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Center of Excellence and Director IGU
Egerton University Center of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness

Professor Owuor is currently an Associate Professor, Center Leader of the World Bank Funded, African Center of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management(CESAAM)and Director of Income Generating Units at Egerton University.  Before the current position, Owuor served as  Managing Director of Egerton University Investments Company  between 2017 and 2021 where he was repsonsible for overall turn around to of the Company an objective he sueccessfuly accomplished as the copmany turned around and also shifted from adverse audit reports tpositively in accountability. Besides the above Prof Owuor was offered leave of absence from the Universitry after successfully securing a job at the African Economicx Research Consortium (AERC) for a period of 4 years. At the AERC Prof Owuor as the  regional Manager for the Collaborative Masters in Agricultural and Applied Economics programme (CMAAE), successfully took the responsibility of capacity building and research programmes managemnet at a regional scale covering 17 universities in 13 countries in Eastern, Central and South Africa funded by a consortium of funders such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, African Capacity Building Foundation, Alliance for Agreen Revolution in Africa, Future Agricultures,  and with collaborations with FAO-Agricultural Investment Planning Division-Working on knowledge sharing on implementation of CAADP process,  AFRACA-rural finance Knowledge Management Programme among others

Researchgate . 519 citations by Aug 2021
Google Scholar citaions=2093

Tertiary: 2005-2008: PhD in Agribusiness Management (Through DAAD-German Academic Exchange programme between Kiel University in Germany and Egerton University in Kenya)

Title of Thesis: Evaluation of the Impact of Group-Credit Linkages on Agri-cultural productivity and Poverty Reduction in, Kenya. (The modeling used was Propensity Score Matching and Switching Regression Approach)

2000 –2002: MSc. in Agricultural Economics at Egerton University-Kenya. Title of thesis: The Effect of Informal Self-Help Groups On Agricultural Production in Kenya.

1990-1995: Bachelor of Agribusiness Management at Egerton University-Kenya.   Grade: Second–Class honors upper division (with an average of 66% - B)                                  

1999-2000 Computer application training in Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Access and additional analytical statistical packages, namely: SPSS, LIMDEP, STATA and LINDO.  

Secondary: 1986-1989:  Sat KCSE at Usenge Boys High School, Siaya District-Kenya and scored C+ grade.

Primary: 1979-1985: Sat KCPE at Sega Boys Primary School and scored 56 marks = B plain


George Owuor is an Agribusiness specialist an expert in impact assessment and interested in  participatory community based interventions work covering crop and livestock value chains. Key focus areas are rural agricultural finance and enterprise development as well as land use management.  He has been active in collaborative research projects and consultancy projects with World Bank,EU,  IFC, USAID, CIMMYT, CIAT, IFPRI, ILRI, Syngenta Foundation and International Centre for Development and Decent Work- in Germany.  regional Manager for the Collaborative research and post graduate programme (CMAAE) between 2011-2014, at the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), a capacity building and research programme that covers 17 universities in 13 countries in Eastern, Central and South Africa funded by a consortium of funders such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, African Capacity Building Foundation, Alliance for A Green Revolution in Africa, Future Agricultures,  and with collaborations with FAO-Agricultural Investment Planning Division-Working on knowledge sharing on implementation of CAADP process,  AFRACA-Rural finance Knowledge Management Programme among others. He is also involved in post-graduate student supervision ( and has successfuly supervised 14 PhD  and Over 50 Masters students)  and over 70 publications with partners nationaly and internationally. He is the past President fo African Association of Farm Management and member of Internationl Association of Agricultural Economists and lately also serves as reviewer of journals in applied agricultural sciences and in the review committee of DAAD for leadership programmes. He has been an external examiner for Universities in Kenya and Africa including CopperBelt University in Zambia and  University of Kwazulu Natal for  Msc,  and PhD works.

  • Agribusiness Expert
  • Computer Based Analytical Programmes using SPSS, STATA, GAMS AND E-Views
  • Governance and Leaderhip 

May 2021-To date: Director Income Generating Units at Egerton University, with roles to guide, coordinate 18 income generating units, ranging from 480 acre Tatton farm, guildford dairy proceeding factory, knitting factory, Egerton University Press, Medical Department, Egerton Funeral Home, Accommodation, Catering, and other academic department that generate some income through innovative products.

March 2017-Mach 2021:  Managing Director at Egerton University Investment Company LTD. Roles involved coordination, directing and  overall oversight of 3 income generating units namely a 2728 acre Ngongogeri Mixed Farm, ARC 3 Star Hotel of 90 rooms and Lord Egerton Castle and Resort. Main success was the turnaround programme which was successfully implemented leading to recovery of the company from disclaimer reports to clean qualified audit reports, and repayment of over 50 million shillings credit.

June 2016 to date: Director at the World Bank Center of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management. Involved in coordination of center activities involving capacity building and research  for over 240 Masters and PhD students, capacity building of farmers and extension, coordination of over 20 partners in Africa, Europe e and USA including industry involved in sustainable agriculture and agribusiness.

Jan 2015-Feb 2017: Head of Department, at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management at Egerton University. This was a management role, with duties of overall coordination of over 25 Academic staff and coordination of examination at the department. In addition to this role I doubled as Associate Professor and Thematic leader for Agribusiness Management Programme at post-graduate   level.

April 2015-To date: Associate Professor at the department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management of Egerton University, with duties in teaching Econometrics, Agricultural Finance and Applied Micro-Economics, including Institutional and Behavioral Economics. Also doubles as Director for the Egerton University Investment Company which is an Agribusiness based Company. This is besides leading the African Center of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management.

April. 2011 to March 2015: On Leave of absence from Egerton University and served as African Regional Programme Coordinator for Collaborative Masters in Agricultural and Applied Economics, at the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi Kenya. Duties: Overall operations Management of the CMAAE programme with 17 participating Universities in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Region. Also coordinated a project on Purchase for Progress project under the World Food Programme evaluating the Impact of P4P Procurement from smallholder farmers on Productivity and Access to Markets.



