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Faculty of Health Sciences
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P. O. Box 536-20115, Egerton, Kenya

A nutritional Sciences educator, researcher and consultant with wide experience in teaching undergraduate students and conducting research in the areas of HIV and food security, AGNE, MIYCN. Has also consulted widely in the areas of food and nutrition programing and evaluations for the following organizations; USAID, UNICEF-KCO, ICF Macro, World Vision Kenya, CAFOD, ILRI, Save the Children Kenya, IRC, ACF, PSKenya, IMC Kenya, ChildFund, FHI, NALEP-MoAgric, Eleanor Crook Foundation. With consulting work experience in: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Eritrea, Nepal.


2009: MSc Nutritional Sciences, Egerton University.

1999: BSc Foods Nutrition and Dietetics, Egerton University.


Nutritional Sciences areas of Nutritional epidemiology, Agric and food security, Clinical dietetics, Public health Nutrition.


2021: Member, External Reference Group (ERG) UNICEF Kenya: Maternal Child Health and Nutrition Program (MCNP-II) mid-term evaluation activity.

2020: IPC (Intergrated Food Security Phase Classification) Acute Malnutrition Analyst Certification (2010). IPC Global.

2017: Basic security in the field II online course. UNDSS  (United Nations Department of Security and Safety).

2017: Advanced security in the field on line course. UNDSS (United Nations Department of Security and Safety).

2014-2019:  External examiner, Makerere University School of Public Health, MPH-Nutrition Dissertations.

2012: DHS Measure research fellow, trained in advanced data analysis of nationwide KDHS data using STATA. ICF Macro..

2009 - Present: Chairman – Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use (NFSDU) Technical Committee. Developing food standards on infants and young children, representing Kenya in EAC NFSDU standards development meetings and CODEX meetings on NFSDU.


2014 - Present: Lecturer, Dept. of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Egerton University.

2009 - 2014: Asst. Lecturer, Dept of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Egerton University.

2001 - 2009: Teaching Assitant, Dept of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Education, Egerton University.

  1. HealthyLAND–Crops  for  Healthy  Diets (2015-2020): Linking Agriculture and Nutrition in Kenya, Uganda and Malawi. Collaborative project between Egerton University, Giessen and Hohenheim Universities, Germany and Makerere University Uganda. Doctoral studentship.
  2. INSPIRE Track 1: What is Normal Milk? Socio-cultural, Evolutionary, Environmental, and Microbial Aspects of Human Milk Composition. Award Number:1344288; National Science Foundation (NSF) (2014 - Current). Researcher working on Kenyan data collection for the Multi-country study (Central Africa Republic, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Spain, Sweden, USA). Researcher and primary data collector.
  3. Enhancing Nutrition Services to Improve Maternal and Child Health in Africa (ENRICH) Elgeyo Marakwet County Project. Development of baseline tools and undertaking survey in Elgeyo Marakwet and Baringo Counties in Collaboration between Egerton University, University of Toronto, World Vision Canada, and World Vision Kenya (2016-2018). Researcher and field supervisor.
  4. UHIV   capacity   building    project (2014-2016). PEPFAR/CDC/University of Nairobi/Egerton University short course curriculum development and implementation on Biostatitics and epidemiology for health care workers. Trainer and coordinator.
  5. ICF Macro International, MEASURE DHS (Demographic and Health Survey) fellows program (2013). Complex nationwide data reanalysis training and publishing program Co-facilitator in training the 2013 cohort.
  6. ICF Macro International, MEASURE DHS (Demographic and Health Survey) fellows program (2012). Complex nationwide DHS data re-analysis training and publishing program for faculty across Africa. Research fellow.
  7. Alive and Thrive project; Randomized control study on impact of peer support groups and cell phones in supporting exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya. registry no. NCT01385410. Funded through Alive and Thrive fund of the Bill Gates Foundation and the Global Alliance for   Improved Nutrition (GAIN) (USD.   Collaboration between Egerton University, University of Toronto, University of California Davies (2010-2013). Co.PI.
  8. FAO Validation of a Measure of Household Hunger for Cross Cultural Use. FANTA/AED FAO Project (2010). A six country (Kenya, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, West Bank, and South Africa) study on validation of a cross-cultural household food security and hunger measure tool. Study Kenyan Collaborator responsible for collection of the Kenyan primary data.
  9. CIDA/CGIAR-Canada linkage fund SEHTUA Project (2006-2009): Combating HIV/AIDS in urban communities through food and nutrition security: The role of women led micro-livestock enterprises and household food production in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Collaborative project; Egerton University, University of Toronto, Ryerson University, CGIAR (International Potato Centre, International livestock Research Institute). Researcher and Project Site Coordinator.
  10. Social Science Research Council (SSRC), HIV/AIDS and public health research in Africa, 2006/07 Project: Effectiveness and utilization of comprehensive care services by people living with HIV/AIDS: A case study at Provincial general hospital, Nakuru, Kenya. Researcher in Project Design and evaluation assessment.

