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Dr Maureen Jepkorir Cheserek

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Faculty of Health Sciences
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Egerton University

Dr. Maureen Cheserek is a Registered Clinical Nutritionist and Dietitian. She works as a Lecturer  and Researcher at the Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Egerton University, Kenya. Dr. Cheserek has a PhD in Food, Nutrition and Safety, and vast knowledge and extensive experience in designing, coordinating, and implementing multi-disciplinary research and community development projects for better nutrition and health. Her research interests are centered on improving diet quality for prevention and management of malnutrition and non-communicable diseases. She is currently the Nutrition Specialist for the project, 'Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Healthy Foods in African Retain Markets (PASHFARM), AERC (2023-2025) and the African Food Systems Transformation Collective (AFSTC) issue briefs development (2023-2025). She is a member of the Secretariat for the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and Flour Blending Initiative (FBI), supporting the Ministry of Agriculture in collecting data for UN Assembly Biennial Review and developing the Social Behaviour Change Communication Strategy for floor blending.  She successfully led the Kenyan team in The SUNRISE Pilot Study-Kenya (2022-2023), an international cross-sectional study of 24-Hour movement behaviours of children underfive years old. She was the Programme Coordinator for the Nutrition and Dietetics Internship Programme (2021-2023), a student exchange progamme between Egerton University and Boitekanelo college, Botswana. She was  the Team Leader/Co-Principal Investigator, Nutrition and Value Addition component in Aquaculture and Finger millet value chains of the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) adaptive and applied reserch (2020-2022), Lead Nutrition Specialist in the Drought Tolerant Crops value chain project of the USAID Feed the Future Kenya,  Accelerated Value Chain Development Programme (2015-2021) and Co-investigator in Mycotoxin Mitigation Project supported by Kenya National Reserch Fund (NRF). She successfully led the Agriculture for Health and Nutrition  (A4HN) project 'Agrobiodiversity and Dietary Diversity for improved nutrition of women and children, Kenya, the  Transform Nutrition project (2015-2017), and is co-investigator in other nutrition projects. She works in close collaboration with universities and research institutions, county governments, policymakers, NGOs and local communities. She also actively participates in community extension and outreach activities.


Year: 2010-2014

Degree: Phd. Food Nutrition and Safety

Institution: Jiangnan University, China


Year: 2005-2008

Degree: MSc. Nutritional Sciences

Institution: Egerton University, Kenya


Year: 1996-2001

Degree: BSc. Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics

Institution: Egerton University, Kenya


Year: 1990-1994

Certificate: Kenya Certificate of Secondary of Education

Institution: Kapkenda Girls High School, Kenya


Year: 1983-1990

Certificate: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education

Institution: Kapkata Primary School, Kenya





Food Environment and Consumer Behaviour, Food product development, value addition and Safety, Food Systems and Sustainable Healthy diets; Maternal and Child Nutrition; Physical Activity, Obesity and Non-communicable diseases


Professional Courses and Training Programmes

  1. Pedagogy Training for Academic Staff, Egerton University, Kenya, January, 2024
  2. Engendering Food and Nutrition Research  Workshop, African Economic Research Consotium, South Africa, October, 2023
  3. Competency Based Curriculum Training workshop, Egerton University, Kenya, August, 2023
  4. Impact Evaluation Retooling Workshop, African Economic Research Consotium, Nairobi, Kenya, July, 2023
  5. Research Ethics Training, Kenya National Commision for UNESCO, Kenya, March, 2023.
  6. Leadership, Mangement and Governance Training, Technical and Vocational  Education Training Authority (TVET), Kenya, May 2021.
  7. Clinical Ethics Certificate course,  by Kenya Medical Research Institute (KMRI), Kenya, and Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), Pakistan, February 2021
  8. ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management system (FSMS) by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), January 2021.
  9. Research and Public Health Ethics Certificate Course by Kenya Medical Research Institute (KMRI), Kenya, and Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), Pakistan, October 2020.
  10. Designing community-engaged learning programmes, assessment and evaluation by Michigan State University, USA and Adanu, June 2019.
  11. Developing evidence-based nutritional Interventions for protecting human health; development and conducting human studies (clinical research) by Quadram Institute of Bioscience, Norwich, UK, February 2018.
  12. In vitro analysis of nutrients and bioactive compounds in food, food microstructure and bioaccessibility by Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich, UK, 7Jan-Feb 2018
  13. Nutrition Leadership programme by  African Nutrition Leadership Programme, (ANLP), North West University, SA, March 2016
  14. Application of Large country-lot quality assurance sampling (LC-LQAS) in surveys, use of mobile technology in data collection by Kenyatta University, Kenya, November 2014
  15. Capacity Building Training on Consultancy Services by Egerton University, Kenya, June 2018

  16. Orientation workshop on online teaching/tutoring, CMRT, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya, Feb. 2015

  17. Risk assessment for Seafood and Health,  Application of nuclear and isotopic detection techniques in sea foods, risk analysis modeling using AQUARISK software, June 2013.

