecturers, Egerton University.  Presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a University”.
  72. 2nd  & 3rd March, 2007:- Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) East African Workshop, Egerton University, Kenya 
  73. 29th Jan – 9th Feb 2007:- Study Visit with a Focus on the Development and Production of ODL Materials and Management of ODL programmes- , Open University, UK
  74. 17th – 20th September 2006:- Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) East African Workshop, Kampala, Ugand
  75. 25th – 29th September 2006:- Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) Workshop Kigali, Rwanda
  76. 17th – 20th Sept. 2006:- Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) East African Workshop, Kampala, Uganda 
  77. 10th – 14th July 2006:-Material Writers’ Workshop for B.Sc. Military Science Programme, ARC Hotel, Egerton University.  Presented a paper titled “Developing Learning Materials for Distance Learners: Issues of Concern”
  78. 23rd – 26th May, 2006:- Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) Workshop and eLearning Africa Conference – 1st International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  79. 18th – 19th May, 2006:- Specialized Committee Meeting on Adult and Distance Education in East Africa, White Sands Hotel, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania
  80. 20th – 22nd March 2006:- Pedagogy Workshop for Egerton University Lecturers), Egerton University.  Presented a Paper “Planning for Instruction in a University
  81. 10th – 12th August, 2005:- African Council for Distance Education [ACDE] Inaugural Conference in UNISA, South Africa. Theme:  The Mobilization of African Leadership, Strategies and Partnerships

  82. 4th – 8th April, 2005: AVU Curriculum Contextualization Workshop, Safari Park, Nairobi
  83. 28th March – 3rd April, 2004:- VicRes Proposal Writing Workshop – AICAD, JKUAT
  84. 21st – 28th September 2003:- Distance Learning Material Writers-’ Workshop – Travellers’ Beach Hotel – Mombasa
  85. 18th – 19th July 2003 :-Research Methodology, Workshop Thompson’s Falls Lodge, Nyahururu.  Presented a paper titled “Preparing a Research Proposal”.
  86. April 2000:- Education as a Bridge to Sustainable Development:  Kenyans Which Way Forward?  A Workshop organized by Egerton University and The Ministry of Education:  Co-presented a Paper titled: Cultural Influence on Childhood Science Education:  The Kenyan Experience.
  87. 13th Feb., 1999:- Promoting Education – Industry (Work Place) Linkage Collaboration Research in a Developmental Context. A workshop held in Egerton University.  Co-presented a paper titled:  University Students’ Perceptions of the Courses they Take and their Expectations of the Work Place after Graduation:  The Case of Egerton University.
  • Awarded a fellowship by the Olnet Project, Open University UK 2010/2011 Academic year
  • History and Philosophy af Science
  • Biology Education
  • Research Methods
  • Methods of Teaching Biology
  • Health and Physical Education
  1. . Benedict M. Mwambua : Effects of Concept Mapping Teaching Approach on Students' Motivation and Achievement in Biology in Secondary Schools in Kitui Central Sub-county, Kenya ( To graduate in November 2025)