Food security, Maternal and Infant feeding, Clinical dietetics, Agriculture for food and nutrition security, Nutrition field surveys and process evaluation.

  1. Caffé, B., Blackwell, A., Fehrenkamp, B. D., Williams, J. E., Pace, R. M., Lackey, K. A., Ruiz, L., Rodríguez, J. M., McGuire, M. A., Foster, J. A., Sellen, D. W., Kamau-Mbuthia, E. W., Kamundia, E. W., Mbugua, S., Moore, S. E., Prentice, A. M., Kvist, L. J., Otoo, G. E., Pareja, R. G., Bode, L., Gebeyehu, D., Gindola, D.K., Boothman, S., Flores, K. Mcguire M.K., Meehan, C. L. (2023). Human milk immune factors, maternal nutritional status, and infant sex: The INSPIRE study. American Journal of Human Biology, e23943. ajhb.23943
  2. Janet E. Williams, Michelle K. McGuire, Courtney L. Meehan, Mark A. McGuire, Sarah L. Brooker, Elizabeth W. Kamau-Mbuthia, Egidioh W. Kamundia, Samwel Mbugua, Sophie E. Moore, Andrew M. Prentice, Gloria E. Otoo, Juan M. Rodríguez, Rossina G. Pareja, James A. Foster, Daniel W. Sellen, Debela G. Kita, Holly L. Neibergs, Brenda M. Murdoch (2021) Key genetic variants associated with variation of milk oligosaccharides from diverse human populations. Genomics 113 (2021) 1867–1875.
  3. Michelle K. McGuire, Arlo Z. Randall, Antti E. Seppo, Kirsi M. Järvinen, Courtney L. Meehan, Debela Gindola, Janet E. Williams, Daniel W. Sellen, Elizabeth W. Kamau-Mbuthia, Egidioh W. Kamundia, Samwel Mbugua, Sophie E. Moore, Andrew M. Prentice, James A. Foster, Gloria E. Otoo, Juan M. Rodrı´guez, Rossina G. Pareja, Lars Bode, Mark A. McGuire and Joseph J. Campo (2021) Multipathogen Analysis of IgA and IgG Antigen Specificity for Selected Pathogens in Milk Produced by Women From Diverse Geographical Regions: The INSPIRE Study. Frontiers in Immunology. 11:614372. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.614372.
  4. Ryan M. Pace, Janet E. Williams, Bianca Robertson, Kimberly A. Lackey, Courtney L. Meehan, William J. Price, James A. Foster, Daniel W. Sellen, Elizabeth W. Kamau-Mbuthia, Egidioh W. Kamundia, Samwel Mbugua, Sophie E. Moore, Andrew M. Prentice, Debela G. Kita, Linda J. Kvist, Gloria E. Otoo, Lorena Ruiz, Juan M. Rodríguez, Rossina G. Pareja, Mark A. McGuire, Lars Bode, and Michelle K. McGuire (2021) Variation in Human Milk Composition Is Related to Differences in Milk and Infant Fecal Microbial Communities. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 1153.