  18. Application of molecular techniques in nutrition studies, Molecular and Applied Nutrition Laboratory, School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, China, June 2011.

  19. Project Proposal Development and Communication Skills Enhancement Training by Egerton University, Kenya, February 2020

  20. Online Agriculture Resources in Environment (OARE) training of trainers Workshop by Egerton University, Kenya, Aug. 2008

  21. ISO 9000 certification Workshop by Egerton University, Kenya, June 2008

  22. Pedagogy Training workshop, Egerton University, Kenya by May 2008

  23. Use of electronic resources (HINARI, OARE, TEEAL, PERI) by Egerton University, Kenya, Dec. 2007

  24. Development of Distance Learning Materials Workshop for Egerton University College of Open and Distance Learning, Egerton University, Kenya, Nov. 2007 

  25. Identifying research priorities, Workshop, Egerton University, Kenya, May 2007

  26. Nutrient analysis training by Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Kenya, Nov. 2006




2013 to date: Lecturer, Department of Human Nutrition, Egerton University, Kenya

Responsibilities: Teaching Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics courses (BSc, MSc and PhD); Research, community outreach and extension; coordinate and supervise undergraduate and post graduate students’ research projects, coordinate dietary counselling and nutrition education services; Academic advisor; nutrition consultancies; in-charge of staff welfare activities

2021 -2023: Nutrition & Dietetics Programme Coordinator, Nutrition and Dietetics Internship Student Exchange Programme, Egerton University and Boitekanelo College, Botswana

Responsibilities: Liaise between Egerton University and Boitekanelo College, Botswana; Coordinate internship programme activities (Medical Nutrition Therapy, Food Service Management) in  Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Hospital, Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital and Nakuru Provincial General Hospital;, community nutrition, extension and outreach activities, In-charge of finances and report writing; mentoring nutrition and dietetics preceptors and students.

2015-2021: Examination Officer Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences

Responsibilities: Management of examinations and coordinate time tabling of courses

2020 to date: Committee Member, Egerton University Research and Ethics Committee

Responsibilities: Advice the university on all matters pertaining ethics and research on human and experimental animals, review proposals and monitor progress, undertake trainings on ethics, set and review policies of the university in matters relating to ethical approvals

2021 to date: Team Leader/National Expert for the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), Theme Three ‘Ending Hunger’. Responsibilities: Support Kenya National government in collecting data for UN Assembly Biennial Review on progress made for achieving the Malabo declaration goals and targets for the two performance categories, Food Nutrition and security, and Food Safety


Nov. 2019-2022: Council Member, The Nyeri National Polytechnic, Kenya, and Member of the academic and research committee; Member of the Audit, Risk and compliance management committee

Responsibilities: Provide oversight of activities and operations on behalf of the Government of Kenya (policy directions, approve budgets and performance contracts)


2019 to date: Committee Member, Faculty of Health Sciences, Welfare committee.

Responsibilities: Coordinate staff welfare activities


Sep.2018 to date: Examiner, Kenya Nutritionists and Dietician’s Institute board and Human

2018: Nutrition and Dietetics, Rwanda Allied Health Professions Council

Responsibilities: Set professional and licencing examinations for Nutrition and Dietetics professionals at Bachelor’s level; examine nutrition and dietetics professionals


2017 to date

Member, Food And Nutrition Linkage Technical Working Group, Ministry of Agriculture. This technical working group supports the Ministry of Agriculture in developing strategies with increased nutrition focus (nutrition sensitive) to inform programming


2015 to 2020: BSc. Programme Academic Leader

Responsibilities: Provide leadership and guidance to the programme in relation to curriculum planning and development; marketing and recruitment of students to the programme, review admission criteria, review curriculum in relation to faculty strategic plan, ensure University Quality assurance and enhancement processes are applied into the programme, and conduct annual monitoring among other responsivities.


2015-2019: Board Member/Chairperson Academics, Board of Management Kapkata Secondary school, Elgeyo Marakwet County.

Responsibilities: Strategic planning and advisory, oversee implementation academic activities by the school management


2009-2013: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Human Nutrition, Egerton University

Responsibilities: Teaching Nutrition and Dietetics courses (BSc), Supervise undergraduate student’s projects, research consultancies in the field of human nutrition and  academic advising


2009-Aug. 2010: Local Coordinator/ Committee Member, Nutrition Task Force for the Project ‘Higher Education Network for  Applied Human Nutrition (HENNA) between Eastern Africa and Europe, EDULINK Programme

Responsibilities: Coordinate the activities for innovative development and harmonization of applied Human Nutrition Curricula in the Eastern Africa Region; organize workshops and trainings


Jan-Aug 2010: Committee Member, Egerton University Intellectual Property Rights Committee.

