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Prof. Kibet Ngetich

Staff Information
Associate Professor
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Job Category
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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Directorate / Dept
Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies
P. O. Box 536, Egerton
  • 2004   Ph.D. in Sociology (Kenyatta University, Sandwich with Ludwig-  Maximillian University of Munich and University of Cologne)
  • 1993   Master of Arts in Anthropology (University of Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 1990   Bachelor of Arts (University of Nairobi, Kenya)    
  • 1986   Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (A Level) (Kapsokwony High School)
  • 1984   Kenya Certificate of Education (O level) (Lelmokwo High School)
  • 1980   Certificate of Primary Education  (Olmaroroi Primary School)

Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology specializing in sociocultural dynamics within communities 

  • Feb 2014-Present   Associate Professor of Sociology, Egerton University


    April 2013-2017      Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University


    2009 – 2013           Coordinator, KIPC programmes


    2009 - 2014            Senior Lecturer, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University


    1997-2009              Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology


    1993-1997              Tutorial Fellow, Kenyatta University


    1992-1993               Archivist, Kenya National Archives

  1. Smallholder Farmer Strategies to cope with Climate Change (SMACC). Sponsored by ERA ARD 2012-1015 (co-researcher). Collaborators: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria, Dep. Of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Institute of Organic Farming; University of Hohenheim (Germany); Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI, Ethiopia); KARI Njoro.
  2. Soil fertility and soil health: Critical factors in improving livelihoods and productivity in small-scale potato based farming systems in Ethiopia and Uganda funded by Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) of the Republic of Austria Austrian Development Agency (ADA) (2010-2013) (co-researcher with Schulte-Geldermann Elmar (International Potato Center, Nairobi, Bernhard Freyer (Boku Austria), Rhoda Birech (Egerton University. Project supported two masters students and two PhD students at Egerton University.
  3. Prospects for Sustainable Biofuel Production in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Kenya, East Africa funded by European Union through The Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) and Dimension of the European Research Area (ERA/ARD), (2009-2011) Co-researcher with Freyer Bernhard (Boku Austria), Rhoda Birech (Egerton Kenya and Joyce Malinga (KARI Njoro, Kenya). Project supported two masters students and one PhD student at Egerton University.
  4. Trends in Livestock Production Systems and their Impacts on Environment and Livelihoods in Lake Victoria Basin funded by Vicres (2008-2010) (co-researcher with collaborators: Bareeba Felix B (Makerere University), Mathiu Mbaabu (University of Nairobi) and Julius Bwire (Tanzania). Project supported two masters students in Kenya.
  5. Organic Agriculture with Trees in Mau Catchment, Kenya Funded by ICRAF and Austrian Government, (2005-2009) (co-researcher). It supported 2 PhD students, one at Egerton University, Kenya and another at BOKU University, Austria
  1. Sociocultural aspects of agriculture 
  2. Gender
  3. Rural and urban crime 
  4. Ageing 
  5. Sociocultural aspects of health and illness
    1. Ongowo Eliud Okumu, Kibet Ngetich and Hadija Murenga (2023). A step of faith: The experiences of street children in search of survival in Nakuru City, Kenya and its implications on policy. Child & Family Social Work. 1–11.
    1. Kurgat Peter Rotich, Kibet Ng’etich and Hadija Murenga (2023) Economic Status and Persistent Defilement Cases in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences. Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 36-45, ISSN: 2456-4761


    1. Mwiraria Douglas R., Kibet Ngetich, and Panuel Mwaeke (2022). Factors Associated with Cybercrime Awareness Among University Students in Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 2 (3): 63-63 DOI:


    1. Henga Emilly, Kibet Ngetich and Erick Kiprono Bor (2022). Risk Factors Associated with Violent Criminal Behaviour among Female Convicts at Lang’ata Women Prison, Nairobi, Kenya. Asian Journal of Sociological Research. 6(2): 33-44


