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Faculty of Agriculture
536-20115, Egerton Njoro Kenya

Dr Isaac Maina Kariuki was born in April 15, 1971 in Kimbimbi, MweaTebere of Kirinyaga District (currently Kirinyaga County). In 1985 he obtained a certificate in Kenya Primary Examinations (KCPE) at Kirogo Primary school (Mwea, Kirinyaga County) and joined Kerugoya Boys High School (Kirinyaga Central, Kirinyaga County) where he qualified with a certificate in Kenya Secondary Examination (KCSE) in 1989. Between 1990 and 1995 he studied at Egerton University and obtained a 2nd class upper honors Bachelor degree in Agribusiness Management. Through Danish Government Fellowship Award he obtained a certificate in Food, Agricultural and Environmental Policy at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark (currently University of Copenhagen) in 2003 and later successfully completed an MSc degree in Agricultural Economics of Egerton University in 2004. Later under the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD) Sandwich Scholarship Award he did his doctorate studies at the University of Kiel, Germany and graduated with a Doctor of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics, Market Analysis major in 2012.

Currently a senior lecturer he has taught in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management of Egerton University since April 1996. His taught courses include statistics for agriculture/economists, research methods and management, operations research, marketing management, agricultural policy analysis, agribusiness supply chain management, agri-enterprise development and Risk management. Through research and extension, he has mentored 4 Doctoral students from Kenya, Mali and Tanzania and 10 Master students among them a Mozambican and Ghanian. He has also authored and/or co-authored 31 publications on small farms export market mainstreaming mechanisms, food quality and safety certification schemes in horticultural sub-sector, sustainable agricultural intensification practices in Maize-Legume enterprises, food security in staple crops dependent rural farming households, agri-enterpreneurship development in potato farming communities, household welfare in rain-fed part time farming households, agricultural policies and Maize producers and consumers welfare, and climate change and livelihoods in pastoral communities. 

Further, he has partnered and consulted for International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) in Adoption Pathways project funded by Australian Food Security Centre between 2011 and 2016. Currently, he is consulting for African Development Bank and Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology in Training of Public Universities and Technical Training Institutions Teaching Staff at Master and Doctorate level in Engineering and Applied Sciences in Agricultural and Livestock Biosciences project (2018-2024). In addition, he is the Agribusiness Specialist in 6 World Bank funded projects: Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KSCAP) on Bean Value Chain in Laikipia and Nyeri Counties (2018-2024) and Beekeeping value chain in Kajiado (2018-2024), National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP) in the Bee Keeping Value Chain in Siaya, Nakuru and Samburu Counties (2018-2024). 

During a career spanning 29 years now, he has served in various University committees:Knowledge management, Risk management, Post-Graduate studies, Field and Industrial liaisons, Agribusiness and Agri-enterprise thematic leadership, Bachelor of Agribusiness Management Programme review, Career progression, and Academic advisory for Agri-enterprise MSc students under RUFORUM Mastercard's Transforming African Agricultural Universities to Meaningfully Contribute To Africa's Growth and Development (TAGDev) program.

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2012: Doctor of Science in Agricultural Economics, Market Analysis major - Kiel University, Germany

Thesis tile: Price Formation in the Presence of International Private Food Quality Standard: The case of Kenyan French Beans

2004: Master of Science in Agricultural Economics - Egerton University, Kenya

Thesis title: The Effects of Informal Marketing Contracts on the Production of French Beans in Mwea Tebere, Central Kenya

1995: Bachelor of Agribusiness Management, 2nd Class Upper Division - Egerton University, Kenya

1989: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, Mean Grade B- (MINUS), KNEC - Kerugoya Boys High School

1985: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, 61 Points, KNEC - Kirogo Primary School

