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PhD in Agricultural Economics 

Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany


MSc. in Agricultural and Applied Economics          

Egerton University, Kenya and University of Pretoria, South Africa  


BSc. in Agricultural Economics

Egerton University, Kenya


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

Chavakali High School, Vihiga


Kenya Certificate of Primary Education

Mbale Primary School, Vihiga


Agricultural Economics


March 2018  to  date

Lecturer - Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, Egerton University

Jan 2014  to Feb 2018           

Assistant Lecturer - Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, Egerton University

Aug 2013 - Dec 2014

Tutorial Fellow - Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Karatina University

Jan 2012- Dec  2013

Part-time Lecturer - Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, Egerton University

Sept to Dec, 2012

Part time  Lecturer - The Technical University of Kenya

Aug 2011- May  2012

Research Supervisor - M.A. consulting group & REMPAI Contractors

April to July 2011

Technical Assistant - Pan African Agribusiness & Agro industry Consortium (PanAAC)




Institution Awarding


Market trends and consumption habits of fresh indigenous vegetable in Kenya

Humboldt University of  Berlin, Germany


Factors affecting adoption and intensity of use of organic soil management practices in maize production in Bungoma County, Kenya

Egerton University

  1. Mutegi, J.G., Gido, O.E., Mathenge, M. And Karanja, D. (2023). Consumption frequency for precooked bean products among households in Machakos County, Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 9(1), 2247676.
  2. Mbudzya, J.J., Gido, O.E. & Owuor, G. (2023). Determinants of land tenure security among small-holder farmers in rural Kenya: An ordered probit analysis. Cogent Social Sciences, 9:1, 2220232. DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2023.2220232
  3. Atsiaya, G.O., Gido, O.E., Sibiko, W.K. and Mbudya, J.J. (2023). Composite effect of adaptation to climate variability, agrometeorological information, and socioeconomic and institutional factors on agricultural productivity in Kenya. Natural Resources Conservation and Research, 6:2, 2204019, DOI: 10.24294/nrcr.v6i2.2290
  4. Bulinda,M., Gido, E.O., Kirscht, H. and Tanga, C.M. (2023). Gendered Awareness of Pig and Poultry Farmers on the Potential of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Farming in Kenya. Sustainability 15 (4), 3613.
  5. Atsiaya, G.O., Gido, O.E. and Sibiko, W.K. (2023). Uptake of climate-smart agricultural practices among smallholder sorghum farmers in Busia County, Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 9:1, 2204019, DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2023.2204019
  6. Gido, O.E. (2022). Household Demand System of African Indigenous Vegetables. Journal of Agricultural Economics. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 15 (1), 94-103.
  7. Atsiaya, G.O., Gido, O.E., Sibiko, W.K. and Mbudya, J.J. (2022). Factors influencing access to agrometeorological information among sorghum farmers: Empirical evidence among sorghum farmers in Busia County, Kenya. African Journal of Rural Development, 7 (4): 430-444
  8. Mbudzya, J.J., Gido, O.E. & Owuor, G. (2022). Influence of land tenure security on household food security among small holder farmers in Narok County, Kenya. African Journal of Rural Development, 7 (1): 20-37
  9. Musyoka, D.M., Gathungu, E. and GidoE. (2022). Factors influencing entrepreneurial orientation levels among agri-input suppliers in Nakuru county, Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, 30 (s1), 171-183.
  10. Nuani, O., Gido, O.E. and Ayuya, O.I. (2022). Consumer preference for selected roots and tubers among urban households. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 28 (6), 589-602.
  11. Mbudzya,J., Gido, E.O. and Owuor, G. (2022). Effect of land tenure security on agricultural productivity among small scale farmers in Kenya: a conditional mixed processes analysis. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 8 (1), 2139805.
  12. Nuani, O., Gido, O.E. and Ayuya, O.I. (2022). Demand analysis for selected roots and tubers among urban households of Nakuru County, Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 8 (1), 2093047.
