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Dr Lydia Nkatha Kinuthia

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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
Directorate / Dept
46 20115 Egerton

2011: Ph.D. Fashion Design and Marketing, Kenyatta University, Kenya

1999: Master of Education (Home Economics), Kenyatta University, Kenya

1994: B.Ed. (Home Economics), Kenyatta University, Kenya

1989: Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE), Chogoria Girls High School

1987: Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE), St Mary’s Girls High School-Igoji


Textiles, Clothing and Entrepreneurship


Jan. 2020 to date: Departmental program coordinator for Miltary Science (AGHE 140: Human Health)

July 2019 to date: Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Community Development Studies (Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design Program)

Dec 2017 – May 2019: Acting Director, Egerton University- Nairobi City Campus

June 2016 – Dec. 2017: Assistant Dean of Students, Egerton University-  Nairobi City Campus

July 2014 – May  2016: Assistant Dean of Students,  Egerton University – Njoro campus

Feb 2014 – Feb 2017: Departmental program coordinator for E-learning courses (COSE)

Sept 2012 –June 2014: Deputy Director, Examinations and Timetabling, Egerton University

April 2012  - July 2019: Lecturer, Department of Applied Community Development Studies  (Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design Program)

April 1999 – March 2012: Ass. Lecturer, Department of Applied Community Development Studies Egerton University (Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design Program)

January 1999 - April 1999: Part time lecturing at Egerton University (Department of Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design.)

1998- 1999: Tutor (TSC), Machakos Teachers Training College

1994-1996: Teacher (TSC) Kiongwani Sec.  School

October - November 1996:  Nairobi Home Economics Training College (Teaching Cookery Practical)

May- August 1993: St. Theresa's Girls Secondary School (Riiji)

January- April 1993: Gikumene Secondary School (Teaching Practice)

