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Ms. R. Njeri Muhia

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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Directorate / Dept
P O Box 14649 NAKURU

Monetary theory and policy, international economics, Resource, and development economics, Farming systems, Value chains analysis, Gender in value chain analysis, policy development and analysis, Economic appraisal, business development, Ecosystem-based adaptation and livelihood resilience for escaping poverty, smallholder farmer poverty alleviation dynamics, Community and resource management, Gender ecology and participatory development

  1. Agricultural Policy Analysis- Tegemeo Institute of Policy Analysis and Development/ Michigan University, USA
  2. Gender in Value Chain Analysis and development- AgriPro Focus/ Wageningen University, Netherlands
  3. Mainstreaming Gender, Ecology and Participatory Community development and Gender, Clark University, USA/ Praticals in Mbusyani and Katheka, Machakos Kenya. 
  4. Chain Wide Multi-stakeholder analysis of horticultural Value Chains (Theory and practices) Wageningen UR and Egerton University, Kenya
  5. Livelihood resilience and sustainable poverty alleviation: World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), Nairobi.
  6. Financial Management for Non-financial managers_ KCA University, Nairobi
  7. Practical Gender Analysis and Audit- FAO, Nairobi
  8. Outcome mapping, Planning and M&E certificate course from Measure Africa-Nairobi
  9. ToT for Environmental Audit- Egerton University/CED
  10. Gender Budgeting-( University of Manitoba/ AWARD Zambia,-Zambia)
  11. Scientific and Technical report writing-Egerton University CMRT, Kenya
  12. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis, OSSREA/ Egerton University Kenya
  13. Qualitative data analysis and modeling using MAX-QDA.

2009-10, 2011-16: Chairperson,  Department of Economics
1991-date: Lecturer and Researcher, Economics Department, Egerton University. Kenya
1990-1991: Asst. Lecturer, Agricultural Economics Dept, Egerton University. Kenya






Poverty assessments: Youth and ICT based agribusiness interventions as a poverty resilience strategy; Role of equipment investment in reducing food losses of smallholder farmers in developing countries; investment Smallholder farmer development; Economic and financial appraisal in developing economies; resource management, development, and policy; food policy; Gender and development, water and CPR governance; agricultural Value chains; poverty assessment and policy analysis.

  1. Moses Mutharime Mwito, R. Njeri Muhia, Symon Kiprop, and, Lawrence Kibet. (2015).”Does the Marshall-Lerner condition hold for Kenya’s bilateral trade? A dynamic panel data approach.” African European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 06, September 2015. P.P. 40 - 58 URL: ISSN: 2235 -767X pp 40-58.
  2. ICMM (2011), Mining: Partnerships for Development Toolkit. International Council for Mining and Metals in collaboration with UNCTAD and World Bank Group. International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) London, UK. ISBN 978-0-9559983-4-8. Member of Steering Group. (Contributor )
  3. KYALO, D., AND MUHIA, N. (2009) Analysis of demand for fish in Kenya: the almost ideal demand system approach. In: Drexler S.-S., Waidbacher H. (Eds.) Book of Abstracts: Integrating BOMOSA cage fish farming system in reservoirs, ponds, and temporary water bodies in Eastern Africa. BOMOSA Final Conference, 2-4 September, Machakos, Kenya C:\Users\Njeri Muhia\Downloads\book_of_abstracts_vers2_BOMOSA.pdf
  4. Wegulo.F, Wandahwa.P, Shivoga.W, Tabu.I, Muhia.N, Inoti.S (2009). Engaging communities in soil fertility management for sustainable agricultural production: case studies from Kakamega and Nakuru districts, Kenya. In Sustainable Development in Africa: Role of Higher Education. Selected papers pp.117 Association of African Universities ISBN 978-9988-589-46-6.
  5. World Agroforestry Center (2006). Linking Research to Extension for Watershed Management: The Nyando Experience Ed. John Mbaria. Chapter Contributions. Technical Report No. 1 2006 ISBN 92 9059 1935 (Contributor )
  6. Muhia N, Burnett C, DeKoszmovszky J, July 2005 Creating a base for the pyramid; Community Engagement Report Nyota Settlement Nakuru District, Kenya. Cornell University Press
  7. Swallow, Brent; Muhia, Njeri; Mango, Nelson; Gichimo, Rosalynn; Kabuye, Fred; Bakengesa, Siima; Waata, Fiona,( 2003). Voices of poor livestock keepers in the Lake Victoria Basin: draft overview report for Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, NRI Kent Monograph 08.05.01 8531 InfoAgrar library
  8. World Agroforestry Center (2001). Improved land management in the Lake Victoria Basin: Annual Technical Report, July 2000 to June 2001 Brent M Swallow, Markus Walsh, Fridah Mugo, Chin Ong, Frank Place, Alex Awiti, Mwangi Hai, David Nyantika, David Ombalo, Oscar Ochieng, Lincoln Mwarasomba, Njeri Muhia, Matthew Cohen, Keith Shepherd, David Mungai, Duncan Onyango, Samuel Murĩithi, Justine Wangila, Francis Mbote, J Kiara, Arne Erikkson.
  9. Muhia Njeri R. (2001). Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) training in Western Kenya. Discussion paper series Published in 2001, World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya (Natural Resource Problems, Priorities, and Policies Programme ) discussion paper No.2001-9. LC Control No.:2002375790. Library of Congress S473.K4 M84 2001
  10. Muhia N, Swallow B 2001. Decision Support, Negotiation Support, and Negotiation and Investment Support in the Lake Victoria Basin: Lessons from Awach /Katuk-Odeyo. ICRAF Working Papers, Nairobi
  11. Muhia Njeri (2001) Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) training in Western Kenya, November 2001 . Published 2001 by World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. Discussion paper series / Natural Resource Problems, Priorities, and Policies Programme; discussion paper 2001-9, Discussion paper series (Natural Resource Problems, Priorities, and Policies Programme); discussion paper 2001-9. Library of Congress S473.K4 M84
  12. Muhia, Njeri, David Nyantika and Wilson Nindo, 2001. “Socio-Economic and Cultural Constraints and opportunities to Institutions for Watershed Management: A study of the Katuk-Odeyo /Kapsitii-Chebitet Catchment”. Paper presented at a seminar on Designing Land and Watershed Management Institutions for Western Kenya, held at St. Anne’s Guest House, Kisumu on 9th April 2001. Swallow, Brent (compiler), 2001. Improved land management in the Lake Victoria basin: Kenya (ICRAF Technical Report).
  13. Muhia R. Njeri (2001) Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) training in Western Kenya. Discussion Paper series. World Agroforestry Center 2001. Indiana University Press digitized June 2010
  14. Muhia R.N, Ochola W.O., and Mwarasomba L.I. (2000) Culture, Traditions, and Society: The Challenges To Natural Resource Management and Development. A report from a Socio-Cultural Study of the Lake Victoria Region: Kenya. Edited by L. Nycander, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, National Soil And Water Conservation Programme.
  15. Makenzi. P, Muhia N. et. al (1999), Participatory Community Planning for Child Health: Implementation Guidelines. Ed. Karabi Bhattacharyya and John Murray BASICS Publication
  16. Muhia R. N (1999). Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) Field Tools For Practitioners. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, National Soil and Water Conservation Programme, Nairobi.1999
  • Economics of Money,  Banking and Financial Markets
  • International Economics
  • World Food Economy
  • Development Economics
  • Resource use policy
  • Ecology, Community, and Gender
  • Participatory Research  Methodologies and mixed methods research
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