September- December 2010:  Guest lecturer at International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Germany.  Teaching and research work on Institutional Challenges along agricultural value chains:


2009-2014: Senior Lecturer at the department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management of Egerton University, with duties in teaching Econometrics, Agricultural Finance and Applied Micro-Economics (Managerial Economics).

2004 July -2008- Lecturer at the department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management of Egerton University, with duties in teaching Econometrics, Agricultural Finance and Applied Micro-Economics (Managerial Economics

 2002  -2004-Assistant Lecturer at the department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management of Egerton University, with duties in teaching Econometrics, Agricultural Finance and Applied Micro-Economics (Managerial Economics

1996-2002: Teaching Assistant, Teaching Diploma students in Farm Management

1995-1996: Factory supervision: Position of Assistant warehouse supervisor with British American Tobacco Company in Kenya, on contractual employment terms.

Summary of other responsibilities

  • External Reviewer for University of Ghana Legon,  2022 
  • External Examiner, Copper Belt University, Center of Excellence,  Zambia  Jan 2022  To Date
  • Reviewer for the DAAD-African Regional Fellowship Programmes 2019 to date
  • External Examiner for the Department of Agribusiness Mgt, Kenyatta University, Kenya-2013-2016
  • External Examiner for Maasai Mara University, School of business, Economics and Management -2010-2012
  • Acting Head of Department between May to August, 2009 and 2010
  • Development of Curriculum for Msc. in Agribusiness Management (2010)
  • Member of Egerton University Research and Collaboration Committee
  • Member of the faculty of Agriculture, Training demonstration unit


2023-To Date: PI at Egerton for European Commission Funded, Consortium Project on Food Safety focusing on addressing aflatoxin on ground-nuts along agribusiness value chains. Value of the Egerton funding portion is € 327,000.


2022-To date: PI at Egerton for a European Commission Funded, Consortium project known as the Incitis-Foods, a Sustainable food systems programme for Africa, launched in January 2023 spanning 4 years. The funding is worth € 149,000


2021 To date: Coordinator and Socio-Economist for a consultancy with the International Finance Cooperation (IFC-funded project) to support as technical back stopper for Twiga Foods Company on enhancing quality and capacity for Twiga Contracted Farms to be Centres of Excellence in Farming. Project is worth USD, 29, 000.00

2016-to Date: PI for the World Bank funded African Center of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM) at Egerton University:, worth  USD 6 million Involved in Capacity Building, Research, Innovations and Outreach. The project has post graduate students from 12 countries in Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Ghana,  Kingdom of Eswatini, Lesotho, Botswana. It also has collaborators from industry and NGO such as Kenya Association of Manufacturers, KEPSA, The Hive International Co Ltd,  Green Forest Co Ltd, Community Action for Rural Development, Syngenta Foundation, ICRISAT, CIMMYT. It further has International Partners ouside Africa such as Virginia-tech-USA, University of Edinburg-UK,  Bowie Stae University -USA, Florida A&M -USA,  University of Cologne-Germany, Gatronomic University-Italy, University of Parvia-Italy, Nanjing Agricultural University-China and Zhejiang University in China and within Africa outside Kenya such as University of Rwanda, Makerere University, Mbarar University, Gulu University, Haramaya University, University of Namibia-College of Agriculture, Univeisty fo Eswatini,  Edwardo Mondlane University, Copper Belt University, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Sciences and in Kenya Pwani University, JOOUST, Moi University, Msinde Muliro University, among others.

2019 to 2021: Deputy PI for Laser Pad Project worth USD 50,000. This was a USAID funded ICT Block chain based Technology project encouraging participants along the African Vegetable value chains to adopt ICT communication system to smoothen transaction and access to market information for profitability and increased productivity.

2016 to Date: Socioeconomic for a Project Known as SIMLESA funded by International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement Center-CIMMYT project on striga Management in Western Kenya, Known as SIMLESA, worth Ksh 3,000,000.00. This Project involved promotion of conservation agricultural among smallholder farmers in Western Kenya where Striga weed is a major challenge thus using Conservation Agriculture technologies to manage striga. Among 4 counties; Siaya, Vihiga, Kakamega and Busia counties.


2012-2014: Collaborated as a PI in a project with International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Germany on the Impact of Tourism on Rural Agro-Pastoral Communities’ Livelihoods in Laikipia, County Kenya.


ü        March 2011 to April 2014: Coordinated Collaborative Msc programme (Worth 6 Million USD) Covering 17 Universities in Eastern and Southern Africa at the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), a capacity building and research programme that covers 17 universities in 13 countries in Eastern, Central and South Africa funded by a consortium of funders such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, African Capacity Building Foundation, Alliance for Agreen Revolution in Africa, Future Agricultures,  and with collaborations with FAO-Agricultural Investment Planning Division-Working on knowledge sharing on implementation of CAADP process,  AFRACA-rural finance Knowledge Management Programme among others


September and November 2010:  Guest lecturer at International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Germany.  Teaching and research work on Institutional Challenges along agricultural value chains:

January 2011 to 2014: Research collaboration with Syngenta Foundation and Syngenta Company on Impact Assessment of Market led Extension, index based insuranceand Improved Input use among Smallholder Farmers in Laikipia, Kenya.

September-2009: Research Consultancy with International Centre for Tropical Agriculture: Involved in Training of Trainers in mobilization of rural smallholder farmers in Self-Help Groups and linking them with Credit, Input and Product Markets through capacity building

October- 2009:  Research Consultancy with International Centre for Tropical Agriculture: Designing Project research proposal and data collection instruments on Impact Assessment of Disseminated Agricultural Technologies Including Resilience and Coping Strategies on Climate Change in South- Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo

March–June 2009: Research Consultancy with Financial Sector Deepening (FSD-Kenya) in Collaboration with Central Bank of Kenya (CBK). Involved in Financial Access data cleaning and analysis.