Responsibilities: Monitor and evaluate patentable innovations, follow up patenting of products, innovations and any other tangible/intangible materials emanating from research and other activities


2007-Aug 2010: Committee Member, Egerton University Agricultural Show and Exhibitions committee.

Responsibilities: Represent Faculty of Health Sciences in marketing academic programmes and services offered; coordinate exhibition and public shows activities


2007-2008:Team Member, Rapid Results Initiative (RRI), Egerton University

Responsibilities: Facilitate the training of university staff with an aim of improving use of electronic resources in the library


2003-2009: Teaching Assistant, Department of Human Nutrition, Egerton University

Responsibilities: Teaching Nutrition and Dietetics courses (BSc) and coordinate diet therapy practicals, clinical attachment and community extension outreach activities  for bachelor students



1. Nutrition Expert, Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Healthy Foods in African Retail Markets (PASHFARM), 2023-2025. African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), supported by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). 

2. Nutrition Expert/Team Leader, African Food Systems Transformation Collective (AFSTC) Issue brief on ‘Transitions to sustainable, resilient and equitable fisheries and aquaculture in Africa’, Thematic area, Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2024-2025.  Implemented by Egerton University, Kenya, National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kenya and Export Without Borders Ltd, Nigeria. 2024-2025

3. Co-Investigator, Accelerated Varietal Improvement of Cereals and Legumes in Africa (AVISA), 2023-2024, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), implemented by Egerton University, Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization and partner. 

4. Co-Investigator, Food Processing, Storage and Packaging cluster, African Food Systems Transformation Collective (AFSTC), South Africa, 2023-2024. Implemented by Egerton University, Moi University, University of Development Studies, Ghana and Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences.

5. Pricipal Investigator, The SUNRISE study-Kenya: International Study of 24-hour Movement Behaviors in the early years: A collaborative international cross-sectional study, 2021-2023. implemented by Egerton University, Kenya, University of Wollongong, Australia, Wellness for Greatness and Kenyatta University, Kenya. Supported by University of Wollongong, Australia and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). 

6. Nutrition and Dietetics Internship Programme Coordinator, in the ProgrammeNutrition and Dietetics Internship Programme’, 2021-2023. A collaborative student exchange programme between Egerton University, Kenya and Boitekanelo College of Allied Sciences, Botswana. Supported By the Government of Botswana and Boitekanelo College.

7. Co-Principal Investigator/Team Leaderr in the Nutrition Component of the Aquaculture value chain projectValidating Climate Smart Fish Marketing, Value Addition and Post-harvest Technologies for Improved Food and Nutrition Security’ in Siaya, Busia and Kakamega counties,  Kenya’, 2020-2022. Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP), Adaptive Research, supported by World Bank and implemented by Egerton University, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Maseno University, Kenya Fish Marketing Authority (KFMA), Aquaculture Association of Kenya and Fish Carnivore Restaurant.

8. Co-Principal Investigator of the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) Applied Research project ‘Development and promotion of consumption of novel nutrient-rich fish products for food and nutritional security in Siaya and Kakamega counties, Kenya, 2020-2022. Supported by World Bank and implemented by Egerton University and Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI).

9. Co-Investigator/Team Leader Nutrition and Value addition component of the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) Adaptive Research project 'Sustainable participatory enhancement of finger millet value chain in Bomet, Kericho and West Pokot counties, Kenya, 2020-2022. Supported by World Bank and implemented by Egerton University, Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization and Jomo Kenyatta University, Kenya.

10. Co-Investigator in the Aflatoxin Mitigation Project. Target counties: Elgeyo Marakwet and Baringo counties, Kenya, 2018-2021. Supported by the National Research Fund of Kenya (NRF).

11. Nutrition Specialist/Team Leader in the Nutrition Component of the Drought Tolerant Crops Value Chain project of the Feed the Future- Kenya Accelerated Value Chain Development Programme, 2016-2021. Implemented by The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in collaboration with Egerton University, KALRO, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Education. Target counties: Elgeyo Marakwet, Siaya, Busia, Kitui, Makueni, Tharaka Nithi and Taita Taveta.

12. Principal Investigator/Team Leader in the Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) project ‘Agrobiodiversity and dietary diversity for improved nutritional status of mother-infant Dyads project in Rongai sub-county, Kenya’ 2015-2017. Supported by UKAID, the Department for International Development (DFID) through the Transform Nutrition Research Consortium led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Implemented by Egerton University, Moi University and Bioversity International, Kenya.

13. Doctoral student in the project ‘Prevention and control of metabolic syndrome', 2010-2014. Supported by The National Science and Technology Ministry of China, the 12th Five-Year Plan for Science and Technology Development and Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD). Implemented by Jiangnan University.

14. Project Coordinator/ Committee Member, Nutrition Task Force for the Project ‘Higher Education Network for Applied Human Nutrition between Eastern Africa and Europe (HENNA), EDULINK Programme, 2009-2010. 

