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Prof Daniel O. Auka,Ph.D.

Professor of Business Management ,

DepartmentofBusiness Administration,

Faculty of Commerce,

Egerton University ,

P.O. Box 1441 - 20100

Nakuru, Kenya.

Mobile: +254 720656725

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


2012: PhD Business Management - Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania

1990: Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Sacred Heart University, Fairfield Connecticut, USA

1986: BCOM (Business Administration) - University of Nairobi, Kenya

1981: Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education(A Level) - Maseno National School, Kisumu County

1979: Kenya Certificate of Education (O Level) - RiokindoSecondary School, Kisii County

1975: Certificate of Primary Education - EnderetPrimary School, Kisii County

  • Service Marketing
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Entrepreneurial Development
  • February 2021 – Present: Ag Principal , Nakuru Town Campus College , egerton University
  • May 2018–present: Associate professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce , Egerton University
  • 2013- 2018: Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University
  • 2009 - 2013: Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Egerton University
  • 2003-2009: Lecturer, Department of Marketing, School of Business and Economics, Kabarak University
  • 1998-2000: Business Manager, Cardinal Transport & Courier Services, Raleigh North Carolina, U.S.A
  • 1990-1998: Assistant Manager – responsible for general administrative duties, accounts receivables and payables, credit evaluation and collection. Simplex Auto  Sales Inc, Raleigh, North Carolina –U.S.A.
  • 1989-90: Library Assistant:  In charge of circulation in the University Library - Sacred  Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
  • 1987- 1988: Supplies Officer – In-charge of procurement of good and services, analysis, planning and reporting to the Departmental Director. I was also a member of Ministerial Tender Board.
  • 1986 – 1987: Graduate Teacher,Menyenya High School, Kisii, Teachers Service Commission (TSC), Kenya.
  • 1982- 1983: Untrained Teacher ( BOG),  EnderetiHigh School, Kisii – Kenya