  5. Kimberly A. Lackey, Janet E. Williams, Courtney L. Meehan, Jessica A. Zachek, Elizabeth D. Benda, William J. Price, James A. Foster, Daniel W. Sellen, Elizabeth W. Kamau-Mbuthia, Egidioh W. Kamundia, Samwel Mbugua, Sophie E. Moore, Andrew M. Prentice, Debela Gindola K., Linda J. Kvist, Gloria E. Otoo, Cristina García-Carral, Esther Jiménez, Lorena Ruiz (2019) What’s Normal? Microbiomes in Human Milk and Infant Feces Are Related to Each Other but Vary Geographically: The INSPIRE Study. Frontiers in Nutrition 6:45. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2019.00045.
  6.  Avery A. Lane, Michelle K. McGuire, Mark A. McGuire, Janet E. Williams, Kimberly A. Lackey, Edward H. Hagen, Abhishek Kaul, Debela Gindola, Dubale Gebeyehu, Katherine, Flores, James A. Foster, Daniel W. Sellen, Elizabeth W. Kamau-Mbuthia, Egidioh W. Kamundia, Samwel Mbugua, Sophie E. Moore, Andrew M. Prentice, Linda J. Kvist, Gloria E. Otoo, Juan M. Rodríguez, Lorena Ruiz, Rossina G. Pareja, Lars Bode, William J. Price, Courtney L. Meehan (2019) Household composition and the infant fecal microbiome: The INSPIRE study. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2019;1–14.
  7.  Mbugua, Samwel and Kerry L. D. MacQuarrie (2018). Determinants of Maternal Care- Seeking in Kenya. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 111. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF.
  8.  Mbugua, Samwel and Kerry L. D. MacQuarrie (2018). Maternal Health Indicators in High-Priority Counties of Kenya: Levels and Inequities. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 110. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF.
  9. Walton C, VanLeeuwan J, MacLellan D, Taylor J, & S. Mbugua (2017) Effects of nutrition education and dairy group membership on nutrition knowledge, practices and diet quality for rural Kenyan women. African Journal of Food, Agriculture,Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) Vol. 17 No. 3.
  10. Lorena Ruíz, Susana Manzano, Michelle K. McGuire, Courtney L. Meehan, Mark A. McGuire, Janet E. Williams, Sarah Brooker,   James Foster, Daniel W. Sellen, Elizabeth W. Kamau-Mbuthia, Egidioh W. Kamundia, Samwel Mbugua, Sophie E. Moore, Linda J. Kvist, Gloria E. Otoo, Kimberly A. Lackey, Rossina Pareja, Lars Bode, and Juan M. Rodríguez (2017) What’s normal? Immune profiling of human milk from healthy women living in different geographical and socio-economical settings. Frontiers of Immunology. 8;696. doi:10.3389/frimmu.2017.00696.
  11. Michelle K. McGuire, Courtney L. Meehan, Mark A. McGuire, Janet E. Williams, James Foster, Daniel W. Sellen, Elizabeth W. Kamau-Mbuthia, Egidioh W. Kamundia, Samwel Mbugua, Sophie Moore, Linda J. Kvist, Gloria E. Otoo, Sarah L. Brooker, William J. Price, Caitlyn Placek, Kimberly A. Lackey, Bianca Robertson, Susana Manzano, Juan Miguel Rodriguez Gomez,, Rossina Pareja, and Lars Bode (2017) What’s normal? Oligosaccharide concentrations in milk produced by healthy women vary geographically and are related to secretor status, maternal body weight, and time postpartum. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 2017;105:1–15.