August 2008-Dec 2008: Involved in a multidisciplinary project work on botanical control of pests in crops under the VICRES project covering Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Involved in the socio-economic part of the work from data survey collection, analysis and reporting.

2008-June to Dec 2008: Multidisciplinary collaborative research work on commercialization of indigenous chickens in Rongo and Homabay Districts and funded by Egerton University. Involved in proposal development, socio-economic survey data collection, analysis and reporting. Also involved in preparation of farmers and extension training manuals on improvement of commercialization of indigenous chicken. Eventually held training workshop.

2006: January–June: Research Consultancy with British American Tobacco Ltd. Research project on the Impact of Tobacco growing on Smallholder Farmer’s welfare in Kenya. Involved in proposal preparation, survey data collection, data analysis and report writing.

June 2002-Dec 2005:  Research Collaboration with CIMMYT-Nairobi and IFPRI-Washington DC. Involved in baseline survey with Insect Resistant Maize for Africa (IRMA) project, Predict Adoption of BtMaize in Kenya and on Maize Biological diversity in different Agri-ecological zones in Kenya. Particular activities were survey planning, supervision, data template preparation, data analysis (using SPSS, STATA and LIMDEP) and report writing.

Feb. 2002 to April 2002: Research:  Research Consultancy with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)-Nairobi, as a research assistant, immediately upon completion of Msc.  Attached to Smallholder Dairy Project, with duties of data cleaning, analysis and report writing, specifically relating to changes in the supply and demand in the dairy sub sector in Kenya during pre and post liberalization of the sector.

A select Active Collaborations

1.  College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Global Programme at Virginia-Polytechnic University –USA. Contact Person. Tom Thomsom- Email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Associate Dean. Link.

2.   Global South Studies Center, University of Cologne-Germany. Contact Person. Prof .  Peter Dannenberg, Email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Link.

3. Capacity Development Division, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). Contact Person. Dr. Wellington Ekaya:

 4. Florida A&M, USA- Contact Person. M/s Harriet Paul. Office of International Agriculture Programs & Center for International Agricultural Trade, Developmental Research and Training.

 5. International Center for Development and Descent Work, (ICDD) University of Kassel Germany.

6. Bowie State University, College of Science under Biological Sciences and Institute of Entreprenueship. 




Interested in Participatory Impact Assessment (IA) research work covering crop and livestock value chains including nutrition, rural agricultural finance and enterprise development as well as land use management.  He has been active in collaborative research projects and consultancy projects with World Bank, USAID-Laser  Pad Project,

CIMMYT, CIAT, IFPRI, ILRI, Syngenta Foundation and International Centre for Development and Decent Work- in Germany.  He is also involved in post-graduate student supervision and external examination of PhD and Msc theses.




N/B: Citations in Research Gate:  1107 as of March 2025

Citations in Google Scholar:    2093 with h-index=26 ie. papers cited at least 26 times, i10-index=50 ie 50 articles with at least 10 citations