    1. Ongowo E.O,Ngetich K., Murenga H. (2021). A False Start: Children of the street's Journey into the Charitable Children Institutions and its Policy Implications. Elsviers Social Science and Humanities Open 4 (1) 1-10
    2. Yuya Lucy Achieng’, Kibet Ng’etich and Beatrice Onsarigo (2021). Reasons That Drive Women into Polygynous Unions in Ugenya Sub-County, Kenya. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 11 (2): 7-83. ISSN 2224-5766 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0484 (Online)
    1. Ashibende, H., Mwangi, S. W., & Ngetich, K. (2021). Assessing Congregants Perception of Vulnerability of Church Buildings to Security Threats in Nairobi County, Kenya. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(5). 213-228. DOI:10.14738/assrj.85.10064.
    1. Dieto Austine Ochieng, Kibet A. Ngetich, Wafula Kisaka (2020). Rural-Urban Disconnect: Outmigration of Elderly Persons’ Offspring and Social Exclusion of the Elderly. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(11): 549-552
    2. Njeru Isabella, Kibet Ngetich and Eric Bor (2018). Social Factors Influencing Women’s Access to Uwezo Fund in Turbo Constituency, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, Vol 6 (9):57-63. ISSN 2321-9203
    3. Chebii, Hillary, Kibet Ngetich and Eric Bor (2018). Crime Victimization among University Students at Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science vol 22 (9): 36-46. ISSN 2279-0837
    4. Chepngetich Betty, Kibet Ngetich, Eric Kiprono Bor (2018). Coping Mechanisms of Street Children to Hard Life of the Streets in Nakuru Town, Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 6 (2):316-325. ISSN 2347-5374
    5. Wachira Mary, Kibet Ngetich and Wokabi Mwangi (2017). Dynamics of Help Seeking Strategies used by Battered Women in Spousal Relationships in Nakuru West Sub-County of Kenya. Scholars Bulletin 3 (11) 563-568
    6. Wachira Mary, Kibet Ngetich and Wokabi Mwangi (2017). Factors Influencing Help Seeking among Battered Women in Spousal Relationships in Nakuru West Sub-County, Kenya. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 4 (21): 142-156
    7. Omwega Zachary, Kibet Ngetich and Hadija Murenga (2017). Influence of Funding on Prosecution of Corruption Cases in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 6 (8): 223-229
    8. Taiy Rael, C Onyango, Agnes Nkurumwa and Kibet Ngetich (2017). Socio-economic Characteristics of Smallholder Potato Farmers in Mauche Ward of Nakuru County, Kenya. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 5 (5): 257-266
    9. Maingi Benard, Wokabi Mwangi and Kibet Ngetich (2016). Woodcarving and its Socio-economic Implications on Household Livelihoods in Wamunyu Location, Machakos County. Kenya. International Journal of Development Research, Vol 6 No 2: 6847-6854
    10. Ouko William, Kibet A. Ng’etich and Hadija Murenga (2015). Characteristics of Magistrates’ Courts that Impede Access to Justice within Nairobi County. Public Policy and Administration Research, Vol.5, No.10: 153-156 ISSN 2224-5731(Paper) ISSN 2225-0972 (Online)
    11. Taiy Rael J., C Onyango, K Ngetich, A Nkurumwa, R Birech, B Freyer and P Ooro (2015). Analysis of Rural Livelihood Challenges and Options under Climate Change Pressure in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 5, No. 10(1: 84-93, ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)
    12. Kach Chambang Both, Kibet Ngetich and Eric Bor (2015). Strategies used by South Sudanese Migrants in Adapting to the New Way of Life in Nakuru Municipality, Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Development Research Vol 5, No 7: 5152-5156 ISSN 2230-99263.
    13. Ongowo Eliud O., Mwangi S. Wokabi & Ngetich Kibet (2015). Resolution of Agro-Pastoral Conflicts through Community Based Actors in Nakuru County, Kenya. Global Journal of Human Social Science. Volume 15, Issue 2: 12-18. Online ISSN: 2249-460x & Print ISSN: 0975-587X
    14. Kiprono Wilson, Wokabi Mwangi, and Kibet Ngetich (2015). Gaps Influencing Implementation of the Witness Protection System in Kenya. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research , Vol. 17 No. 1 Aug. 2015, pp. 8-13 ISSN 2351-8014
