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Dr. David Nderitu is a Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, History and Religious Studies, Egerton University. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (Urbaniana Pontifical University-2006), Master of Philosophy in Philosophy (Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya-2011),   Master of Science in International Health Research Ethics (Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya-2015), and Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy (Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya-2019).  David served as a member of the Egerton University Research Ethics Committee from August 2017 to May 2024. He has attended several local and International trainings in Ethics, Research Ethics and Bioethics including Bioethics and Research Ethics Committee Administration training (WIRB Washington Seattle and New York University, USA 2019), Ethics Teacher Training Course (Kenya National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Bioethics Chair at Egerton University- 2015), Teaching Skills in International Research Ethics (Indiana University & Moi University-2012), Practicum in Research Ethics & Research Coordinator Education Program (Indiana University,   Indianapolis, USA). He has been involved in several collaborative projects and has won fellowships and grants such as the Wellcome Trust Travel Grant through the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) and the Western Institutional Review Board (WIRB) International Fellowship. He has contributed made several scientific publications and he is member of several professional associations. David is the current Chair-holder of the UNESCO Chair on Bieothics at Egerton University. He also serves in the Africa CDC Ethics Working Group that has developed an African ethical framework for research during epidemic emergencies and is developing a tool for the ethics approval for diagnostic test evaluation studies conducted by the Africa CDC.

ORCID 0000-0002-7568-2224

2019: PhD in Philosophy - Moi University, Kenya

2015: Master of Science in International Health Research Ethics - Moi University, Kenya

2011: Master of Philosophy in Philosophy - Moi University, Kenya

2006: Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) - Urbaniana Pontifical University

2006: Diploma in Philosophy and Religious Studies- Consolata Institute of Philosophy, Nairobi Kenya

  • Moral Philosophy
  • Bioethics
  • Research Ethics
  • African Indigenous Worldviews and Philosophy
  • Sept 2011: Certificate of Research Coordinator Education Program at Indiana University School of Nursing, Indianapolis, Indiana USA
  • Sept-Oct 2011: Certificate of Practicum in Research Ethics at Indiana University Center for Bioethics, Indianapolis, Indiana USA
  • Feb 2012: Certificate of Teaching Skills in International Research Ethics by Indiana University and Moi University at Moi University, Eldoret Kenya 
  • August 2015; Ethics Teacher Training Course  by the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO and UNESCO Bioethics Regional Chair at Egerton University
  • December 2017 Capacity Building Workshop for Research Ethics Committees- Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
  • September 2018 Certificate Course in Research Ethics for Ethics Review Committees- NACOSTI
  • March-August 2019: Bioethics and Research Ethics Committee administration training/fellowship at WIRB in Washington State and New York University, USA
  • October-November 2019 Trainer for a Certificate Course in Research Ethics for Ethics Review Committees- NACOSTI
  • September 2020: Tech for Good: The Role of ICT in Achieving SDGs     SDG AcademyX
  •  April 2021: Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation   by  University of EdinburgX

August 2021- Current- Lecturer of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, History and Religious Studies, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

September 2014- August 2021: Assistant Lecturer of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, History and Religious Studies, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

2012-2014: Part-time Lecturer, (Philosophy)-Moi University, Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology

May 2015-May 2017: Departmental Philosophy and Religious Studies Components Examination Officer

August 2017 - May 2024: Member of Egerton University Institutional Scientific and Ethics Review Committee

06 September 2021 to March 2022 : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Representative to the Board of Undergraduate Studies 

March 2022 to 2023:  Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Representative to the Board of Graduate Studies

30th November 2021 May 2024: Vice-Chairperson of the Egerton University Institutional Scientific and Ethics Review Committee

10th May 2022 to date: UNESCO Chair in Bioethics at Egerton University and Regional Documentation Centre coordinator  



Kenya youth and Empowerment: A Pilot Assessment of Uasin Gishu and Cherang’any. For Church World Service- Eastern Africa- December 2011-May 2012. Research Team: Prof. Eunice Kamaara (Moi University), Emily Choge (Moi University), David Nderitu

Evaluating Existence, Roles and Functions of Hospital Ethics Committees in Kenya: A Study Based on Selected Hospitals

PI: Dr. Ramadhan Mawenzi (Egerton University)     Co-PI’s: Julius Kipkemboi (UNESCO Regional Centre for Documentation and Research on Bioethics, Egerton University), David Nderitu (Egerton University), Stephen Muhudhia (Nairobi Hospital), Orpha Nyakundi (Kenya National Commission for UNESCO), Joel Ongoto (Kenya National Commission for UNESCO)

The cultural value of human tissues for select indigenous African communities and implications for bio-banking. David Nderitu (Egerton University) and Dr. Claudia I. Emerson (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada). Fellowship Funded by Wellcome Trust through the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) held at the Institute on Ethics and Policy for Innovation at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada 2019.