  1. Mbudzya, J.J.Gido, E.O.Owuor, G.(2023). Determinants of land tenure security among small-holder farmers in rural Kenya: An ordered probit analysis. Cogent Social Sciences, 2023, 9(1), 2220232
  2. Mwenje Ruth., Owuor George and Gathungu, Edith, (2023). Factors Influencing Trader’s Participation in Small Scale hides and Skin Business in the Leather Value Chain, Among non-pastoralists. International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 04 (1), 210-221.
  3. Ikonya Judith Engurat*, Benjamin Mutai, Owuor G, (2024).Determinants of Agribusiness Diversification Among Women Agri-Preneurs in Njoro and Molo Sub-Counties in Nakuru County, Kenya.International Journal of Agricultural Economics(Volume 9, Issue 3)
  4. Priscilla Mkambe Nzaka*, Gladys Jepchirchir Koech, Hillary Bett,  Owuor G, (2024).Trade-offs Between Maize Importation and Reliance on Local Production: A Case of Commercial Maize Millers in Kenya.International Journal of Agricultural Economics(Volume 9, Issue 3)
  5. Engurat, Ikonya Judithand Mutai, Benjamin K.and Owuor, G (2024). Determinants of Women in Post- Production Agri-value Chain Activities on Group Participation in Njoro and Molo Sub-counties, Nakuru County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 42 (3). pp. 144-156. ISSN 2320-7027.
  6. Gladys Jepchirchir Koech, Priscilla Mkambe Nzaka, Edith Gathungu,  G (2023). Perception of Smallholder Chicken Farmers on Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) as a Super Alternative Protein Source for Chicken in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Economics(Volume 8, Issue 5)
  7. Koech, Gladys, Nzaka, Priscilla, Gathungu, Edith and Owuor, G. (2023). Perception of Smallholder Chicken Farmers on Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) as a Super Alternative Protein Source for Chicken in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Economics: DOI:11648/j.ijae.20230805.14.
  8. Onyango, Victorine, Owuor, G, Rao, Elizaphan and Otieno, David. (2023). Impact of cooperatives on smallholder dairy farmers’ income in Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture 9(2). DOI:1080/23311932.2023.2291225
  1. Khaemba, C.N.Kidoido, M.M.Owuor, G.,  (2022).Consumers’ perception towards eggs from laying hens fed commercial black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal-based feeds. Poultry Science , 2022, 101(3), 101645
  2. Lumet,  Owuor G.Gitau, R.,  (2022).The influence of women’s empowerment on poverty reduction: A case of smallholder sugarcane farmers in western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics , 2022, 17(3), pp. 255–271
  3. Chepkirui Norah, Owuor, George and Kibet, Lawrence (2022). The Effects of Revolving Funds on Milk Yields in Kenya. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology. DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2022/83817
  4. Owuor George (2021). Filling the Niche—A Synthesis of Financial Inclusion among Smallholder Farmers in Africa, the Case for Kenya. Modern Economy12 No.12, December.2021:
  5. Okello D, Owuor, C. Larochelle, E. Gathungu, P. Mshenga (2021). Determinants of utilization of agricultural technologies among smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, Vol 6.
  6. A Follmann, M Willkomm, G Nduru, G Owuor, P Dannenberg (2021). Continuity under change: Towards a spatiotemporal understanding of market-oriented urban and peri-urban agriculture–Insights from Kenya. Applied Geography 135, 102528, 2021
  7. Abel Mbega Mwembe, Owuor G, Jackson Langat & Patience Mshenga (2021). Factors affecting market outlet choice of agroforestry based mango producers in Kwale and Kilifi counties, Kenya: The application of the Multivariate Probit model, Cogent Food & Agriculture
  8. Kabayiza, A, G Owuor, JK Langat, F Niyitanga (2021). Factors Influencing Tea Farmers’ Decisions to Utilize Sources of Credit in Nyaruguru District, Rwanda: A Multivariate Probit Regression Analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 23 (4), 753-765
  9. Gachuhi, M, W., G Owuor, E Gathungu (2021). Determinants Of Intensity Of Soybean Commercialization Among Smallholder Farmers In Butere, Kenya. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics (RAAE) 24 (1340-2021-1623), 101-111
  10. Kabayiza A, Owuor, G, Langat, J.K, Mugenzi. P (2021). Does credit utilization lead to increasing farm outcome? a micro-perspective of tea production from Rwanda, Agro-Science 20(2):92-100.
  11. Chepkirui, N, G Owuor, L Kibet (2021). An evaluation of the effects of revolving funds on dairy inputs use in Chepalungu Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 13 (4), 325-331
  12. Okello, G. Owuor, C. Larochelle and E. Gathungu (2020). Effect of agribusiness support services on choice of dairy cooperative market channel in Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, Vol 28 Issue Supplement, s1..  
  13. Rafoneke, LP, PM Mshenga, G Owuor, AM Rantlo (2020). Influence of transaction costs on choice of marketing outlets among smallholder peach farmers in Lesotho. African Crop Science Journal 28 (s1), 175-18. DOI: 4314/acsj.v28i1.13S.
  14. Rebecca Jerop , G, Owuor , Patience Mshenga & Paul Kimurto (2020). Effects of finger millet innovations on productivity in Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6:1,1830476. DOI: 1080/23311932.2020.1830476.
  15. Okello, D.O., S Feleke, E Gathungu, G Owuor, OI Ayuya (2020).Effect of ICT tools attributes in accessing technical, market and financial information among youth dairy agripreneurs in Tanzania. Cogent Food & Agriculture 6 (1), 1817287.
  16. Florence Opondo1, G Owuor , Patience Mshenga , Andre Louw & Daniel Jordan (2020). Estimation of the Effect of Cassava Commercialization on Different Household Income Measurements in Kilifi County, Kenya, Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 13, No. 1; 2020. doi:10.5539/jsd.v13n1p44
  17. Humphrey Jumba, Henry Kiara, Owuor,, Nils Teufel (2020). Are there gender differences in access to and demand for East Coast fever vaccine? Empirical evidence from rural smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics Vol. 121 No. 2 (2020) 219–231. .DOI:
  18. Humphrey Jumba , Nils Teufel , Isabelle Baltenweck , Nicoline de Haan , Henry Kiara & George Owuor, (2020). Use of the infection and treatment method in the control of East Coast fever in Kenya: does gender matter for adoption and impact? Gender, Technology and Development, 24:3, 297-313, DOI: 10.1080/09718524.2020.1829359.
  19. Bosire M, Owuor G, Asienge Irene and Kalui F (2019). Personal Financial Management Practices of Secondary School Teachers in Kisii County: Kenya.Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/RJFA Vol.10, No.6, 2019
  20. Gitahi D. W, Murithi B, W, Owuor G, Diro, G. and Mohamed S., ( 2019). Willingness to Pay for an Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Suppression of Citrus Infesting False Codling Moth, Africa Citrus Trioza and Greening Disease Among Citrus Producers in Kenya.  Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. Vol 10, No 2 of 2019.   DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-2-06 :
  21. Ochieng, J., Knerr, B., Owuor, G. and Ouma, E. (2019) Food crops commercialization and household livelihoods: Evidence from rural regions in Central Africa. Agribusiness.
  22. R Jerop, P Dannenberg, G Owuor, P Mshenga, P Kimurto, M Willkomm (2018). Factors affecting the adoption of agricultural innovations on underutilized cereals: The case of finger millet among smallholder farmers in Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research 13 (36), 1888-1900
  23. Ochieng, J., Knerr, B., Owuor, G., and Ouma, E. (2018). Strengthening collective action to improve marketing performance: evidence from farmer groups in Central Africa. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-21.
  24. Jerop, R, G Owuor, P Mshenga, P Kimurto (2018).Finger Millet Output Commercialization Among Smallholder Farmers: Role of Agricultural Innovations in Kenya European Jounal of Business Management 10 (27), 91-100
  25. Bosire M, Owuor G, Asienge Irene and Kalui F (2018). Effects of Demographic Factors on Value of Investments of Teachers in Kisii County, Kenya. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847.
  26. Dembele, Khadija D,  PM MshengaG Owuor, F Badolo (2018). Economic Analysis and Determinants of Selected Women-Led Vegetable Enterprises Performance in Koutiala and Bougouni Distircts, MalI. Economic Analysis,
  27. Keita,Mahmoud M, GM Ogendi, G Owuor ( 2018). Socio-economic Factors That Influence Household Incomes in Artisanal Gold Mining Area of Tangandougou Commune, Mali ADRRI Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 4 (2), 1-19
  28. Kisaka N, Owuor G. (2018). Hedonic Analysis of Edible Winged Termites Prices in Kenya. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, 49:51-58.8.
  29. Gido, O. Ingasia A, Owuor G, and Bokelmann W (2017). Consumption intensity of leafy African indigenous vegetables: towards enhancing nutritional security in rural and urban dwellers in Kenya. Agricultural and Food Economics, pp 5-14
  30. Gido, OI Ayuya, G Owuor, W Bokelmann (2027). Consumer acceptance of leafy African indigenous vegetables: comparison between rural and urban dwellers. International Journal of Vegetable Science 23 (4), 346-361, 2017. [PDF]
  31. Owuor G, B Knerr, J Ochieng, T Wambua, C Magero (2017). Community tourism and its role among agropastoralists in Laikipia County, Kenya. Tourism Economics 23 (1), 229-236. DOI:5367/te.2015.0508