  1. Supply chain governance 

  2. Economics of food securirty, quality and safety 

  3. Price and market analysis 

  4. Irrigation and environmental policy 

  5. Climate change and adaptation 

  6. Household nutrition 

  7. Rural development

  1. AIRTEA-DC4FC PROJECT CROSS-LEARNING: Digital Connectors for Farming Communities results sharing and way forward, a stakeholders webinar workshop organized by Africa Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) in collaboration with Uganda FAAS, Kenya FAAS, Ag Connectors and Strengthening Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Ecosystem for Inclusive Rural Transformation & Livelihoods in Eastern Africa (AIRTEA), held on 5th March 2025, 2-4PM EAT
  2. Training on Safeguards: Staff code of conduct and safe practices, response to safeguarding Issues, reporting mechanisms, and institutionalization of safeguarding policies, a staff training workshop organized and funded by TAGDev project of Egerton University an intiative of RUFORUM in Partnership with the Mastercard Foundation held in the CMRT Seminar room, Egerton University, 28th February, 2025
  3. Sensitization on teaching, examination management and general administration, a workshop organized and funded by Egerton University, Human Capital & Administration held in Theatre 1 (T1), Egerton University, 29-30th January, 2025
  4. Conflict Management and Negotiations in Practice: Skills, Tools and Approaches, a professional training course organized and funded by Egerton University and Oslo New University College held in the CMRT Games Room, Egerton University, 15-17th October, 2024 
  5. Effective Integration of Nutrition into Extension and Advisory Services and Mainstreaming Nutrition into Agriculture. A Webinar on 'Integrating Nutrition into Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services" funded by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Red Latinoamericana para Servicios de Extension Rural (RELASER) in association with Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS), African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) and Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services-Kenya (KeFAAS) held on January 30,2024, 2-4 PM EAT
  6. Thesis Dissemination. A workshop on innovations for improved livelihoods sponsored by African Economic Research Consortium for Collaborative Masters in Agricultural & Applied Economics (CMAAE), ARC Hotel, Egerton, Njoro, November 20,2023
  7. Competence Based Education and Training Retooling. A short course organized by the Faculty of Education and Community Studies funded by the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, Research and Extension of Egerton University, held at FEDCOS Theater II, October 11-13, 2023
  8. KeFAAS National Agricultural Extension Symposium. A symposium on "Revitalizing Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services as a vehicle for Agricultural Transformation in Kenya" funded by European Union (EU), CropLife International, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Comprehensive African Agricultural Development XP4 Programme (CAADP) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in association with Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (gfras) and African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) held at the National Agricultural Information Centre,KALRO Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya, April 18,2023
  9. Pedagogy, Policy Brief and Consultancy: A Short Course organized by Egerton University Centre of Excellence in Sustanaible Agricultural and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM), a World Bank funded program and Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD), a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded program through International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMYYT) and implemented by Michigan State University Center for Global Connections in Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, held at the Dairy Training Institute (DTI), Naivasha, September 1-3, 2022
  10. Statistical Data Analysis Using R Programming Language: A virtual training organized for Academic Staff and Post-Graduate Students by Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building In Agriculture (RUFORUM), on the 7-11 February 2022 and 14-18 February 2022.
  11. Non-Parametric data Analysis: A Staff Retooling Workshop organized by Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD), a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded program through International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMYYT) and implemented by Michigan State University Center for Global Connections in Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, held at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, (KALRO) Naivasha, September 2-4, 2021
  12. E-Content Development Writeshop: A Staff Retooling Workshop on E-Content Development for MSc Agri-enterprise Development progamme organized by Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s Growth and Development (TAGDev) a program funded by MasterCard Foundation through Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building In Agriculture (RUFORUM), held at Dairy Training Institute, Naivasha, August 23-25, 2021
  13. Time Series and Panel data Analysis: A Staff Retooling Workshop organized by Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD), a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded program through International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMYYT) and implemented by Michigan State University Center for Global Connections in Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources, held at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, (KALRO) Naivasha, July 29-30, 2021
  14. Research Analytics and Proposal Writing, A short course organised by the University of Rwanda, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in collaboration with Virginia Tech College of Life Sciences under funding from the African Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management - CESAAM, Egerton University, 16-19th December 2019
  15. Matching, Retooling and Seminars. A retooling workshop on proposal writing, collaboration on teaching, collaborative research, fundraising and joint supervision of students. A jointly funded workshop by the African Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management - CESAAM and Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Science (VT CALS), Egerton University, ARC Hotel, 10th-14th June 2019.
  16. Agripreneurship and Innovation Delivery Methodologies. A Staff Retooling Workshop funded by MasterCard Foundation through Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building In Agriculture (RUFORUM) under Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s Growth and Development (TAGDev) project, held at CMRT Games Room, Egerton University, April 4-6, 2018
  17. Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation. A Short Course Training funded by Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy & Development, held at PrideInn Lantana Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, October 9-13, 2017
  18. Innovative Approaches to University-Community Engagement and Experiential Learning. A Staff Retooling Workshop funded by MasterCard Foundation through Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building In Agriculture (RUFORUM) under Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s Growth and Development (TAGDev) project, held at CMRT Seminar Room, Egerton University, September 19-20, 2017
  19. Curriculum Review for MSc Agri-enterprise Development. Local, National, Regional and Global Context Scanning: Implications to new curriculum for context and diversity, a workshop funded by asterCard Foundation through Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building In Agriculture (RUFORUM) under Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s Growth and Development (TAGDev) project, Egerton University, CMRT, 8th-9th June 2017
  20. Evaluation of the Impact of Agricultural, Food and Nutrition Policies on Nutrition Outcomes. A Research Analytical Retooling Workshop funded by African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), held at Intercontinental Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 29-31, 2017
  21. Capacity development for utilizing the AFAAS VSNP for managing national virtual market-places fo information and services, November 8-10, 2016, ASCU Boardroom, Kilimo Hse, Nairobi
  22. Agricultural Monitoring and Evaluation at National Government Level. A Training Workshop funded by Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Eastern and Central Africa (ReSAKSS-ECA), held at International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Campus, Nairobi, Kenya, March 14-17, 2016
  23. Risk and Time Preferences: Experiment design, survey implementation, risk assessment and dynamic risk modelling and analysis. A Training Workshop funded by International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), held at Hawassa Haile Resort, Hawassa, Ethiopia, May 19-24, 2013
  24. Food, Agricultural and Environmental Policy. A Short Course Training funded by Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), held at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, (Currently University of Copenhagen) Denmark, May 28-June 21, 2003


         i) Member, Egerton University Alumni Association

         ii) Member, Nakuru County Professionals Forum

        ii) Member, African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS)