  12. Mbugua Samwel, Musikoyo Eddison, Ndungi Faith, Sang Richard, Kamamu-Mbuthia Elizabeth & Ngotho Douglas (2014) Determinants of diarrhea among young children under the age of five in Kenya; Evidence from KDHS 2008-09. African Population Studies Vol. 28 No. 2, Supplement, July 2014.
  13. Judith Nekesa Mangeni, Ann Mwangi, Samwel Mbugua, Vincent Mukthar (2013) Male Involvement in Maternal Health Care as a Determinant of Utilization of Skilled Birth Attendants in Kenya. East African Medical Journal Vol. 1 No.1. 2013.
  14. Walton C., Taylor J., Van Leeuwen J., Yeudall F., & Mbugua S. (2012) Association of diet quality with dairy group membership and membership duration for Kenyan farm women and children. Public Health Nutrition Journal. pp 1-10. DOI:
  15. Webb, A., Cherobon, A., Mbugua, S., Kamau-Mbuthia, E., Amin, A., Sellen, D. (2010) Food Insecurity is associated with attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding among women in urban Kenya. Maternal and child nutrition journal. DOI: 10.1111/j.1740- 8709.2010.00272.x.
  16. Karanja, N., Yeudall, F., Mbugua, S., Njenga, M., Prain, G., Cole, D.C., Webb, A.L., Levy, J.M., Gore, C., Sellen, D. (2010) Strengthening capacity for sustainable livelihoods and food security through urban agriculture among HIV and AIDS affected households in Nakuru, Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability Vol. 8 (1&2) 2010.
  17. Njenga, M., Karanja, N., Gathuru, K., Mbugua, S., Fedha, N., and Ngoda, B. (2009). The role of women-led micro-farming activities in combating HIV/AIDS in Nakuru, Kenya. In: Hovorka, A., de Zeeuw, H. and Njenga, M. (ed.) Women Feeding Cities Mainstreaming gender in urban agriculture and food security. Rugby (UK): Practical Action Publishing.
  18. Mbugua, S. (2009) Food and nutrition status of low socio-economic HIV and AIDS affected households: The case of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. MSc. Thesis. Egerton University.Kenya.
  19. Mbugua Samwel, Yeudall Fiona, Tuitoek Prisca, Cole Donald, Sellen Daniel, Webb Aimee, Karanja Nancy, Prain Gordon, Njenga Mary (2009) Measuring the level of household food insecurity among the urban poor: The case of HIV/AIDS affected househlds in Nakuuru Municipality, Kenya. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Health, ICUH 2009, Nairobi, Kenya.