  1. Kariuki, S. T., Kinuthia, N. L., Mathooko, M. J. & Mucheke, W. (2020). Effect of Fertilizer Application on Production of Triumfetta Tomentosa Boj.(Fam. Tiliaceae), A Multipurpose Plant in Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July Available at    
  2. Kakuku M. C., Munyua C. N. & Kinuthia L. N. (2019). East Cost Fever Effect on Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Dairy Herds’ Capital Asssets in Kisumu East Sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. ISSN 2348-3164 (online) and ISSN 2348-3156 (Print). Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 427-434. Available at
  3. Githaiga P. W., Wamutitu J. M., & Kinuthia L. N. (2018). Enhancement of Secondary Schools Students’ Moral Reasoning Level Through the Christian Religious Education Curriculum in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice. ISSN2222-288X. Vol. 9 No. 26. Available at
  4. Githaiga P. W., Wamutitu J. M., & Kinuthia L. N. (2018). Influence of Teacher’s persceptions on Practicability of the CRE Curriculum on Students’ Moral Reasoning in Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies. ISSN 2321-9203. Available at
  5. Baraza N. & Kinuthia L. N. (2018).  Views of young Expectant Women Aged 16-35 Years Regarding their Psychological Body Changes during Pregnancy and their Influence on Maternity Wear Selection. International Journal of Science: Basic and Applied Sciences. ISSN 2307-4531 Vol. 42. No. 3 pp 49-55 Available at
  6. Nkatha L. & Wambu C. (2018), Influence of Selected Social Cultural Practices on Internal efficiency in Selected Public Technical Training Institutes in Baringo county, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). ISSN (Online): 2319-7064. Available at
  7. Kinuthia L. N., Tumuti D. & Mulu-Mutuku M. (2017). Relationship between Formal Education and Marketing Strategies Implemented in Garment–Making Micro Enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, ISSN (2226-8235) Vol-6, Issue 1. PP 1-10.  available at
  8. Wambu, C. K., Openda, N. O. & Kinuthia L. N. (2016). Influence of Land Tenure on Gender Participation in Management of Water Projects in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences. ISSN 2224-5766 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0484 (Online). Vol. 6. No. 20. 2016. PP 62-70. Available at
  9. Wambu, C. K., Openda, N. O. & Kinuthia L. N. (2016). Influence of One Third Gender Rule on Gender Participation in Management of Water Projects in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya. Public Policy and Administration Research. ISSN 2224-5731 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0972 (Online). Vol. 6. No. 10. 2016. PP 120-129. Available at
  10. Githaga T. W., Mulu-Mutuku & Kinuthia L. N. (2016). Influence of selected factors on Livelihood Strategy Choices among the Peri-urban Smallholder Farmers in Lanet Division of Nakuru East Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. ISSN 2348 0386. Vol. IV, Issue 10, October 2016. PP 836-854. Available at  
  11. Kenduiwa A. A., Mwonya R. A. & Kinuthia L. N. (2016). Influence of Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Participation in Microfinance on Breed Improvement in Dairy Farming in Longisa Sub-County, Bomet County, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS) e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 9, Issue 7 Ver. I (July 2016), PP 66-75. Available at
  12. Kinuthia L. N., Mburugu K. G. & Mulu-Mutuku M. (2015) Internal Environmental Factors Influencing the Implementation of Marketing Strategies by Garment-Making Micro-Enterprises in Kenya. African Journal of Textile and Apparel Research (AJTAR). May 2015, Vol.1 Issue 1, pp 59-65 Available at
  13. Gichuki C. N.,  Mulu-Mutuku M. & Kinuthia L. N., (2015) "Influence of participation in “table banking” on the size of women-owned micro and small enterprises in Kenya", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 9 Iss: 4, pp.315 – 326 DOI
  14. Kinuthia L. N., Mburugu K. G. & Mulu-Mutuku M. (2014), Fashion Marketing: Strategies in the Garment-Making Micro and Small Enterprise in Nakuru, Kenya. African Journal of Marketing Management. Vol.6 (5), pp 68-74, September, 2014.
  15. Gichuki C. N., Mulu-Mutuku M. & Kinuthia L. N. (2014), Performance of women owned enterprises accessing credit from village credit and savings associations in Kenya. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 2014, 4:16. Available at
  16. Kituyi L. J. I., Mwasiagi1., T. Phologolo, C. W. Yu, Kamalha E.&  Kinuthia L. (2014) Characterization of Triumfetta Tomentosa B. a bast fiber growing wildly in Kenya. Journal Materials Science an Indian Journal. Volume  11 Issue 9: 291-297 Available at
  17. Waithaka A. W., Ocholla J. R., Kinuthia L. N. & Mwasiagi J. I (2014). The Use of Monte Carlo Techniques to Study the effect of Cotton Fiber Properties on Yarn Hairiness. RMUTP Research Journal: Special Issue 2014, 147-154. Available at
  18. Kinuthia L. N., Mburugu K. G., Muthomi H. N. & Mwihaki M. (2012), Factors Influencing Brand Loyalty in Sportswear among Kenyan University Students, Case of Swimmers. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (AJSSH). ISSN: 2186-8492 Online, ISSN: 2186-8484 Print. VoL.1, Number 4, November 2012 pp 223-23. Available at
  19. Kinuthia L. N., Mathooko J. M., Kariuki S. T. & Mucheke, W. (2012). Determination of Triumfetta Tomentosa B. Growth Parameters and Fibre Properties In Kenya. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 12:64-72. ISSN No. 2073-8277. Available at
  1. Attended and presented a paper on ‘The Role of Universities in a Designer’s Profession Development’ during the Association of Designers of Kenya (ADKE) Consultative Forum held on 13th March 2020 at Meridian Hotel, Nairobi
  2. Attended the Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (Pedal) training organised by Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) on 11th to 19th Spetember, 2019 held at Sarova Woodlands Nakuru.
  3. Attended and presentation a paper on “Usage of Sports Bra by Sporty Ladies in Kenya: Case of Public Universities” during the 6th International Interdisciplinary Conference held at University of Eldoret on 4th to 6th September, 2019.
  4. Attended the Textile, Packaging and Plastics; and Multi-technical National Agreement Workshop on Non-woven Polyproplene Bags organized by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) on 15th & 16th May 2019 held at Panari Hotel - Nairobi
  5. Attended the Commonwealth Standards Newtwork Stakeholder Workshop organized by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) on 20th March, 2019 held at Boma Inn (Nairobi).
  6. Attended the 2019/2020 EUSA leader’s orientation and presented a paper on “Students’ Leadership and Financial Management” on 14th February, 2019. Organised by the Dean of Students office, Egerton University, Njoro
  7. ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System Transition Course by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) held from 26th to 28th June, 2018 at CMRT, Njoro.
  8. Attended the 2017/2018 SUEU Leadership Training held at the School of Government - Baringo from 14th -19th January, 2018. Presented a paper on “Writing Fundable Proposals”. Organised by the Dean of Students office, Egerton University, Njoro
  9. Attended the training on Principals and Practices of disability Mainstreaming, held at Nairobi City Campus, Egerton University on 28th July, 2017
  10. Attended the Capacity building for student counselors held at Egerton University ARC Hotel from  28th – 30th September, 2017. Organized by the Office of the Dean of Students – Egerton University
  11. Participated in the Textile training on product development and improvement workshop organized by KIRDI and Kenya Vision 2030 in partnership with the Danish Refugee Council held from 24th – 27th July 2017
  12. Organized and participated in the Class representatives training held on 7th September, 2017 at Nairobi City Campus. Presented two topics; “The role of class represenatives” and “Identifying students at risk”
  13. Organized and participated in the Peer counseling training workshop on 5th & 8th -9th May 2017 held at NCC
  14. Organized and participated in the Students Union of Egerton University (SUEU) Student Leaders Training Workshop from 29th  Jan–2nd Feb., 2017 held at the Multi-Media University, Nairobi. Organized by the Office of the Dean of Students – Egerton University
  15. Attended workshop on Innovative Pot-Graduate Studies Supervision. Organized by DAAD scholars held at Milele Resort, Nakuru from 26th – 27th Jan 2017.
  16. Attended the Guidance, Counseling & Mentorship Workshop. Held on 5th October, 2016 at the FASS Boardroom. Organized by the Directorate of University Welfare Services.
  17. Attended the Orientation/induction Workshop for Online Teaching held on 29th September 2016. Organized by the Instructional Material and Development Department – Egerton University.
  18. Attended the Evaluation and Sensitization Workshop held on 31st August, 2016 at Education Theatre 11. Organized by the Faculty of Education and Community Studies.
  19. Attended the SUEU (Students Union of Egerton University) Constitution Review held from 4th – 7th August 2016 at the ARC, Egerton University. Organized by the Office of the Dean of Students – Egerton University
  20. Attended the Micro-Teaching/TP Supervision and Use of TESSA OERS Workshop held on 2nd March 2016. Organized by the Faculty of Education and Community Studies. Egerton University
  21. Attended and participated in the Students Union of Egerton University (SUEU) Student Leaders Training Workshop as a chairperson held from 18th – 22nd January, 2016 held at the Multi-Media University, Nairobi. Organized by the Office of the Dean of Students – Egerton University