15. Master of Science student in the Lake Victoria Research (VicRes) Initiative project ‘Food Consumption Patterns, Dietary intakes and Nutritional status of older adults living around Lake Victoria Basin of Eastern Africa, 2006-2008’. Supported by SIDA/SAREC under the auspices of the Lake Victoria Development Partnership Program (LVDP); Implemented by Egerton and Kenyatta University (Kenya), Makerere University (Uganda) and Sokoine University (Tanzania) through the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA).

16. Consultant in the baseline study (SMART survey) for the World Vision’s project, Provision of Emergency Nutrition Project for Conflict Affected Population in Warrap State in South Sudan, Nov-March 2019

17. Consultant in the End of project evaluation, Life Saving Emergency Response (LISER III) for Underserved Counties in Upper Nile State, World Vision, South Sudan.April-June 2018

18. Supervisor in the Ministry of Health (Kenya) Micronutrient supplementation programme Evaluation in South Rift Valley, Kenya, Nov. 2014

19. Consultant for a Baseline Nutrition Survey in Samburu and Baringo District Area Development Programmes, World Vision, Kenya, May 2009

20. Consultant, Baseline nutrition survey in Sook Area Development project, World Vision, Kenya, May 2008


  1. Potential of indigenous nutritious foods to improve diet quality and nutrition outcomes
  2. Food environment
  3. Physical activity and non-communicable disease
  4. Obesity and related metabolic disorders
  5. Policy Anaysis

 Full Papers

  1. Lesuuda L, Obonyo MA, Cheserek MJ. The Impact of Fermentation on Aflatoxin and Fumonisin Levels in Sorghum Kernels and Flour Used to Prepare Complementary Food in Kerio Valley, Kenya. Food Science & Nutrition. 2024 Nov 15. doi:10.1002/fsn3.4575
  2. Obiero K, Ogello E, Munguti J, Mboya J, Kyule D, Opiyo M, Githukia C, Ouko K, Kembenya E, Abwao J, Matolla G, Sabwa G, Cheserek, M, Ngeno, K, Khobondo, J,  Meenakshisundaram, M, Chrysantus, Yossa, R. Profiling and Prioritizing Climate‐Smart Aquaculture Technologies, Innovations, and Management Practices in Kenya. Aquaculture Research. 2024;2024(1):8843677.

  3. Ochieng S, Ogello E, Obiero K, Cheserek M. Determinants of Households’ Resilience to Covariate Shocks: 2 Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications from the Kenyan 3 Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors. Aquac. J. 2024, 4.

  4. Ochieng S, Ogello E, Obiero K, Cheserek M. Systematic Review of Community-Based Adaptive and Coping Strategies to Emerging Covariate Shocks and Stresses in the Kenyan Fisheries and Aquaculture Sub-Sectors. Fish Aqua J. 2024; 15:550. doi:10.35248/2167-0250.24.15.550.
  5. Githukia C, Cheserek MJ, Otieno T, Menach E, Kyule-Muendo D, Obiero K, Munguti J. Nutritional composition of value-added fish products from selected fish species in Kenya. Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research. 2024;13:56-67. doi:10.5539/sar.v13n2p56

  6. Kawarazuka N, Mabhaudhi T, Green R, Scheelbeek P, Ambikapathi R, Robinson J, Mangnus E, Béné C, Cavatassi R, Kalita U, Gelcich S, Cheserek M, Mbago-Bhunu S, Trevenen-Jones A. Inclusive diets within planetary boundaries. Voices. 2023; 6 (5): 443-448.

