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 2014         Ph.D. in Philosophy (Professional Ethics) Egerton University, Nakuru
1993          M.A in Philosophy Catholic University, Nairobi
1986          B.A in Philosophy Pontifical Urban University, Rome
1983          Diploma in Philosophy Consolata Institute of Philosophy- Karen, Kenya
1982          Kenya Certificate of Education (O Level) St. Peter’s Seminary- Mukumu, Kenya
1978          Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) Sibembe Primary School, Busia County

  • Professional Medical Ethics
  • African Philosophy
  • Formal and Symbolic logic
  • History of Philosophy
  • Political Social Philosophy
  • Ethics in Criminal Justice System

2019 to date: BOM Vice Chairman, Malanga Secondary School, Busia County; Chairperson, Academic Board
2019 to date: BOM Member, Nambale High School, Busia County; Member, Academic Board
2016 to 2019: BOM Chairman, Fr. Simon Secondary School, Busia County.
1995 to date: Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Egerton University.
2018 to date: Appointment as the Programme Academic Leader in PhD and MA in Philosophy, Philosophy, History and Religion Department.
2017 to date: Appointment as the Programme Academic Leader in PhD and MA in Philosophy.
2016 to 2019: BOM Chairman, Fr. Simon Secondary School, Busia County.
2013 to 2016: BOM Chairman, Esidende Youth Polytechnic, Busia County.
1995 to date: Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Egerton University
2003 to date: Chairman, Departmental Library and Bookshop Committee, Egerton University
2003 to date: An Official of Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) both at Chapter and National Level.
1994 to 1995: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Egerton University
1993 to 1994: Part-time Lecturer, Consolata Major Seminary, Nairobi
1987 to 1991: Insurance Officer, Branton Insurance Brokers, Nairobi


Lecturer for 27 years


Interested in African Philosophy and Social Political Science

  1. Kangethe, P.; Juma, F. and Ayiemba, J. (2018). Examining the extent to which the lavity participates in evangelization in Njoro Parish, Nakuru County, Kenya. East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, Vol. 1, Issue 1, November 2018, ISSN-2617-443x,ISSN-2617-7250 online.
  2. Odock, O. and Juma F. (2015). Catholic Social Justice Principles: An African Philosophical Response. Arts and Social Sciences Journal 2015.Vol 6. Issue 2 1000107.http/ ISSN:2151-6200.Pp 2-7.
  3. Nyakang’o L.N., Shivairo R.S., Muleke C. I., and Juma F.O., (2015). A Cross-sectional Survey of Soil Transmitted Helminthes in Preschool Children in Mrani, A Rural Settlement. Kenya. Advances in Life Science and Technology. ISSN (Paper 2224-7181) ISSN (Online) 225-062 X. Vol. 29, 2015.
  4. Juma F.O., (2015). The African Philosophical Conflicts and Development. International Organization of Scientific Research, (IOSR). Journal of Humanities and Social Science. (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 20, Issue 1, Version 111 (Jan. 2015), Pp 1-5. e-ISSN: 2279-0837.p-ISSN: 2279-0845
  5. Juma F.O., Sindabi A., and Wakube W., (2014). The Application of Ethical Codes of Conduct by Healthcare Professionals in Nakuru District Government Hospitals. International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies (IJHSS). Volume 2, Issue 12, December, 2014. Pp 1-8, (ISSN 2321-9203).
  6. Juma Fredrick, O., (2014). The Epistemological Search of African Identity. International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies (IJHSS).Volume 2, Issue 8, August, 2014. Pp 137-141, (ISSN 2321-9203).
  7. Juma Fredrick, O., (2014). The Understanding of Different Ethical Codes of Conduct by Healthcare Professionals in Nakuru District Government Hospitals. International Organization of Scientific Research, (IOSR). Journal of Humanities and Social Science. (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 19, Issue 6, Version7 (Jun.2014), Pp 88-97. e-ISSN: 2279-0837.p-ISSN: 2279-0845

Modules / Book Review

  • Juma, F. O. (2016). Introduction to Logic. E-Learning Module (PHIL 101)
  • Juma, F. O. (2015). Philosophy and Society. E-Learning Module (PHIL 104)
  • Juma, F. O. (2015) Review of Distance Learning Course Material: SECU703: Ethics and Diversity in Security Management
  • Juma, F. O. (2015). Review of Distance Learning Course Material: CRM 720: Ethics in Criminal Justice.
  • Juma, F. and Njoroge, J. (2014). Law and Society, Egerton University Press
  • Njoroge, J. and Juma, F. (2014). Government and Society, Egerton University Press
  • Theuri, M., Juma, F. and Njoroge, J. (2010). Ethics and Governance, Egerton University Press
  • Lumbasi, G. and Juma, F. (2008). Introduction to Philosophy, Egerton University Press.

