Musafili, I., Ayuya, O. I., Birachi, E. A., & Ngabitsinze, J. C. (2024). Assessing the effect of women empowerment on labor time allocated to soil and water conservation strategies in northern Rwanda. GeoJournal, 89(4), 161.
Ayuya, O. I., Kilelu, C., Ndambi, A., Ireri, D. M., & van der Lee, J. (2024). Emergence of milk dispensing machines as a retail innovation in Kenya: trends and consumer patterns. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 36(3), 464-483.
Ayuya, O.I., Makale, F., Gama, P., Otieno, A.J., Okeny, J., Mugambi, I., Alworah, G.O., Jumason, A.H., Rware, H., Aman, C. and Mbaka, Z.S. (2024). Strengthening plant health systems in South Sudan: addressing challenges and enhancing system efficiency and sustainability. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 5(1), 1-14.
Musafili, I., Ayuya, O. I., & Birachi, E. A. (2024). Gender preferences for multiple attributes of soil and water conservation in Northern Rwanda. Heliyon, 10(16).
Ngeno, H. K., Evans, N., Ingasia, O. A., & Bett, H. K. (2024). Navigating Market Choices: Understanding Carrot Market Outlet Selection among Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. Agricultural Sciences, 15(6), 676-703.
Muriuki, T. E., Ayuya, O. I., & Oloo, B. O. (2024). Towards circular production system in the coconut value chain: actor, roles, linkage and constraints in Kilifi County, Kenya. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1), 2362903.
Ayuya, O. I. (2024). Ethnicity, social connectedness, and the rural-urban food continuum: Food security among urban informal settlement dwellers in Kenya. Heliyon.
Mutyaba, J. L., Ngigi, M. W., & Ayuya, O. I. (2024). Determinants of knowledge, attitude and perception towards cage fish farming technologies among smallholder farmers in Uganda. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10(1), 2313252.
Kariuki, V. N., Ayuya, O. I., & Nduko, J. M. (2023). Effect of women access to land on household nutritional outcomes in smallholder production system: application of heterogeneous treatment effects. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 13(2), 173-193.
Nuani, F.O., Gido, E.O. & Ayuya, O.I. (2022) Consumer preference for selected roots and tubers among urban households, International Journal of Vegetable Science, DOI: 10.1080/19315260.2022.2070570
Nuani, F. O., Gido, E. O., Ayuya, O. I., & Musyoka, M. P. (2022). Demand analysis for selected roots and tubers among urban households of Nakuru County, Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 8(1), 2093047.
Onyimbo, S.W., Ayuya, O.I. & Macharia, A.M. (2022). Determinization of the Duration that Farmers take to Adopt Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Suppression of Mango Fruit Flies in Kenya. Rigorous Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1(1), 26-33.
Soma, K., Cornelia Johanna Janssen, V., Ayuya, O. I., & Obwanga, B. (2022). Food Systems in Informal Urban Settlements—Exploring Differences in Livelihood Welfare Factors across Kibera, Nairobi. Sustainability, 14(17), 11099.
Nyamamba, J.S. Ayuya O.I. & Sibiko, K.W. (2022). Determinants of side selling behaviour in emerging sorghum supply chains in Kisumu County, Kenya. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10:1, 1986932, DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2021.1986932
Ayuya, O.I.; Soma, K.; Obwanga, B. (2021) Socio-Economic Drivers of Fish Species Consumption Preferences in Kenya’s Urban Informal Food System. Sustainability 13, 5278.
Termeer, E.E.W., Soma, K., Motovska, N., Ayuya, O.I, Kunz, M. & Koster, T. (2022). Sustainable Development Ensued by Social Capital Impacts on Food Insecurity: The Case of Kibera, Nairobi. Sustainability, 14, 5504.
Cherotich, J., Sibiko, K. W., & Ayuya, O. I. (2022). Analysis of extent of credit access among women farm-entrepreneurs based on membership in table banking (TB). Agricultural Finance Review, 82(1), 89-112.
Ayuya, O.I.; Soma, K.; Obwanga, B. (2021) Socio-Economic Drivers of Fish Species Consumption Preferences in Kenya’s Urban Informal Food System. Sustainability 13, 5278.
Cherotich J., Sibiko K.W. and Ayuya O.I. (2021). Analysis of extent of credit access among women farm-entrepreneurs based on membership in table banking (TB). Agriculture Finance Review.
Somoebwana, M.I. Ayuya O.I., and Mironga J.M. (2021). Marine fishery dependence, poverty and inequality nexus along the coastal lowlands of Kenya. National Accounting Review, 3(2): 152–178.
Kimathi, S.M., Ayuya, O.A. & Mutai., B. (2020). Adoption of climate-resilient potato varieties under partial population exposure and its determinants: Case of smallholder farmers in Meru County, Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 7:1, 1860185
Okello, D.O., Feleke, S. Gathungu, E., Owuor G. & Ayuya, O.I. (2020). Effect of ICT tools attributes in accessing technical, market and financial information among youth dairy agripreneurs in Tanzania. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6:1, 1817287.
Ong’ayo, M, J., Gido, E.O., Ayuya, O.I. Mwangi, W. and Kibe, A.M. (2020). Role of networking capability, socio-economic and Institutional characteristics on adoption tendencies of clean Seed potato agri-enterprises in central rift valley, Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, 28 Issue Supplement, s1 pp. 131 – 144.