Early Career Researcher for the Ethics in Mental Health Digital Innovations for Young People in Africa (EMDIYA) Project- EMDIYA) Network is a group of expert Academics, Advisors and Consultants, Industry partners, Early Career Researchers, and Young People all focused on developing a robust framework for responsible and relevant digital mental health interventions for young people in African countries. The network is funded by a UKRI GCRF Digital Innovation for Development in Africa grant. The Project is Coordinated at the University of Oxford with the African PIs based at Moi University (Kenya), University of Ghana, University of Zimbabwe, Makerere University, CeSHHAR Zimbabwe, and the University of Kwazulu Natal (South Africa). The first phase of the Project is 2020-2021. See

Co-Investigator, NeuroGenE Small Grant Call 2020/2021. Title of the Project: IDENTITY AND PERSONHOOD OF AFRICAN YOUNG PEOPLE: ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR DIGITAL INNOVATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH. Name of Principal Investigator: Eunice Kamaara- Moi University, Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology. Co-investigator(s):David Nderitu-Egerton University, Department of Philosophy, History and Religion, Sarah Wawa-Consultant Psychiatrist, Machakos Level 5 Hospital, Tracy Magoma-Customer Experience Executive, Safaricom Kenya. Duration September 2020-August 2021. Sponsor: Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford and Global Initiative in Neuropsychiatric GenEthics. Host Institution: Moi University, Kenya 

Co-Investigator and Country PI, research project title: ‘Access to COVID-19 Vaccine information among rural communities in East Africa: The case of Tanzania and Kenya’. PI: Godwin Pancras. Co-PI’s: David Nderitu, Emmy Metta, Joseph Sirro, Mercury Shitindo, Baraka Malaki Morris, Nathaniel Siriri Shauri. Sponsor: from the East Africa Regional Centre of Excellence for Vaccines, Immunizations and Health Supply Chain Management at the University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences. (On going)

Project (Began in 2024-ongoing). Title : Climate and Health Research Regulation: Re-examining the Role of Research Ethics Committees and Training in Developing countries (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania). Team Members: Dr Godwin Pancras, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania; Dr Renatha Josepth-MUHAS; Dr David Nderitu-Egerton University, Kenya; Ms Winfred Nazziwa-Uganda National Council for Science & Technology. Sponsors: WHO


Bioethics, Research ethics in Africa, African indigenous world views 

  1. Odero B, Nderitu D and Samuel G. The Ubuntu Way: Ensuring Ethical AI Integration in Health Research [version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. Wellcome Open Res 2024, 9:625 (
  2. Nderitu, D., & Emerson, C. (2023). The indigenous African cultural value of human tissues and implications for bio‐banking. Developing World Bioethics, 1–8. 
  3. Godwin Pancras, Mangi Ezekiel, David Nderitu, Erasto Mbugi and Jon F. Merz (2022). Can HIV vaccines be shared fairly? Perspectives from Tanzania. BMC Medical Ethics (2022) 23:135. 

  4. Nderitu, D., Kipkemboi, J. (2022). Corruption and Under-Development in Africa: An Indictment of African Religiosity?. In: Chitando, E., Kamaara, E. (eds) Values, Identity, and Sustainable Development in Africa. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  5. D'Souza J, Nderitu D. Ethical considerations for the modification of routine human papillomavirus immunisation schedules. Lancet Oncol. 2022 Jun 20:S1470-2045(22)00367-9. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(22)00367-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35738289. 
  6. Pancras, G., Ezekiel, M., Nderitu, D., Dauda, B., & Mbugi, E. V. (2022). “By only considering the end product it means that our participation has always been in vain”: Defining benefits in HIV vaccine trials in Tanzania. Developing World Bioethics, 1–9.
  7. D’Souza Jeff, Nderitu David. Ethical considerations for introducing RTS,S/AS01 in countries with moderate to high Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission. The Lancet Global Health, Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2021, Pages e1642-e1643. (commentary)
  8. D’Souza J, Kamaara E, Nderitu D. “All in this together”: the global duty to contribute towards combating the Covid-19 pandemic. Indian J Med Ethics. Published online first on October 13, 2021.DOI: 10.20529/IJME. 2021.078 
  9. Nderitu D, Kamaara E. Gambling with COVID-19 Makes More Sense: Ethical and Practical Challenges in COVID-19   Responses in Communalistic Resource-Limited African. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry.
  10. Nderitu D. The Meaning of Human Person in the African Context in The Palgrave Handbook of African Social Ethics N. Wariboko, T. Falola (eds.). 2020
  11. Nderitu D, Kamaara E. The Aristotelian model of friendship and IU-Kenya Partnership. Indian J Med Ethics. 2020 Jan DOI: 10.20529/IJME. 2020.001
  12. Ramadhan Mawenzi, Julius Kipkemboi, David Nderitu, Stephen O. Muhudhia, Joel Ongoto, Orpha Nyakundi. Hospital Ethics Committees in Kenya: a situational Analysis of their existence and ethical dilemmas in selected level four to six hospitals. Revista Redbioetica/UNESCO. Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Bioetica/UNESCO. Ano 10, Vol.1 No.19, enero-junio de 2019
  13. Nderitu D, Kamaara E. An analysis of India’s 2017 National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants: The Social and Behavioural Sciences aspect. Indian J Med Ethics. 2018 Jul-Sep;3 (3) NS:210-14. DOI: 10.20529/IJME. 2018.067
  14. David Nderitu and Eunice Kamaara. Traditional and Emerging Cultures of Greetings in Kenya. Chapter in a Book (Chapter 28) Lugha na Fasihi Katika Karne ya Ishirini na Moja. Eds. Mosol Kandagor, Nathan Ogechi and Clarisa Vierke. Eldoret: Moi University Press, 2017 pp. 357-374
  15. Nderitu D., Mungiki: Wanjiku Expression of Self. A Chapter in a book entitled, “Wanjiku: A Kenyan socio-political Discourse” eds. Naomi L. Shitemi and Eunice Kamaara. Contact Zones Nairobi, Goethe Institut, Kenya, 2014
  16. Nderitu D., Shitemi N., and Kamaara E. (2013). Is there “Therapeutic Misconception” in HIV/AIDS and Clinical Research in Western Kenya? Journal of AIDS and clinical Research 4: 225. doi:10.4172/2155-6113.1000225
  17. Wahome, M. P.N & Nderitu, D., Ethical Implications in Medical Research. A Chapter in a book entitled, “Contemporary Issues in Philosophy, Religion and Theology” eds. J.K. Kahiga and M. N. Wanyama. Eldoret: Utafiti Foundations, 2013
  18. Nderitu, D., Knowledge is Virtue no more: The Case of Contemporary Kenyan ‘Educated’. A Chapter in a book entitled, “Contemporary Issues in Philosophy, Religion and Theology” eds. J.K. Kahiga and M. N. Wanyama. Eldoret: Utafiti Foundations, 2013
  19. David Nderitu. Coronavirus poses ethical concerns: a view on the choices being made in Kenya. The Conversation April 22, 2020 4.36pm SAST(OP Ed)
  1. Africa CDC:An African ethical framework for research during epidemic emergencies. Presentation for the Master of One Health and Emergency Research Ethics of the University of Nairobi, Wednesday, 26th February, 2025.
  2. Response to impacts of climate change on health ought to prioritize the imperatives of reparative and distributive justice in Africa: the case of colonial land alienation in the British East Africa Protectorate (Kenya). David Nderitu during the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research, 19 and 20 November 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  3. Attend and participated as a panel discussant at the UNESCO Chairs and Partners Forum: Transforming Knowledge for Africa's Future organized by UNESCO and the African Union from Monday 30 September to Wednesday 2 October 2024, at the African Union Commission Conference Center in Addis Ababa.
  4.  Respect for persons in healthcare and health research: A Christian orientation. A paper presented during the 17th World Congress of Bieothics Conference in Doha, Qatar, 3-6 June 2024. 
  5. A US-Kenya Partnership: A model North-South ‘unequal friendship’ in health research where balanced priority setting remains but a mirage. David Nderitu during the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research, 28 – 29 November, 2023 in Montreux, Switzerland.
  6. The proverbial black box that is ethics of AI in global health research: Are our Kenyan RECs well equipped to review ethics? Brenda Odero and David Nderitu. Global Forum on Bioethics in Research, 29th-30th November, 2022- Cape Town, South Africa.