Conference Papers

  1. Juma, F., 2017. Ujamaa as An African Concept of Unity. A Paper to be Presented to the 3rd African Philosophy World Conference to be held at the University of Dar-es-salaam on October 28th - 30th, 2019
  2. Juma, F., 2017. Challenges Facing an African Identity. A Paper Presented to the 2nd African Philosophy World Conference, held at the University of Calabar, Nigeria, 12th - 14th October, 2017.
  3. Juma, F., 2005. Religion and HIV/AIDS: A Philosophical Perspective. A Paper Presented International Students’ Conference on AIDS-ISCA, held at Egerton University 14th Sept.- 18th Sep. 2005.
  4. Juma, F., 2005. The Role of Philosophy in Global Peace. A Paper Presented to the 3rd UNESCO Philosophy Day Conference held at Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, on 12th May - 21st May 2005.
  5. Juma, F., 2005. The Effects of Science and Religion on Socio-Economic and Cultural Life of the Society. A Paper Presented to the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Conference, held at Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, 4th August - 8th August, 2005.
  6. Juma, F., 2001. Futures Beyond Poverty and Education. An Analysis of a Kenyan Situation. A Paper Presented to the XIV World Conference of World Futures Studies Federation, held at University of Nairobi, 6th June - 10th June, 2004.

Workshops / Seminars / Training

2020 Virtual Training. The Future of Business after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). May 14th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. How Does Normal Look Like Post COVID-19 Pandemic. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). May 21st, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. Managing Employee Productivity During and Post COVID-19 Pandemic. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). June 4th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. How to bring your best self. Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management and Resilience during and Post COVID-19 Pandemic. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). June 11th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. Driving Business Excellence during Crisis. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). July 16th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. Management of Education and Retooling the Stakeholders. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). July 30th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. How Women Enterprise Fund has Navigated through COVID-19. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). September 17th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. Focus Areas for Boards and Management during and Post COVID-19. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). September 24th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. An Understanding on Banking and COVID-19. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). October 1st, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. The Leadership Mindset. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). October 22nd, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. Ethical Corporate Social Responsibility. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM) November 5th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. Empathy as the Pillar for Leadership Communication. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM) December 10th, 2020
2020 Virtual Training. Shaping Your Professional Journey for Success. Kenya Institute of Management (KIM) December 17th, 2020
2017: Attended Universities’ Academic Staff Union (UASU), Capacity Building for Trade Union, Tom Mboya Labour College, November 15 - 17, 2017
2016: Attended Orientation for Online Teaching / Tutoring. FEDCOS Resource Centre, Egerton University
2015: Attended E-Content Materials Development Workshop held on 2nd to 8th August, 2015 at Morendat Training and Conference Centre, Naivasha.
2015: Attended Familiarization Workshop of the E-Learning Tutors Platform. ARC Hotel, Egerton University, June 2015.
2014: Attended a Workshop and Writing of E-Learning Modules at Morendat Hotel, Naivasha.
2012: Attended a Workshop on Research Methodology Training for Ph.D. Candidates in the RESSESA Program, Organized by OSSREA, 11th June to 6th July, 2012, Egerton University.
2009: Attended a Workshop on Proposal Development and Communication Skills Enhancement Training held on 26th to 28th May, 2009, ARC Hotel, Egerton University.
2009: Attended an in-house ICT Awareness Workshop on 25th May, 2009, Egerton University.
2008: Attended a Workshop on ISO 9001-2000, held at CMRT, Egerton University.
2008: Attended a Workshop on Pedagogy, held at CMRT, Egerton University.
2007: Attended a Workshop and a Team Member of Egerton University Rapid Results Initiative Project, (RRI).
2007: Attended a Workshop on the Development of Distance Learning Materials, held at Egerton University.
2004: Attended a Workshop and Training on Administration and Leadership Skills in Labour Movement, Sponsored by the American Solidarity Centre for International Labour Solidarity, (ACILS), Naivasha.
2004: Attended a workshop for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Seminar on Deconstruction African Independence. Presented a paper on Causality and Its Relevance to the Epistemological Pursuits of Man, 2nd July, 2004.
2004: Attended a Workshop and Presented a Paper on Philosophy and Development in Africa, during Philosophical and Religious Circle Interdisciplinary held at Egerton University.
2002: Attended Philosophy Departmental Workshop, University of Nairobi and Presented a Paper on Counselling and Guidance


Honours and Awards
Recognized by the International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge England as among the 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, 7th Edition Publication, 2001

Professional Affiliations

  1. Full Member, The Kenya Institute of Management (KIM)
  2. Member of the International Philosophical Association
  3. Member of OSSREA
  4. Member of Code of Conduct and Ethics Committee, Egerton University
  5. Member of Egerton University Service Charter, 2006 - 2009, Egerton University
  6. Member of Universities’ Academic Staff Union
  • Moral and Applied Ethics
  • African Philosophy
  • Formal and Symbolic logic
  • History of Philosophy


  1. Paul Kangethe:  The Participation of the Laity in Evangelization. A Case Study of Njoro Catholic Parish. Supervisor
    Graduated 2019
  2. Zeinab K. Mzungu:  Teacher’s Perceptions of the Effect of Performance Appraisal Policy on Governance in Public Secondary Schools in Njoro sub-County. Internal Examiner
    Graduated 2019
  3. Arthur Muyuka Likhanga:  The Impact of Childlessness of Christian Marriage Stability among the Abanyole People of Vihiga County, Kenya. Defended at the faculty and passed
  4. Allan Mwangala:  Influence of ICT Policy on Women’s Empowerment in Business in Kakamega To defend at the faculty
  5. Ombogo James:  The History of Kenya Co-operative Creameries from 1925-2013. Defended at the faculty and passed




  1. Geoffrey Anjejo Owiti: A Utilitarian Approach to Challenges facing Public University Education in Kenya. Hopefully to graduate in December 2021
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