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DR Winifred Chepkoech Bett

Staff Information
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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
Directorate / Dept
Applied Community Development Studies
P.O BOX 325, Egerton


2019-Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences -Center for Rural Development (SLE)- Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.

2014-Master of Science in Community Studies and Extension (Egerton University Njoro, Kenya).   

2008-Bachelor of Science in Clothing Textile and Interior Design,  Egerton University Njoro, Kenya.

2002-Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education - Kaplong Girls Secondary School; Sotik, Kenya

1998-Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. Litein Primary School Kericho County, Kenya.




Present-Lecturer, Department of Applied Community Development Studies

August 2022- December 2023Part-time Lecturer: Department of Applied Community Development Studies (ACDS), Egerton University, Kenya

 March 2022- to date-Assistant Co-principal Investigator/Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer (30%): Strengthening Agricultural Knowledge & Innovation Ecosystem for Inclusive Rural Transformation & Livelihoods in Eastern Africa (AIRTEA Project) a collaboration between Egerton University, SDG Africa, KALRO, RAB (Rwanda), KAZARDI (Uganda)

May-June 2022-Independent Consultant: African Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes in East and Southern Africa (ANAPRI – Lusaka, Zambia)                            

April-May 2020 -Lead Consultant: Transforming African Agricultural Universities to Meaningfully Contribute to Africa's Growth and Development (TAGDev) Program-Egerton University Njoro, Kenya. 

Research Associate:  Horticultural Innovations and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa (HORTINLEA Project)- Climate Change and Ecological Sustainability of Horticultural Value Chains (at the Centre for Rural Development (SLE), Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)

September-December 2014-Part-time lecturer - Maasai Mara University, Narok, Kenya

May 2014-Part-time/ tutorial assignment- Department of Applied Community Development Studies, Egerton University, Kenya



Strengthening Agricultural Knowledge & Innovation Ecosystem for Inclusive Rural Transformation & Livelihoods in Eastern Africa (AIRTEA Project) a collaboration between Egerton University, SDG Africa, KALRO, RAB (Rwanda), KAZARDI (Uganda)


Community Based Agriculture

Climate Change

Rural Development and Livelihoods 

Community engagement


1. Chepkoech, W., Stöber, S., Kurgat, B. K., Bett, H. K., Mungai, N. W., & Lotze-Campen, H. (2023). What drives diversity in climate change adaptation strategies for African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya? Economic Analysis and Policy, 77, 716-728.

2. Chepkoech, W., Mungai, N. W. Silke Stöber and Lotze-Campen, H. (2020). Understanding the Adaptive Capacity of African Indigenous Vegetable Farmers to Climate Change in Kenya. Journal of Climate Risk Management, Vol. 27, 2020, 100204.

3. Chepkoech W., Mungai N.W., Bett H.K., Stöber S., Lotze-Campen H. (2020) Toward Climate-Resilient African Indigenous Vegetable Production in Kenya. In: Leal Filho W. (eds.) Handbook of Climate Change Resilience. Springer, Cham

4. Chepkoech, W., Mungai, W.N., Stöber, S., Bett, H. K. and Lotze-Campen, H., (2018). Farmers’ perspectives: Impact of climate change on African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 10(4) pp. 551-579.

5. Stöber, S., Chepkoech, W. Neubert, S., Kurgat, B., Bett, H. and Lotze Campen, H. (2017). Adaptation Pathways for African Indigenous Vegetables’ Value Chains. In Leal Filho et al. (eds.), Climate Change Adaptation in Africa, Climate Change Management, 413-433. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49520-0_25

6. Chepkoech, W., Mutuku, M. and Mwaniki, S. (2014). Factors Motivating Rural Households to Participate in Non-Farm Activities in Kenya, International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies,3(3),2014.



1. Chepkoech, W., Nancy W. Mungai, Hillary K. Bett, Silke Stöber, and Hermann Lotze-Campen (2017). Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in African Indigenous Vegetable Production: Insights from Major Agro-Climatic Zones, Kenya (Full paper) Presented at the Symposium on Climate Change and Drought Resilience in Africa, Strathmore Business School, Nairobi Kenya, 7th-9th November 2017 (Full paper)

2. Chepkoech, W., Stöber, S., Neubert, S., Bett, H., Kurgat, B.K. and Lotze-Campen, H. (2015) Vulnerability to Climate Change of African Indigenous Vegetable Farmers in Selected Agro-Climatic Zones of Kenya. In: International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, Tropentag, September, 16-18, 2015, Berlin Germany (poster and elevator pitch)

3. Silke Stöber, Emil Gevorgian, Barnabas K. Kurgat, Winifred Chepkoech, Hillary K. Bett (2015). Climate- smart transformation of food systems through promoting value chains of African Indigenous Vegetables. Poster presented at the 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security, 11-14 October, 2015 Ithaca, NY, USA

4. Stöber, S., Chepkoech, W. Neubert, S., Kurgat, B., Bett, H. and Lotze Campen, H (2016). Adaptation Pathways for African Indigenous Vegetables’ Value Chains. Presented at the Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation in Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 21st-23rd February 2016 (Full paper)

5. Kurgat, B.K., Stöber, S., Neubert, S., Bett, H., Chepkoech, W. and Lotze-Campen, H. (2015). Potential of African Indigenous Vegetables to Contribute to Climate-Smart Food Systems. In: International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, Tropentag, September, 16-18, 2015, Berlin, Germany (poster).

6. Chepkoech, W., Stöber, S., Neubert, S., Kurgat, B., Bett, H. and Lotze Campen H (2015). African Indigenous Vegetables –A socio-economic Analysis of Adaptation Options in Selected Agro-climatic Zones of Kenya. Poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation 24th-30th April 2015, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi.

7. Chepkoech, W., Mutuku M. and Mwaniki S (2014). Types of Rural Non-Farm Activities in Kenya. 8TH Egerton University International Conference, 26-28 March, 2014 (full paper).

7. Chepkoech, W., Mutuku M. and Mwaniki S (2012). Influence of participation in non-farm activities on living standards of rural households in Cheborge Division Bureti District Kenya .7TH Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo 26-28 September 2012.(Full paper).



2014-Horticultural Innovation and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa (HORTINLEA) Ph.D. scholarship (Funded by BMZ and BMBF), Germany




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