  1. Ochieng, J., Knerr, B., Owuor, G., Ouma, E. (2017). Migration and agricultural intensification at origin: Evidence from farm households in Central Africa. Migration and Development, 4(2): 312-40.
  2. Ochieng, J., Knerr, B., Owuor, G., Ouma, E. (2016) Commercialisation of Food Crops and Farm Productivity: Evidence from Smallholders in Central Africa. Agrekon, 55:4, 458-482.
  3. Gido, OI Ayuya, G Owuor, W Bokelmann (2016). Consumer’s choice of retail outlets for African indigenous vegetables: Empirical evidence among rural and urban households in Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture 2 (1), 1248523, 2016
  4. Wanyama J.M, GA Obare, G Owuor, L Wasilwa (2016).Assessing the determinants of tissue culture Banana adoption in Western Kenya. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 16 (1 )
  5. Wanyoike, E. N , G Owuor, J Lagat, E Wanjiru (2015). Determinants of pastoral communities’ participation in community-based eco-tourism enterprises as livelihood diversification strategy. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 6 (6)
  6. Masinde, W. J, GA Obare, G Owuor, L Wasilwa (2015). Determinants of intensity of market participation among banana traders in western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research 10 (29), 2804-2813
  7. Mwangi, J. G, Ondimu, K, N, G Owuor, GW Eshiamwata, GO Obwoyere ( 2014). Factors influencing adoption of sustainable water resource management practices in upper and middle Mara River Basin, Kenya. Journal of Development and Sustainability 3 (6), 1326-1339


47.   Ochieng, J, Owuor, G. and Bebe, B.O (2013). Management Practices and Challenges In Smallholder Indigenous Chicken Production In Western Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics,114 (1): 51–58.


  1. Ochieng, J., Owuor, G. and Bebe, B.O (2013). Management Practices and Challenges In Smallholder Indigenous Chicken Production In Western Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics, 114 (1): 51–58.
  2. Njiru N, Muluvi A, Owuor, G, Langat,J., (2013). Impact of Khat Production On Rural Household’s Income in Gachoka Division Mbeere South District Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.orgISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 Vol.4, No.2.
  3. Kakiya Grace, R Mugo, S Onyuma, G Owuor, M Bosire (2013). Do Earnings Announcement Have an Effect on the Level of Efficiency of The Nairobi Securities Exchange?. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
  4. MG Shibia, G Owuor, BO Bebe (2013). Evaluation of losses of replacement heifers in pastoral and peri-urban camel herds in semi-arid northern Kenya. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 3 (1), 1-8
  5. Owido P, Onyuma S and Owuor G., (2013). A Garch Approach to Measuring Efficiency: A Case Study of Nairobi Securities Exchange. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 4. No 4.
  6. Sibiko,K.W, Owuor, E. Birachi, E.O. Gido, O.I. Ayuya and 1 J.K. Mwangi (2013). Analysis of Determinants of Productivity and Technical Efficiency among Smallholder Common Bean Farmers in Eastern Uganda. Current Research Journal of Economic Theory 5(3): 44-55, 2013 ISSN: 2042-4841, e-ISSN: 2042-485X © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013.
  7. AG Njuguna, JM Wabwire, G Owuor, S Onyuma (2013). The effect of initial public offer announcements on market returns of listed stocks at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. International Journal of Research in Management.
  8. Kalio M.,Mutenyo J and Owuor G., (2012). Analysis of Economic Growth in Kenya: Growth Accounting and Total Factor Productivity. Journal of Business Management and Applied Economics, Volume I, Issue no 6
  9. Ochieng, J., Owuor, G., B.O. Bebe (2012), Determinants of Adoption of Management Interventions in Indigenous Chicken Production in Kenya. African Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics (AfJARE) Vol. 7 (1):39-50.
  10. Kinambuga, D, Mutai B, Owuor G, Aquilars M. Kalio and Emmanuel K. Kinuthia (2012). Performance of Smallholder Dairy Farming in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology A. Vol 2, No. 4, 2012.
  11. Berem R. M, G Owuor, G Obare (2011).Value addition in honey and poverty reduction in ASALs: Empirical evidence from Baringo County, Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development 23, 12
  12. Ochieng, J., Owuor, G., Bebe, B. O., Ochieng, D.O. (2011), Effect of Management Interventions on Productive Performance of Indigenous Chicken in Western Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 23(5) Article No. 114.
  13. Ochieng, J., Owuor, G., Bebe, B.O. (2010), Influence of management intervention adoption behavior of smallholders on productivity of indigenous chicken flock in Western Kenya. The Family Poultry Communications, Vol. 19 (1): 11-15.
  14. Ochieng, J. G Owuor, BO Bebe (2013) Determinants of adoption of management interventions in indigenous chicken production in Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 7 (311-2016-5598), 39-50
  15. M Wanyama, LO Mose, M Odendo, JO Okuro, G Owuor, L Mohammed (2010). Determinants of income diversification strategies amongst rural households in maize based farming systems of Kenya. African Journal of Food Science 4 (12), 754-763
  16. Mwanarusi, S, Itulya, M., Aguyoh, M.J, Mshenga, P.M, and Owuor G., (2010). Impact of Cowpea Leaf Harvesting initiation time on Yields and Profitability of Dual Purpose Sole Cowpea and Cowpea-Maize Intercrop. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry. EJEAFChe, 9 (6), 2010.: 1134-1144
  17. Kibet, L. K., Mutai, B. K., Ouma, D. E., Ouma, S. A.,& Owuor, G. (2009). Determinants and impacts of household saving: Case study of smallholder farmers, entrepreneurs and teachers in rural areas of Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics1(7), 137-143.
  18. Owour G.,Ouma A.S, Ngigi M. and Mlongo.P (2009) “Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya” Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development Vol 3: 14-29 .
  19. L.Deng, J.O.Ogendo, Owuor. G, P.K. Bett, E.O.Omollo, M.Mughisha and J.M Mihale ( 2009). Factors Determining the use of Botanical Insect Pest Control  Method by Small-holder Farmers in the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 3(5),pp. 108-115,.
  20. Mshenga P.M and Owuor .G (2009). Opportunities for Micro and Small Scale Businesses in the Tourism Sector: The case of the Kenya Coast. KCA Journal of Business Management. Vol. 2 Issue 2
  21. Olwande J, Ngigi W, Nguyo W., and  Owour G (2008) “Supply response of Maize farmers in Kenya: A farm-level analysis” International Journal of Agro-Asian Studies (IJASS) Vol 1 No.2: 56-67
  22. Owuor G,Ngigi M.W., Shem Ouma A. and E.A Birachi. (2007). “Determinants of Rural Poverty in Africa: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya”. Journal of Applied Science, 7, No. 17: 2539-2543.
  23. Owuor G., Ngigi M.W, Shem Ouma A. (2007) “The Role of Micro-Credit in Rural Development: An Analysis of Group Based Micro-Finance in Kenya.” Egerton Journal Volume 7 Special issue.
  24. Birachi E.A, Owuor G., Cheruiyot T.K., Lagat C.K and Onyuma S. O. (2006). An “Analysis of Milk and Derivatives Handling in Kenya: The Case of Smallholder Retail Outlets in Nakuru”. African Journal of Business and Economics. 1. No 2: 14-22
  25. Owuor G, Sabina Mukoya-Wangia, Samwel O. Onyuma, and Patience M. Mshenga and Paul Gamba (2006).Self-Help Groups: A Social Capital For Agricultural Productivity”. Egerton Journal. Vol  No 2 & 3: 159-176.
  26. Hugo De Groote, Owuor G, Cheryl Doss, James Ouma, Lutta Muhammad and K. Danda. (2005). “The Maize Green Revolution in Kenya Revisited”.Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, Vol. 2, No. 1:32-49.
  27. Patiernce M. Mshenga, Jackson Maalu and Owuor G (2004). “Market Segmentation and Micro and Small Scale Business Growth. The Case of Furniture Manufacturers in Mombasa District, Kenya”. Egerton Journal.Vol V, No 2:


Papers Presented in Conferences

  1. Owuor G (2023). Filling the Niche - A synthesis of Financial Inclusion among Smallholder Farmers in Africa: The Case of Kenya. Paper presented at the 5th African Farm Management Association (AFMA) held at East London, South Africa

      2.      Humphrey Jumba, Henry Kiara, George Owuor, and Nils Teufel (Sept  2021). Are There Gender Differences in Access to and        Demand for East Coast Fever Vaccine? Empirical Evidence from Rural Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Kenya. Presented at the 2021 Tropentag Conference University of Hohenheim, Germany between September 15-17, 2021

  1. Patrice Mugenzi and George Owuor (August 2021). Factors Iinfluencing Smallholder Potato Farmers Choice Decisions of Market Ooutlets in Munsane and Nyasibhu Districts, Rwanda: A Multivariate Probit M Presented at 31st International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), held virtually from 17 to 31 August 2021.
  2. C Khaemba, M Kidoido, G Owuor, C Tanga (2021). Determinants of Consumers’ Perception of Eggs Derived from Layer Chickens Fed Commercial Insect-Based Feeds. Presented at International Conference of Agricultural Economics, August 2021.
  3. A Kabayiza, G Owuor, JK Langat, P Mugenzi, F Niyitanga (2021). Determinants and Effect Evaluation of Credits on the Farm Outcome-a Micro-Perspective of Tea Production from Rwanda. International Conference of Agricultural Economics, August 2021
  4. Owuor G,Knerr B, Wambua T and Ochieng J., (August 2015). Does Tourism Have any Impact on Rural Communities Living near Touris Attraction Sites? The Case of Agro-pastoralists in Laikipia County, Kenya. Paper Presented at the 29th ICAE Conference in August 2015Millan Italy.
  5. Ochieng, Owuor, G., Knerr, B, Ouma, E.(2013) Impact of Market Orientation on Household Food Security in Central Africa: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Contributed paper to be presented at ICDD Annual Thematic Conference on The role of work, food and cash in overcoming poverty” held on 28-30 September, 2013 in Mumbai, India.
  6. Owuor G and Ouma A. Shem (2012). Informal Credit and Factor Productivity in Africa: Does Informal Credit Matter? Evidence of impacts using Switching Regression Model. Paper presented during the 28th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE) in Forz Du Iguasu, Brazil, August 2012.
  7. Langat J. K., Lagat J.K., Owuor G., Muok B., Birech R., Ngetich K., Freyer B. (2012).Constraints to integrating non biofuel feedstock in smallholder farms in Kenya. September 2012 tropentag conference poster, Gottingen Germany.
  8. Owuor G. (2009). Is Microfinance Achieving its goal in development among rural households in Africa? Paper presented during 27th. IAAE conference in Beijing china, August, 2009
  9. Owuor G, Smale,M and De Groote, H. (August, 2004). Crop Biotechnology for Africa: Who Will Gain from Adopting Bt Maize in Kenya? Paper Presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, Aug ,1-4, 2004
  10. De Groote, H., Owuor G, and Ouma, J.O. (2003). The Maize Green Revolution in Kenya Revisited. Paper presented at the FASID Conference: Green Revolution in Asia and its Transferability to Africa II, Durban, South Africa, August 15-16, 2003
  11. Owuor G, De Groote, H., Smale, M., Ouma, J.O. and Kengo, D. (2003). Maize Productivity and On-Farm Conservation Trade-Offs in Kenya. Poster presented at the 25th. International Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), held in Durban, South Africa, between 17th to 23rd. August 2003.
  12. Owuor G, Mukoya-Wangia and De Groote, H. (2002). Impact of Financial Self-Help Groups on Input Use in Agricultural Production. The case of smallholder maize farmers in Siaya District, Kenya’. Paper Presented at the 7th Eastern & Southern Africa Regional Maize Conference & Symposium on Low-Nitrogen & Drought Tolerance in Maize. Held at Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Nairobi, Kenya between 11-15 February 2002
  13. Owuor G, Onyuma, S.O. and Cheruiyot, T.K. (2001). The role of business organizations on education sector in Kenya. Paper Presented at the Association of Third-World Studies Conference held at Egerton University, August 2001.