  7. Mboya JB, Obiero KO, Cheserek MJ, Ouko KO, Ogello EO, Outa NO, Nyauchi EA, Kyule DN, Munguti JM. Factors Influencing Farmed Fish Traders’ Intention to Use Improved Fish Post-harvest Technologies in Kenya: Application of Technology Acceptance Model. Fish Aquat Sci 2023;26(2):105-116.
  8. Cheserek M, Obiero K, Menach E, Ogello E. Fish and Fish Products Consumption Behaviours And Attitudes of Farmers In Western Kenya. Afr. J Food, Agric, Nutr. Dev. 2022 November 22(114):21503-2152. doi: 10.18697/ajfand.114.21550.
  9. Cheserek M, Obiero K, Ogello E. Eat More Fish. SAMUDRA Report, 2021: 86; 20-22.
  10. Lesuuda L, Obonyo MA, Cheserek MJ. Determinants of knowledge about aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in sorghum and postharvest practices among caregivers of children aged 6-59 months in Kerio Valley, Kenya. Food Sci Nutr. 2021 Jul 31;9(10):5435-5447. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2502.
  11. Kemboi S, Mituki DM, Ramkat RC, Termote C, Covic N, Cheserek MJ. Variation in the factors associated with diet quality of children aged 6-23 months in low and high agro-ecological zones of Rongai Sub-County, Kenya. Food Nutr Bull 2020;41(2):186-199.
  12. Gitagia MW, Ramkat RC, Mituki DM, Termote C, Covic N, Cheserek MJ. Determinants of dietary diversity among women of reproductive age in two different agro-ecological zones of Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru, Kenya. Food Nutr Res 2019, 63: 1553 -
  13.  Cheserek MJ, Shi YH, Le G. Association of hyperuricemia with metabolic syndrome among university workers: sex and occupational differences. Afri Health Sci. 2018;18(4): 842-851.
  14. Lucy M, Owuoche JO., Cheserek M. Development of sorghum-wheat composite bread and evaluation of nutritional, physical and sensory acceptability. Afr. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2017 Sep: ISSN: 2141-5455; 8(7) pp. 113-119.DOI:10.14303/ajfst.2017.118
  15. Cheserek MJ, Wu GR, Li L, Li L, Karangwa E, Shi YH, Le G. Cardioprotective effects of Lipoic acid, Quercetin and Resveratrol on oxidative stress related to thyroid hormone alterations in long-term obesity. J Nutr Biochem. 2016 Jul; 33:36-44. doi:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2016.02.008 
  16. Li L, Sun J, Xia S, Tian X, Cheserek MJ, Le G. Mechanism of antifungal activity of antimicrobial peptide APP, a cell-penetrating peptide derivative, against Candida albicans: intracellular DNA binding and cell cycle arrest. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016 Apr; 100 (7):3245-53. doi: 10.1007/s00253-015-7265-y
  17. Wang H, Tang X, Cheserek MJ, Shi Y, Le G. Obesity prevention of synthetic polysaccharides in high-fat diet fed C57BL/6 mice. J Funct foods. 2015 Aug; 17:563-574. doi:
  18. Cheserek MJ, Wu GR, Ntazinda A, Shi YH, Shen LY, Le GW. Association between thyroid hormones, lipids and oxidative stress markers in subclinical hypothyroidism. J Med Biochem. J Med Biochem. 2015 July; 34: 323–331. 10.2478/jomb-2014-0044
  19. Li L, Shi YH, Cheng X, Xia S, Cheserek MJ, Le GW. A cell-penetrating peptide analogue, P7, exerts antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli ATCC25922 via penetrating cell membrane and targeting intracellular DNA. Food Chemistry 166. 2015 Jan; 231–239. doi.10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.113
  20. Wu GR, Cheserek MJ, Shi YH, Shen LY, Jing Yu, Le GW. Elevated plasma dityrosine in patients with hyperlipidemia compared to healthy individuals. Ann Nutr Metab.2015;66 (1):44-50. doi: 10.1159/000365731
  21. Wu GR, Cheserek MJ, Shi YH, Liu JF, Wang LH, Le GW.  Comparison of serum lipid and protein oxidation products levels in patients with different types of dyslipidemia. Journal of Hygiene Research. 2014 July: 43 (4):529-534
  22. Ntazinda A, Cheserek MJ, Sheng LX, Meng J, Lu RR. Combination effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and soybean soluble polysaccharides on stability of acidified skimmed milk drinks. Dairy Sci. & Technol. 2014 May; 94:283–295.
  23. Cheserek MJ, Wu GR, Shen LY, Shi YH, Le GW. Evaluation of the relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and metabolic syndrome components among workers. Int J Occup Environ Med. 2014 April; 27 (2):1 –13.10.2478/s13382-014-0240-5
  24. Cheserek MJ, Wu GR, Shen LY, Shi YH, Le GW. Disparities in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components among University employees by age, gender and occupation. J Clin Diag Res. 2014 Feb; 8 (2):65–69. 10.7860/JCDR/2014/6515.4010
  25. Karangwa E, Raymond LV, Huang M, Cheserek MJ, Hayat K, Savio ND, Am´ed´ee M, Zhang X. Sensory attributes and antioxidant capacity of Maillard reaction products derived from xylose, cysteine and sunflower protein hydrolysate model system. Food Res Int. 2013 Dec; 54:1437–1447.
  26. Li L, Shi YH, Cheserek MJ, Su GF, Le GW. Antibacterial activity and dual mechanisms of peptide analog derived from cell-penetrating peptide against Salmonella Typhimurium and Streptococcus Pyogenes. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2013 Feb; 97 (4):1711-23. doi: 10.1007/s00253-012-4352-1
  27. Raymond LV, Zhang M, Karangwa E, Cheserek MJ. Mixed noble gas effect on cut green peppers. Int. Agrophys. 2013 Jan; 27:75-79.
  28. Cheserek MJ, Tuitoek PJ, Waudo JN, Msuya J, Kikafunda JK. Anthropometric characteristics and nutritional status of older adults in Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa: Region, Sex and Age Difference. S Afr J Clin Nutr. 2012 Jan: 25 (2): 67-72.
  29. Cheserek MJ, Waudo JN, Tuitoek PJ, Msuya J, Kikafunda JK. Nutritional vulnerability of older persons living in urban areas of Lake Victoria Basin in East Africa: A Cross Sectional Survey. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatr. 2012; 31:86–96.