1. Networking & collaborating with external organizations

i) Collaboration with SoyAfric for postgraduate students' research attachments (2018-2024)

ii) Collaboration with KEFRI for postgraduate students' research attachments (2018-2024)

iii) Collaboration with KIRDI for postgraduate students' research attachments (2018-2024)

iv) Collaboration with BecA Hub ILRI for proposal development (2018)

v) Collaboration with Nakuru, Siaya, Samburu and Kajiado County Governments for agribusiness and sustainability training in the Beekeeping Value Chain (2018-2024)

2. Referee for professional periodicals

i) Reviewer. Agribusiness, An International Journal of Wiley Online Library, 2017

ii) Reviewer: "Feed Africa: Towards Agro-Allied Industrialization for Inclusive Growth", Monga Celestin; Shimeles, Abebe and Verdier-Chouchane, Audrey (editors). An African Economic Conference 2016, Cornell University, the African Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Natrions Economic Commission for Africa initiative for Palgrave Macmillan, June 2017

iii) Reviewer. Concept notes on "Strengthening Climate-Smart Agricultural Research and Seed Systems" under the Competitive Collaborative Adaptive Research Call 2019 for the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP), July 2019

3. Consulting for external academic/professional bodies/institutions

i) Consultancy for County Government of Nakuru-NARIGP World Bank funded Beekeeping Value Chain project (2018-2024)

ii) Consultancy for County Government of Siaya-KCSAP World Bank funded Beekeeping Value Chain project (2018-2024)

iii) Consultancy for MoE HEST/Egerton University/ AfDB funded MSc & PhD training in Livestock Biosciences project (2018-2024)

iv) Consultancy to review and Preselect the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Proposals on Food and Nutrition for African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) July 2017

v) External Examiner (PhD), Department of Environmental Science andEducation, and School of Environmental Studies and Agriculture, Kenyatta University (2024)

vi) Consultancy for "Nakuru County Government National Agricultural Value Chain Delopment Project (NAVCDP)" to develop the "Nakuru County Apiculture Value Chain Development Strategy 2024-2028" (January, 2025)

4. Membership to academic/professional bodies

i) Member, International Association of Agricultural Economics (IAAE)

ii) Member, African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE)

    1. 30th April 2015- to date: Senior Lecturer, in Agricultural Statistics, Agribusiness Supply Chain Management, Research Methods and Management, Risk Management, and Operations Management for developing countries, Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
    2. 28th Sept 2006 – 29th April, 2015: Lecturer, in Agricultural Statistics, Operations Research and Agricultural Policy issues for developing countries, Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
    3. 30th Sept 2003 – 27th Sept. 2006: Assistant Lecturer, in Agricultural and Managerial Economics for small farms in developing countries, Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
    4. 12th March 1996 – 29th Sept. 2003: Teaching Assistant, in Cooperative Management and Agricultural Marketing in developing countries, Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.


     i) Member, Faculty Post-Graduate Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, 2017 to date

    ii) Progamme Academic Leader, MSc Agri-enterprise Development, 2023-2026

    iii) Alumni Champion, Faculty of Agriculture, 2022-2024

    iv) Risk Management Liaison Ofiicer, Faculty of Agriculture, 2016 to date

    v) Member, MSc Examination Moderation Team, 2016 to date

    vi) Career progression and advising officer, Dept. of AGEC/AGBM, 2017 to date

    vii) Academic advisor of MCF@RUFORUM Agri-enterprise Students, 2017 to date

   viii) Thematic Leader, MSc Agribusiness Management and Agri-enterprise Development, 2018-2023

    ix) Project Investigator, ADB/MOHEST Training Project, 2018 to date

    x) Evaluator, Monitoring & Evaluation of Externally funded Projects in the Division of Research and Extension, April 2021

    xi) Acting COD, Dept. of AGEC/AGBM, 6 times on various dates between 19th April 2017 and 23rd April 2021

   xii) Member, Departmental Post-Graduate Committee, Dept. of AGEC/AGBM, 2017 to date

   xiii) Member, World Bank Readiness Mission Meeting, CESAAM ACE II Project, April 2, 2017

   xiv) Member, Self Assessement of BSc Agribusiness Management Programme for Quality Assurance, October 2023

   xv)  Member, Bachelor of Agribusiness Management Programme Review Committee, 2023/2024