 Policy Briefs.

  1. Melinda Smale, Hugo De Groote, and George Owuor:Predicting Farmer Demand for Bt-Maize in Kenya. IFPRI, CIMMYT and IPGRI, Research Brief No 23: Link:
  2. Yuan Zhou, George Owuor, Benjamin Mutai. Impact of Syngenta Foundation Interventions on Smallholder Farmers in Larger Laikipia East District, Kenya. Syngenta Foundation Policy Brief. Link:
  3. Maize Project Has Valuable Spin-offs. IRMA Project Brief. Link.
  4. Insect Resistant Maize for Africa Annual Report 2003-2004: Link:


  1. Partipant at The Global Agricultural Productivity Initiative at Virginia Tech (GAP Initiative)  2024 in Washington DC on  mobilizing and advocating for action and investment to accelerate agricultural productivity growth at all scales of production to create returns to farmers, society, the economy, and the environment. 
  2. Owuor G (2023). Filling the Niche - A synthesis of Financial Inclusion among Smallholder Farmers in Africa: The Case of Kenya. Paper presented at the 5th African Farm Management Association (AFMA) held at East London, South Africa

  3. George Owuor and Dickson Okello (November 18-23, 2023). Presented at African Farm Management Association 13th Conference in East London, South Africa. Paper Titled: Financial Inclusion Revisited:A synthesis of Financial  Access by  Smallholder Farmers in Africa
  4. George Owuor and Isaac Kibwage (October 4, 2022). Participated at the 2022 Global Agricultural Productivity GAP report Launch in Washington USA as key stakeholder. The report focused on Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth for  Sustainable, Resilient World.
  5. Humphrey Jumba, Henry Kiara, George Owuor, and Nils Teufel (Sept  2021). Are There Gender Differences in Access to and Demand for East Coast Fever Vaccine? Empirical Evidence from Rural Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Kenya. Presented at the 2021 Tropentag Conference University of Hohenheim, Germany between September 15-17, 2021
  6. Owuor G (Sept 2021). Filling the Niche - A synthesis of Financial Inclusion among Smallholder Farmers in Africa: The Case of Kenya. Paper presented Virtually at the 2nd. Cologne Conference on Food for Future 13-14 September 2021
  7. Patrice Mugenzi and George Owuor (August 2021). Factors Influencing Smallholder Potato  Farmers Choice Decisions of Market Ooutlets in Munsane and Nyasibhu Districts, Rwanda: A Multivariate Probit Model. Presented at 31st International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), held virtually from 17 to 31 August 2021.
  8. Owuor G,Knerr B, Wambua T and Ochieng J., (August 2015). Does Tourism Have any Impact on Rural Communities Living near Touris Attraction Sites? The Case of Agro-pastoralists in Laikipia County, Kenya. Paper Presented at the 29th ICAE Conference in August 2015Millan Italy.
  9. J. Ochieng, Owuor, G., Knerr, B, Ouma, E.(2013) Impact of Market Orientation on Household Food Security in Central Africa: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Contributed paper to be presented at ICDD Annual Thematic Conference on The role of work, food and cash in overcoming poverty” held on 28-30 September, 2013 in Mumbai, India.
  10. Owuor G and Ouma A. Shem (2012). Informal Credit and Factor Productivity in Africa: Does Informal Credit Matter? Evidence of impacts using Switching Regression Model. Paper presented during the 28th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE) in Forz Du Iguasu, Brazil, August 2012.
  11. Owuor G. (2009). Is Microfinance Achieving its goal in development among rural households in Africa? Paper presented during 27th. IAAE conference in Beijing china,  August, 2009
  12. Owuor G, Smale,M and De Groote, H. (August, 2004). Crop Biotechnology for Africa:  Who Will Gain from Adopting Bt Maize in Kenya? Paper Presented  at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, Aug ,1-4, 2004
  13. De Groote, H., Owuor G, and Ouma, J.O. (2003). The Maize Green Revolution in Kenya Revisited. Paper presented at the FASID Conference: Green Revolution in Asia and its Transferability to Africa II, Durban, South Africa, August 15-16, 2003
  14. Owuor G, De Groote, H., Smale, M., Ouma, J.O. and Kengo, D. (2003). Maize Productivity and On-Farm Conservation Trade-Offs in Kenya. Poster presented at the 25th. International Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), held in Durban, South Africa, between 17th to 23rd. August 2003.
  15. Owuor G, Mukoya-Wangia and De Groote, H. (2002). Impact of Financial Self-Help Groups on Input Use in Agricultural Production. The case of smallholder maize farmers in Siaya District, Kenya’. Paper Presented at the 7th Eastern & Southern Africa Regional Maize Conference & Symposium on Low-Nitrogen & Drought Tolerance in Maize. Held at Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Nairobi, Kenya between 11-15 February 2002
  16. Owuor G, Onyuma, S.O. and Cheruiyot, T.K. (2001). The role of business organizations on education sector in Kenya. Paper Presented at the Association of Third-World Studies Conference held at EgertonUniversity, August 2001.

