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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
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Department of Philosophy, History and Religion, Egerton University, P O Box 536 - 20115, EGERTON, Kenya

A thirty-year experience with higher education characterised by wide-ranging trainning in administration, leadership, pedagogy, research and writing. Besides the readily recognised endeavours covered in this profile, the experience has covered the honoured practice of peer-reviewing of manuscripts for publication as either journal articles/ book chapters or books. The experience has also included examination of theses and dissertations by students from institutions other Egerton University.   

Google Scholar

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History: Rhodes University, 2002

Master of Arts (MA) in History: Kenyatta University, 1992

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Arts: Kenyatta University, 1988

Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE): Private Candidate, 1983

East African Certificate of Education (EACE): Private Candidate, 1977

East African Certificate of Education (EACE): Miu Secondary School, 1974

Kenya Junior Secondary Education: Miu Secondary School, 1972

Certificate of Primary Education (CPE): Kaliambeu Primary School, 1970


Environmental History, especially the histories of Agriculture and Wildlife Conservation


Postgraduate Studies (PhD): Rhodes University, 1999 - 2002

Postgraduate Studies (MA): Kenyatta University, 1988 - 1992

Graduate Teacher Training (Bachelor of Education, Arts): Kenyatta University, 1985 - 1988

Promotion on Merit from P1 to S1, 1984

Primary School Teacher Training (P1): Kamwenja Teachers College, 1979 - 1981



February 2023 to date: Chief Editor, Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

October 2019 to date: External Examiner for History, Kabarak University

July 2018 to February 2023: Member, Advisory Board, Egerton Journal (Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Series)

July 2013 to October 2021: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences' Representative to the Egerton University Research Sub-committee

July 2013 to October 2021: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Representative to the Board of Quality Assurance

April 2013 to date: Associate Professor of History, Egerton University

April 2009 to April 2013: Senior Lecturer in History, Egerton University

September 2012 to date: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences’ Representative to the Board of Quality Assurance, Egerton University

April 2011 to date: Coordinator, History Postgraduate Programmes, Egerton University

March 2011 to date: History Curriculum Evaluator for Commission for University Education

May 2009 to May 2013: External Examiner for History, Chuka University

May 2006: Member, Standing Committee of Lord Egerton Castle, Ngata, Nakuru, County

Jananuary 2006 to January 2010: Member, Editorial Board of the Environment and History (Journal)

November 2005 to August 2009: Chairman, Department of Philosophy, History and Religion

January 2005 to December 2007: Secretary, VC’s Committee for Community Resource Centre (CRC), an Egerton University-Community venture

August 2004 to October 2005: Chairman, Department of History, Egerton University

October 2003 to July 2018: Member, Editorial Board of the Egerton Journal (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education series)

October 2003 to June 2004: Smuts Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge

February 2002 to September 2003: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Representative to the Board of Undergraduate Studies, Egerton University

September 2001 to 2013: Member, VC’s Committee for the Rehabilitation and Conservation of the Lord Egerton Castle at Ngata, Nakuru County

July 2001 to September 2003: Chairman, Department of History, Egerton University

November 1994 to March 2009: Lecturer in History, Egerton University

December 1992 to November 1994: Assistant Lecturer in History, Egerton University

1988 - 1992: Graduate Secondary School Teacher

1984 – 1988: Trained Primary School Teacher (S1)

1981 – 1984: Trained Primary School Teacher (P1)

1975 - 1979: Untrained Primary School Teacher

  1. Proposal on establishment of a centre for public history at Egerton University with Dr Isaac Tarus
  2. Writing the History of Egerton University with Prof. Emilia Ilieva and Prof. Christopher Onyango
  3. Writing the History of Safari Hunting in Kenya
  4. Writing the History of Human-Wildlife Conflict in Kenya
  5. Participating in the Green Science Research Project
  • African Affairs (Africa in World History)
  • Economic History
  • Environmental History (History of Agriculture; History of Wildlife Conservation, etc)
  • History of Education
  • Political History
  • Public History
  1. The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa by Bernhard Gissibl (a book review), The Journal of African History, Vol. 59, No. 3 (2018): 503–4. For more details click here
  2. ‘Farmers’ Revolts in Central Kenya in the 1990s’, Egerton Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Education Vol. 10 (2010): 73–8‘An Outline History of the English Police, ca 1829 - 1979’, Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Vol. VIII (2009): 170–98
  3. With T. K Ronoh, F. S. Barasa, F. O. Ogola and A. K. Ronoh, ‘Ogiek Indigenous Beliefs and Practices as Imperatives for Sustainable Conservation of the Mau Forest, Kenya’, Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Vol. IX (2010): 34–56
  4. With T. K. Ronoh and F. S. Barasa, ‘Contextualising Okiek’s Indigenous Environmental Education through Oral Literature for Sustainable Conservation of the Mau Forest’, World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium Journal, 2010: 64–77. For more details click here
  5.  With T. K. Ronoh, F. O. Ogola, F. S. Barasa and S. L. Micheni, ‘Impact of “Newly Created” Settlement Schemes and their Implications on the Ogiek’s Indigenous Environmental Education in Mau Forest, Kenya’, Mount Kenya University Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2010): 126 – 146

  6. With A. K. Ronoh, L. W. Chiuri and E. K. Bor, ‘Effects of Murran System’s Indigenous Knowledge on Maasai Youth’s School Attendance in Narok District, Kenya’, African Research Review, Vol. 4 (3b) (2010): 1 – 23
  7. ‘Decolonisation and Wildlife Conservation in Kenya, 1958 – 1968’, The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, Vo. 36, No. 4 (December 2008): 615–39. For more details click here

  8. ‘The International Dimension of the Politics of Transition and Wildlife Conservation in Kenya, 1958 – 1968’, Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 (March 2007): 112–133. For more details click here
  9. Black Poachers, White Hunters: A Social History of Hunting in Colonial Kenya by Edward Steinhart (a book review), The International History Review, Vol. XXIX, No. 1 (March 2007): 181–3
  10. Challenging Nature: Local Knowledge, Agroscience, and Food Security in Tanga Region, Tanzania by Philip W Porter (a book review), Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1 (January 2007): 176 – 179
  11. With T. K. Ronoh and F. S.Barasa, ‘Influence of Indigenous Education on Environmental Conservation among the Ogiek of Mau Forest, Kenya’, Journal of Education and Human Resources, Vol. 3, No. 2 (December 2005): 52–81
  12. ‘Antecedents to Community-based Wildlife Conservation in Kenya, 1946 – 1964’, Ecology and History, Vol. 11, No. 3 (August 2005): 239–69. For more details click here
  13. Rough Waters: Nature and Development in an East African Marine National Park by Christine J. Walley (a book review), Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol. 24, No. 1 (January 2005): 126–9
  • 'Challenges to Green Transformation: The Chequered History of the Pyrethrum Industry in Kenya', paper presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the African Studies Association in Chicago, USA, 12 - 14 December 2024.
  • Participated in the Visibility of African Journals Workshop organised by the African Population and Health Research Centre at the Kenya School of Government, 30 September - 2 October 2024  
  • 'The Controlled (Hunting) Areas Programme and the “Decolonization” of Wildlife Conservation in Kenya, 1951–1977', paper presented at the  African Studies Association Virtual Conference, Washington DC, USA, 18 - 21 November 2020.
  • 'The Controlled (Hunting) Areas Programme and the "Decolonization" of Wildlife Conservation in Kenya, 1951 - 1977', paper presented at the Decolonization and the Politics of Wildlife in Africa Conference, Stellabosch University, South Africa, 26 - 30 September 2017
  • 'Evaluating Community-based Conservation Programmes in Kenya: The Case of Amboseli ', paper presented at the Political Economy Workshop organised by PASGR/ Institute of Development Studies, Nairobi, 26 - 28 September 2014
  • 'Safari Hunting and Community-based Wildlife Conservation in Kenya up to 1977', paper presented at a Writing/ Publishing Workshop organized by the British Academy at the British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi, 17 - 18 March 2010
  • 'Recreational Hunting and Conservation in Kenya, 1951 - 1977', paper presented at a conference on Leisure in Sub-Saharan Africa organized by the British Institute in Eastern Africa, Naivasha, 9 - 11 July 2008
  • 'Human-Wildlife Conflicts and Wildlife Conservation in Kenya upto the Early 1960s', paper presented at a conference on Conservation, Wildlife and Markets at Strathmore University, Nairobi, November 2006
  • 'Politics of Transition and Wildlife Conservation in Kenya, 1958 - 1968', paper presented at the Political Economy of Kenya: Past & Present conference at the University of Oxford, UK, 27 - 28 May 2004
  • 'Farmers Revolts in Central Kenya in the 1990s', paper presented at the August/ September 1999 CODESRIA Governance Institute in Dakar, Senegal

2013/2014: Best Achiever (in Teaching), Egerton University

October 2003 to June 2004: Smuts Visiting Fellow, Commonwealth Studies, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge

2007 to 2010: Member of the Core Coaching Team for Egerton University Teams for the Inter-African Universities Celtel/ Zain Africa Challenge Where Egerton University won three of the four Annual Competitions

2000: Winner of the Andrew Mellon Annual History Essay, Rhodes University, South Africa

1988: Scholarship for Master of Arts in History Degree Programme, Kenyatta University

  1. African History
  2. Agricultural History of Kenya
  3. Historical Research Methods
  4. Historiography
  5. History of Economic Thought
  6. History of Political Thought
  7. Introduction to Academic History
  8. International Political Economy
  9. Philosophy of History
  10. Regional Conflicts in Africs

Completed MA Supervision

  1. Musyoki A Muia, 'African Inland Misssion and Social Transformation in Machakos District, Kenya, 1895 - 1971', MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2021
  2. Dennis Otieno, 'The Chequered History of Webuye Town, 1895 - 2009', MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2021
  3. Grace Wanjiru Njuguna, 'Transformation of White Settler Agriculture in Colonial Kenya: The Case of Molo, Nakuru District, 1904 - 1963', MA History in Thesis, Egerton University, 2019. Click here
  4. Magdaline Naseyian Kelel, ‘Continuity and Change in Indeginous Health Care Systems among the Maasai of Kajiado District, Kenya, 1850–2002’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton Univesity, 2018
  5. Dennis Okoth, ‘A Biography of Samuel Onyango Ayodo, 1930–1998’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2018
  6. Walter Kongo Ongeri, ‘Gusii Politics in the Era of Multi-Partyism in Kenya, 1992 – 2007’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2017
  7. Daniel Mugoro Muiruri, ‘A History of Gilgil Town: From a Military Camp to a Modern Urban Area, 1897–2013’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2017
  8. Lydia Kanini Muendo, ‘Local Government and Social Change in Machakos District, 1924–1967’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2016
  9. Monica Nasambu Muliro, ‘Persistence of Traditional Oathing among Kamba Christians in Machakos County’, MA in Religious Studies Thesis, Egerton University, 2016. Click here
  10. Symon Barakachai Keitany, ‘A History of the Perkerra Irrigation Scheme in Baringo County, Kenya, 1954–2013’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2016
  11. Patick Kinyua Kiragu, ‘A Biography of “Field Marshal” Muthoni Kirima of the Mau Mau Movement, 1930–2015’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2016
  12. Peter Omari Nyangwencha, 'Land Tenure Disputes among the Abagusii of Kenya, 1894 to 2010', MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2016
  13. Benson Waiganjo Kanyingi, Ex-Mau Mau Fighters and Land Issues in Kenya: The Case of NDEFFO, 1968 – 2013’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2015. Click here
  14. Joseph Koech, ‘Alexander Muge and the Struggle for Social Justice in Kenya’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2015
  15. Peter Ochieng Osowo, ‘Social Change among the Jo Alego during the Colonial Period, 1895–1963’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2015
  16. Belindah A Okello, ‘A History of St Mary’s School Yala, Siaya County, Kenya, 1927–2013’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2015
  17. Moses Rutere Kithinji, ‘A Biography of Njagi Kavungura, 1922–2000’, MA History in Thesis, Egerton University, 2014
  18. Solomon Koyi, ‘Conservation of Kakamega Forest, 1933–2007’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2014
  19. Kizito Odock, 'Papal Encyclicals and Welfare of Workers in Naivasha Flower Farms', MA in Religious Studies, Egerton University, 2014
  20. James Mutegi, ‘The Impact of Wildlife Conservation on other Socio-economic Activities in Meru District, 1920–2008’, MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2012
  21. Evans Ayioka Ondari, 'A History of Lake Nakuru National Park, 1956 - 2005', MA in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2007
  22. Nyambura, PhD in History Thesis, Egerton University
  23. Thomas Kipkorir Ronoh, 'Influence of Indigenous Education on Environmental Conservation: The Case of the Ogiek of Mau Forest, Kenya, 1895 - 1992', PhD in Education Thesis, Egerton University, 2011
  24. Alexander Ronoh, PhD in Education Thesis, Egerton University
  25. Peter Waweru, 'Continuity and Change in Samburu Pastorialism', PhD in History Thesis, Egerton University


