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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Commerce
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P.o. Box 13357 - 20100, Nakuru
  • August 2014 to November 2019: PhD in Business and Management, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University.
  • December 2007: Masters in Accounting and Financial Management (MAFM), Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University, USA. Attained GPA of 3.97 out of 4.0. 
  • June 2007: Graduate Certificate in Accounting. Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University
  • Aug. 1995 to Aug. 1996: H.J. Heinz International Fellowship Program, University of Pittsburgh. I was the only recipient of this prestigious fellowship from the developing world in 1995. Studied business leadership, accounting and finance.
  • April 1996: Certificate in Small Business Management, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh.
  • March 1995: Certificate in Marketing, Marketing Society of Kenya.
  • June 1993: Diploma in Marketing, Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK.
  • Sept. 1986- June 1989: Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), Business Administration Option, University of Nairobi. I was the best student taking Business Administration Option.
  • December 1984: Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education, Kaaga Girls High School
  • December 1982: Kenya Certificate of Education, Chania High School
  • December 1978: Certificate of Primary Education


October 2020 to Present: Lecturer, Nakuru Town Campus College, Egerton University

  • Teaching university courses at both under graduate and post graduate levels in Finance and Accounting
  • Undertaking academic research and publishing research work
  • Participate in developing teaching materials and in curriculum development
  • Supervising, guiding and assessing post-graduate students in research activities
  • Participate in the departmental and faculty meetings.
  • Academic advising and student mentoring
  • Any other duties and responsibilities assigned or delegated by the Chair of Department, Accounting Finance and Management Science and Dean of Faculty of Commerce, Nakuru Town Campus College.

February 2018 to October 2020: Coordinator Commerce Programs/Lecturer, Nairobi City Campus, Egerton University

  • Teaching university courses at both under graduate and post graduate levels in Finance and Accounting
  • Undertaking academic research
  • Supervising and guiding masters students
  • Processing exams: ensuring exams are internally and externally moderated; final exam scripts are submitted on time and marks are entered in the ARMs system
  • Supervising lecturers and non-teaching staff  working for the faculty of commerce
  • Participate in the departmental courses allocation meetings and prepare the final course allocation schedule.
  • Attending to student’s academic issues
  • Any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the dean, faculty of commerce or the director, Nairobi City Campus.

May 2011 to 2018: Lecturer, Nairobi Campus and Nakuru Town Campus College, Egerton University

  • Teaching university courses at both graduate and MBA levels in Finance and Accounting
  • Developing course outlines, selecting relevant teaching materials and texts books
  • Setting and administering  exams, develop marking schemes, marking and grading exams
  • Supervising and guiding MBA students during the proposal and thesis writing process.
  • Student advising
  • Research, consultancy and Publication
  • Other university work such as attending faculty board meetings

August 2010 to April 2011: Lecturer, St. Paul’s University, Limuru

  • Teaching university courses at both under graduate and post graduate levels in Finance and Accounting
  • Setting, marking, grading exams
  • Undertaking academic research
  • Other university work such as attending meetings

October 2009 to August 2015: Consultant and Trainer/Lecturer

  • Facilitator-EMBA program at MKU in conjunction with Copenhagen Business School
  • Providing consultancy in Financial Management, Market linkage and Business counseling to Small & Medium Enterprises at Inoorero University
  • Conducting training seminars for “Get-Ahead” an ILO-sponsored project for women entrepreneurs
  • Conducing training for Synergy Management Consultants on entrepreneurship and business proposal writing
  • Part-time teaching at Egerton University. Courses taught included Introduction to Finance, Corporate Finance, Public Finance and Financial Management.
  • Teaching at Continental College. Courses taught include Cost Accounting, Business Finance, Stores and Inventory Management.

May 2008 to Dec 2008- Culver-Stockton College

  • Taught Accounting and Finance courses 

September 2006 to August 2008: Full-time Graduate Student, Keller Graduate School of Management, DeVry University

  • Pursed specialized and intensive study of accounting and financial management program.

Sept. 2002 to August 30, 2006: Accounting Manager, Motient Corporation, Reston, VA

  • In charge of operations within the accounting department
  • Supervised the accounting department staff 
  • Contributed in the preparation of the company’s budget
  • Responsible for the preparation of financial statements in accordance to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
  • Responsible for maintaining accurate general ledger accounts

Sept 2000 to August 2002: Accounting Specialist, Motient Corporation, Reston, VA

  • Maintain fiscal records by reviewing payroll information, purchase requisitions, vouchers,       receipts and other documents;
  • Entered data onto computer spread sheets, ledgers, worksheets and other forms;
  • Researching and resolving customer billing and credit inquiries.
  • Compare data contained in a variety of financial records in order to detect errors/discrepancies
  • Examined invoices, expense vouchers and other source documents to verify obligations and accuracy.
  • Customer service: verbal and written communication to customers on various aspects of their accounts.