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the service industry

  1. D.O Auka (2021), Demographic Variables and Customer Loyalty in Retail Banking in Kenya, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management,accepted  February 2021
  2. Karani L.M.&D. O. Auka (2020) . Corporate social responsibility conceptualization literature review: Management literature vs. Marketing literature, Journal of Business Administration and Management Sciences Research Vol. 9(11),  November, 2020       
  3. Kamanu   S.N. &Auka  D.O.( 2019)  The Effect of E-Government on Service Delivery A Case of HudumaCenter One-Stop Nakuru County.  International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 7 Issue.6
  4. Rael C. ,Kipkebut D. &Auka D.O. (2019 Effect of Organizational Change on Kenyan Chartered Universities : A sector Comparison , European Journal of  Business and Management , Vol 11, No 18 , June , 2019
  5. RaelC. ,Kipkebut D. &Auka D.O. (2019) Effect of Strategic Leadership on organizational performance : The case of Kenyan Universities in Kenya, International Journal  of Business  Management , Vol . 7, April, 2019
  6. Ayuo, A. O., Kibas, P.&Auka, D.  (2018).Entrepreneurship Education, Personality Traits, and Entrepreneurial Intention of Engineering Students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kenya, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online), Vol.8, No.22, 2017, 148-158
  7. Njiru, P.M. &Auka, D.O. (2017). Effect of liberalization on the performance of veterinary medical services in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Vol. 6(12), pp.1412-1420
  8. Simiyu T.W. &Auka, D.O. (2017). Effect of retrenchment practices on performance of Surviving employees in state corporations of Nakuru County, European Journal of Business and Management, ISSN (Paper)2222- 1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839, Vol.9, No.33, 2017, PP 85-98
  9. Ayuo A.O.&Auka, D.O.( 2017). Entrepreneurship Education, Attitudes and Entrepreneurial Intention of Engineering Students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kenya,European Journal of Business and Management, ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222- 2839
  10. Auka, D.O. (2016).Strategic Management practices and the performance of Secondary Schools in Nakuru District, Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (Scholar link Research Institute)
  11. Auka, D.O. (2016).Customer Perceived value and customer loyalty in retail banking  in Kenya, International Journal of Current Research
  12. Auka D.O. and Langat C.J.(2016).Effects of Strategic Planning on Performance of Medium Sized Enterprises in Nakuru Town.International Review of Management and Business Research Vol. 5 Issue.1
  13. Auka, D.O. &Kiarie E.G.(2016) knowledge sharing and the performance of teachers in Kenya. International Journal of Research in Computer Application and management, Vol 6(1), PP 01- 09 , ISSN 2231- 5756
  14. Nyantika,D.K., Kipchumba S.K., Auka, D.O., &Asienyo B.O.(2015).Effect of Selected Motivational Factors on the Job Satisfaction of Civil Servants within Government Devolved Functions in Nakuru County. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies ISSN 2028-9324 Vol. 12 No. 1 Jul. 2015, pp. 287-299
  15. Cheptumo M &Auka, D.O.(2015). Corporate Social Responsibility and the creation of Competitive Advantage in Kenya : The case of Safaricom ltd and Airtel Kenya Ltd , International Journal of Research in Computer Application and management, Vol 5(1), PP 095- 105, ISSN 2231- 1009
  16. Gitonga F.M., Auka, D.O. &Akuno. R.N.(2015).Effects of Knowledge management Strategies on Organizational Perfromance: The case of Real Estate Mangement Firms in Nakuru Town ,Asian & American Research Publishing Group,Vol 1 (1)
  17. Auka, D.O. &Keraro J.O. (2014).Strategic marketing and technological innovations and firm growth: The case of retail banking in Kenya, Sky Journal of Business Administration & Management,Vol.2 (8), pp 037- 053, Available online  ISSN 2315-8778 ©2014 Sky Journals
  18. Auka, D.O.  (2014).Porter’s Generic Competitive strategies and Customer Satisfaction in Commercial Banks in Kenya,Eurasian Research Publishing, Vol. 1(1), pp 1-31
  19. BecksonNdiba, B.&Auka D.O. (2014). Effects of Innovation of Service delivery on Financial Performance : Caseof Commercial Banks in Meru Town, International Journal of Management & Information Technology,Vol.10 (4), ISSN 2278- 5612
  20. Auka, D.O. Bosire , J.N. &Matern V. (2013).Perceived Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in Retail Banking in Kenya, the British Journal of Marketing Studies. Vol.1, No.3, pp. 32-61, September
  21. Auka, D.O. &Mwangi, J.K.(2013).Factors influencing Sacco  customers’ decision to select other financial institutions in Kenya ,International Review of Management and Business Research,Vol. 2 Issue.2 Available on,ISSN: 2306-9007.
  22. Ongae, V. O,Auka, D. O. &Kipchumba S. (2013). The effect of selected tourism policies on the growth of Tourism industry in Kenya: the case of Lake Nakuru National Park, International Journal of Management and Business Strategy, Vol. 2 (2 )
  23. Kulet, J.O., Auka, D.O.&Kipchumba,S. (2013). The Effects of Relational Social Capital on Customer Loyalty, Lambert Academic publishing
  24. Auka, D.O.&Bosire, J.N. (2013). Relational Social Capital and Customer Loyalty in Retail Banking in Kenya, International Journal in Research in Computer Applications and management VOLUME NO. 3 (2), ISSN 2231-1009.
  25. Auka, D.O. (2013).“Customer Loyalty in Retail Banking”, Lambert Academic Publishing.
  26. Auka, D.O. (2012).Service Quality, Satisfaction, Perceived Value and Loyalty among customers in Commercial Banking in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya, African Journal of Marketing Management Vol. 4(5).ISSN 2141-2421
  • 4th June , 2019: Kenya Industry &Entrepreneurship Project  (KIEP) , Project  Launch Program , A world Bank Project organized by State Department for Industrialization at  Intercontinental Hotel
  • 10thOCT 2017: A Consultative Workshop On Setting Up An Academic – Industry Platform  Organized by the Ministry of Industry , Trade & Cooperatives , State Department of Investment and Industry, World Bank Kenya Offices, Delta Center, MenegaiRoad - Nairobi