Ongoing MA Supervision

  1. Christine Tukoo, 'Debates on Female Circumcision among the Pokot of Kenya, 1931 - 2019', MA History Thesis, Egerton University
  2. Stephen Kyalo Mbula, 'Change and Continuity in Healthcare Systems among the Akamba of Kitui District, 1895 - 1963', MA History Thesis, Egerton University

Completed PhD Supervision

1. Gilbert Harrison Muyumbu, 'Restraining the State from Excesses: The Role Played by the Law Society of Kenya, 1920 - 2022', PhD in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2024

2 Joyce Chepkemoi Chepkwony, 'The Political Economy of Health Insurance in Kenya: The Case of the National Hospital Fund, 1966 - 2016, PhD in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2023

3 Patrick Kinyua Kiragu, 'History of Gender Inequality in Sports Management in Kenya, 1901 - 2019', PhD in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2023

4. Xavier Francis Ichani, ‘Kenya Defence Forces and Internal Military intervention, 1963 – 2018’, PhD History Thesis, Egerton University, 2019. Click here

5. Ruth Nyambura Njoroge, ‘Body Adornment among the Samburu: A Historical Perspective’, PhD History Thesis, Egerton University, 2015. Click here

6. Mark Barnadis Leleruk, ‘Security among the Samburu of North-central Kenya, PhD in Security Studies Thesis, Laikipia University, 2014

7. Thomas Ronoh, ‘The Influence of Ogiek Indigenous Education on the Conservation of the Mau Forest, Kenya’, PhD in Education Thesis, Egerton University, 2011

8.Alexander K Ronoh, 'Influence of Indigenous Knowledge on the Adoption of School-based Education among Kenyan Maasai: Implications for Curriculum Reform', PhD in Education Thesis, Egerton University, 2008

9. Peter Waweru, 'Continuity and Change in Samburu Pastoralism under Colonial Rule, c. 1919 - 1963', PhD in History Thesis, Egerton University, 2006


Ongoing PhD Supervison


2020 to date: Member, African Studies Association

2012 to 2022: Member, Board of Management, Ukalani SDA Secondary, Machakos County

2007 to date: Member, British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi

2003 to date: Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK

1996 to 1999: Member, Board of Governors, Mbaani Secondary School, Machakos County

1995 to date: Church Elder, Africa Inland Church (AIC) Kyaani, Machakos County

1994: Member, Historical Association of Kenya

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