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Prof. Catherine Wawasi. J Kitetu

Staff Information
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+254 0733 233 255
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+254 0743 2729 71
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Directorate / Dept
P.O Box 14785 -20100, Nakuru Kenya
  • Post doctrate training 2005, Learning Technologies in Education. Jerusalem. Israel
  • Ph.D degree (1998) Lancaster University UK

Course coverage:  Language in Education  and gender in Sciences; Culture; multilingualism; Discourse/language research methods and analysis.

  • Masters degree (1988) University of East Anglia UK,  School of English and Americam Studies

Course coverage: Sociolinguistics, English language Structure; First language acquisition; seond language acquisition; Thesis writing. 

  • Bachelor of Education degree (1980), University of Nairobi. Kenya

Course coverage: Linguistics; Kiswahili; History; Education Adminstration, Psychology and Statistics.

  • Kenya Advance Certificate of Education  ('A" Level)(1976)

Course coverage: English; Kiswahili; Geography; History 

  • Kenya Cambriage  Certificate of Education ("O: Level) (1974)

course coverage: English Language; Kiswahili Language; History; Geography; Mathematics, General science.

  • Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (1970)

Course coverage: English, Mathematics; Science.


Specialist in the field of Linguistics and Communication


  • Excellent written and oral skills in English, Kiswahili, Kitaita and some working knowledge of Kamba and kikuyu languages of Kenya. Excellent on interpersonal, organizational and communication skills; Strong in teaching, Applied linguistic research; Excellent training and mentoring skills; Excellent in analytical, synthesis and documentation skills.
  • Strong in personal drive, self starter, high levels of diligence and integrity, able to work under pressure to meet deadlines. Excellent skills in planning and adminstration.
  • Result oriented, visionary,and strategic thinker and  team work.  


2019 Technology enhanced learning by  Egerton University- PEDAL Sarova Hotel Nakuru

2018 International conference on music and performing Arts  by Kabarak University

2017 Care Work and Property in Plural Legal Systems by British council Nairobi

2014 Women leaders empowerment by KSG Mombasa

2014 Training of State officers on  management of  State officers  by Office of the President at Naivasha

2011 The Global Leadership Summit [Economic empowerment]  by CITAM  Nairobi 

2007 Women in Leadership and management in higher education  by Office of the president/EU Mbagathi Nairobi

2005 Financial management for Deans and Heads of Department by  A Federation of Kenya Employer’s course Egerton university

2004 Leadership and issues of HIV/AIDS by Egerton University/ CIDA, Lake Nakuru Lodge

2003 Trainers training of women in political leadership by Arva Consortium of USA at Kigali, Rwanda

2002 Women in Leadership and Management by Soroptimist Kenyan Chapter Training, ARC, Egerton University

2001 Family life education  by Center for Women Studies and Gender Analysis, Egerton University

2000   Women in Management  by Center for women studies and gender Analysis of Egerton University. Laikipia Hotel


2000  Conflict Management by Center for Conflict Management, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Egerton University

1995  Post graduate training on research methods by Lancaster University UK




  • 1991 to date: Lecturer at Egerton University at various levels
  • 2011: Lecturer on sabbatical at Kabarak University
  • 2001- 2003: Tutor for visiting US students (Egerton - Iowa link) on ‘Experience Kenya’
  • 1996-1998: Part time tutor for Language and Education, and Language and gender Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language Lancaster University
  • 1995: Invited guest Lecturer, Edge Hill College, Lancashire, UK   



