August 2024: Presented the paper, ‘Determinants of Food access and Diet quality of Women of Reproductive age from fish farming households in Western Kenya’ at the THE Kenya Nutritionists & Dietician’s Institute (KNDI) 4th International Nutrition & Dietetics Scientific Conference, Machakos, Kenya and Chaired the session under the sub-theme, Micronutrient, Food Processing, commercialization and Health
June 2024: Convener/Facilitator, for the first African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Leaning Laboratory, ‘Integrating nutrition and gender in food environment research projects’ under the project, Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Healthy Foods in African Retail Markets (PASHFARM) at the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH2024) Academy.
October 2023: Facilitator/Trainer, African Economic Research (AERC) Gender and Nutrition Mainstreaming, and Demand Analysis Workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa, Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Healthy Foods in African Retail Markets (PASHFARM) project researcher’s workshop. Topics: Methods and Metrics for Food security and Nutrition outcomes; Nutrition and Gender
July 2021: Panel speaker and discussant, topic ‘Access to Safe and Nutritious Foods: Role of Research and Innovations’, The African Non State Actors Independent Dialogue: A Pre United Nations Food Systems Summit, CAADP Non State Actors Coalition (CNC), Consortia of African Non State Actors in partneship with AGRA
October 2019: Presented the paper ‘Potential of sorghum in developing nutritious, healthy and consumer acceptable value-added food products for commercialization by rural women’ at the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) -Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) regional workshop, Accra, Ghana
June 2019: Presented the poster ‘Engagement of rural farming communities to improve young child nutrition through increased utilization of drought tolerant crops: Lessons learnt’, 2019 International Symposium on Global Community-Engaged Learning, Ho, Ghana
August 2018: Panel speaker and presenter of the paper ‘Metabolic syndrome: Important target for prevention, control and management of cardiovascular diseases, The 1st International Conference on Non-communicable diseases- addressing the challenges of NCDs, reaching SDGs, INES-Ruhengeri, Rwanda
May 2018: Presented the paper, ‘Metabolic syndrome and Thyroid dysfunction: Human studies in China, the Human-Based Research Workshop organized by Quadram Institute of Bioscience, UK at BecA-ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya
Jan/Feb 2018 : Presented a paper on, Smart Food activities in Kenya, Visiting Scientist, Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich, UK
April 2018: Panel Speaker in The Accelerated Value Chain Development Programme Conference- developing value chains to farming as a business with technology and innovations in Kenya, ILRI, Nairobi Campus, Nairobi, Kenya
Nov 2017: Organizer/Participant in the First National Agri-nutrition conference, KCB Leadership Centre Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
June 2017:Presented the paper ‘Agrobiodiversity and dietary diversity for improved nutritional status of mother-infant dyads in Rongai sub-county, Nakuru, Kenya, Transform Nutrition symposium, Southern Sun Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
March 2016:Presented the paper ‘Cardio-protective effects of Lipoic acid, Quercetin and Resveratrol on oxidative stress related to thyroid hormone alterations in long-term obesity’ ANLP Seminar, March, 2016, Elgro River Lodge, District Potchefstroom, South Africa
June 2015: Presented the Diet therapy course and Introduction to human nutrition Learners modules, ELEFANS project workshop at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
June 2015:Presented the project ‘Agrobiodiversity and dietary diversity for improved nutritional status of mother-infant dyad in Rongai sub-county, Kenya’ to Transform nutrition-IFPRI at the Responsive Window Grantee Symposium, 16 June 2015, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa
May 2013: Participant in The 10th International Conference on Food Science and Technology (ICFST), “Better Foods, Better Life’’ May 30-31, 2013, Wuxi, China
Oct. 2012: Participant in the International Conference on Nutrigenomics and Metabolic Health, October 15-16 at Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences building, CAS 320 Yue Yang road, Shanghai, China
Nov. 2011: Participant in The 13th Annual Conference of the IELTS test and the TOEFL iBT test, Wuxi, China.
March 2010:Participant in the EDULINK HENNA-Project Curriculum Review Workshop at Egerton University, Kenya
Nov. 2009: Participant in the EDULINK HENNA-Project Workshop at Makerere University, Uganda, to build framework for harmonized curricula in the field of applied human nutrition in East Africa Region.
May 2009: Participant in the EDULINK HENNA-Project Kick-off Workshop at Hawassa University, Ethiopia to lay down the strategies for innovative development and harmonization of Applied Human Nutrition curricula in Eastern Africa Region.
March 2009: Participant in the International Atomic Energy projects Workshop: Managing an Effective Practice both within and without the parent institution, at Kenya Bureau Standards, Nairobi, Kenya.
Nov. 2007: Presented a paper ‘Nutritional vulnerability of the urban elderly in Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa at an International Conference: Ageing in African Cities’, Zomba, Malawi.
Sep. 2007: Participant in the First East African Policy-Research Dialogue on Ageing: Identifying and addressing Key Information gaps, Pan Afric Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
Sep. 2007: Participant in the 10th Continuous Nutrition Education Workshop on Nutritional anaemias, FAWE House, Nairobi, Kenya
July 2007: Presented a paper ‘Nutrient intakes and Nutritional status of the elderly in Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa’ at the 2nd International conference and Research week ARC, Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya.
May 2007: Presented a poster ‘Nutritional status and Functional ability of the Elderly in the Lake Victoria Basin’ at the 1st Federation of African Nutrition Societies International Conference: Nutrition Health and Development in Africa: Breaking the downward trend, Ouarzazate , Morocco.
July 2006: Presented a paper ‘Nutrition in meeting the Millennium Development Goals’, Forum for the Development of Science Students Workshop, Egerton University, Kenya.
Nov. 2006: Presented a paper ‘Food Consumption Patterns of the elderly people in Lake Victoria Basin’ at the DAAD regional conference, Nairobi University, Kenya
Nov. 2005: Presented a paper ‘Role of Glutamic and Aspartic amino acids in therapeutic feeding’ Seminar at the Department of Human Nutrition, Egerton University Kenya.
April 2004: Presented a paper ‘gender disparities in Intra-household Food distribution’ at an International Conference on Mainstreaming Gender Issues, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya.