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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Directorate / Dept
English Language and Linguistics
536 Egerton

2008- 2012- Doctor of Philosophy General and Applied Linguistics at Beijing Language and Culture University, People’s Republic of China.

2008-2009- Certificate in Elementary Chinese Language. Beijing Language and Culture University, People’s Republic of China.

1995- 1998- Master of Arts in English Language and Linguistics at Egerton University, Njoro.

1990- 1994- Bachelor of Education in English Language and Literature. Second Class Honors, Upper Division. Moi University, Eldoret.

1987- 1989- A’ Levels, 3 principles and 1 subsidiary pass at Mugoiri Girls High School, Murang'a.

1984- 1987- O’ Levels 1st Division 22 points at Loreto High School, Limuru.

1976- 1983- Certificate of Primary Education, 34 points, Ikumbi Primary School.

  1. Ndegwa Grace Konyu, Lucy Wathika, Josephine Khaemba (2020) The Description of Teachers’ Use of Reinforcement in English Language Classes International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. doi:10.30845/ijhss.v10n1p6 Vol. 10 • No. 1
  2. Ndegwa Grace Konyu, Lucy Wathika, Josephine Khaemba (2020) The Effect of Teachers’ Use of Reinforcement on Learners’ Performance in English Language Editon Consortium Journal of Literature and Linguistic Studies (ECJLLS) ISSN: 2663-9297 : 116-129
  3. Philip K. Muchiri, Lucy Wathika, Jason Githeko (2019) The Skills and Knowledge Gap that Inhibit Effective Use of the Amlib Library Management Software at Egerton University Library, Njoro – Kenya. International Journal of Library Science p-ISSN: 2168-488X    e-ISSN: 2168-4901 2019; 8(2): 40-47
  4. Jepchirchir Kigen, Phylis Bartoo, Lucy Wathika, (2019) An Analysis of Graffiti as a Communicative Strategy in Selected Public Boarding Secondary Schools Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research Volume 6, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 57-68 Available online at ISSN: 2376-760X
  5. Jane Wanjiku Kinuthia, Lucy Wathika, Mutiti J.K. Yakobo (2016) The Implications of Language and Power in Gikuyu Marriage Negotiation Discursive Domain, for Kenya’s vision 2030. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation Volume 4 Number 1 (2016) ISSN 2305-784X (print) ISSN 2410-8383 (online)
  6. Kinuthia, J. W., Wathika L. N., Mwai W. L. & Yakobo, J. K. M. (2017) Analysis of Language used in Gikuyu Marriage Negotiation Discourse. International Journal of Linguistics ISSN 1948-5425, Vol. 8, No. 2
  7. Kinuthia, J. W., Wathika L. N. & Yakobo, J. K. M. (2016) Gendered Identities in Gikuyu Marriage Negotiation Discursive Domain. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation Volume 4 Number 1 ISSN 2305-784X (print) ISSN 2410-8383 (online)
  8. Calvince Oduor & Lucy N.J. Wathika, Oral Communication among Students and its Effects on their Oral Proficiency in English as a Second Language. Ruwaza Afrika: Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 4 ISSN 2225-7144
  9. Mbatia B. M., Wathika L. N.  Khaemba J.  (2016) The Relationship Between News Content Tabloidization and Political Polarization in The Standard Newspaper, Kenya. Scholars Bulletin  ISSN 2412-9771 (Print) (A Multidisciplinary Journal) ISSN 2412-897X (Online) An Official Publication of “Scholars Middle East Publishers”, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Website:
  10. Rufina A. O., Mutiti, Y.J.K., Wathika L. N. (2015) Markedness Differentials and the Production of Fricative Sounds in English as a Second Language  : A case Study of Dholuo First Language Speakers. Ruwaza Afrika: Journal of Contemporary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol 3 No 1 ISSN 2225-7144
  11. Mutiti, Y.J.K. & Njeri L.J., Mukuthuria M., 2012. Rhetorical Structure of African Bantu Languages: Is it a reflection of African Logical Patterns? RUWAZA: Journal of Contemporary Discourse in Language, Literature, Culture and the Arts, ISSN 2225-7144
  12. Ministry of Education, Secondary English Teacher’s Handbook, January 2006, K.I.E. Co- authored with Kenya Institute of Education secondary English Panel members.
  1. Wathika Lucy Njeri (2019) “Lexicon and Idiomatic Change in Gikuyu Language” Presented at International Mother Language Day (IMLD) Conference 2019 THEME: “Hallowing Mother Language and Cultural Diversity in Africa” 20th - 22nd February 2019 Kenyatta University, Kitui Campus (Kenya)
  2. Lucy Njeri Wathika (2018) “Sound Change in Gikuyu Language” Presented at the KESSA  -  Kenya Scholars and Studies Association 11th Annual Conference September 7-8, 2018 at Atlanta Marriot Marquis, Atlanta Georgia USA.
  3. Kinuthia,J.W., Wathika L. & Yakobo, J.K.Mutiti (2017).The Role of Language in Creating and Sustaining Power Differentials in Gikuyu Marriage Negotiation  Discourse. Accepted for presentation at the EAMARC4 Conference at USIU-Africa, Kenya between 14th and 16th November 2017.
  4. Kinuthia, J. W., Wathika L. & Yakobo J.K.Mutiti. (2015).The Implications of Language and Power in Gikuyu Marriage Negotiation Discursive Domain for Kenya’s Vision 2030. Paper presented at the 5th Annual International conference held at Kabarak University on 14th-17th July 2015

Master of Arts (English Language and Linguistics) students co-supervised and completed

  1. 2016 to 2020 Grace Konyu Ndegwa ASM13/3808/14 (Supervised to completion): (MA English Language and Linguistics) "Reinforcement and English Second Language Learner Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Nakuru Town, Kenya." Egerton University
  2. 2016 to 2019 Jepchirchir Kigen AM13/3506/12 (MA Supervised to completion) (MA English Language and Linguistics): “An analysis of Graffiti as a Communicative Strategy in Selected Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Baringo Central Sub-County, Kenya." Egerton University click here
  3. 2016 - 2019 Philip Muchiri AM22/33521/14 (MA Supervised to completion): Sources of Human Errors in the Amlib Library Management Software at Egerton University Library Njoro, Kenya click here
  4. 2013-2016 Rufina Achieng Odawa AM13/1828/07 (Supervised to completion):  (MA English Language and Linguistics) Second Language Oral Performance in the Use of English Fricative Sounds by Dholuo First Language Speakers."
  5. 2012- 2016 Calvince Oduor (Supervised to completion): (MA English Language and Linguistics) "Oral proficiency in English as a Second Language among Secondary School students in Nakuru Town, Kenya."
  6. 2012- 2015 Kinyanjui Benjamin Mbatia (Supervised to completion): (MA Communication and Media) "Tabloid content in the Standard Newspapers Published in Kenya." Egerton University

Ongoing Master of Arts (English Language and Linguistics) students co-supervised

  1. Oyiengo Selinah Nebokhi ASM13/3792/14 (Master of Arts in English Language and Linguistics) A Morphosyntactic Study of the Interlanguage of Kiswahili Speaking Learners of English 
  2. Mercy Chepkemoi  EM13/04012/14 (Masters in Curriculum and Instruction) Influence of Short Text Messaging Service on University Students’ Academic Writing in English in Kenya

External Examination

  1. 2014 October: (MA External Examiner) Ndung'u Anne Wanjiru's Report titled "Analysis of Morphological Processes of Loan Words from English to Kikuyu". Laikipia University. 
  2. Mambo Charles Chitechi -MA English Linguistics) (External examiner) Code-Switching in Religious Sermons in Kenya Assembles of God Churches in Mumias and Matungu Sub-Counties, Kakamega County, Kenya. Mt. Kenya University
  3. 2013 (Internal Examiner): Hellen Cherono Rotich (MA English Language and Linguistics)"An Investigation into the Communication Strategies in English Language Classrooms at Kericho Rehabilitation School and Children's Remand Home". Egerton University
  4. 2013 (Internal Examiner): Mbiyu Catherine Wanjiku (MA English Language and Linguistics) "Discursive Construction of Negotiation for Social Space across Genders: A Case Study of the Mugithi Song and Dance Performance in Kenya". Egerton University
  5. 2013 (Internal Examiner): Oongo Fredrick Owigo (MA English Language and Linguistics) "Morphological Nativization of English Loan Words in Dholuo: A Case Study of the System of the Southern Nyanza Dialect of Dholuo Speakers". Egerton University.

PhD Supervised to completion

  1. 2013- 2016 (Phd Supervised to completion): Kinuthia Jane Wanjiku (PhD English Language and Linguistics) "Gendered Identities and power relations in African Marriage Negotiation Discourse: The case of Gikuyu Community in Kenya".

Ongoing Doctor of Philosophy (English Language and Linguistics) Students co-supervised


  1. 2017 to Present (PhD Supervision ongoing): Hellen Cherono Rotich (PhD English Language and Linguistics)" Analysis of Argumentative Discourse of Members of County Assembly: A Case Study of Bomet County". Egerton University
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