Kenya youth and Empowerment: A Pilot Assessment of Uasin Gishu and Cherang’any. For Church World Service- Eastern Africa- December 2011-May 2012. Research Team: Prof. Eunice Kamaara (Moi University), Emily Choge (Moi University), David Nderitu
Evaluating Existence, Roles and Functions of Hospital Ethics Committees in Kenya: A Study Based on Selected Hospitals
PI: Dr. Ramadhan Mawenzi (Egerton University) Co-PI’s: Julius Kipkemboi (UNESCO Regional Centre for Documentation and Research on Bioethics, Egerton University), David Nderitu (Egerton University), Stephen Muhudhia (Nairobi Hospital), Orpha Nyakundi (Kenya National Commission for UNESCO), Joel Ongoto (Kenya National Commission for UNESCO)
The cultural value of human tissues for select indigenous African communities and implications for bio-banking. David Nderitu (Egerton University) and Dr. Claudia I. Emerson (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada). Fellowship Funded by Wellcome Trust through the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) held at the Institute on Ethics and Policy for Innovation at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada 2019.
Early Career Researcher for the Ethics in Mental Health Digital Innovations for Young People in Africa (EMDIYA) Project- EMDIYA) Network is a group of expert Academics, Advisors and Consultants, Industry partners, Early Career Researchers, and Young People all focused on developing a robust framework for responsible and relevant digital mental health interventions for young people in African countries. The network is funded by a UKRI GCRF Digital Innovation for Development in Africa grant. The Project is Coordinated at the University of Oxford with the African PIs based at Moi University (Kenya), University of Ghana, University of Zimbabwe, Makerere University, CeSHHAR Zimbabwe, and the University of Kwazulu Natal (South Africa). The first phase of the Project is 2020-2021. See
Co-Investigator, NeuroGenE Small Grant Call 2020/2021. Title of the Project: IDENTITY AND PERSONHOOD OF AFRICAN YOUNG PEOPLE: ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR DIGITAL INNOVATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH. Name of Principal Investigator: Eunice Kamaara- Moi University, Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology. Co-investigator(s):David Nderitu-Egerton University, Department of Philosophy, History and Religion, Sarah Wawa-Consultant Psychiatrist, Machakos Level 5 Hospital, Tracy Magoma-Customer Experience Executive, Safaricom Kenya. Duration September 2020-August 2021. Sponsor: Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford and Global Initiative in Neuropsychiatric GenEthics. Host Institution: Moi University, Kenya
Co-Investigator and Country PI, research project title: ‘Access to COVID-19 Vaccine information among rural communities in East Africa: The case of Tanzania and Kenya’. PI: Godwin Pancras. Co-PI’s: David Nderitu, Emmy Metta, Joseph Sirro, Mercury Shitindo, Baraka Malaki Morris, Nathaniel Siriri Shauri. Sponsor: from the East Africa Regional Centre of Excellence for Vaccines, Immunizations and Health Supply Chain Management at the University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences. (On going)
Project (Began in 2024-ongoing). Title : Climate and Health Research Regulation: Re-examining the Role of Research Ethics Committees and Training in Developing countries (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania). Team Members: Dr Godwin Pancras, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania; Dr Renatha Josepth-MUHAS; Dr David Nderitu-Egerton University, Kenya; Ms Winfred Nazziwa-Uganda National Council for Science & Technology. Sponsors: WHO