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Professor Fugich Wako is an Associate Professor of Literature in the Department of Literature Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Egerton University. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in Literature, specializing in Oral Literature. The PhD was earned at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. He was supervised by the eminent Professor of Literature, Professor Isabel Hofmeyr. Prof. Wako received his Bachelor's and Master's of Arts in Literature from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. He has taught at Egerton University for 27 years teaching both the undregraduate and postgraduate students. He has also supervised many postgraduate students at both Master's and PhD levels at Egerton. He has also been an external examiner where he has examined students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Masinde Muliro University, Moi University and Maseno University, among others. In addition, he has also been in academic leadership positions such as the Chairman of Department of Language and Linguistics, Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Director of the University's Nairobi City Campus. His area of interest is orality, African Literature, Gender and Cultural Studies. 


2003: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Literature - University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

1994: Master of Arts (M.A) - University of Nairobi, Kenya

1990: Bachelor of Arts (B.A) - University of Nairobi, Kenya


  • Oral Literature
  • African Literature
  • Gender and Literature
  • Cultural Studies

2018 to date: Chief Editor, Egerton Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

2014 to date: Associate Professor of Literature

2012-2017: Director, Nairobi City Campus

2009: Chair, University Committee on Ethnicity

2009-2012: Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University

2009: Member, Students Welfare Committee

2007: Chair, Vice Chancellor’s Committee on Communication Policy and Strategy

2006: Member, Vice Chancellor’s Committee on Collaborations and Linkages

2005: Chairman of the Department of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, Egerton University

2005: Senior Lecturer in Literature   Egerton University

2003:  Coordinator in College of Distance Education, Egerton University in-charge of Humanities and Social Science Programs.

1994: Assistant Lecturer in Literature  Egerton University


  • 2018 to date: Appointed Chief Editor, Egerton Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • 2014 to date. Appointed Associate Professor of Literature, Egerton University
  • 2012-2017 Appointed Director Nairobi City Campus, Egerton University
  • 2009 Appointed Chair, University Committee on Ethnicity
  • 2009-2012 Elected Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University
  • 2009 Appointed Member, Students Welfare Committee
  • 2007 Appointed Chair, Vice Chancellor’s Committee on Communication Policy and Strategy
  • 2006 Appointed Member, Vice Chancellor’s Committee on Collaborations and Linkages
  • 2005 Appointed Chairman of the Department of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, Egerton University
  • 2005 Promoted to Senior Lecturer in Literature   Egerton University
  • 2003: Appointed Coordinator in College of Distance Education, Egerton University in-charge of Humanities and Social Science Programs.
  • 1994 Appointed Assistant Lecturer in Literature  Egerton University

Completed Research Projects 

  1. Review of Sustainability and Viability of Abattoir Project. Marsabit County Government. November 2018
  2. County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2013-2017 Review for Marsabit County Government. December 2017
  3. Writing Biographies: Orality and the Legacy of Henry Owuor  Anyumba. Research project with Prof. Emilia Ilieva and Prof Peter Amuka, funded by Egerton University Research Division. 2011 
  4. Conflict among Pastoralist in Isiolo District: Actors, Causes and Effects. A Research project funded by Egerton University Division of Research. 2010
  5. Performance of Girls Songs among the Borana: A study in Gender and Marginality in a Northern Kenya community. 2008
  6. A collaborative research with University of East Anglia, on Identity and Belief Systems in Marsabit District Kenya. 2008
  7. A consultancy to write a book, Leaving Disaster Behind for International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.  December 2006
  8. Mapping Out Civil Society Organizations in Marsabit and Isiolo Districts with a view to Identifying Partnership for MS Kenya and International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs. A consultancy for MS Kenya, a Danish International Organization. September 2006
  9. Simplifying Drought Cycle Management book. A consultancy commissioned by the International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) Kenya Chapter. March 2006
  10. Rationalizing Conflict: A Critical Survey of Conflict Management in Northern Kenya. Commissioned by Center for Minority Rights (CEMRIDE) sponsored by USAID. August 2004
  11. “Causes of Primary Educational Wastage in Kargi Division of Marsabit District". A consultancy report for Action Aid Kenya, Northern Region. January 2000
  12. “Factors Leading to Primary school Dropout and its Remedies: the Case of Merti and Sericho Divisions of Isiolo District". A consultancy report for Action Aid Kenya, Northern Region. July 1999