Ouya F. O., Ayuya O.I. and Kariuki I.M. (2020). Effects of agricultural intensification practices on smallholder farmers’ livelihood outcomes in Kenyan hotspots of Climate Change. East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation, Vol. 2 (1): 2020
Cherotich J., Ayuya O.I. and Sibiko K.W. (2019). Effect of financial knowledge on performance of women farm enterprises in Kenya. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 9: 3
Atsiaya, G.O.,· Ayuya, O.I. · Nakhone, L.W. Lagat, J.K. (2019). Drivers and responses to climate variability by agro‑pastoralists in Kenya: the case of Laikipia County. SN Applied Sciences (2019) 1:827
Wekesa B.M., Ayuya O.I. and Lagat J.B. (2018) Effect of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices on Household Food Security in Smallholder Production System: Micro Evidence from Kenya. 7:80
Ayuya O.I (2018). Organic Certified Production Systems and Household Income: Micro Level Evidence of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects. Organic agriculture.
Masole, C., Ayuya O.I. and Moreki, J.C. (2018) Determinants of adoption of alternative response to foot and mouth disease: micro-level evidence of smallholder pastoralist in north East District, Botswana. Tropical animal health and production 51(2) , 1-10.
Mbudyza, J.J. Ayuya O.I; Mshenga, P.M (2017). Drivers Shaping Emergence of Small Scale Farmers Participation in Agricultural Land Rental Markets in Kenya. African Journal of Rural Development. 2(4)511-522.
Ayuya O.I (2018). Towards being equal to them: Impact of organic certified production systems on women empowerment in agriculture. African Journal of Agricultural Research 13 (16), 821-833.
Gido E.O., Ayuya O.I., Bett, H.K., Owuor, G. and Bokelman, W. (2017). Consumer Acceptance of Leafy African Indigenous Vegetables: Comparison between Rural and Urban Dwellers. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 23(4): 346-361.
Arinaitwe, S., Mshenga P. M and Ayuya O. I. (2017). Analysis of risk attitudes and social capital in pineapple marketing: The case of small-scale farmers in Luwero district, Uganda. African Journal of Rural Development, 2 (2): 235-246.
Gido E.O., Ayuya O.I., Owuor, G. and Bokelman, W. (2017). Consumption intensity of leafy African indigenous vegetables: towards enhancing nutritional security in rural and urban dwellers in Kenya. Agricultural and Food Economics, 5:14.
Mungai, N.W., Ambula, M., Chege, N.W., Mberia, P., Ombati M.J., Opiyo M.A., Bebe O.B, Ayuya I.O. and Wambua T. (2016). Experiential learning for agricultural students in institutions of higher learning: The case of Egerton University. African Journal of Rural Development, 1(3): 229 – 237.
Gido E.O., Ayuya O.I., Bett, H.K., Owuor, G. and Bokelman, W. (2016). Consumer’s choice of retail outlets for African indigenous vegetables: Empirical evidence among rural and urban households in Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2: 1248523.
Nyongesa J.M., Bett, H.K., Lagat, J.K. and Ayuya, O.I. (2016). Estimating farmers’ stated willingness to accept pay for ecosystem services: case of Lake Naivasha watershed Payment for Ecosystem Services scheme-Kenya. Ecological Processes, 5:15.
Ayuya, O.I., Gido, O.E, Bett, H.K., Lagat, J.K. Kahi, A.K and Bauer, S. (2015). Effect of Certified Organic Production Systems on Poverty among Smallholder Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Kenya. World Development, 67: 27–37.
Gido, O.E., Sibiko, K.W., Ayuya, I.O. and Mwangi, J.K. (2014). Demand for Agricultural Extension Services among Small-Scale Maize Farmers: A Micro-Level Evidence from Kenya. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1: 1-16.
Sibiko, K.W., Ayuya, I.O., Gido,O.E. and Mwangi, J.K. (2013). Analysis of the determinants of productivity and technical efficiency among smallholder common bean farmers in Eastern Uganda. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development: Vol.4, No.13, 2013.
Gido, O.E., Sibiko, K.W. and Ayuya, O.I. (2012). Determinants of Producer Group Participation and Input Access: A Case of Small-scale Maize Farmers in Bungoma Central District, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (JARD). Vol: 9: (1990-3375).pp. 9 – 21.
Ayuya, O.I., Waluse, S.K. and Gido, O.E. (2012). Small-scale Farmers’ Choice of Organic Soil Management Practices in Kenya: Multinomial Logit analysis. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences. 4(4): 314-322, 2012.
Ayuya, O.I., Lagat, J.K. and Mironga, J.M. (2011). Factors Influencing Potential Acceptance and Adoption of Clean Development Mechanism Projects: Case of Carbon Trade Tree Project among Small Scale Farmers in Njoro District, Kenya. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 3(3): 275-285.
Ayuya O. I., Lagat J.K., Mironga J.M., Mutai, B.K. (2011). Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Farmers Awareness of Clean Development Mechanism Projects: Case of Smallholder Forest Carbon Projects. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 3(3): 213-218, 2011.