  22. Presented a paper on “Sustainable Packaging of Textiles Products ” and participated as a session chairperson during the Labeling of Textile Products for Cleaner Environment  Conference held on 3rd  Dec. 2015, by KEBS at Nyali International Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya
  23. Presented a paper on “Managing Students at Risk” during the Campus & Student Security Conference held on 11th - 13th  Nov. 2015, by AMC at InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  24. Attended the Fibre Crops stakeholders’ conference held on 28th & 29th July, 2015 at Utalii Hotel (Nairobi) organized by Agriculture Fisheries and Food Authority (AFFA).
  25. Presented a paper on “Test Security: Building Comprehensive Framework” during the 2nd Annual Combating Education Irregularities & Examination Fraud East Africa Summit held on 22nd – 24th July, 2015, by AMC at InterContinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  26. Organized and Participated as a resource person during the Empowering Youths with Agri-Entrepreneurial Skills to Enhance Benefits of Youth Enterprise Development Fund in Naivasha Sub-County Training held from 16th – 19th June 2015.
  27. Higher Education Loans Board/Universities Annual Consultative Conference 2015 Theme: Financing University Educational Through Sustainable Financial Products held at Maanzoni lodge – Machakos from11th June – 12th June, 2015. Organized by HELB
  28. Attended the Training on Effective Complaints Handling and Management held at Hotel Cathay Nakuru on April 9th, 2015. Organized by The Commission on Administrative Justice “Office of the Ombudsman”.
  29. Presented a paper on “Examination Malpractice and how to prevent them” during a Class representatives Training Workshop   held on 31st March 2015, Egerton University
  30. Presented a paper on “Annual Exhibition Requirements” during a KENAHICA secondary school teachers  workshop held on 18th March 2015 at Punwani Boys High School
  31. Participated as a session Chairperson and presented on Sustainable Packaging of Textile Product during the Textile SMES Workshop organized by Kenya Bureau of Standards 18th February, 2015 – Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel, Nairobi
  32. Attended the Self Assessment of Academic Programmes Workshop organized by the Directorate of Quality Assurance – Egerton University on 26th November, 2014 held CMRT – Egerton University
  33. Participated as a resource person during the Workshop on Examination Irregularity, Security and Fraud, September 17th -19th, 2014. Organized by the Directorate of Examinations and Timetabling, Egerton University (Topic handled:- a) Nature and types of Examination Malpractice; and b) Preventing Examinations Malpractice)
  34. Presented a paper “Internal Environmental Factors Influencing the Implementation of Marketing Strategies by Garment-making Micro and Small enterprise in Nakuru, Kenya” during the 3rd Annual International Conference on Cotton, Textile and Apparel Value Chain in Africa (CTA-2014) from May 2nd - 3rd, 2014 held at the Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment & Fashion Design (iOTEX), Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.
  35. Organized and participated in the Farmers and Handcraft Makers Sensitization Workshop on the planting and Usage of Truimfetta Tomentosa plant held on 24th April, 2014 at Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project Hall (Embu). Funded by NACOSTI
  36. Attended the 2nd Annual Combating Education Irregularities & Examination Fraud Summit from 14th to 16th April, 2014, at Southern Sun Hotel, South Africa.
  37. Attended the Training on Culture Transformation and Performance Enhancement Strategies for Services Delivery held on 31st October, 2013 at Education Theatre 11. Organized by the Office of the Deputy Registrar (Administration) Egerton University.
  38. Attended the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for University Administrator Workshop held on 16th September, 2013 at Kenyatta University Business and Students Services Centre. Organized by ESRI Eastern Africa.
  39. Participated as a session Chairperson and presented a proposal on Size Kenya Project at a Textile and Leather Conference held on 29th August, 2013 at BOMA hotel organized by KEBS
  40. Attended Stakeholders forum to discuss the status of AGOA and Kenya position after 2015 and the launch of report & recommendations on Textile Policy Study for Kenya, held on 24th June 2013 at Laico Regency, Nairobi, Kenya
  41. Attended and participated as a rapporteur in the Career Masters Workshop for High School Teachers held on 24th May 2013 at Education Theatre 11. Organized by the Faculty of Education and Community Studies, Egerton University.
