2023-To Date: PI at Egerton for European Commission Funded, Consortium Project on Food Safety focusing on addressing aflatoxin on ground-nuts along agribusiness value chains. Value of the Egerton funding portion is € 327,000.
2022-To date: PI at Egerton for a European Commission Funded, Consortium project known as the Incitis-Foods, a Sustainable food systems programme for Africa, launched in January 2023 spanning 4 years. The funding is worth € 149,000
2021 To date: Coordinator and Socio-Economist for a consultancy with the International Finance Cooperation (IFC-funded project) to support as technical back stopper for Twiga Foods Company on enhancing quality and capacity for Twiga Contracted Farms to be Centres of Excellence in Farming. Project is worth USD, 29, 000.00
2016-to Date: PI for the World Bank funded African Center of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM) at Egerton University: www.cesaam.egerton.ac.ke., worth USD 6 million Involved in Capacity Building, Research, Innovations and Outreach. The project has post graduate students from 12 countries in Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Ghana, Kingdom of Eswatini, Lesotho, Botswana. It also has collaborators from industry and NGO such as Kenya Association of Manufacturers, KEPSA, The Hive International Co Ltd, Green Forest Co Ltd, Community Action for Rural Development, Syngenta Foundation, ICRISAT, CIMMYT. It further has International Partners ouside Africa such as Virginia-tech-USA, University of Edinburg-UK, Bowie Stae University -USA, Florida A&M -USA, University of Cologne-Germany, Gatronomic University-Italy, University of Parvia-Italy, Nanjing Agricultural University-China and Zhejiang University in China and within Africa outside Kenya such as University of Rwanda, Makerere University, Mbarar University, Gulu University, Haramaya University, University of Namibia-College of Agriculture, Univeisty fo Eswatini, Edwardo Mondlane University, Copper Belt University, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Sciences and in Kenya Pwani University, JOOUST, Moi University, Msinde Muliro University, among others.
2019 to 2021: Deputy PI for Laser Pad Project worth USD 50,000. This was a USAID funded ICT Block chain based Technology project encouraging participants along the African Vegetable value chains to adopt ICT communication system to smoothen transaction and access to market information for profitability and increased productivity.
2016 to Date: Socioeconomic for a Project Known as SIMLESA funded by International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement Center-CIMMYT project on striga Management in Western Kenya, Known as SIMLESA, worth Ksh 3,000,000.00. This Project involved promotion of conservation agricultural among smallholder farmers in Western Kenya where Striga weed is a major challenge thus using Conservation Agriculture technologies to manage striga. Among 4 counties; Siaya, Vihiga, Kakamega and Busia counties.
2012-2014: Collaborated as a PI in a project with International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Germany on the Impact of Tourism on Rural Agro-Pastoral Communities’ Livelihoods in Laikipia, County Kenya.
ü March 2011 to April 2014: Coordinated Collaborative Msc programme (Worth 6 Million USD) Covering 17 Universities in Eastern and Southern Africa at the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), a capacity building and research programme that covers 17 universities in 13 countries in Eastern, Central and South Africa funded by a consortium of funders such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, African Capacity Building Foundation, Alliance for Agreen Revolution in Africa, Future Agricultures, and with collaborations with FAO-Agricultural Investment Planning Division-Working on knowledge sharing on implementation of CAADP process, AFRACA-rural finance Knowledge Management Programme among others
September and November 2010: Guest lecturer at International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Germany. Teaching and research work on Institutional Challenges along agricultural value chains: www.icdd.uni-kassel.de
January 2011 to 2014: Research collaboration with Syngenta Foundation and Syngenta Company on Impact Assessment of Market led Extension, index based insuranceand Improved Input use among Smallholder Farmers in Laikipia, Kenya.
September-2009: Research Consultancy with International Centre for Tropical Agriculture: Involved in Training of Trainers in mobilization of rural smallholder farmers in Self-Help Groups and linking them with Credit, Input and Product Markets through capacity building
October- 2009: Research Consultancy with International Centre for Tropical Agriculture: Designing Project research proposal and data collection instruments on Impact Assessment of Disseminated Agricultural Technologies Including Resilience and Coping Strategies on Climate Change in South- Kivu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo
March–June 2009: Research Consultancy with Financial Sector Deepening (FSD-Kenya) in Collaboration with Central Bank of Kenya (CBK). Involved in Financial Access data cleaning and analysis.
August 2008-Dec 2008: Involved in a multidisciplinary project work on botanical control of pests in crops under the VICRES project covering Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Involved in the socio-economic part of the work from data survey collection, analysis and reporting.
2008-June to Dec 2008: Multidisciplinary collaborative research work on commercialization of indigenous chickens in Rongo and Homabay Districts and funded by Egerton University. Involved in proposal development, socio-economic survey data collection, analysis and reporting. Also involved in preparation of farmers and extension training manuals on improvement of commercialization of indigenous chicken. Eventually held training workshop.
2006: January–June: Research Consultancy with British American Tobacco Ltd. Research project on the Impact of Tobacco growing on Smallholder Farmer’s welfare in Kenya. Involved in proposal preparation, survey data collection, data analysis and report writing.
June 2002-Dec 2005: Research Collaboration with CIMMYT-Nairobi and IFPRI-Washington DC. Involved in baseline survey with Insect Resistant Maize for Africa (IRMA) project, Predict Adoption of BtMaize in Kenya and on Maize Biological diversity in different Agri-ecological zones in Kenya. Particular activities were survey planning, supervision, data template preparation, data analysis (using SPSS, STATA and LIMDEP) and report writing.
Feb. 2002 to April 2002: Research: Research Consultancy with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)-Nairobi, as a research assistant, immediately upon completion of Msc. Attached to Smallholder Dairy Project, with duties of data cleaning, analysis and report writing, specifically relating to changes in the supply and demand in the dairy sub sector in Kenya during pre and post liberalization of the sector.
A select Active Collaborations
1. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Global Programme at Virginia-Polytechnic University –USA. Contact Person. Tom Thomsom- Email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Associate Dean. Link. https://www.cals.vt.edu/global.html
2. Global South Studies Center, University of Cologne-Germany. Contact Person. Prof . Peter Dannenberg, Email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Link. https://geographie.uni-koeln.de/forschung/arbeitsgruppen/anthropogeographie-stadt-und-regionalentwicklung
3. Capacity Development Division, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). Contact Person. Dr. Wellington Ekaya: https://www.ilri.org/people/wellington-ekaya
4. Florida A&M, USA- Contact Person. M/s Harriet Paul. Office of International Agriculture Programs & Center for International Agricultural Trade, Developmental Research and Training. https://cafs.famu.edu/departments-and-centers/international-agriculture/pdf
5. International Center for Development and Descent Work, (ICDD) University of Kassel Germany. https://www.uni-kassel.de/forschung/icdd-2009-2022/about-us/people/scientists-of-network-pa.
6. Bowie State University, College of Science under Biological Sciences and Institute of Entreprenueship.