    1. Nyaga Isaiah, Ng’etich, E. K Bor, M. M. Theuri (2014). Suggested Modifications in the Implementation of the Three-Pronged Anti-Corruption Strategy in Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Vol. II, Issue 9 pp 1-24  ISSN 2348 0386
    2. Ijaza Alice Kadurenge, Samson Wokabi Mwangi, Kibet A. Ng’etich (2014). Challenges Faced by the Women Enterprise Fund in Kenya: A Survey of Hamisi Constituency, Vihiga County- Kenya. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online) Vol.4, No.14: 20-28
    3. Ocarl George and Kibet Ngetich (2014). The Effects of Food Aid on the Attitude and Practice of the Pokot People (of East Pokot District) Towards their Own Food Sovereignty. International Journal of Science and Research Vol 3 (11): 1487-1493
    4. Ongowo Eliud O., Mwangi S. Wokabi and Ngetich Kibet (2014). Analysis of Socio-Economic factors that Influence involvement in Resource Based Conflicts in Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Volume 19, Issue 4, PP 19-23. e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845
    5. Nyaga I., Ng’etich, K., Bor, E. K. & Theuri, M. (2014). The Factors Influencing the Implementation of the Three-Pronged Anti-Corruption Strategy in Nairobi County, Kenya (2003-2011). International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1 (12), 23-44. ISSN 2307-6305
    6. Nigussie, Zerihun, Gatechew Alemayehu, Terefe Degefa, Kibet Ngetich, Joseph Tewodros and Benhard Freyer (2014). Nature of Local Seed Potato System in Northwest Ethiopia. International Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (2):74-86 ISSN: 1816-4897
    7. Nyaga I, Ngetich K, Bor E, Theuri M, (2014). The Prioritization of the Three-Pronged Anti-corruption Strategy in Nairobi County, Kenya (2003-2011). International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1 (11), 61-87. ISSN 2307-6305
    8. Obiero Charles, Rhoda Birech, Joyce Malinga, Kibet Ngetich and Bernhard Freyer (2014). Performance of Maize and Beans under Castor-based Intercropping System. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(1): 101-113
    9. Onyango, Maurice Oluoch; Samson W. Mwangi and Kibet Ng’etich (2013). Governance Practices and Performance of Collective Organizations: Evidence from Self-Help Organizations in Siaya County, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS), Volume 17, Issue 1: PP 63-72, ISSN 2279-0845 (print) ISSN 22790837 (electronic)
    10. Onyango, M.O; Mwangi, S and Ngetich K. (2013) “Socio-economic Characteristics of Successful Collective Action in Kenya’s Self-Help Organizations’ Sectors” in Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, Vol. 1 No. 9 pp 269-286
    11. Karanja Stephen, Samson Mwangi, Kibet Ngetich and Moses Njeru (2013). Influence of Informal Solid Waste Management on Livelihoods of Urban Solid Waste Collectors: A Case Study of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 3 No. 13: 95-108
    12. Obiero Charles, Rhoda Birech, Maling`a Joyce, Ng`etich Kibet and Bernhard Freyer (2013). Performance of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) under Different Soil and Climatic Conditions in Kenya. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 7: 43-50.
    13. Obiero Charles, Rhoda Birech, Joyce Maling’a, Bernhard Freyer, Kibet Ng’etich, Jackson Lang’at (2013). Performance and challenges of biofuel cropping systems in Kenyan smallholder farming systems: A case study on castor (Ricinus communis L.), jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) and croton (Croton megalocarpus L.) Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(7):917-922 ISSN 1835-2693 (print), ISSN 18352707
    14. Ngetich Kibet (2012). Concepts of Illness in the Context of Health Care Use in the City of Nairobi. Palabres Actuelles Vo 2, pp 89-110
    15. Ngetich, K. A., Birech R J, Kyalo D, Bett K E, Freyer, B (2009). Caught between Energy Demands and Food Needs: Dilemmas of Smallholder Farmers in Njoro, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in Tropics and Subtropics, 110(1): 23-28. Electronic-ISSN: 2279-0837, print-ISSN: 2279-0845
    16. Ngetich, K. (2007). Resilience in the Face of Urbanization: Why People Consult Traditional Health Practitioners in Nairobi City, Kenya. MARIFA: A Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No 1: 238-256