  1. Identifying socioeconomic constraints to and incentives for faster technology adoption: Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa. A project funded by Australian International Food Security Centre (AIFSC) through Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) (2011-2016). Egerton University Collaborator
  2. Support for Higher Education Science & Technology Project on Training Public Universities and Public Technical Training Institutions Training Staff in Engineering and Applied Sciences at Master and Doctoral level in Agricultural and Livestock Biosciences.  A project funded by African Development Bank/ Government of Kenya (2018- 2024). Project Investigator
  3. Extension Advisory Services to Increase Production, Agricultural Productivity and Profitability of the Bee Keeping Value Chain in targeted rural communities in Nakuru County. A project funded by World Bank/International Development Association under National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP), NARIGP-IDA Credit 59000-KE (2019-2024). Project Agribusiness Specialist
  4. Extension Advisory Services to Increase Production, Agricultural Productivity and Profitability of the Bee Keeping Value Chain in targeted rural communities in Samburu County. A project funded by World Bank/International Development Association under National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP), NARIGP-IDA Credit 59000-KE (2019-2024)). Project Agribusiness Specialist
  5. Climate Smart Beekeeping for Improved Incomes, food and nutritional security in Siaya County. The Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project World Bank/IDA Credit. 2019_2024. Project Agribusiness Specialist
  6. Climate Smart Beekeeping for Improved Incomes, food and nutritional security in Kajiado County. Beekeeping Adaptive Research Project. The KALRO-Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project World Bank/IDA Credit. 2019_2024. Project Agribusiness Specialist
  7. Egerton University Agroscience Park Consortium for Enhancing Bean Productivity in Nyeri County. KSCAP World Bank/IDA Credit P154786, 2019_2024Project Agribusiness Specialist
  8. Egerton University Agroscience Park Consortium for Enhancing Bean Productivity in Laikipia County. KSCAP World Bank/IDA Credit P154784, 2019_2024Project Agribusiness Specialist
  1. Irrigation and environmental policy in rural farming systems in developing and emerging ecomonies
  2. Food security, quality and safety economics in agriculture, livestock and fisheries in developing and emerging economies
  3. Development of smallholder producers marketing organizations and market linkages in developing and emerging economies
  4. Supply chain governance in agriculture, livestock and fisheries in developing and emerging economies
  5. Price and market analysis for agricultural, livestock and fish products at the farm and retail level in developing and emerging economies


  1. Naomi Chebiwot Chelang’a, Isaac Maina Kariuki, Gideon Aiko Obare & Dickson Okello Otieno (2023) Determinants of adoption of GLOBAL G.A.P. standards: Evidence from smallholder French beans farmers in Murang’a County, KenyaCogent Food & Agriculture, 9:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2023.2176949
  2. Naomi Chebiwot Chelang’a, Isaac Maina Kariuki & Gideon Aiko Obare (2023) Do market outlet combinations improve smallholder gross margin for smallholder French beans producers?, International Journal of Vegetable Science, DOI: 10.1080/19315260.2023.2177230
  3. Wamuyu, N. W., Bett, H. K., Kariuki, I. M., & Cadot, J. (2022). Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Technical Efficiency Among Smallholder Potato Farmers in Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal86(1-2), 12. Retrieved from
  4. Wamuyu, S. N., Bett, H. K., Kariuki, I. M., & Cadot, J. (2022). Influence of Socio-Economic and Institutional Factors on the Uptake and the Extent of Application of Climate-Smart Agricultural Technologies and Management Practices among Smallholder Potato Farmers in Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal86(1-2), 14. Retrieved from 

  5. Wamuyu, S., Bett, H., Kariuki, I. M., & Cadot, J. (2022). Indicators of Relative Sustainability in smallholder potato Farming in Kenya. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal86(1-2), 6. Retrieved from
  6. Leonard K. Kirui, Nathaniel D. Jensen, Gideon A. Obare, Isaac M. Kariuki, Philemon K. Chelanga and Munenobu Ikegami (2022). Pastoral livelihood pathways transitions in Northern Kenya: the process and impact of drought, Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice.

  7. Simon Ng’ang’a Mwaura, Isaac Maina Kariuki, Simon Kiprop, Augustus Sammy Muluvi & Boniface Kiteme (2022). Welfare impacts of Water Security in Kenya: Evidence from the Upper Ewaso Ngiro North Catchment Area, Journal of Watershed Ecology and the Environment, 4(2022) 32-43.
  8. Semeni Ngozi | Patience Mshenga | Isaac Maina Kariuki ( October 2021) "Potential Implications of Production and Market Risks on Potato Farming Enterprise among Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-6 , URL:
  9. Agbolosoo, J.A,  Kariuki, I. M, Bett, H. K, & Nkurumwa, A. O. (2021).Effect of entrepreneurial behaviour on small scale potato farm performance: evidence from kenya. RUFORUM Working document series, Vol 19(1), 795-806, ISSN: 1607-9345
  10. Naomi Chebiwot CHELANGA, Isaac Maina KARIUKI, Gideon Aiko OBARE (2021) Determinants Of Vertical Coordination Option Choices Among Smallholder French Beans Producers In Kenya. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Advance online publication.
  11. Maurine Adhiambo Abodi, Gideon Aiko Obare & Isaac Maina Kariuki | (2021) Supply and demand responsiveness to maize price changes in Kenya: An application of error correction autoregressive distributed lag approach, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 7:1, 1957318,
  12. Abodi, M. A., Kariuki, I. M., & and Obare, G. A. (2021). An Analysis of the Determinants of Maize Import Volumes in Kenya. Theoretical Economics Letters, 11, 320-337.
  13. Simon Ng’ang’a Mwaura, Isaac Maina Kariuki, Simon Kiprop, Augustus Sammy Muluvi, Gideon Obare & Boniface Kiteme (2021). The impacts of community-based water develpment projects on rural poverty among smallholder farmers: Evidence from the Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area, Kenya, Cogent Economics & Finance, 9:1, DOI: 
  14. Semeni Ngozi | Patience Mshenga | Isaac Maina Kariuki | Aloyce Shaban Hepelwa (December 2020) "Boosting Potato Enterprise Performance among Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania through Risks Management" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , URL:
  15. Simon Ng’ang’a Mwaura, Isaac Maina Kariuki, Simon Kiprop, Augustus Sammy Muluvi, Boniface Kiteme & Patience Mshenga | Manuel Tejada Moral (Reviewing editor) (2020). Impact of water-related collective action on rural household welfare in the Upper Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area: The application of the endogenous switching regression, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6:1,
  16. Ouya, Fredrick & Ingasia, Oscar & Kariuki, Isaac. (2020). Effects of agricultural intensification practices on smallholder farmers’ livelihood outcomes in Kenyan hotspots of climate change. East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation. 2(1). DOI:10.37425/eajsti.v2i1.110 
  17. G.C. Ngenoh, I.M. Kariuki, E.W. Gathungu and S.K. Kiprop (2020). Factors influencing the choice of marketing strategies among Cassava microenterprises in Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, Vol.28, Issue Supplement, s1, pp.117-129 DOI:
  18. Cosmas Kweyu Lutomia., Gideon A Obare., Isaac Maina Kariuki., & Geoffrey Simiyu Muricho, (2019). Determinants of gender differences in household food security perceptions in the Western and Eastern regions of Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture 5:1694755,
  19. Fredrick Ochieng Ouya and O. I. Ayuya and I. M. Kariuki (2019). Usage of Agricultural Intensification Practices by Smallholder Farmers in Kenyan Rapidly Developing Dry Areas. Journal of economics and sustainable development, vol 10 (18),30-37 DOI:  Corpus ID: 204910497
  20. Dembele, B., Bett, H. K., Maina Kariuki, I., Le Bars, M., & Ouko, K. O. (2018). Factors influencing crop diversification strategies among smallholder farmers in cotton production zone in Mali. Advances in Agricultural Science, 6(3), 01-16.
  21. Mayaka, O. Z., Obare, G. A., & Kariuki, I. M. (2018). Role of social capital on uptake of sustainable agricultural intensification practices’ combinations. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 9(16): 66-79
  22. Dembele, B., Bett, H.K., Kariuki, I. M., & Le Bars, M. (2018). Understanding the multiple sources drivers of agricultural income amongst smallholder farmers in Southern Mali. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2:32-40:
  23. G. Obare, I. Kariuki, G. Muricho and W. Nyarindo (2016). Kenya Country Survey Report. Adoption Pathways Project, Australian International Food Security Centre & CIMMYT, Addis Ababa
  24. Kariuki, IM. and Loy, J-P., (2016). Contractual farming arrangements, quality control, incentives and distribution failure in Kenya’s smallholder horticulture: a multivariate probit analysis. Agribusiness, 32(4) 547-562
  25. Kariuki, IM, (2014). Incentives, Transaction Costs and Social Capital Considerations in Determination of Contract Duration in the Kenyan Smallholder Horticultural Sub-Sector. Developing Country Studies, Vol 4, No 22 (23-33). ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online). 
  26. Kariuki, IM, (2014). Codes of Conduct and Marketing Strategies in Kenya’s Horticultural Sector. European Journal of Business and Management, vol 6, No 33(10-21). ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
  27. Kariuki, IM, (2014). Transition to Certification Schemes and Implications for Market Access: GlobalGAP Perspectives in Kenya. Agricultural Sciences, 5, 1100-1111.
  28. Kariuki, IM, Loy, J.-P., Herzfeld, T (2012). Farmgate private standards and price premium: Evidence from the GlobalGAP scheme in Kenya’s French beans marketing. Agribusiness, 28(1), 42-53.
  29. Kariuki, IM, Obare, GA and Birachi, EA (2006). Are informal market linkages in developing countries transaction cost sensitive? Evidence from procurement of smallholders’ produce by brokers in Kenya. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(4), 838-842.
  30. Kariuki, IM and Obare, GA (2004). Informal contract choice in Kenyan smallholder horticultural farming: A case of French beans production in Mwea Tebere. Egerton Journal, Science and Technology Series, 5(1), 92-105
  31. Obare, GA and Kariuki, IM (2003). Production and productivity effects of informal contract farming in Kenya’s smallholder horticultural sub-sector. Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development, 19(1), 13-23


      1. Maurine Adhiambo Abodi, Gideon Aiko Obare & Isaac Maina Kariuki. (2019, October 11-14). Supply Responsiveness of Maize

          Producers to Maize Price Changes in Kenya: Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach. Oral presentation paper, the 2nd Annual                          Sustainability and Development Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA), the University of Michigan.


      1. G.Obare, I. Kariuki, G.Muricho and W. Nyarindo (2016). Kenya Country Survey Report. Adoption Pathways Project,                                               Australian International Food Security Centre & CIMMYT, Addis Ababa.

      2. Panelist. The Egerton University 10th International Conference and Agricultural Summit, session on"Land Tenure Security and                            Agricultural Productivity", FEDCOS, Egerton University, 30th March-1st April 2016 

      3. Consultancy. Reviewing and Preselecting the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Proposals on Food and Nutrition for African                Economic Research Consortium (AERC), January, 2018

      4. Rapporteur. The Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference themed "Research and Innovations for Resilience in a                      Changing Environment” session on"Transformative agri-food Systems", CoELIB, Egerton University, 23rd-25th March 2022



      1. Wamuyu, S.N., Bett, H.K., Kariuki, I.M., Cadot, J. (2021, November 22-26). Contribution of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices in                      Sustainability of Potato Farming in Kenya: Development of Smart indicators for Relative Sustainanbility.  Contributed Paper, Kenya                      Climate Smart Agriculture project (KCSAP) Scientific Conference, Lake Naivasha Resort, Naivasha, Kenya

     2. Simon Ng’ang’a Mwaura, Isaac Maina Kariuki, Simon Kiprop, Augustus Sammy Muluvi, Boniface Kiteme & Patience Mshenga | Manuel             Tejada Moral (2020, November 24-26). Impact of water-related collective action on rural household welfare in the Upper Ewaso Ng’iro                 North Catchment Area: The application of the endogenous switching regression. Contributed Poster Paper, 13th Egerton University                     International Virtual Conference on Innovation, Research And Transformation For Sustainable Development, Egerton, Njoro, Kenya 


     1. G.Obare, I. Kariuki, G.Muricho and W. Nyarindo (2016). Project achievements and Key messages: Kenya Perspective. Adoption                         Pathways project 4th Annual Meeting and Project Closing Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 17th-19th May 2016

     2. Floriane, Kanonko., Isaac M. Kariuki and Edith W. Gathungu (2019). Effect of crop diversification on househod food consumption                       expenditure in Bubanza Province, Burundi. A master research concept presented during the 1st Centre of Excellence for Sustainable                   Agricultural and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM) Regional Summer School for Graduate Students, ARC Hotel, Egerton                               University, 25th-29th November 2019 

    3. Purity Kinya Kaburu., Jackson Langat and Maina Kariuki, (2019). Impact assessment of the Kenya Agricultural and Agribusiness Project            (KAPAP) on livelihoods of smallholder Cassava Farmers in Kenya. A doctoral research concept presented during the 1st Centre of                      Excellence for Sustainable Agricultural and Agribusiness Management(CESAAM) Regional Summer School for Graduate Students, ARC            Hotel, Egerton University, 25th-29th November 2019 

  1. Wamuyu, S. N., Bett, H. K., Kariuki, i. m., Cadot, J. (2021, November 22-26). Contribution of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices in Sustaainability of Potato Farming in Kenya: Development of Smart Indicators for Relative Sustainability. Contributed Paper, Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) Scientific Conference, Lake Naivasha Resort, Naivasha, Kenya
  2. S. N. Mwaura, I. M. Kariuki, S. Kiprop, A. S. Muluvi, B. Kiteme and P. Mshenga. (2020, November 24-26). Impact of water-related collective action on rural household welfare in the Upper Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area: The application of the endogenous switching regression. Contributed Paper, 13th Egerton University International Virtual Conference on Innovation, Research And Transformation For Sustainable Development, Egerton, Njoro, Kenya
  3. Floriane, Kanonko., Isaac M. Kariuki and Edith W. Gathungu (2019). Effect of crop diversification on househod food consumption expenditure in Bubanza Province, Burundi. A master research concept presented during the 1st CESAAM Regional Summer School for Graduate Students, 25th-29th November, ARC Hotel, Egerton University
  4. Purity Kinya Kaburu., Jackson Langat and Maina Kariuki, (2019). Impact assessment of the Kenya Agricultural and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) on livelihoods of smallholder Cassava Farmers in Kenya. A doctoral research concept presented during the 1st CESAAM Regional Summer School for Graduate Students, 25th-29th November, ARC Hotel, Egerton University
  5. Maurine Adhiambo Abodi, Gideon Aiko Obare & Isaac Maina Kariuki. (2019, October 11-14). Supply Responsiveness of Maize Producers to Maize Price Changes in Kenya: Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach. Oral presentation paper, the 2nd Annual Sustainability and Development Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA), the University of Michigan.
  6. G.Obare, I. Kariuki, G.Muricho and W. Nyarindo (2016). Project achievements and Key messages: Kenya Perspective. Adoption Pathways project 4th Annual Meeting and Project Closing Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 17th-19th May 2016
  7. Kariuki, IM, Obare, GA and Loy, J-P (2006, August 12-18). Export market linkage via gentleman’s agreement: Evidence from French beans marketing in Kenya. Contributed poster paper, 26th Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economics on Contributions of Agricultural Economics to Critical Policy IssuesGold Coast, Australia.
  8. Kariuki, IM, Obare, GA and Njehia, BK (2002, November 25-26). Contract choice in Kenyan smallholder horticultural farming: A case of French beans production in Mwea Tebere. Paper presented at the 2nd FOA/KARI-NPBRC Annual Symposium, KARI-Njoro, Kenya

1. Danish Government Fellowship Award (May-June 2003)

2. German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) Sandwich Scholarship Award (November 2004-2012)




    1. Agribusiness Supply Chain Management
    2. Marketing Management for Agribusiness
    3. Operations Research
    4. Risk Management
    5. Business Statistics
    6. Managerial Economics
    7. Cooperative Development and Management
    8. Financial Management


    1. Research Methods and Management
    2. Quantitative Research Methods and Statistical Applications
    3. Advances in Operations Research for Agribusiness Management
    4. Statistics for Agriculture & Business
    5. Agribusiness Statistical Methods
    6. Project Planning and Management


1. Evaluation by students & staff appraisal

Evaluation by students

ii) AGBM 222 Course evaluation report S1 2023/2024: 90.78% (4.54),

iii) AGBM 223 Course evaluation report S2 2021/2022: 86.37% (4.32), S2 2023/2024: 91.59% (4.58)

iv) AGBM 241 Course evaluation report S1 2018/2019: 91% (4.53), S1 2023/2024: 92.83% (4.64) 

v) AGBM 321 Course evaluation report S2 2021/2022: 87.45% (4.37), S2 2023/2024: 84.57% (4.23)

vi) AGBM 404 Course evaluation report S2 2023/2024: 87.65% (4.38)

vii) AGBM 412 Course evaluation report S1 2023/2024: 86.03% (4.3)

viii) AGBM 732 Course evaluation report S1 2023/2024: 94.61% (4.73)

ix) AGEC 750 Course evaluation report S1 2016/2017: 90% (4.5), S1 2017/2018: 94% (4.7), S1 2023/2024: 100% (5.0)

x) AGEC 755 Course evaluation report S2 2021/2022: 82.44% (4.12) 

Staff Performance and Appraisal

2015/2016 (95.7%), 2017/2018 (83.21%), 2018/2019 (83.66%), 2020/2021 (95.6%)

2. Teaching materials (Course outline, references and recommended texbooks)

i) AGBM 222, 223, 241, 321, 404, 412, 414, 732 

ii) AGEC 750, 755

iii) AGRD 712

3.  Academic advising & student mentoring

i) Academic advisor of MCF@RUFORUM Agri-enterprise CLASSES of 2021-2024

ii) Academic advisor of MCF@RUFORUM Agri-enterprise CLASSES of 2018-2020

iii)  Rapportour and Panelist. Household and Institutional Frameworks in Agricultural Transformation category.. The 1st CESAAM regional summer school for graduate students, 2019

iv) Career progression and advising officer, AGEC/AGBM, 2017 to date

4. Postgraduate Supervision

i) 1 PhD in the process of submitting thesis to Graduate School for examination

3 PhD candidates in thesis preparation stage

ii) 3 MSc candidates submitted to Graduate School for examination

2 MSc candidates at thesis preparation stage

5. Any other aspect as determined by the University

i) Internal Examiner. 30 MSc and 4 PhD theses since last promotion in April 2015

ii) Moderation of Examinations. MSc and PhD draft examinations in the department of AGEC/AGBM

iii) Panelist: Special Agriculture Summit session on "Land Tenure Security and Agricultural Productivity", the 10th Egerton University International Conference and Agricultural Summit, held on 30th March-1st April 2016, FEDCOS, Egerton University

iv) Rapporteur. The Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference themed "Research and Innovations for Resilience in a Changing Environment” session on"Transformative agri-food Systems", 23rd-25th March 2022, CoELIB, Egerton University



Completed Supervisions

  1. Lenah Waithira Mwangi. Demand Analysis of Fresh Fruits Consumption among Urban Households in Nakuru Municipality (Thesis in external examination)
  2. Annet Kisole Wamoyi. Effect of Coffee Certification on Production Efficiency and Income of Smallscale Coffee Farmers in Mount Elgon Sub-County, Kenya (Thesis waiting defense)
  3. Joseph Mwangi Kahugu. Effect of Participation in Common Interest Groups on Welfare of Smallholder Horticultural Farmers in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya. (Thesis in external examination)
  4. Naomi Chebiwot Chelang'a (2022). Vertical Coordination and Hortciultural Produce Supply Chain Performance among Smallholder French Beans Producers in Murang'a South Sub-County, Kenya. Egerton Univeristy, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  5. Leonard Kiplangat Kirui (2021). Pastoral Livelihood Diversification Pathways and Welfare Implications Over Time for Households in Marsabit County. Egerton Univeristy, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  6. Maurine Adhiambo Abodi (2021). Effects of Maize Importation on the Economic Welfare of its Producers and Consumers in Kenya. Egerton Univeristy, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  7. Geoffrey Cheruiyot Ngenoh (2021). Effects of Marketing Strategies on Product Line Margins among Cassava Microenterprises in Migori County, Kenya. Egerton University, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  8. John Atsu Agbolosoo (2021)Effects of Agripreneurial Behaviour on Competitive Advantage of Micro and Small Potato Agri-Enterprise Performance in Molo Sub-County, Kenya. Egerton University, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  9. Cosmas Kweyu Lutomia (2020)Implications of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices on Household Vulnerability to Poverty and Food Security in Eastern and Western Kenya. Egerton University, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  10. Fredrick Ochieng' Ouya (2019). Effect of Agricultural Intensification Practices on Livelihood Outcomes among Smallholder Farmers in Makueni and Nyando Sub-Counties, Kenya. Egerton University, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  11. Zephaniah Ongaga Mayaka (2018). Impact of Social Capital on Uptake of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices and Maize Availability Equivalent among Smallholder Maize-Legume Farmers in Kenya. Egerton University, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  12. Sergio Jordao Augusto Ponguane (2016). Effects of the Seven Million Farm Level Credit Subsidy on Smallholders Maize Productivity and Farm Income  in Chokwe District, Mozambique. Egerton University, Unpublished MSc Thesis
  13. Wilckyster Nyateko Ogutu (2015). An analysis of the determinants of diffusion of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices in a Maize-Legume System in Kenya. Egerton University, Unpublished MSc Thesis

Ongoing Supervisions

  1. Shantel Ruvarashe Chitsora. Influence of Group Dynamics on the Effectiveness and Income of Dairy Farmer Groups in Nakuru County, Kenya. (Thesis preparation)
  2. Alfayo Atemba Onyiego. Effects of Climate Change Perception on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices and Food Security in Selected Counties, Kenya (Thesis Preparation)
  3. Paul Njuguna Kamau. Technical Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity Effect of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices in Smallholder Maize-Legume Production System in eastern and Western Kenya. (Thesis Preparation)
  4. Charles Atang'a Francis. Adoption Constraimts of Multiple Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices and Its Impact on Income in a Maize-Legume System in Kenya (Thesis Preparation)
  5. Floriane Kanonko. Effect of Crop Diversification on household food consumption expenditure in Bubanza Province, Burundi (Thesis Preparation)
  6. Kevin Emmanuel Sande. Influence of Value Chain Governance on Sorghum Quality Standards among Smallholder Sorghum Farmers in Seme Sub-County Kenya (Proposal Preparation)

Completed Supervisions

  1. Samuel Ngunjiri Wamuyu (2023). Contribution of Selected Climate Smart Agricultural Technologies, Innovations and Management Practices in Smallholer Potato Farming in Kenya. Egerton University, Unpublished PhD Thesis
  2. Semeni Moussa Ngozi (2021). Analysis of Risk Management Strategies among Potato Smallholder Farmers in Njombe Town Council, Tanzania. Egerton University, Unpublished PhD Thesis
  3. Simon Ng'ang'a Mwaura (2021). Impact of Water Collective Action on Household Welfare in Kenya, The Case of the Upper Ewaso Ng'iro North Catchment Area. Egerton University, Unpublished PhD Thesis
  4. Bandiougou Dembele (2018). Income, Crop Diversification Strategies and Agricultural Practices in Crop and Livestock Production Systems in Southern Mali. Egeton University, Unpublished PhD Thesis

Ongoing Supervisions

  1. Ibrahim Nyariki Kiprop Samoita. Evaluating Drivers of Consumer Preferences for Convenience Foods in Understanding Urban Consumption Behaviors. (Thesis preparation)
  2. Purity Kinya Kaburu. impact of the kenya agricultural and agribusiness project (kapap) on livelihoods of smallholder cassava producers in kenya (Thesis preparation)
  3. Veronica Chemutai Metto. Influence of chain coordination and entrepreneurship on fertilizer use and shift to high-value crops in
    trans-nzoia and bungoma counties, kenya (Thesis preparation)
  4. Phillip Philemon Harawa. Farmers' entrepreneurial behaviour and its implications on performance of contract-based small-scale cotton enterprises in Southern Malawi (Thesis preparation)

  5. Walter Koech. Analysis of Fish Farming Business Performance and Fish Demand in Rural and Peri-Urban Households in Kenya (Proposal Preparation)


         1. Community service

             i) Captain, Njoro Country Club, Njoro, Kenya

             ii) Nakuru Clean & Green Team

iii) Member, Nakuru County Professionals Forum

iv) Member, Friends of Holy Family Childrens' Home,Barut, Nakuru West Constituency

        2. Professional affiliation & portfolios

            i) Member, Egerton University Alumni Association

           ii) Member, African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS)

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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"