Ongoing Research Projects

  1. Climate Smart Agriculture Implementation of Fish Farming Project. Marsabit County Government. August 2019





  • Oral Literature
  • African Literature
  • Literature and Gender
  • Cultural Studies
  • multi-disciplinary research on society and culture.
  1. Wako, F. (2020). “The Sociocultural and Performative Dimensions of the Ayyaana Spirit Possession Cult among the Borana of Northeast Africa.” Ruwaza African Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 7: 140-166.
  2. Wako, F. (2019). “Moral Decadence and Moral Prescription for a Sick Society in Joseph Situma’s The Mysterious Killer”. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, vol. 12, pp. 33-43.
  3. Cherono, E, Wako, F, Kweya D. (2019). “Culture, Change and Continuity in Riddle and Riddle Performance among the Kipsigis, Kenya”. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, vol. 12, pp. 185-200.
  4. Muhia, M, Wako, F, Walunywa, J (2015). “Vision of A Better Society: Myths, Proverbs and Resistance in Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Matigari Ma Njirungi”. In Democracy, Civil Society and Development (ed.) Maurice Amutabi. Catholic University of Eastern Africa and AISA, Nairobi. pp. 297-311
  5. Qorro, M, Wako, F et al (2014) A Unified Standard Orthography for Cushitic Languages (Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Kenya & Tanzania). Monograph Series no. 258. Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society. Cape Town. For more details click here.
  6. Muhia M, Wako, F, Walunywa, J (2013) “Reconfiguration of Oral Genres in Ngugi wa Thiongo’s Caitani Mutharabaini (Devil on the Cross). Ruwaza Afrika: Contemporary Journal of Arts and Social Sciences vol. 2 : 84-113
  7. Wako, F (2013). “The Poetics of Joking Relationships among the Borana Clans, Kenya”. Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 3 no. 19: 133-145. (Online). For more details click here.
  8. Wako, F (2011a) “Poetry, Play, and History: A Critical Appraisal of the Borana Age-set Joke Performance”. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, vol.10: 18- 45. For more details click here.
  9. Wako, F (2011b). “Women’s Bodies, Men’s Tongues: Masculinity, Femininity, and Style in Borana Oral Poems”. In East African Literature: Essays in Written and Oral Traditions. Makokha J, Kabaji E & Dipio D. (eds.) Berlin. Logos Verlag, p.176-186.1
  10. Wako, F (2010). “Putting Down Women with Male Oratory: An Analysis of an Oral Poetic Form among the Boorana Oromo”. Journal of Oromo Studies, vol.17 (1): 179-217. For more details click here.
  11. Wako F (2007). ‘Allison  is an Insult’ in Women Writing Africa. The Eastern Africa Region. Lihamba A et al (eds.) The Feminist Press, pp 413-415.
  12. Wako, F (2003). “Contesting Marginality in Jest: The Voices of Borana Women in Oral Tradition”, Journal of Oromo Studies, 10 (1/2): 89-113. For more details click here.
  13. Wako, F & Ekuam D (2005). Rationalization of Conflict in Northern Kenya – A Critical Look at the Existing Institutional Framework. Centre for Minority Rights and Development (CEMIRIDE)
  14. Wako, F (2002a). “Tradition, Memory, Creativity and the Self in Personal Narratives among the Borana: Conformity and Conflict”. Fabula 43 (1/2): 18-34. For more details click here.
  15. Wako, F (2002b). “The Dialectics of a Jocular Oral Genre among the Borana”  Egerton Journal 4 (1): 25-42.
  16. Wako, F (2000) "Folklore and Oral Tradition in East Africa”. An entry in Companions to African Literature, D. Killam and R. Howe (eds.) Oxford and Indiana University Press.
  17. Wako, F (1998) “It has become hot": Towards an Understanding of Indigenous Aesthetics in Borana Cattle Song, Weedhu”.  Egerton Journal 2 (1): 1-10.
  18. Wako, F (1997) “Of Mending Cracked Earth and Earths that don't crack: Gada as an Indigenous Model of Conflict Prevention and Resolution among the Borana”. In Ethiopia in Broader Perspective: Papers of 13th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 1-11, (eds.) Katsuyoshi Fukui, E. Kurimoto, M. Shigeta, p. 646-652.  Kyoto. Shokado Book Sellers.
  • 19th February 2021: "Performing Corona in Mother Tongue: A Comment on A Borana Song on the theme of Corona Pandemic". A paper presented at the Kenyatta University International Mother Language Day Conference on the theme: International Mother Language: Navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic. (Webinar).
  • 10th-12th September 2013: “Heroes and Villains of Uhuru: Orality, History, Identity and Transnationality on the Borderlands of Northern Kenya”. A paper presented at International Conference in Literature on the theme, East Africa at 50: A Celebration of Histories and Futures. University of Nairobi. 
  • 18th-23rd July 2012: ‘Poetry, Prayer and Leisure: The Ayyaana Spirit Possession among the Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia Communities’. A paper presented at the 5th International Conference of African Association of Studies in Religion (AASR) 
  • 20th July 2009: ‘Swords of Injustice: Conflicts, Migrations, and Identify Negotiations in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia’. A paper presented for Max Planck Institute Conference held at Egerton University.
  • 7th – 9th January 2009: ‘Spirit Possession in Marsabit. The Case of Ayaana’. A paper presented at the University of East Anglia, Norwich on the theme, ‘Belief and Belonging’.
  • 2008: ‘A Nation of Sheep: The Ruler and the Ruled in Ngugi wa Thiongo’s Wizard of the Crow’. A paper presented at the Faculty of Arts workshop, Egerton University.
  • 5th – 8th April 2004: “The Politics of the Control of the Women’s Body through FGM: Objectification, Culture and Representation among the Pastoralists Societies of Northern Kenya”. Paper presented at International Gender Conference organized by Center for Women Studies and Gender Analysis, Egerton University.
  • 30th October – 1st November 2003: “The Impediments to Scholarship in Kenyan Universities in the Context of Local/Global Contestations”. Interdisciplinary Conference on Globalization and Education in Africa, Thompson Falls Hotel, Nyahururu.
  • November 6th – 11th 2000: “Qoosa:  The Making of a Jocular Oral Genre among the Borana’. Paper presented at The 14th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, held at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University.
  • July 17th – 22nd 2000: “Tradition, Narrative, Memory and the Self: The Case of Personal Narrative among the Borana”. Paper presented at the International Conference of Folklore Society for Narrative Research, held at Kenyatta University.