  42. Attended and presented a paper on “Marketing Strategies in The Garment-Making Micro and Small Enterprise in Nakuru, Kenya” in the 2nd Annual International Conference on Cotton, Textile and Apparel Value Chain in Africa (CTA-2013 organized by the Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment & Fashion Design (iOTEX), Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia held from 10th -11th May 2013.
  43. Attended the Stakeholders Forum to Review Report and Recommendation on Cotton Textile & Apparel Curriculum  organized by African Cotton & Textile Industries Federation (ACTIF) on  26th Oct 2012, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
  44. Attended and participated as an evaluator during the 7thEgerton University International Conference:  Research and Expo held  on 19th  – 21st September 2012
  45. Attended and participated in a National stakeholders Workshop on Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CATS) at Kenya School of Monetary Studies 28th -29th May 2012 organized by Commission for University Education (CUE)
  46. Organized and participated in a Research Methodology Workshop for the Post Graduate Students in the Department of Applied Community Development Studies held at Egerton University, Njoro May 17th – 18th 2012
  47. Attended a training workshop on Complaints handling by Commission of Administrative Justice held on 14th March, 2012 at ARC – Egerton University organized by Integrity Promotion Committee Office
  48. Attended stakeholders forum to review report & recommendation on Cotton Textile & Apparel Curriculum  organized by African Cotton & Textile Industries Federation (ACTIF) on  26th Oct 2012, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
  49. Attended and participated as an evaluator during the 7th Egerton University International Conference:  Research and Expo held  on 19th  – 21st September 2012
  50. Attended and participated in a National stakeholders Workshop on Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CATS) at Kenya School of Monetary Studies 28th -29th May 2012 organised by Commission for Higher Education (CHE).
  51. Organized and participated in a research methodology workshop for the post graduate students in the department of Applied Community Development Studies held at Egerton University, Njoro May 17th – 18th 2012
  1. Fashion Design
  2. Interior Design
  3. Education
  4. Entrepreneurship 
  1. CHARLES MAURICE OOOKO KAKUKU – Effect of Coast Fever Incidences on Small-holder Dairy Farmers’ Financial and dairy Herds Capital Assets in inam and Kadibo Divisions in Kisumu East Sub-County, Kenya (Graduated {Virtual} in July 2020 Egerton University)   
  2. OWAGA GRACE. A.  Strategic Management Practices Employed by Managers in Local Garment making SMES in Nairobi County, Kenya (Graduated in December 2018  Kenyatta University)
  3. TABITHA WANJIRU GATHAIGA – Influence of selected factors on Choice of Livelihood Strategy among Peri-Urban Smallholder Farmers in Lanet Division of Nakuru East Sub-County, Kenya (Graduated in June 2018  Egerton University).
  4. KENDUIWA A. A. Influence of Smallholder Dairy farmers’ Participation in Microfinance on Dairy Farming in Longisa Sub-county, Bomet County, Kenya (Graduated in December 2016  Egerton University)
  5. NYARUNDA A. C. Consumer Perception, Attitude and Patronage Towards Purchase of Imported Versus Locally-Produced Apparel in Nairobi County, Kenya (Graduated in July 2016 Kenyatta University)
  6. NELIMA B. Views on physiological and psychological changes and their influence on maternity wear selection among women attending ante-natal clinic at Kenyatta National Hospital.  (Graduated in July 2016 Kenyatta University)
  7. KIBET J. J. Teacher’s perception on the selected Factors on provision of pre-school education in public schools in  Koibatek sub-county, Kenya (Graduated in December 2015 Egerton University)
  8. CASTRO N. G. Influence of participation in Table Banking on the growth of female owned micro and small enterprises in Nakuru Municipality (Graduated in June 2014 Egerton University)
  1. VERONICA WAMBUI KAMAU -  Determinants of Computer Aided Design Technology Integration in Apparel and Fashion Design Training in Kenyan Universities; Develooping a Model for Implementation (Graduated in December 2019 Kenyatta University)
  2. PAULINE GITHAIGA – Impartation Student’s Moral Reasoning through Secondary School Christian Religious Education curriculum in Nakuru County, Kenya (Graduated in December 2018  Egerton University)
  3. WABU CHARLES KAMAU – Influence of selected Socio-Cultural Factors on Gender Participation in Management of Water Projects in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru (Graduated in December 2017  Egerton University)
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