  13. Nuani, O., Gido, O.E. and Ayuya, O.I. (2022). Consumption Frequency for Selected Roots and Tubers among Urban Households of Nakuru County, Kenya. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 23 (2), 11-23.
  14. Awiti, A., Gido, E.O. Obare, G.A. (2021). Smallholder Farmers Climate-Smart Crop Diversification Cost Structure: Empirical Evidence from Western Kenya. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 86.
  15. Karani, C., Gido, E. and Bett, H. (2021). Management and safety practices in utilization of agro-food waste among urban agro-producer households. International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management, 6 (4), 1-20.
  16. Karani, C., Gido, E. and Bett, H. (2021). An Agro-Food Waste Commercial Utilisation Behaviour Lens among Urban Agro-producer Households in a Developing Economy. Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 15 (1-2), 83-99.
  17. Awiti, A., Gido, E.O. Obare, G.A. (2021) Crop mix portfolio response to climate risks: evidence from smallholder farmers in Kisumu County, Kenya. Agrekon, 61 (2), 192-206
  18. Ngwako., Mthenge, M., Gido, E.O. and Kgosikoma, K. (2021) Effect of market participation on household welfare among smallholder goat farmers in Botswana. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 60 (2), 151-160.
  19. Karani, C., Gido, E. and Bett, H. (2021). What drives generation of agro-food waste typologies among urban agro-producer households? Insights from a developing country. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 7(1): 920-940.
  20. Ong’ayo, M.J., Gido, E.O., Ayuya, O.I., Mwangi, M. and Kibe, A.M. (2020). Role of networking capability, socio-economic and institutional characteristics on adoption tendencies of clean seed potato agri-enterprises in Central Rift Valley, Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, 28: 131-144. DOI:
  21. Gido, O.E., Ayuya, I.O., Owuor, G. and Bokelmann, W. (2017). Consumer acceptance of leafy African indigenous vegetables: Comparison between rural and urban dwellers. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 23(4): 346-361.
  22. Gido, O.E., Ayuya, I.O., Owuor, G. and Bokelmann, W. (2017). Consumption intensity of leafy African indigenous vegetables: Towards enhancing nutritional security in rural and urban dwellers in Kenya. Agriculture and Food Economics, 5(14): 1-16. DOI 1186/s40100-017-0082-0.
  23. Gido, O.E., K.H. and Bokelmann, W. (2017). Importance of African indigenous vegetables in food systems. African Journal of Horticultural Science, 10: 34-41
  24. Rajanna, D., Bokelmann, W. and Gido, O.E., (2017). Smallholder vegetable farmers and marketing choices: Implications for inclusiveness of farmers to markets. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, 16(1): 1-10.
  25. Gido, O.E., Ayuya, I.O., Owuor, G. and Bokelmann, W. (2016). Consumer choice of retail outlets for African indigenous vegetables: Empirical evidence among rural and urban households in Kenya. Cogent Food and Agriculture, 2(1): 1-14.
  26. Ayuya, O.I., Gido, O.E., Bett, K.H., Lagat, K.J., Kahi, K.A. and Bauer, S. (2015). Effect of certified organic production systems on poverty among smallholder farmers: Empirical evidence from Kenya. World Development, 67: 27-37.
  27. Gido, O.E., Sibiko, K.W., Ayuya, I.O. and Mwangi, J.K. (2015). Demand for agricultural extension services among small-scale maize farmers: A micro-level evidence from Kenya. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 21(2): 177-192.
  28. Macharia, M.A., Mshenga, P.M., Ngigi, M., Gido, O.E. and Kiprop, K.J. (2014). Effect of transaction costs on smallholder maize market participation: Case of Kwanza District, Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 3(4): 715-725.
  29. Sibiko, K.W., Owuor, G., Birachi, E., Gido, O.E., Ayuya, O.I. and Mwangi, J.K. (2013). Analysis of the determinants of productivity and technical efficiency among smallholder common bean farmers in Eastern Uganda. Current Research Journal of Economic Theory, 5(3): 44-55.
  30. Sibiko, K.W., Ayuya, O.I., Gido, E.O. and Mwangi, J.K. (2013). An analysis of economic efficiency in bean production: Evidence from Eastern Uganda. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(13): 1-9.
  31. Mwangi, J.K., Ithinji, C., Muluvi, S.A., Gido, O.E. and Sibiko, K.W. (2013). Factors influencing diversification and intensification of horticultural production by smallholder tea farmers in Gatanga district, Kenya. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 5(4): 103-111.