Sept. 1998 to Sept 2000: Customer Service Supervisor, Mellon Bank, N.A. Pittsburgh

  • Work in a busy consolidated banking Center assisting customers with banking services including meeting with customers and answering calls related to account opening,       verification of credentials, income, and address, loan processing, cash management, loan           inquiries, and communicate approvals and denials

Aug. 1996 to Sept. 1998: Module Processor, Mellon Bank, N. A., Pittsburgh

  • Processing payments made to large Mellon Bank clients, including corporate, federal, non- governmental organizations, and religious organizations.

June 1993 to July 1995: Assistant Manager, Digger Classified

  • Managed the Classified Advertising Section
  • Supervised a team of nine sales professionals
  • Coordinated the flow of advertising copy
  • Cash management and cost control
  • Special project management.

1991-1993: Sales Executive, East African Standard

1990-1991: Marketing officer, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC)

  1. Harrison, F. N., and Muiru, M.W. (2021) Effects of Selected Financial Management Practices on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. International Journal of Finance. 6 (1), 17-38.
  2. Ademba A. V., Muiru M., and Auka D. (2021). Effect of Financing Structure on the Profitability of Micro and Small Enterprises in Nakuru Central Business District. The International Journal of Business Management and Technology, 5 (2), 18-23
  3. Muiru, M.W. (2020). Capital Markets key to the post Covid-19 Economic recovery. ViewPoints on-line publication. Available at
  4. Muiru, M.W., Kibet, L.K., and Kalui, F. (2019). Foreign Exchange Risk Hedging, Corporate Governance and Financial Performance: Evidence from Kenya. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 10 (5), 88-100
  5. Muiru, M.W., Kisaka, S.E., and Kalui, F. (2018). Effect of Foreign Exchange Risk Hedging Techniques on Financial Performance of Listed Firms in Kenya. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 8(3), 156-173
  6. J.J., Muiru, M.W., and Wycliffe O. Oluoch, W. O. (2018). Effect of loan portfolio management on the Profitability of deposit taking microfinance Institutions in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. VI (2), 283-295.
  7. Ngicuru, P.N. and Muiru, M.W. (2016). Effect of selected factors affecting revenue collection in Nairobi city county government. American Journal of Finance Vol 1 (1), 1-10.
  8. Muiru, M.W. and Murage, C. W. (2016). The Effect of Credit Risk on Corporate Liquidity of Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 7(4), 181-189.
  9. Kimwele, S.M., Bosire, M., Muiru, M.W. and Kamau, S.M. (2015); Effect of Automation of Bond Trading on Bond Market Performance: The Case of Nairobi Securities Exchange. International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 3(3): 279-284
  10. Muiru, M.W. and Kamau, S.M. (2014). An Assessment of Capital Structure Decisions by Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 5 (15), 20-27.
  11. Sirma, J., Muiru, M.W. and Kipchillat, C. (2014) impact of information security policies on computer security breach incidences in Kenyan public universities, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management,  Vol X, No.X, 1-11
  12. Inoti, G. G., Onyuma, S. O. and Muiru, M.W. (2014). Impact of acquisitions on the financial performance of the acquiring companies in Kenya: A case study of listed acquiring firms at the Nairobi securities exchange, Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2(5), 108-115
  • Motient Corporation Champion Employee May 2002
  • Motient Corporation’s Special Recognition Award in Appreciation for Outstanding Support of the September 11, 2001 Emergency Response. November 2001
  • H.J. Heinz Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 1995-96 Academic year
  • East African Industries Award for Best Final-Year student taking the Business Administration Major at the University of Nairobi - 1990

I have supervised the following MBA students to completion

  1. Manyara Brian Elijah Obara. Project's Title: Effect of Selected Factors on Financial Innovation in Commercial Banks in Kenya. Graduated: 2018
  2. Joseph Jok Ajang. Project's Title: Effect of Loan Portfolio Management on the  Profitability of Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions in Nairobi, Kenya.Graduated: 2018
  3. Caroline N. Ikunda. Project's Title: The impact of Corporate Governance on Dividend Payout of Manufacturing Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Graduated: 2016
  4. Patrick Ngicuru. Project's Title: Effect of selected factors affecting revenue collection in Nairobi city county government. Graduated: 2016
  5. George Gitonga Inoti. Project's Title: Impact of Acquisitions on the Financial Performance of the Acquiring Company in Kenya: A Case Study of Listed Acquiring Firms at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Graduated: 2012

I have supervised the following MBA students, they  have presented their projects  and passed, awaiting graduation

  1. Victor Achola Ademba. Project Title: Effect of Capital Structure on the Profitability of Micro and Small Enterprises: A Case Study of Nakuru Central Business District. Expected to graduate: June 2021
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