    Book chapters:

    1. Ngetich, K (2015). Towards a People Driven Constitution: Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges of the Kenyan Experience. In Said Adejumobi (Ed). Democratic Renewal in Africa: Trends and Discourses. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137484352
    2. Inoti Shadrack, Rhoda Birech, Omedo Bebe, Bernhard Freyer and Kibet Ngetich (2010). Common Forest and Agroforestry Trees in Mau Catchment, Kenya: Farmer Perspectives. Egerton: Egerton University Press (ISBN: 966 05 0698)
    3. Ngetich, K. (2008). Governing Traditional Health Care Sector in Kenya: Strategies and Setbacks. In Martyn Sama and Vinh-Kim Nguyen (eds). Governing Health Systems in Africa. Dakar: Codesria, pp 25-33.
  • Qualitative research 
  • Quantitative research 
  • Social Research Methods
  • Social statistics 
  • Culture and Peacebuilding 
  • Social Gerontology/Sociology of Ageing 
  • Anthropology


  1. Ashibende, Baraza Hudson 2023. Congregants’ Perception of Vulnerability of Church Buildings to Security Threats in Nairobi County, Kenya (46th Graduation on Friday, 10th February 2023)
  2. Henga, Emilly Anyango 2023. Determinants of Violent Criminal Behaviour among Women Convicts at Lang’ata Women Prison in Nairobi, Kenya, (46th Graduation on Friday, 10th February 2023)
  3. Yuya, Achieng Lucy 2023. Dynamics of Women in Polygynous Unions in Ugenya Sub-County, Siaya County, Kenya (46th Graduation held on Friday, 10th February 2023)
  4. Dieto, Austine 2020. Factors Influencing Social Exclusion of Elderly Persons in Alego-Usonga Constituency, Siaya County, Kenya. . Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University (42nd Graduation held 31st July 2020, p 12)        
  5. Kimeli Justus 2019. Factors Influencing Private Security Employees in Engaging in Criminal Activities in Nakuru Municipality, Nakuru County, Kenya. Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University (41st Graduation held on 29th November 2019, p 13)
  6. Chepngetich, Betty 2018. Factors Influencing Street Children’s Resistance to Rehabilitation in Nakuru Town, Nakuru County, Kenya. Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University (38th Graduation held on 15th June 2018, p 12)
  7. Wachira, Mary 2018. Help Seeking Strategies among Battered Spouses in Nakuru County, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University
  8. Bargoria, Finson Kiprop 2017. Socio-economic effects of Self-Help Groups in Tindiret Sub-County, Nandi County. Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University. (37th Graduation held on 8th December 2017, p 9)
  9.  Abdikadir Abdisalan 2017. Determinants of Miraa Chewing Among the Youth in Central Division of Wajir East District, Kenya”.  Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University (37th Graduation held on 8th December 2017, p 9)
  10.  Mwangi, Gladys  2017. Factors Influencing formation of Youth Attitudes Towards Farming in Kuresoi Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University
  11.  Bernard M. Maingi  2017. Woodcarving and Its Socio-Economic Implications on Household Livelihoods in Wamunyu Location, Yathui Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya. MA Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 36th  Graduation held on 16th June 2017, Booklet p 10)
  12.  Ouko William 2015. Impediments to Access to Justice in Magistrates’ Courts in Nairobi County, Kenya.  MA Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 34th Graduation held on 4th Dec 2015-Booklet p 16)
  13.  Kach, Chambang B 2015. Strategies Used by South Sudanese Migrants in Adapting to the New Way of Life in Nakuru Municipality, Nakuru County, Kenya. MA Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 33nd  Graduation held on 4th Dec 2015-Booklet p 13)
  14.  Munyaanyi, Teresia N 2015. Impediments to Womens’ Participation in Socio-economic Activities in Dadaab Division of Garissa County, Kenya. MA Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 33nd  Graduation held on 4th Dec 2015-Booklet p 13)
  15.  Ocarl George 2015. Food Aid and Food Sovereignty Among the Pokot of East Pokot District, Baringo County, Kenya. MA Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 33nd  Graduation held on 4th Dec 2015-Booklet p 13)
  16.  Ndungu, John Chege 2015. Factors Influencing the Violent Behaviour Towards Donkeys in Kibirichia Ward, Meru Central Sub-County, Meru County, Kenya. MA Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 32nd  Graduation held on 19th June 2015-Booklet p 13)
  17.  Chepkangor, Willy 2015. The Effectiveness of Livelihood Diversifications in the Management of conflicts Between Pokot and Marakwet Communities, Kenya. MA Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 32nd  Graduation held on 19th June 2015-Booklet p 13)
  18.  Ijaza,  Alice Kadurenge 2014. Access and Use of the Women Enterprise Development Fund in Hamisi Constituency, Kenya. MA Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 31st Graduation held on 5th December 2014-Booklet p 8)
  19.  Ndung’u Faith Mumbi 2014. Motivation for the Decision of Internally Displaced Persons to Settle in Self Hep Settlement in Gigil District, Nakuru County, Kenya (Graduated: 31st Graduation held on 5th December 2014-Booklet p 8)
  20. Kemboi, Francisca Jebet 2014. Group Dynamics and Performance of Youth Groups’ Enterprises in Nakuru Municipality: A Case of Nakuru Town Constituency Youth Enterprise Scheme (Graduated: 31st Graduation held on 5th December 2014-Booklet p 8)



   1.         Ongowo, Eliud 2023. Performance of Social Assistance Programmes in Improving the Well-Being of Street Children in Nakuru Town, Nakuru County Kenya (cleared to graduate in October 2023)

    2.         Chesikau, Lilian 2016. Gender and Poverty Reduction Policies in Baringo County. PhD in Gender Studies thesis, Institute of Women, Gender and Development Studies,  Egerton University (Graduation: 35th Graduation held on 9th December 2016, Booklet p. 11)

    3.         Nyangusei, Wilson Kiprono 2016. Challenges Facing Implementation of Witness Protection Program in Kenya. PhD Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 34th Graduation held on 17th June 2016  booklet p 5)

    4.         Nyaga, Isaiah Gitonga 2015. Persistence of Corruption and Strategies used for Reduction in Kenya (2003-2011). PhD Thesis, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies, Egerton University (Graduated: 33nd  Graduation held on 4th Dec 2015-Booklet p 4)

    5.         Murenga Hadija 2010. The Influence of Socio-cultural Factors on Adoption of Organic Farming and Agro-Forestry in Mau East, Kenya. PhD thesis department of Sociology, Anthropology and Economics (22nd Graduation held on 28th May 2010 Booklet p 17)

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