Postgraduate Courses

            CODE     TITLE

  • LITT 718: Literature, Identity and Representation
  • LITT 704: Studies in Orature and Folklore
  • LITT 701: African Literature: Theory and Practtice

Undergraduate Courses

           CODE    TITLE

  • LITT 423: African Diasporic Literature
  • LITT 421: Prose from West and Southern Africa
  • LITT 411: Poetry from West and Southern Africa
  • LITT 321: Theory and Methods of Oral Literature and Folklore
  • LITT 316: Literature and Gender
  • LITT 312: Oral Literature Genres
  • LITT 311: West African Literature
  • LITT 224: East African Literature
  • LITT 124:  Kenyan Literature
  • LITT 111: Introduction to Literary Criticism
  1. Esther Cherono M A. Thesis Title: Change in the Riddle and Riddle Performance among the Kipsigis of Kericho, Kenya. Graduated June 2020.
  2. Robert Kabatha Kamau M.A. Thesis Title: Devil Against Devil: A Novel - Graduated on December 20th,  2013
  3. Lennox Odiemo M. A. Thesis Title:  Women’s Engagement with Power/Authority in the Fiction of Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye, Mary Okurut and Elisha Lema – Graduated on 26th July 2013
  4. Weldon Kowogen M. A. Thesis Title: Gender and Power Contestation in Kipsigis Oral Narratives - Graduated on 21st December 2011.
  1. Taib Ali Taib PhD. Thesis title: Taashira na Utendaji Katika Nyimbo za Harusi za Waswahili: Kisiwani Ungunja. Graduated on December 5th 2014.
  2. Mugo Muhia PhD. Thesis Title: Towards Indigenous Poetics: Orality and Stylistic Nuances in Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Gikuyu Fiction – Graduated in June 2014


Externally Examined Postgraduate Theses

  1. Murundu Rosemary Okayo PhD. Thesis Title: The Paradox of Power: A Reading of Yvonne Vera's Selected Writings. Moi University. September 2020.
  2. Fredrick Nyambane Monanti PhD. Thesis Title: Construction of Ideology in Gusii Oral Poetry. Maseno University. December 2019.
  3. Kiprotich Sang PhD. Thesis Title: (Re) Presentation of Hybrid Identity and Violence in Selected Works of Salman Rushdie. Moi University. March 2019.
  4. Lydia V Madete M.A. Thesis Title: The Depiction of the Woman in Three Kenyan Novels. Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. August 2015.
  5. Caroline Sultan PhD. Thesis Title: Framing of Issues of HIV/AIDS and Sexuality in Television Dramas in Kenya: A Reading of Makutano Junction and Siri. Moi University. March 2014.
  6. Fredrick Nyambane Monanti M.A. Thesis Title: Analysis of Gusii Songs: A Functional and Thematic Perspective. Moi University. 2011
  7. Solomon Waliula PhD. Thesis Title: Kenyan Live Radio Soccer Commentary as Oral Performance. Moi University. 2011
  1. Member, Kenya Oral Literature Association (KOLA)
  2. Member, British Institute of East Africa (BIEA)
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