  1. Samwel Mbugua, Elizabeth Kamau-Mbuthia, Irmgard Jordan, Ann Mwangi, Julius Khaemba, Lydia Maruti-Waswa, Thomas Hilger, Ernst-August Nuppenau (2018) Nutrition education and kitchen garden interventions improve dietary diversity among 6-59 months old children in Kenya. Presented at the International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, Tropentag 2018, Ghent, Belgium. Poster ID 522.
  2. Irmgard Jordan, Jan Welsch, Anna Röhlig, Sahrah Fischer, Samwel Mbugua, Julius Twinamasiko, Paul Fatch, Michael B. Krawinkel, Julius Masinde, Lydiah Waswa, Jeninah Karungi, Gabriella Chiutsi Phiri, Erick M. Maina, Elizabeth Mbuthia, Johnny Mugisha, Charles Masangano, Thomas Hilger, Ernst-August Nuppenau (2016) Crops for Healthy Diets: Linking Agriculture and Nutrition (HealthyLAND). Presented at the International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, Tropentag 2016, Vienna Austria. Poster.
  3. S. Mbugua, E. Kamau-Mbuthia, A. Webb-Girrard, S. Kalungu, C.S. Sarange, W. Lou, C-L Nommsen-Rivers, B. Aidam, D. Sellen (2013) Process Indicators for a randomized trial of cell phone based peer counseling to support exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya. In: Ann. Nutr. Metab. 63(suppl 1) 1-1960 (2013). 20th International Congress on Nutrition September 15 – 20th 2013, Granada, Spain. Abstract No. PO1033, pg. 751. Poster.
  4. D. Sellen, S. Mbugua, A. Webb-Girrard, S. Kalungu, C.S. Sarange, W. Lou, C-L Nommsen- Rivers, B. Aidam, E. Kamau-Mbuthia (2013) A randomized control trial indicates benefits of a cellphone based peer counseling to support exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya.In: Ann. Nutr. Metab. 63(suppl 1) 1-1960 (2013). 20th International Congress on Nutrition September 15 – 20th 2013, Granada, Spain. Abstract No. PO1032, pg. 751. Poster.
  5. Webb-Girrard, E. Kamau-Mbuthia, S. Mbugua, A. Webb-Girrard, S. Kalungu, C.S. Sarange, W. Lou, C-L Nommsen-Rivers, B. Aidam, D. Sellen (2013) Infant medication, illness and growth in a randomized control trial of exclusive breastfeeding support in Kenya. In: Ann. Nutr. Metab. 63(suppl 1) 1-1960 (2013). 20th International Congress on Nutrition September 15 – 20th 2013, Granada, Spain. Abstract No. PO1034, pg. 752. Poster.
  6. E. Kamau-Mbuthia, S. Mbugua, A. Webb-Girrard, S. Kalungu, C.S. Sarange, W. Lou, C-L Nommsen-Rivers, B. Aidam, D. Sellen (2013) Cell phone based peer counseling to support exclusive breastfeeding is associated with more frequent help and decreased breast feeding problems.In: Ann. Nutr. Metab. 63(suppl 1) 1-1960 (2013). 20th International Congress on Nutrition September 15 – 20th 2013, Granada, Spain. Abstract No. O079, pg. 196. Oral.
  7. Mbugua S, Kamau-Mbuthia, E, Webb Girard AL; Lou, W, Dennis, C-L, Aidam, B and DW Sellen (2012) Providing peer support through cell phones and group meetings to increase exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya. .National Symposium on Scaling up Nutrition: Nutrition is Key; Take up your role, Act now, Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Republic of Kenya. Nairobi. Kenya, November 5-6, 2012. (Poster).DW Sellen,
  8. Mbugua S, Kamau-Mbuthia, E, Webb Girard AL; Lou, W, Dennis, C-L, Aidam, B (2012) Lessons learnt in providing peer support through cell phones and group meetings to increase exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya. International Society for Research on Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML), Trieste, Italy, September 25, 2012 (Poster).
  9. Mbugua S, Kamau-Mbuthia, E, Webb Girard AL; Lou, W, Dennis, C-L, Aidam, B and DW Sellen (2012) Providing peer support through cell phones and group meetings to increase exclusive breastfeeding in Kenya. Nutrition Congress Africa (NCA 2012), African Nutrition Society, Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa, October 02, 2012 (Poster).
  10. Mbugua S., Tuitoek PJ., Yeudall F., Andersen NA., Cole DC., Karanja N., Webb AL., Sellen D., Njenga M., Prain G. (2009) Association between socio-demographic factors and household food security among HIV and AIDS affected households in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Research and International Conference, Egerton University Njoro Kenya. 15th – 17TH September 2009. Oral presentation.