Policy Briefs

  1. Cheserek MJ, Obiero KO, Ogello EO, Munguti JM, Kipkemboi J. Social Behaviour Change Communication for Improved Nutrition Outcomes of Women and Children in Western Kenya. Kenya Climate Smart Project (KCSAP), Adaptive project. 2021 Egerton University/KMFRI, Kenya.
  2. Obiero KO, Cheserek MC, Ogello EO, Kipkemboi J, Munguti JM. Enhancing Fish Production and Marketing for Improved Food and Nutrition Security in Western Kenya. Kenya Climate Smart Project (KCSAP), Adaptive project. 2021 Egerton University/KMFRI, Kenya.
  3. Mituki DM, Ramkat RC, Celine T, Covic N, Cheserek MJ. Agrobiodiversity and dietary diversity for improved nutritional status of mothers and children in Rongai sub-county, Nakuru, Kenya. Transform Nutrition. Issue 13: June 2017.


Online Learning Materials

  1. Cheserek, MJ. Introduction to Medical Nutrition Therapy. E-Learning module, 2020, College of Distance and Open Learning, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  2. Cheserek, MJ. Nutrition and HIV. E-Learning module, 2020, College of Distance and Open Learning, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  3. Cheserek MJ  and Waswa L. Principles of Human Nutrition, E-learning module, 2015, College of Distance and Open Learning, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  4. Cheserek MJ and Lukwago B. Introduction to Human Nutrition, e-Learning module. Network on Food and Nutrition Security (ELEFANS project).
  5. Cheserek MJ and Christine K. Dietetics 1 & 2 e learning course. E-Learning Network on Food and Nutrition Security (ELEFANS project)

 Astracts and Conference Proceedings

  1. Cheserek MJ, Ochieng, E, Obiero K. Determinants of Food access and Diet quality of Women of Reproductive age from fish farming households in Western Kenya. Sep. 2024. DOI:10.57039/JND-Conf-Abt-2024-MBESM-13. Conference: 4th International Nutrition and Dietetics Scientific Conference
  2.  Le GW, Cheserek MJ, Shi YH, Wu GR, Shen LY, Sun J, Tang X. Inter-relationship of oxidative stress markers and thyroid hormones in predicting metabolic syndrome in adult men. Ann Nutr Metab. 2013; 63(suppl1): PO1889.
  3. Le GW, Wu GR, Shi YH, J. Sun J. Tang, X, Cheserek MJ. Elevated plasma malondialdehyde and advanced oxidation protein products in adults with dyslipidemia. Ann Nutr Metab. 2013; 63(suppl1): PO1888.
  4. Cheserek MJ, Waudo JN, Tuitoek PJ, Msuya J, Kikafunda JK. Anthropometric characteristics of the elderly people in Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa. Ann Nutr Metab. 2009; 55; 482-482.
  5. Cheserek MJ, Waudo JN, Tuitoek PJ, Msuya J,  Kikafunda JK. Inadequate dietary intake among the elderly in Lake Victoria Basin and their correlation with individual characteristics and health related factors. Ann Nutr Metab. 2009; 55; 639-639.
  6. Cheserek MJ, Tuitoek PJ, Waudo JN, Msuya J, Kikafunda JK. Nutrient intakes and nutritional status of the elderly in Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa. Proceedings of the Second Research Week and International Conference; ARC hotel, Egerton University, Njoro, 2007.

 Community Training and Learning Materials

  1. A Climate-smart Method of Producing Nutritious Fish Products. Kenya Climate Smart Project, Applied Research, 2022. Egerton University/KMFRI, Kenya. Supported by World Bank and Government of Kenya.
  2. Finger millet value addition booklet. Kenya Climate Smart Project, Adaptive Research, 2022. Egerton University/KALRO, Kenya. Supported by World Bank and Government of Kenya.
  3. Community Nutrition Education and Outreach materials for promoting consumption of fish and value added products. Kenya Climate Smart Project, Applied Research, 2021. Egerton University/KMFRI, Kenya. Supported by World Bank and Government of Kenya.
  4. Nutrition Social Behaviour Change Communication Materials for promoting consumption of fish and value added products. Kenya Climate Smart Project, Adaptive project. 2021 Egerton University/KMFRI, Kenya.
  5. Community Dialogue Cards on Agri-nutrition, for use by Community Own Resource Persons. 2019. Supported by USAID-Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) program. Egerton University/ICRISAT/ILRI/CIP, Kenya
  6. Drought Tolerant Crops Component cook book. Supported by USAID-Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) program. 2019. Egerton University/ ICRISAT, Kenya

August 2024:  Presented the paper, ‘Determinants of Food access and Diet quality of Women of Reproductive age from fish farming households in Western Kenya’ at the THE  Kenya Nutritionists & Dietician’s Institute (KNDI) 4th International Nutrition & Dietetics Scientific Conference, Machakos, Kenya and Chaired the session under the sub-theme, Micronutrient, Food Processing, commercialization and Health

June 2024: Convener/Facilitator, for the first African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Leaning Laboratory, ‘Integrating nutrition and gender in food environment research projects’ under the project, Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Healthy Foods in African Retail Markets (PASHFARM) at the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH2024) Academy.