  • March 2016: Egerton International Conference and Research Week , Education BLDG, EU
  • AUGUST 2015: Workshop on Research Funds mobilization strategies , Tumaini Conference Center in Nakuru
  • June  2015: Research Week for Commerce Staff and Postgraduate students on proposal writing at ARC Hotel, Njoro
  • February 2010: Pedagogy workshop for Egerton Lecturers at ARC Hotel, Njoro
  • July 2011: Award for Postgraduate Research Funds of three hundred thousand (KES300,000), Egerton University 
  • Marketing
  • Research Methods
  • Entrepreneurship  
  1. Effect of Strategic Leadership on organizational performance : The case of Kenyan Universities in Kenya ((PhD 2019) , RaelSitienei,Egerton University
  2. Entrepreneurship Education , Personality Traits, Attitudes and Attention Among students in Tertiary Institutions in Kenya, (PhD 2018) Ayuo Amos  Odalo,Egerton University
  3. An Evaluation of the Effect of Privatization on the performance of Veterinary Medical Services in  Nakuru County MBAproject by  Peter M. Njiru (2017)
  4. The influence of retrenchment  on the motivation of retrenched employees: The case of Pyrethrum Board of Kenya, MBA project by Titus Simiyu(2017)
  5. An analysis of selected factors influencing the marketing of pyrethrum products of small holder farmers: the case of Kisii County , MBA Project by Samuel Maranga Matonda (2017)
  6. Effect of Selected Motivational Factors on the Job Satisfaction of Civil Servants in Government Devolved Functions in Nakuru County, MBA Project by Daniel K.Nyantika (2016) co-supervised by Dr. SimeonKipchumba
  7. Effects of strategic planning on performance of Medium size enterprises in Nakuru Town, JacklineLangat,MBA (2015) by Jackline C. Langat
  8. Effects of Innovation of Service Delivery System on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks: Case of Meru Town, MBA (2015), by BacksonNdiba
  9. The Effect Of Strategic Knowledge Management On Business Performance: The Case Study Of Real Estate Firms In Nakuru Town; MBA (2014)  by Frida Gitonga Makana
  10. The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm’s Competitive Advantage: The Case ofSafaricom (K) AndAirtel (K), MBA (2014) by Margaret Cheptumo
  11. Knowledge sharing and the performance of Teachers Service Commission secretariat staff in Kenya , MBA  (2013) by Esther GathoniKiarie
  12. The Effect of Ansoff ‘s  competitive strategies on Organizational performance : the case of Commercial Banks in Nakuru Municipality; MBA 2013 by Wendy Cherono
  13. Influence of service quality differentiation strategy on customer loyalty in commercial Banks within Nakuru Municipality; By Tabitha WangariKibithe, MBA 2012, Co-supervised with Dr MainaWaiganjo
  14. The effect of relational social capital on customer loyalty : the case of commercial banks in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya; By Jackson Lemomo Ole Kulet, MBA 2012, Co-supervised with Simeon Kipchumba
  15. The effect of selected tourism policies on the growth of Tourism industry in Kenya: the case of Lake Nakuru National Park; By Vincent OnyanchaOngae, MBA 2012, Co-supervised with Simeon Kipchumba
  16. Effects of organizational structure on strategy implementation in manufacturing firms in Kenya: A case of manufacturing firms in Nakuru Municipality; By LucyannMuthoniKarani, MBA 2012, Co- supervised with James  Mwangi
  17. The Effect of Ansoff Growth Strategies on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya; By Ziporah W. Kigera, MBA 2012, Co- supervised by Dr. Jesse Mwangi
  18. Assessment of strategic management practices and performance of Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: The case of Nakuru District; By Vincent ObwogeMboga, MBA 2012.
  19. The effect of growth strategies on the performance of commercial banks in Kenya: The case of Kenya commercial banks”. By Anne Atieno, MBA 2012.
  20. The Effects Of Strategic Marketing And Technological Innovations On Growth: The Case Of Commercial Banks In Nakuru Town, By  KeraroOgari Jacob, MBA 2012, Co- supervised by AyubOdida
  21. Factors influencing SACCO customer choice of alternative Financial Service Providers: The case of Nakuru Municipality   By Josephine KamburaMwangi, MBA 2012
  22. Strategic response to high cost of production: a case of small scale maize farmers in Kaplamai division Trans Nzoia district, Rift Valley province, Kenya, By Joseph Sang, MBA 2011, Co-Supervised by Dr Chepkilot K.K.
  23. The effect of marketing mix strategy on the enrolment of students : the case of private primary schools in Nakuru Municipality; Kenya LoiceMburu, MBA 2010, co-supervised with  JacklineMoriasi
  24. Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Performance Appraisal Systems In Private Universities In Kenya; The Case Of Kabarak University, By Simeon Kipchumba, MBA 2007, Co-Supervised With Dr.Chepkilot
  25. An Evaluation Of factors Hindering Upward Mobility Of Women Employees In Public Universities. The Case Of Egerton University, By KephaOmwengaOrina, MBA 2007, Co-Supervised By Mr. Andrew Muguna
  26. An Investigation Of  The Factors Determining Choice Of Banking Services Among Secondary School Teachers In Molo Division; A Comparative Study Between Saccos And Commercial Banks; Jackson OyaroOng’eta, MBA 2007, Co- supervised by Kennedy Bungu
  27. Publishers’ promotional response to liberalization of book market in Kenya, by Shem OdoyoOjwan’g, MBA 2006, Co- supervised by JacklineMoriasi
  28. Factors influencing the performance of Micro and small scale Indigenous Poultry Enterprises in Kitui County, Kenya Daniel WachiraIrura, Jommo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology
  29. Human capital management, workforce diversity, organizational characteristics and employee competence in Kenyan universities , Ofula Judith 0mwanza
  30. Effects of implementation of selected policies on performance of chartered universities in Kenya, PatriciahWanjeriMurage
  31. Supply Chain strategies and operational performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya, Mundia Caroline Muthoni