  2. Margaret K. Orori: Dec. 2022: Effects of Pedagogical Training on Teaching Staff Competencies in Higher Education: A case Study of Egerton University
  3. John K. Gichohi- December, 2020: Effects of Teams-Games –Tournament Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Mathematics Achievement, Self-Concept and Perception of Learning  Environment in Public Secondary Schools of Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya 
  4. Kevin K. Omondi- June, 2019: Effects of Advance Organizers on Students’ Achievement and Attitude Towards Learning Biology in Kilifi County, Kenya
  5. Rahab W. Githae- December,  2015: Effects of Collaborative Concept Mapping Teaching Approach on Secondary Students’ Achievement and Motivation in Biology in Nakuru North Sub-County, Kenya.
  6. Monicah M. Ndonga- December, 2014: Teaching and Learning Strategies used in Social Studies in Kipipiri Primaries Schools, Kenya: An Analysis from A Constructivist Perspective
  7. Peter K. Ronoh- June,  2014: Effects of Computer Based Mastery Learning Approach on Secondary School Students’ Achievement and Motivation in Bilogy in Bomet District, Kenya
  8. David O. Omae- December, 2013: Factors Affecting Utilization of Selected Teaching/Learning Resources in Public Day Secondary Schools in Nyacheki Division, Nyamache District, Kisii County, Kenya
  9. Joseph A. Abongo- May,  2013: Impact of SMASSE INSET on Biology Teachers’ Pedagogical Skills and Attitudes Towards Teaching  Biology in Rachuonyo South District, Homabay County
  10. Peter N. Macharia - May, 2012:  Influence of SMASSE INSET on Biology Teachers’ Classroom Practice, Attituedes, and Students’  Achievement in Nyandarua County Secondary Schools,
  11. Ken N. Nyachae- May, 2012: Factors Influencing Students’ Strikes in Secondary Schools in Etago Division, South Gucha District, Kenya
  12. Rose Nyambura- December, 2011: The Role of Gender Stereotyping in Science Achievement Among Primary School Pupils in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya
  13. Elizabeth W. Murithi- December, 2011: Challenges Principals Face in Enhancing Student Discipline in Secondary Schools in Tigania District, Kenya
  14. Richard O. Ongowo- May, 2011: Effects of Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Secondary School Biology in Bondo District, Kenya.
  15. Beatrice A. Nyakan- May, 2010: Teachers’ Perceptions on the Effects of HIV/AIDS Pandemic on Schooling among primary School Pupils in Rachuonyo District, Kenya.
  16. Mutisya S. Mutesi- November, 2009: An Evaluation of the Achievement of Primary Schools Environmental Education Objectives, Central Division, Narok North District, Kenya.
  17. Namasaka. F. Wafula- November, 2009: Effects of Concept Mapping and Vee Mapping Strategy on Students’ Motivation and Achievement in Biology in Secondary Schools in Uasin-Gishu District, Kenya.
  18. Simon M. Kiarie- December, 2008: Influence of Teachers’ Perceptions and Competences on Students’ Achievement and Perception in Environmental Education in secondary School Biology in Gilgil Division, Nakuru District, Kenya.
  19. David K. Gitau- August, 2007: Achievement and Motivation on the Classification of Living Organisms in Biology in Nakuru District, Kenya
  20. Hudson Shihusa- October, 2006: Effects of Advance organizers on Secondary School Students’ Achievement and Motivation in Biology:  A Case of Bureti District, Kenya.
  21. William Orora- October, 2006: Effects of Co-operative Concept Mapping Teaching Approach on Students’ Achievement and Motivatio in Secondary School Biology:  A Study of Selected Schools in Gucha District, Kenya 
  22. Francis Mukachi- October 2006: The Extent to which the Science Process Skill of Investigating is used in Biology Practical work:  A Comparative Study of Selected Secondary Schools in Nyandarua District, Kenya
  23. Daniel Kandawala- November, 2003: The Influence of Traditional Beliefs, Intellectual Level and Gender on Students’ Conception on the Topic Nutrition in Secondary School Biology:  A Case of Bungoma District, Kenya.,


1.Teresa N. Abel: Effectiveness of the Cash Voucher Assistance Programme on Poverty Alleviation Among Households in Baringo

     South Su. county, Kenya

2. Edwin O. Opondo: Farmers' Perceptions of GMO Maize in Rongai Sub. County, Kenya

3. Paul M. Maina : Teachers as Role Models in the Development of Secondary School Students' Moral Values in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya

4. Dorothy W. Kiongo: Effect of Free Maternity Services on the Maternal OutcomesAmong Women of Reproductive Age in Nakuru County



  1.  Daniel Makini Getuno: A model for Predicting Undergraduate Students Adoption of e-Learning in Kenyan Public Universities.(To graduate in Nov. 2025)
  2. Ekwam Lomonyang:- Nov. 2024: Relationship Between Cultural Factors and Secondary School Students' Achievement in Chemistry in Samburu County, Kenya
  3. Josephine K. Inyangala - June 2020: Relationship Between Selected Career Management Practices and Administrative Staff Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Factor of Job Security in Chartered Public Universities, Kenya
  4. Samson Ombaba-  June 2019:  Career Guidance Services provided on Career Choice for Secondary School Students and Its Contribution to Manpower Development in Nakuru, Kisii, and Migori Counties, Kenya.
  5. Obwoge R. Omenge- August 2019: Students’ Admission Criteria and their Relationship to Academic Performance among Medical Students in Moi and Egerton Universities, Kenya. [Moi University]
  6. Grace C. W. Ndeke- June 2016:   Influence of Secondary School Biology Teachers’ Perceptions of Scientific Creativity and nature of Science on their Classroom Practices in Kajiado and Kericho Counties, Kenya.
  7. William Orora- December 2015:  Effects of Cooperative E-Learning Strategy on Students’ Achievement, Self- Concept and Creativity in Secondary School Biology: A Study of Selected Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya
  8. Job. M. Kinzi- December 2010:  Intrinsic Drives and Science Achievement in Secondary Schools: A case of Western and Nyanza provinces, Kenya



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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"