  11. Mbugua S, Andersen NA., Cole DC., Webb AL., Sellen D., Njenga M., Prain G., Karanja N., Tuitoek PJ., Yeudall F. (2009) Food and nutrition security of HIV affected households in Nakuru Kenya. Paper presented at the 19th International Congress on Nutrition, 4th – 9th October 2009. Bangkok, Thailand. Poster presentation (Abstract #2899).
  12. Webb AL, Mbugua S, Anderson N, Levy J, Njenga M, Karanja M, Cole D, Gore D, Jundi N, Yeudall F, Sellen DW, Prain G. (2009) Determinants of participation in an urban agricultural intervention designed to improve food security and livelihoods in HIV-affected households in Nakuru Kenya. International Congress of Nutrition, Abstract DP7-02 Bankgok 10/2009 (Distinguished Poster).
  13. Webb AL, Cherobon A, Mbugua S, Kamau-Mbuthia E, Sellen D. (2009) Impact of food insecurity on Knowledge, Attitudes, and practices of urban Kenyan mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding. International Congress of Nutrition, Abstract DP10-03 Bangkok, 10/2009 (Distinguished poster).
  14. E. Mbuthia, S. Muthoka, S. Mbugua (2008) Utilization of comprehensive care centre services (CCC) by People living with HIV/Aids: The case of nutrition counseling in Kenya. Paper presented at The 3rd Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference, 13th – 16th October, Cairo. Oral presentation NO5.
  15. Andersen, N., Mbugua, S., Sellen, D., Cole, D., Karanja, N., Yeudall, F., Prain, G., and Njenga, M. (2008). Applications of the sustainable livelihoods framework to assess households affected by HIV/AIDS in Nakuru, Kenya. In: XVII International AIDS Conference Abstract Book Volume 1, p253,
  16. Cole, D., Andersen, N., Samuel, M., Karanja, N., Yeudall, F., Njenga, M., Sellen, D., Prain, G., and SEHTUA. (2008). SEHTUA: community based action research project to strengthen livelihood and food security for households affected by HIV/AIDS through urban agriculture. In: XVII International AIDS Conference Abstract Book Volume 1, p319,
  17. Mbugua, S., Andersen, N., Tuitoek, P., Yeudall, F., Sellen, D., Karanja, N., Cole, D., Njenga, M., Prain, G., and SEHTUA partnership. (2008) Assessment of food security and nutrition status among households affected by HIV/AIDS in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. In: XVII International AIDS Conference Abstract Book Volume 1, p493,
  18. Mbugua S., Andersen N., Karanja N., Yeudall F., Tuitoek P., Prain G., Cole D., Sellen D., Randolph T., Njenga M. (2007) Combating HIV/AIDS in Urban Communities through Food and Nutrition Security: The role of women led microlivestock enterprises and horticultural Production in Nakuru town. Paper presented at From Research to Action: Mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS on Agriculture and food security in West Africa. 1 -4 October, Cotonnou Benin. Oral presentation.
  19. S. Mbugua, S. Muthoka, E. Kamau-Mbuthia (2007) Effectiveness and utilization of comprehensive care services by people living with HIV/AIDS: A case study at Provincial general hospital, Nakuru, Kenya. Paper presented at The HIV/AIDS and Public Health Research Fellowship Workshop, 11th – 12th March, Durban.
  20. S. Mbugua (2005) Nutrition and MDG’s: The research challenges for African Universities. Paper presented at The Regional conference and workshop on the role of African Universities in the attainment of millennium development goals. 14th – 18th November, Nairobi. Oral presentation.
  21. P.J. Tuitoek, S. Mbugua (2005) Use of ICT in food and nutrition training in African Universities. Paper presented at The 2nd Information technology and the advancement of nutrition in Africa (ITANA). 16th -18th September, Cape Town. Oral presentation.

Teaching areas undergraduate:

  • FOND 121 - Principles of Human Nutrition
  • FOND 224: Nutrition and Behavior
  • FOND 223: Introduction to Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • FOND 332: Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • FOND 444: World Food Problems and Food Security
  • FOND 447: Seminars in food and nutrition
  1. Registered Nutritionist/Dietitian – Kenya Nutritionists and Dietitians Institute – 2009. Registration number G/0426/09.
  2. Registered Member, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), 2002 – Present. Membership no. 153020.
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