  1. The effect of e-government on service delivery in thecase of hudumacenter one stop shop Nakuru County, Samuel Kamanu
  2. Evaluation of selectedfactors influencing theutilization of agency banking services in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya, Alice W. Ndunyu- Lubisia

SEPT- OCT 2014

Project Evaluator (Monitoring and Evaluation Expert), Help Mission Development Services (HMDS), Nauru –This was a project funded byCO-OPERAID and implemeted by HMDS, a Kenyan Non–Governmenta Organizational. The task of the assignment involved the external data verification of activities reported to have been carried out by selected Youth Polytechnics in Nakuru County under two empowerment projects entitled Vijana na Ujuzi and Tumaini la Vijana under the supervision of Help Mission Development Services, assessment of the benefits to the trainees and the sustainability of the projects. The main goal of the projects were empowerment of young people particularly primary school and secondary school drop outs who were enrolled in Youth Polytechnics through: revitalization of polytechnics by providing them with materials, books, equipment and funds, capacity building of BOG members and instructors, establishment of girls clubs , guidance and counselling , creation of income generating activities for girls, provision of entrepreneurship training and business start–up kits, bonding activities through sports  and education on HIV&AIDS.

JUNE  -SEPT 2013   

Organizational Capacity Development Specialist, Euro Health Group (EHG), Denmark.  Conducted data quality audit (data verification) for Botswana National Aids Prevention Support (BNAPS) Project that is funded by World Bank and the European Union in conjunction with the government of Botswana (NACA). 


Freelance Business Consultant, Moruprint Enterprises, Nakuru– Kenya. Main responsibilities include business systems set up, Marketing, Product Development and promotion, HR development(training and skills developments),Structured Problem Solving and Project Management, Organizational capacity development, business planning (developing business plans), entrepreneurial skills development, strategic planning,  expert facilitation and negotiation, course design and delivery, monitoring and evaluation, and resource mobilization and research to strengthen organizational systems

 June 2013

Marketing & HR Consultant for Egerton University Sacco– Kenya. HR recruitment & planning , organizational capacity development, business planning in terms of product development and planning, promotional program design, Analysis of marketing research information

May, 2013

Kenya Military Academy, Lanet: Effective Decision making under different situations  -part of capacity building /a training program for senior officers in the armed forces

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