February 2023 to date: Chief Editor, Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
October 2019 to date: External Examiner for History, Kabarak University
July 2018 to February 2023: Member, Advisory Board, Egerton Journal (Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Series)
July 2013 to October 2021: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences' Representative to the Egerton University Research Sub-committee
July 2013 to October 2021: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Representative to the Board of Quality Assurance
April 2013 to date: Associate Professor of History, Egerton University
April 2009 to April 2013: Senior Lecturer in History, Egerton University
September 2012 to date: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences’ Representative to the Board of Quality Assurance, Egerton University
April 2011 to date: Coordinator, History Postgraduate Programmes, Egerton University
March 2011 to date: History Curriculum Evaluator for Commission for University Education
May 2009 to May 2013: External Examiner for History, Chuka University
May 2006: Member, Standing Committee of Lord Egerton Castle, Ngata, Nakuru, County
Jananuary 2006 to January 2010: Member, Editorial Board of the Environment and History (Journal)
November 2005 to August 2009: Chairman, Department of Philosophy, History and Religion
January 2005 to December 2007: Secretary, VC’s Committee for Community Resource Centre (CRC), an Egerton University-Community venture
August 2004 to October 2005: Chairman, Department of History, Egerton University
October 2003 to July 2018: Member, Editorial Board of the Egerton Journal (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education series)
October 2003 to June 2004: Smuts Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
February 2002 to September 2003: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Representative to the Board of Undergraduate Studies, Egerton University
September 2001 to 2013: Member, VC’s Committee for the Rehabilitation and Conservation of the Lord Egerton Castle at Ngata, Nakuru County
July 2001 to September 2003: Chairman, Department of History, Egerton University
November 1994 to March 2009: Lecturer in History, Egerton University
December 1992 to November 1994: Assistant Lecturer in History, Egerton University
1988 - 1992: Graduate Secondary School Teacher
1984 – 1988: Trained Primary School Teacher (S1)
1981 – 1984: Trained Primary School Teacher (P1)
1975 - 1979: Untrained Primary School Teacher