Global Citizenship Award, by  Virginia-tech University USA, in  Recognition  and Acknolwledgment of exceptional  committment  and Support  for International   Collaboration and Partnership 

  1. Agricultural Finance and Costing for Projects
  2. Managerial Economics for Agribusiness
  3. Applied Econometrics for Agricultural Economists and Agribusiness Students 
  4. Institutional and Behavioral Economics for Agribusiness
  1. Khaemba, Collete. N. 2021. Title of Thesis: Consumers’ perception towards eggs from laying hens fed commercial black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal-based feeds.
  2. Lumet,  R  (2021). Title of Thesis: The influence of women’s empowerment on poverty reduction: A case of smallholder sugarcane farmers in western Kenya.
  3.  Abel Mbega Mwembe, (2021). Title of AThesis: Factors affecting market outlet choice of agroforestry based mango producers in Kwale and Kilifi counties, Kenya:
  4.   Gachuhi, Martha Wanjiru (2021). Determinants Of Intensity Of Soybean Commercialization Among Smallholder Farmers In Butere, Kenya.
  5.  Chepkirui, N, G Owuor, L Kibet (2021). An evaluation of the effects of revolving funds on dairy inputs use in Chepalungu Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 13 (4), 325-331
  6.   Rafoneke, LP (2020). Influence of transaction costs on choice of marketing outlets among smallholder peach farmers in Lesotho.
  7. Humphrey Jumba (2019). Title of Thesis , Gender differences in access to and demand for East Coast fever vaccine? Empirical evidence from rural smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya.
  8. Kisaka N, (2018). Hedonic Analysis of Edible Winged Termites Prices in Kenya.
  9. Njiru Nelly (2013). Impact of Khat Production On Rural Household’s Income In Gachoka Division Mbeere South District Kenya.
  10. Owido P, (2013). A Garch Approach to Measuring Efficiency : A Case Study of Nairobi Securities Exchange.
  11. Sibiko,Ken .Waluse (2013). Analysis of Determinants of Productivity and Technical Efficiency among Smallholder Common Bean Farmers in Eastern Uganda.
  12. Ochieng, Justus (2012), Determinants of Adoption of Management Interventions in Indigenous Chicken Production in Kenya.
  13. Kinambuga, Dennis (2012). Performance of Smallholder Dairy Farming in Nakuru County, Kenya.
  14. Kibet, L. K (2009). Determinants and impacts of household saving: Case study of smallholder farmers, entrepreneurs and teachers in rural areas of Kenya.

A. Post-Doctoral Supervision: Dr. Florence Opondo, a fellow at University of Pretoria-South Africa between 2020 to 2022.  Area of research, Value Chain interventions for Cassava in Africa.

 B. PhD Supervision: Graduated 14 PhD students and over 50 Msc students and currently involved in supervision of 2 PhD and 5 Msc students.

 Summary of PhD Theses Successfully Supervised: 

  1. Joseph Jabu Mbudzya: Title of Thesis: Effect of Land Tenure Security on Household Food Security and Women Empowerment among Small-Holder Maize Farmers in Narok County, Kenya. Graduated at Egerton University in 2024

  2. Patrice Mugenzi: Title of Thesis: Effects of Agricultural Vlaue Chain Financing on Potatoe Productivity  and Market Access  on Farm Households  Livelihoods in Musanze and Nyabuhu Districts, Rwanda. Graduated at Egerton University in 2023.
  3. Alexis Kabayiza: Title of Thesis: Factors Affecting Tea Credit Utilization and Its Impact on Farm Income in Nyaruguru District, Rwanda. Graduated at a Egerton in 2023.
  4. Dickson Okello: Title of PhD Thesis: Effect of agribusiness support services on choice of dairy cooperative market channel in Kenya. Graduated at Egerton University in 2021
  5. Rebecca Jerop, Title of Thesis: Effects of finger millet innovations on productivity in Kenya. Graduated in 2019 at Egerton University
  6. Mary M. Bosire, Title of Thesis: Personal Financial Management Practices of Secondary School Teachers in Kisii County. Graduated at Egerton University in 2019
  7. Mahamadou Moussa Keita. Title of Thesis, An evaluation of the impact of gold mining on agricultural sector. The case of mining zones in Mali. Graduated in 2018.
  8. Florence Opondo,, Title of thesis: An Evaluation of Cassava Value Addition and Commercialization in Siaya and Kilifi Counties. Graduated through Sandwich between University of Cologne and Egerton University in 2017
  9. Joyce Njoba, Title of Thesis: The Influence of Global GAP Certification on the Performance of Small-scale French Beans Growers in Central Kenya. Graduated at Egerton University in 2016
  10. Japhether Wanyama Masinde, Title of Thesis: An Evaluation of Impact and Challenges of Tissue Culture Banana Technology along Agricultural Product Value Chain in Kenya. Graduated in 2016
  11. Eric Gido Obedi, Title of Thesis: An analysis of Value Chains and Commercialization of Indigenous Vegetables in Western Kenya. Graduated at Humbolt University in Germany in 2015
  12. Jackson Langat, Title of Thesis: Economic Impact of Integrating Non-Food Feedstock Farms in Nyeri, Laikipia and Lamu Regions in Kenya. Graduated at Egerton University in 2014
  13. Justus Ochieng, Title of Thesis: Market Orientation, Rural Out-Migration, Crop Production and Household Food Security: The Case of Smallholders in Central Africa. Graduated at Kassel University in 2014 in Germany.Thesis can be downloaded on
  14.   Mary Maina Mutai, Title of Thesis: Impact of Tea SACCOs on Household Savings and Household Welfare: The Case of SACCOs in Kericho District, Graduated at Egerton University in 2012






President for the African Farm Management Association (AFMA)-Nov 2021 to Nov 2023

2. Vice President for the African Farm Management Association (AFMA)-2018-Nov. 2021

3. Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)

4. Member of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE)

5.   Member of the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)

6.   Member of Association of Third World Studies, INC.  (ATWS) Kenya Chapter.

7.    Associate Member of Kenya Institute of Management (AMKIM)

8.    Member of the African Academy of Science (AAS)




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