  32. Sibiko, K.W., Mwangi, J.K., Gido, E.O., Ayuya, O.I. and Mutai, B.K. (2013). Allocative efficiency of smallholder common bean producers in Uganda: A stochastic frontier and Tobit model approach. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2(2): 640-652.
  33. Gido, O.E., Lagat, J.K., Ithinji, G.K., Mutai, B.K., Sibiko, K.W. and Mwangi, J.K. (2013). Maize farmers’ perceptions towards organic soil management practices in Bungoma County, Kenya. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 5(2): 41-48.
  34. Ayuya, O.I., Waluse, S.K. and Gido, O.E. (2012). Small-scale farmers’ choice of organic soil management practices in Kenya: Multinomial Logit analysis. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4): 314-322.
  35. Gido, O.E., Lagat, J.K. and Ithinji, G.K. (2012). Factors affecting adoption and intensity of use of organic soil management practices: Case of maize production in Bungoma county, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 9: 98-114.
  36. Gido, O.E., Sibiko, K.W. and Ingasia, A.O. (2012). Determinants of producer group participation and input access: A case of small-scale maize farmers in Bungoma central District, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 9: 9-21.
  1. Karani, C and Gido, E. (2022). Exploring Risk Perceptions in Agro-Food Waste Utilisation among Urban Agro-Producer Households. Egerton University International Conference, 2022.
  2. Awiti, Gido, E. and Obare, G. (2022). Crop Choice Portfolio Response to Climate Risks: Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in Kisumu County, Kenya. Egerton University International Conference, 2022.
  3. Gido, O.E. and Bokelmann, W. (2017). Creating market opportunities and an enabling environment; strengthening value chain relationships. GlobE Status Seminar 2017. Held on 16-17, 2017 in Berlin.
  4. Gido, O.E. and Bokelmann, W. (2016). Household Demand System of Vegetables in Kenya: Focus on Leafy African Indigenous Vegetables. Egerton University international conference, held at Egerton University, on 30th March to 1st April, 2016.
  5. Gido, O.E., Ayuya, I.O., Bett. K.H., Owuor, G. and Bokelmann, W. (2015). Household Demand System of Vegetables in Kenya: Focus on Leafy African Indigenous Vegetables. Tropentag 2015 International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.
  6. Sibiko, K.W., Owuor, G., Birachi, E., Gido, O.E., Ayuya, O.I. and Mwangi, J.K. (2013). Analysis of the determinants of productivity and technical efficiency among smallholder common bean farmers in Eastern Uganda. International Association of Agricultural Economists’ 28th Triennial conference (Brazil), 18th - 24th August 2012. Theme: The global bio-economy.
  7. Gido, O. E., Lagat, J.K. and Ithinji, G.K. (2012). Factors affecting adoption and intensity of use of organic soil management practices: Case of maize production in Bungoma county, Kenya. Tropentag 2012 conference (Göttingen, Germany), 19th - 21st September 2012. Theme: Resilience of agricultural systems against crises.
  8. Sibiko, K.W., Ayuya, O.I., Gido, E.O. and Mwangi, J.K. (2013). An analysis of economic efficiency in bean production: Evidence from Eastern Uganda. Tropentag 2012 conference (Göttingen, Germany), 19th - 21st September 2012. Theme: Resilience of agricultural systems against crises.
  9. Gido, O.E., Lagat, J.K. and Ithinji, G.K. (2012). Factors affecting adoption and intensity of use of organic soil management practices: Case of maize production in Bungoma County, Kenya. Egerton University 6th Annual Research Week and International Conference, 21st - 23rd September, 2011. Theme: Transformative Research for Sustainable Development.
  10. Gido, O.E., Sibiko, K.W. and Ingasia, A.O. (2012). Determinants of producer group participation and input access: A case of small-scale maize farmers in Bungoma central District, Kenya. Egerton University 7th Annual Research Week and International Conference, 26th - 28th September 2012. Theme: Research and Development for advancement of Humanity.
  11. Ayuya, O.A., Waluse, S.K. and Gido, O.E. (2012). Small-scale farmers ‘choice of organic soil management practices in Kenya: Multinomial Logit analysis. The 8th AFMA International Conference (Nairobi, Kenya), 25th - 29th November 2012. Theme: Repositioning African agriculture through productivity, market access, policy dialogue and adapting to climate change.
  • Agricultural Economics,
  • Agricultural Marketing,
  • Agricultural Production Economics,
  • Farm Management,
  • Mathematics for Economists,
  • Microeconomics,
  • Project Management
  • Natural Resource Economics