  7. Personhood, Privacy, and Spirituality: Neuroethics of digital mental health innovations for youth in Africa. Eunice Kamaara, David Nderitu, Eric Masese, Lucy Kiyiapi, Sarah Wawa, Dismas Oketch, Julius Sigei, Lukoye Atwoli. International Neuroethics Society Annual Conference. November 2-4, 2022, Montreal, Canada
  8. Gene Drive Research Forum: Who owes what to whom? (open forum). GeneConvene Global Collaborative. October 12, 2021. Organized by IEPI at McMaster University, GeneConvene and FNIH. 
  9. COVID-19 and Digital Innovations for youth mental health in Kenya. Eunice Kamaara, David Nderitu, Sarah Wawa, Tracy Magoma. 5th Bioethics Society of Kenya Confereence (Virtual). Theme: Bioethics and Pandemics-Lessons from COVID-19, 11th and 12th March, 2021
  10. The Underlying oral and communal culture in Africa and implication for informed consent standard in healthcare and health research. David Nderitu and Eunice Kamaara. Poster presented during the World Congress on Bioethics and Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, 2020 virtual conference, 19-21 June, 2020- University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, USA
  11. Sensitization on Hospital Ethics Committees, functions, roles and responsibilities, to various national stakeholders in including the Ministry of Health, County Governments, Hospital administrations, Researchers and academics at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, 29th-30th October 2018.
  12. The good and the bad of global North-South collaborative health engagements: the case of IU-Kenya Partnership. David Nderitu and Eunice Kamaara. Presented during the Joint 14th World Congress of Bioethics and 7th National Bioethics Conference in Bangalore, India 3-7 December 2018
  13. CIOMS (2016) guidance on data sharing and bio-banking: an analysis in view of the place of the human body in the African ontology of nature. David Nderitu. A poster presented during the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research meeting held in Stellenbosch, South Africa on 13-14 November 2018
  14. Kenya National Guidelines on Alternative Clinical Trial Designs. David Nderitu. A poster presented during the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand 28-29 November 2017
  15. Relevance of the Principle of Respect for Autonomy in the Context of African Communalism and African Ontology of a Person. David Nderitu. A Presentation during the Postgraduate Bioethics Conference, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford University, 4th-5th September 2017
  16. Ethics of Research in Pregnancy in Kenya. David Nderitu. A paper presented during the Pecha Kucha session of the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research meeting held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 3-4 November 2016
  17. An Evaluation of Aristotelian view on Friendship among Unequal Parties in the Light of Collaborative Health Research between Kenya and the USA. David Nderitu. A paper presented during the Midwest Philosophy Conference in Omaha, Nebraska-USA on 15th-17th April 2016
  18. Implication of Implicit Consent in Teaching Public Hospitals in Kenya. By David Nderitu. A paper presented during the Inaugural Bioethics Society of Kenya Conference on 16th-17th December 2015 at the Kenyatta University Conference Centre.
  19. Challenges of International Health Research Ethics in Kenya. By David Nderitu and Eunice Kamaara. Paper prepared for Organization for Social Sciences Research in Eastern Africa (OSSREA) Kenya National Workshop 3rd – 4th December, 2012.
  20. Ethnicity in the City: The Urban Youth at Crossroads or a Ray of Hope for Negative Ethnicity in Kenya? David Nderitu-MU-IUPUI Symposium on Peace, May 2010.
  21. Post-Election Violence in Kenya: Mending the Scars Though Leisure Activities among the Youth- David Nderitu. MU-IUPUI Symposium on Peace, May 2010.
  22. Ethical Issues in Medical Knowledge and Research- Dr. Mary Wahome and David Nderitu. Moi University 6th Annual International Conference-7th -10th September, 2010.
  23. Knowledge is Virtue No More: The Case of Contemporary Kenyan Elites. Moi University 6th Annual International Conference--7th -10th September, 2010.
  24. Religion and Politics in Kenya: Trends, Prospects and Challenges by Prof. Cletus N. Chukwu and David Nderitu. Paper Presented During the Moi University 5th Annual International Conference - 4th -8th August 2009.

Grants and awards: 

  1. Wellcome Trust Travel Grant for the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) to the Institute on Ethics and Policy for Innovation at McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario, Canada, November 2019
  2. Western Institutional Review Board International Fellowship for Research Ethics and Bioethics including Bioethics and Research Ethics Committee Administration training (WIRB Washington Seattle and New York University, USA 2019)
  3. WHO Travel Grant for the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) to the Ethics Lab, Neuroscience Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa, September 2023

Ethics, Applied Ethics (Bioethics and Research Ethics), Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, African Philosophy, Critical Thinking



1. Willy Kimutai Chumo Korir AM15/14356/15. Master of Arts in Philosophy. Proposal Topic: IDEOLOGICAL BASIS FOR ETHNIC CONFLICTS IN NANDI-KISUMU BORDER, KENYA 


3. Joy Nkatha Gichuru AM14/09074/20. Master of Arts in Religion. Proposal Topic: CHRISTIANITY AND THE USE OF COSMETICS IN NJORO SUB-COUNTY, NAKURU, KENYA





  1. Member of the Philosophical Association of Kenya
  2. Member of Bioethics Society of Kenya
  3. Member of Christian and Scientific association of Kenya
  4. Member International Association of Bioethics
  5. Member of Africa Bioethics Network


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