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DR Israel Nyaburi NYABURI Nyaburi

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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Directorate / Dept
International Relations
24018 00100 NAIROBI, KENYA
ORCID 0000-0002-0432-6935
Google Scholar


  1. Onder M. Nyadera IN & Md. Nazmul I (2022) Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Public Administration, Palgrave Macmillan, New York
  2. Onditi, F. Nyadera, IN, Gilad, B. Were, E. & Kibochi R (2021) African Regional Security Community Reconceptualized, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-70869-


    1. Nyadera IN, Nazmul IN & Shihundu F., (2023) Rebel Fragmentation and Protracted Conflicts: Lessons from SPLM/A in South Sudan.Journal of Asian and African Studies 58(3) 45-76 (SSCI)
    2. Nyadera IN (2022) Countering the Islamic State in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Analysis of Intervention Objectives and Counterterrorism Strategies. African Journal on Terrorism. 12 (1) 117 -132 (African Union Publication.
    3. Nyadera IN (2022) Rethinking Logic of Terrorist Attacks: A Case of Al-Shaba. African Journal on Terrorism. 12 (1) 103- 116 (African Union Publication)
    4. Shihundu, F & Nyadera, IN. (2022). The Geopolitics of Renewable Energy Transition in Eastern AfricaJournal of Global South Studies39(1), 134-159. Florida University Press.
    5. Nyadera, IN & Kisaka, M. O. (2022). Examining the Prospects of Consociational Power-Sharing as a Conflict Resolution Strategy in South SudanAfrican Journal of Political Science10(1), 107-116. University of South Africa Press
    6. Nyadera IN. Agwanda B. Onder M. & Mukhtar IA. (2022) Multilateralism, Developmental Regionalism, and the African Development Bank. Politics and Governance 10 (2) 23 -36 (SSCI & Q1)