October 2023: Facilitator/Trainer, African Economic Research (AERC) Gender and Nutrition Mainstreaming, and Demand Analysis Workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa, Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Healthy Foods in African Retail Markets (PASHFARM) project researcher’s workshop.  Topics: Methods and Metrics for Food security and Nutrition outcomes; Nutrition and Gender

July 2021: Panel speaker and discussant, topic ‘Access to Safe and Nutritious Foods: Role of Research and Innovations’, The African Non State Actors Independent Dialogue: A Pre United Nations Food Systems Summit,   CAADP Non State Actors Coalition (CNC), Consortia of African Non State Actors in partneship with AGRA

October  2019: Presented the  paper ‘Potential of sorghum in developing nutritious, healthy and consumer acceptable value-added food products for commercialization by rural women’ at the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) -Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) regional workshop, Accra, Ghana

June 2019: Presented the poster ‘Engagement of rural farming communities to improve young child nutrition through increased utilization of drought tolerant crops: Lessons learnt’, 2019 International Symposium on Global Community-Engaged Learning, Ho, Ghana

August 2018: Panel speaker and presenter of  the paper ‘Metabolic syndrome: Important target for prevention, control and management of cardiovascular diseases, The 1st International Conference on Non-communicable diseases- addressing the challenges of NCDs, reaching SDGs, INES-Ruhengeri, Rwanda

May 2018: Presented the paper, ‘Metabolic syndrome and Thyroid dysfunction: Human studies in China, the Human-Based Research Workshop organized by Quadram Institute of Bioscience, UK at BecA-ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya

Jan/Feb 2018 : Presented a paper on, Smart Food activities in Kenya, Visiting Scientist, Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich, UK

April 2018: Panel Speaker in The  Accelerated Value Chain Development Programme Conference- developing value chains to farming as a business with technology and innovations in Kenya, ILRI, Nairobi Campus, Nairobi, Kenya

Nov 2017: Organizer/Participant  in the First National Agri-nutrition conference, KCB Leadership Centre Karen, Nairobi, Kenya

June 2017:Presented the paper ‘Agrobiodiversity and dietary diversity for improved nutritional status of mother-infant dyads in Rongai sub-county, Nakuru, Kenya, Transform Nutrition symposium, Southern Sun Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

March 2016:Presented the paper ‘Cardio-protective effects of Lipoic acid, Quercetin and Resveratrol on oxidative stress related to thyroid hormone alterations in long-term obesity’ ANLP Seminar, March, 2016, Elgro River Lodge, District Potchefstroom, South Africa

June 2015: Presented the Diet therapy course and Introduction to human nutrition Learners modules, ELEFANS project workshop at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

June 2015:Presented the project ‘Agrobiodiversity and dietary diversity for improved nutritional status of mother-infant dyad in Rongai sub-county, Kenya’ to Transform nutrition-IFPRI at the Responsive Window Grantee Symposium, 16 June 2015, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa

May 2013: Participant in The 10th International Conference on Food Science and Technology (ICFST), “Better Foods, Better Life’’ May 30-31, 2013, Wuxi, China

Oct. 2012: Participant in the International Conference on Nutrigenomics and Metabolic Health, October 15-16 at Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences building, CAS 320 Yue Yang road, Shanghai, China

Nov. 2011: Participant in The 13th Annual Conference of the IELTS test and the TOEFL iBT test, Wuxi, China.

March 2010:Participant in the EDULINK HENNA-Project Curriculum Review Workshop at Egerton University, Kenya

Nov. 2009: Participant in the EDULINK HENNA-Project Workshop at Makerere University, Uganda, to build framework for harmonized curricula in the field of applied human nutrition in East Africa Region.

May 2009: Participant in the EDULINK HENNA-Project Kick-off Workshop at Hawassa University, Ethiopia to lay down the strategies for innovative development and harmonization of Applied Human Nutrition curricula in Eastern Africa Region.

March 2009: Participant in the International Atomic Energy projects Workshop: Managing an Effective Practice both within and without the parent institution, at Kenya Bureau Standards, Nairobi, Kenya.

Nov. 2007: Presented a paper ‘Nutritional vulnerability of the urban elderly in Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa at an International Conference: Ageing in African Cities’, Zomba, Malawi.