  • 2013 Nov to 2017: Minister (County Executive member) Nakuru County Government
  • 2011 -2014: Ladies’ leader in Lakeview Africa Gospel local Church (Empowering  women in spiritual  areas of life)
  • 2012: Senate Representative for Faculty of Arts and Social Science Egerton  University
  • 2010-2018: Member of the Scott Christian University’s Governing Council, Kenya  (monitoring  the activities of the senate, the finances, and recruitments. Served as Chair of the academic affairs sub- committee
  • 2010-to-2012: Member of the Research Week Committee of Egerton University. (Participated in organizing the 3rd, 4th, and 5th international conferences for the University. Member of the exhibition sub-committee)
  • 2006 - 2008: Member of the Executive Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) Dakar Senegal.
  • 2007 -2009 Chairperson for the Kiswahili and other African languages Research group Egerton University.
  • 2006-2007 Member of Local Church Council for young adults, Lakeview Africa Gospel Church (AGC).
  • 2003  Director of Gender Institute of CODESRIA Dakar, Senegal. On the theme; Gender, Science and Technology.
  • 2003 -2006 Director for Lakeview Africa Gospel Church, Education ministry:
  • Chaired the Lakeview Africa Gospel Local Church Council’s task force on the Establishment of Africa Gospel Church Lakeview Academy.
  • 2000 – 2006 Head of Department of Languages and Linguistics, Egerton University.
  • 2000 – 2006   Member of Egerton University Senate. Participated in various committees namely:
    • Member of The Double in take committee – to look into the  logistics of students double intake  (2000)
    • Member of the Committee to look into the affairs of Laikipia Campus. (2001)
    • Member of The Committee on the establishment of Chuka Campus. (2005) now University.
    • Member of The Committee to oversee Education Media Center (2005-6)
    • Member of The Vice Chancellors committee on Students Halls. (2003-6)
    • Chair of The Vice Chancellor’s committee on Chinese teaching and links with the Chinese Embassy (2006)
  • 1992 -1994 Member, advisory committee of the Center for Women and Gender Analysis, Egerton University



  • 1986-1988: Member of the Setting and Moderating panel of the Kenya National Council, Swahili paper
  • 1983- 1991: Graduate teacher Kabarak High School, Nakuru       
  • 1980-1982: Graduate Teacher (TSC) at Bura Girls High School Taita
  • 1977 - 1980 Undergraduate studies Funded by Government of Kenya
  • 1987 - 1988 Masters Project on Language use in Kenyanchool school schools- Funded by Kabarak Trust 
  • 1994 - 1998 Ph.D project. Language use and gendered identities in Science Education in kenya. Funded by Commonwealth UK.
  • 2003 - 2006 Communication and gender in Agriculture Extension services: A Micro-interactional Analysis. Funded by AICAD
  • 2006 - 2009 Communication and adherence to Agricultural Technologies: The role of Farmer groups. Funded by AICAD
  • 2009 Gender and Migration in the UK: Issus of the Chama (  mini field research)
  • 2010. Language and gender in the woman to woman  (iweto) marriage (mini field research)
  • 2011.  Language and the use of the mobile phone: Issues of translation of technological terminologies (mini filed research)
  • 2016. Devolution, Gavana mashinani case of Nakuru County Government: Unpacking devolution and service delivery (Ongoing unfunded)
  • 2019. African Language Project, Deparment of Languages and Linguistics Egerton,  (seeking funding)
  • 2021Language and culture: The changing trends of politeness in Kenya

Research interests:

Language, linguistics and communication in the areas of Gender, Culture ad Education.  



Book publications

  1. Kitetu, C. (2018) Doing Discourse Analysis: Integrating Methods, Theories and Practice, Utafiti Foundation, Eldoret, Kenya. ISBN: 978-9966-26-136-6
  1. Kitetu, C and Mwenda Mukuthuria (2013) (eds) Research in social sciences: Preliminaries LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken Germany. ISBN No. 978-3-659-41330-8
  2. Kitetu, C. (2013) and Mwenda Mukuthuria (eds) Research in Social Sciences: Fieldwork. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken Germany. ISBN No. 978-3-659-41330-8
  3. Kioko A, Mbori B, Kitetu C, Ongarora D, Buliba A, Mworia F, Chai F, Babusa H, Mwaliwa H, Chacha L, Vifu S, Njoroge M, Lonyangapuo M,Njoka M, Ndugu R, Ogechi N (2012) (eds), A Unified Orthography for Bantu Languages of Kenya. CASAS Monograph No. 249 ISBN No. 978-1-920287-36-8
  1. Kitetu, C. (2008) (ed) Gender, Science and Technology: Some perspectives From Africa CODESRIA ISBN: 978-2-86978-221
  2. Kitetu, C. (2003) (ed) Social Science Research Vol 3 – Getting out of the field: Write-up, and beyond in Social Science Research . Egerton University Press


Book Chapters

  1. Kitetu, C. and Kioko, A (2013) 'