- Agribusiness Supply Chain Management
- Marketing Management for Agribusiness
- Operations Research
- Risk Management
- Business Statistics
- Managerial Economics
- Cooperative Development and Management
- Financial Management
- Research Methods and Management
- Quantitative Research Methods and Statistical Applications
- Advances in Operations Research for Agribusiness Management
- Statistics for Agriculture & Business
- Agribusiness Statistical Methods
- Project Planning and Management
1. Evaluation by students & staff appraisal
Evaluation by students
ii) AGBM 222 Course evaluation report S1 2023/2024: 90.78% (4.54),
iii) AGBM 223 Course evaluation report S2 2021/2022: 86.37% (4.32), S2 2023/2024: 91.59% (4.58)
iv) AGBM 241 Course evaluation report S1 2018/2019: 91% (4.53), S1 2023/2024: 92.83% (4.64)
v) AGBM 321 Course evaluation report S2 2021/2022: 87.45% (4.37), S2 2023/2024: 84.57% (4.23)
vi) AGBM 404 Course evaluation report S2 2023/2024: 87.65% (4.38)
vii) AGBM 412 Course evaluation report S1 2023/2024: 86.03% (4.3)
viii) AGBM 732 Course evaluation report S1 2023/2024: 94.61% (4.73)
ix) AGEC 750 Course evaluation report S1 2016/2017: 90% (4.5), S1 2017/2018: 94% (4.7), S1 2023/2024: 100% (5.0)
x) AGEC 755 Course evaluation report S2 2021/2022: 82.44% (4.12)
Staff Performance and Appraisal
2015/2016 (95.7%), 2017/2018 (83.21%), 2018/2019 (83.66%), 2020/2021 (95.6%)
2. Teaching materials (Course outline, references and recommended texbooks)
i) AGBM 222, 223, 241, 321, 404, 412, 414, 732
ii) AGEC 750, 755
iii) AGRD 712
3. Academic advising & student mentoring
i) Academic advisor of MCF@RUFORUM Agri-enterprise CLASSES of 2021-2024
ii) Academic advisor of MCF@RUFORUM Agri-enterprise CLASSES of 2018-2020
iii) Rapportour and Panelist. Household and Institutional Frameworks in Agricultural Transformation category.. The 1st CESAAM regional summer school for graduate students, 2019
iv) Career progression and advising officer, AGEC/AGBM, 2017 to date
4. Postgraduate Supervision
i) 1 PhD in the process of submitting thesis to Graduate School for examination
3 PhD candidates in thesis preparation stage
ii) 3 MSc candidates submitted to Graduate School for examination
2 MSc candidates at thesis preparation stage
5. Any other aspect as determined by the University
i) Internal Examiner. 30 MSc and 4 PhD theses since last promotion in April 2015
ii) Moderation of Examinations. MSc and PhD draft examinations in the department of AGEC/AGBM
iii) Panelist: Special Agriculture Summit session on "Land Tenure Security and Agricultural Productivity", the 10th Egerton University International Conference and Agricultural Summit, held on 30th March-1st April 2016, FEDCOS, Egerton University
iv) Rapporteur. The Egerton University 14th Biennial International Conference themed "Research and Innovations for Resilience in a Changing Environment” session on"Transformative agri-food Systems", 23rd-25th March 2022, CoELIB, Egerton University