Sep. 2007: Participant in the First East African Policy-Research Dialogue on Ageing: Identifying and addressing Key Information gaps, Pan Afric Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

Sep.  2007: Participant in the 10th Continuous Nutrition Education Workshop on Nutritional anaemias, FAWE House, Nairobi, Kenya

July 2007: Presented a paper ‘Nutrient intakes and Nutritional status of the elderly in Lake Victoria Basin of East Africa’ at the 2nd International conference and Research week ARC, Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya.

May 2007: Presented a poster ‘Nutritional status and Functional ability of the Elderly in the Lake Victoria Basin’ at the 1st Federation of African Nutrition Societies International Conference: Nutrition Health and Development in Africa: Breaking the downward trend, Ouarzazate , Morocco.

July 2006: Presented a paper ‘Nutrition in meeting the Millennium Development Goals’, Forum for the Development of Science Students Workshop, Egerton University, Kenya.

Nov. 2006: Presented a paper ‘Food Consumption Patterns of the elderly people in Lake Victoria Basin’ at the DAAD regional conference, Nairobi University, Kenya

Nov.  2005: Presented a paper ‘Role of Glutamic and Aspartic amino acids in therapeutic feeding’ Seminar at the Department of Human Nutrition, Egerton University Kenya.

April 2004: Presented a paper ‘gender disparities in Intra-household Food distribution’ at an International Conference on Mainstreaming Gender Issues, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya.


  1. Accelerated Varietal Improvement of Cereals and Legumes in Africa (AVISA), 2023-2024, $48650. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
  2. Nutrition and Dietetics Student Internship Programme, 2021-2023, $154, 223. Government of Botswana through Boitekanelo College, Gaborone, Botswana.
  3. Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) Collaborative Adaptive Research Grants 2020: $200, 000, World Bank and Government of Kenya.
  4. Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) Collaborative Applied Research Grants 2020: $5000, World Bank and Government of Kenya.
  5. Alliance for African Partnerships (AAP) Travel grant 2019, Michigan State University, USA.
  6. Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) Research Project Grant 2015: $108,806, supported by UKAID, the Department for International Development (DFID) through the Transform Nutrition Research Consortium, led by International Food Policy Research Institute (“IFPRI”).
  7. Presidential Award 2012, Third Prize, School of International Education, Jiangnan University.
  8. Presidential Award 2011, Second Prize, School of International Education, Jiangnan University.
  9. Chinese Government Scholarship, 2010


  1. Macronutrients
  2. Micronutrients
  3. Medical Nutrition Therapy
  4. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

1. Rogers Ochieng Onyango, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science And Technology, Kenya (On-going)

Research Topic: Assessment of the Factors Associated with Stunting and its Prevalence among Children 6-23 Months in Kipkomo, West Pokot County, Kenya, (MSc) (2024-2026)

 2. Phinhas Ochieng Atieno, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science And Technology, Kenya (On-going)

Research Topic: Effectiveness of Cash Transfer and Nutrition Message Intervention on Nutrition Status of Children Aged 6-59 Months in the Universal Child Benefit Pilot Programme In Nyando Sub-County, Kisumu, Kenya (MSc) (2023-2024)

3. Sigrun Verena Rosa Prenner, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria (Graduated)

Research Topic: Linkages between food narratives and eating habits of low-income households in informal urban settlement in Nairobi, Kenya (MSc) (2021-2023), University

4. Lesuuda Lmeriae, Egerton University (Graduated)

Research Topic: Effects of Fermentation on Aflatoxin and Fumonisin in Complementary Foods Prepared From Sorghum Flour (2019-2021), Egerton University, Kenya

5. Elijah Bol Alier, Andrews University, USA (Graduated)

Research Topic: Factors Affecting Implementation of Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition in Twic County, South Sudan (2018-2020),  (Graduated) 

6. Sharon Kemboi, Egerton University, Kenya (Graduated)
Research Topic: Contribution of Mother/Caregiver’s Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices to Dietary adequacy and Nutritional Status of Children aged 6-23 months in Rongai Sub County, Kenya (2017-2020), Egerton University, Kenya (Graduated)

7. Maureen Gitagia, Egerton University, Kenya (Graduated)

Research Topic: Contribution of Agro-Biodiversity to Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Status of Women of Reproductive Age in Rongai Sub- County, Kenya (2017-2019), Egerton University, Kenya (Graduated)

8. Lucy Mariera, Egerton University, Kenya (Graduated)
Research Topic: Development and Evaluation of nutritional and sensory quality of chickpea enriched sorghum-wheat composite bread(2016-2018),  Egerton University, Kenya (Graduated)


1. Silas Ochieng, Maseno University, Kenya (On-going)

Research Topic: Influence of Covariate Shocks and Determinants of Resilience Capacities among Rural Households in The Kenyan Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors (PhD)-Ongoing (2023-2025)

  1. Member, Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute
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