    7. Nyadera, IN & Bingol, Y. (2022). Human Security: The 2020 Peace Agreement and the Path to Sustainable Peace in South SudanAfrican Conflict & Peacebuilding Review11(2), 17-38. (SCOPUS)
    8. Nyadera IN & Agwanda B (2022) Somalia and COVID -19 : Why Winning the Hearts and Minds Matter More than Ever. African Journal on Terrorism, African Union Publication 11 (2)
    9. Olajumoke A., Agwanda B., Amankwa A., Gagaba G., Nyadera IN. (2022) Democracy and Elections amid the COVID 19 Pandemic: The Case of Burundi. African Security Journal. (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    10. Okech, E.A., & Nyadera, I.N (2021). Urban green spaces in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic: reflections from Nairobi, KenyaGeoJournal (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    11. Nyadera, I.N Asal, U. Y., & Agwanda, B. (2021). The Role of Regional Organisations in Economic Growth Among Developing Countries: A Case of the AfDBIndia Quarterly  (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    12. Nyadera I.N, Onditi F, Obimbo M, Muchina SK, (2021) How urban ‘informality’ can inform response to COVID-19: a research agenda for the future. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences  (SSCI & SCOPUS)
    13. Muragu, M. M., Nyadera, IN & Mbugua, C. W. (2021). Gearing up for the new normal: Kenya’s tourism sector before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events.  (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    14. Nyadera, IN, Wandwkha, B. & Agwanda, B. (2021). Not the Time to Take Chances! Why African Governments’ Response to COVID 19 MattersGlobal Social Welfare  (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    15. Onditi F, Obimbo M, Muchina SK, Nyadera I.N (2020). Modeling a Pandemic (COVID-19) Management Strategy for Urban Slums Using Social Geometry Framework. European Journal of Development Research 33 (1)  (SSCI & SCOPUS)
    16. Maulani N, Nyadera I.N & Wandekha B (2020). The generals and the war against COVID-19: The case of Zimbabwe, Journal of Global Health 10 (2): 1-8 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.10.020388  (SSCI & SCOPUS)
    17. Ouma, P. N, Masai, A. N, Nyadera I. N (2020) Health Coverage and what Kenya can Learn from the COVID -19 Pandemic. Journal of Global Health 10 (2): 1 -6 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.10.020362  (SSCI & SCOPUS)
    18. Nyadera I.N, Agwanda B., and Kisaka O. M., (2020) Beyond the Yuan; Rethinking China’s Attractiveness to Africa. China Report Journal 57 (1): 1 -18 DOI:10.117 7/0009445520954793  (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    19. Nyadera I.N (2020) The Impact of Identity on Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding in Somalia, In Murithi T. (eds) Transitional Justice, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation: Assessing the Nexus Horn of Africa Bulletin, Life and Peace Institute, Uppsala: Sweden
    20. Nyadera I.N. and Onditi F. (2020) COVID-19 experience among slum dwellers in Nairobi: A double tragedy or useful lesson for public health reforms? International Social Work 63 (4) 1-4  (SSCI & SCOPUS)
    21. Nyadera I.N and Agwanda B (2020) “Boko Haram Crisis in Nigeria: A Nexus of Just War and Fragile State.” The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs 109(3): 215 -315  (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    22. Nyadera I.N and Ahmed M.S. (2020) The Somali Civil War: Integrating Traditional and Modern Peacebuilding Approaches, Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 8 No. 1 (2020): 153-172  (SCOPUS)
    23. Nyadera I.N, and Agwanda B. (2020). “Rethinking Key Drivers of Turkey’s Immigration Policies in The Wake of the 2016 Turkey -European Union Immigration Deal.” THE REST: Journal of Politics and Development, 10 (1) 37 -57
    24. Nyadera I.N. and O. Kisaka (2020) “Contemporary conflicts, cross‐border military operations, and the declining role of the UN: The case of Turkey and Saudi Arabia.” Digest of Middle East Studies 29 (1) 92 -108  (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    25. Aydın, G., Nyadera I.N, and M. Önder. (2020) “Strategic Management in Turkey’s Public Sector: Reforms and Application Issues”, Public Organization Review, 20 (2) 719–734  (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    26. Onder, M., and Nyadera I.N (2020) “The Role of Non-Economic Drivers in Development Planning: The Case of South Korea and Turkey.” International Journal of Public Administration, 43, (4), 283-293.  (ESCI & SCOPUS)
    27. Nyadera, I. N., S. Ahmed, and B., Agwanda. (2020) “Transformation of the Somali Civil-War and Reflections for a Social Contract Peacebuilding Process.”Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences18(4) 1346-1366 DOI: 10.21547/jss.536203
    28. Nyadera I. N., O. Kisaka and Agwanda B., (2020) “Fragile State, Just War and the Crisis in Counterterrorism: Reflections on Boko Haram and Nigeria's War on Terrorism.” African Journal on Terrorism 8 (1) 54 -73 African Union Publication 
    29. Nyadera, I. N., and O. Mohamed. (2019). The Impact of Terrorism and Counterterrorism Strategies on Human Security: The Case of Boko Haram and the Taliban. International Journal on World Peace 36 (1) 7 -23
    30. Kisaka, M. O., and Nyadera I.N (2019) Ethnicity and Politics in Kenya’s Turbulent Path to Democracy and Development. Journal of Social Science Conferences, 76 (1), 159-180. DOI: 10.26650/jspc.2019.7 6.0002
    31. Nyadera, I. N. (2018) “South Sudan conflict from 2013 to 2018: Rethinking the causes, situation and solutions.” African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 18(2), 59-86  (ESCI)


  1. Nyadera IN & Agwanda B. (2022). Elusive Peace and Conflict Resolution in South Sudan: A Human Security Alternative Approach. In Human Security and Sustainable Development in East Africa, New York: Routledge
  2. Dagba, G., & Nyadera, I. N. (2022). Position of Responsibility: International Response to the Rohingya Refugee Crisis–The Case of Western Countries. In Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Myanmar(pp. 313-336). Chams: Palgrave Macmillan,.
  3. Onditi, F., & Nyadera, IN, (2021) Chinese Global Power Stratagem and Locational Determinism. In Onditi F. & Yates D (eds) Illusions of Location Theory: Consequences for Blue Economy in Africa, Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
  4. Agwanda B., Uğur A. Y, Ahmad S. A, Nyadera IN, (2021), The Role of IGAD in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution: The Case of South Sudan, In Ozerdem A. (eds) Routledge Handbook of Conflict Response and Leadership in Africa, New York: Routledge.
  5. Agwanda B., Nyadera IN., Asal U.Y. (2020) Cameroon and the Anglophone Crisis. In: Richmond O., Visoka G. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham DOI:
  6. Nyadera IN., Agwanda B., Maulani N. (2020) Evolution of Kenya’s Political System and Challenges to Democracy. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham DOI:
  7. Onder, M., and Nyadera IN. (2019) “Comparative Administrative Cultures between Developed and Developing Countries.” In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham. DOI:

2023 Russia -Africa Summit, St. Petersburg Russia.

2023 Global Africa Fellowship, LASDEL Niger.

2022  UTA -DO African Cities Workshop, British Institute of East Africa, Nairobi Kenya

2022  The Crisis of Liberal Interventionism and the Return of War Workshop, Center for Military Studies & University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Denmark 

2021  GW Nuclear Security Policy Workshop. Institute for International Science and Technology Policy (IISTP), George Washington University, USA

2021  Constitution-building in Africa Workshop. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

2020  Conflict Resolution for Political Leadership. Carter School Political Leadership Academy, George Manson University, USA

2019   Kautilya Fellowship Program (Leadership, Policy, and Strategy), India Foundation, Ministry of External Affairs India, New Delhi, India

2018  Evidence-Based Policy-Making Executive Training. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

2018  Diffusion and Impact of Internet Voting. Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

2018  “Citizenship in Regional Organizations: Comparing European, Latin American and African Experiences.” Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy

2017  “Protecting Liberal Democracies in Illiberal Times: Policy Experience from Europe, Africa, and Latin America, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute, Florence Italy.

2016  The Value and Functions of Parliaments in Regional Organizations, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy


2024 Non-Resident Fellow with the Irregular Warfare Initiative, joint production of Princeton University’s Empirical Studies of Conflict Project and the Modern War Institute at West Point West Point - The U.S. Military Academy.

2023 Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship- Post Doc Geneva Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland

2023 India- Africa Security Fellowship Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi, India

2023 InterRussia Fellowship Moscow State Institute of International Affairs, (MGIMO), Moscow, Russia

2022 Young Africa Research Fellowship LASDEL, Niamey, Niger

2018 Kautilya Fellowship India Foundation, New Delhi, India

2016 Visiting Researcher (EU Erasmus +) University of Milan, Milan, Italy

  1. Impacts of community organized criminal gangs on national security in Kenya: a case of Mungiki and Superpower gangs. Joint Command and Staff College, National Defense University- Kenya [Maj. M. Kamala] Ongoing
  1. Role of military operations in internal security management: a case study of Operations Okoa Maisha in Mt. Elgon, Kenya. Joint Command and Staff College, National Defense University- Kenya [Maj. K. Kiprotich] Ongoing
  1. The nexus between transnational border identity and the war on terror: the case of Kenya’s fight against terrorism. Joint Command and Staff College, National Defense University- Kenya [Maj. P Yongo] Ongoing
  1. Role of the Kenya Defense Forces in intercommunal conflicts in Pokot, Samburu & Turkana counties; opportunities, challenges, and prospects. African Nazarene University, Nairobi Kenya [Maj. AL Mutwiwa] Ongoing
  1. Effectiveness of selected CBT-based self-management applications in reducing depression among university students in Kenya. A case of South-Eastern Kenya University. African Nazarene University, Nairobi Kenya [E. Mbithi] Ongoing
  1. Ethnic conflicts and challenges of national cohesion and integration in Kenya (1963-2018). Egerton University -Njoro Kenya [BM Nyamweno] Graduated.
  1. Offline and Online radicalization leading to violent extremist. Joint Command and Staff College, National Defense University- Kenya [Maj. SK Ronoh] Graduated.
  1. Port security in curbing frontier related crime and security threats in Kenya; Case study of international airports in Kenya. Joint Command and Staff College, National Defense University- Kenya [Maj. JO Ogutu] Graduated.
  1. The Role of Strategic Planning in the Prevention and Mitigation of Illicit Trade and Trafficking of SALWs in Malawi. Joint Command and Staff College, National Defense University- Kenya [Lt. Col. OM Gondwe] Graduated.
  1. Small arms and light weapons proliferation on national Security in Kigoma region, Tanzania. Joint Command and Staff College, National Defense University- Kenya [Maj. E. Mpindasigulu] Graduated.

Editorial Board Member: Humanities and Social Sciences Communication Journal (SSCI)

Advisory Board Member: Defense and Strategy Journal. Czech National Defence University Publication (ESCI & Scopus

Member: British Institute in Eastern Africa

Member: Midwest Political Science Association 

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