  1. Nuani Fredrick Ouma, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Egerton University. Consumption Patterns for Selected Roots and Tubers among Households in Nakuru County, Kenya (2018). Graduated 2022.
  2. Gomolemo Ngwako, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Egerton University. Commercialization and Household Welfare among Smallholder Goat Farmers in Kweneng East Sub-District, Botswana (2017). Graduated 2021
  3. Ong’ayo Mercyline Jerusa, Agri-Enterprise Development, Egerton University. Networking Capability, Adoption Tendencies and Commercialization: Case of Decentralized Clean Seed Potato Multiplication Agri-Enterprises in Nakuru County, Kenya (2017). Graduated 2021
  4. Daniel Munyoki Musyoka, Agri-Enterprise Development, Egerton University. Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Agri-Enterprise Performance Among Agri-Input Suppliers in Nakuru County, Kenya (2015).



  1. Mutegi Judy Gatwiri, MSc. Agricultural and Applied Economics, Egerton University. Awareness and Consumption Patterns for Precooked Bean Products Among Households in Machakos County, Kenya (2018).
  2. Makatiani Bulinda Collins, MSc. Agribusiness Management, Egerton University. Comparative Analysis of Business Models in the Emerging Insect Based Feed Value Chain in Kiambu County, Kenya (2017).
  3. Ferdinand Kamidi Isabu, Agribusiness Management, Egerton University. Analysis of Fish Consumption Patterns in Kibera Informal Settlement, Kenya (2018).
  4. Hezbon Akelo Awiti, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Egerton University. Smallholder Farmer Response to Climate Risks: A Crop Diversification Strategy in Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya (2017).
  5. Kirwa Donald Kiprono, Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. Potential Drivers of Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Certified High-Iron Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in West Pokot Sub-County, Kenya (2021)
  6. Ian Kiplagat Katui. Effect of Climate Resilient Irrigation Practices on Onion Production Efficiency and Household Welfare of Smallholder Farmers in Laikipia County, Kenya (2022)

  7. Nancy Githumbi. Uptake of Post-Harvest Loss Reduction Practices and their Effect on Farm Income among Smallholder Irish Potato Farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya (2022)



  1. Charles Gichimu Karani, PhD. Agribusiness Management, Egerton University. Behavioral Analysis in Management and Commercialization of Agro-Food Waste among Urban Agro-Producer Households in Kenya (2018). Graduated in 2021



  1. Atsiaya Obwina Godfrey, Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. Access to Agrometeorological Information and Adaptation to Climate Variability Nexus: Case of Smallholder Sorghum Farmers in Busia County, Kenya (2019).
  2. Joseph Jabu Mbudzya, PhD. Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. Effect of Land Tenure Security on Household Food Security and Women Empowerment among Small-Holder Maize Farmers in Narok County, Kenya (2017).
  3. Kisaka Nafula Carolyne, Determinants of Pre-Cooking Bean Commercialization and its Effects on Food Security among Smallholder Agri-Prenuerers in Kimilili Sub- County, Kenya (2019).
  4. Kipserem, Jacob Kiplagat, Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. An Economic Assessment of Forest Dependence and Conservation Behavior of Smallholder Farmers Adjacent to Gazetted Forests in Kenya (2014)
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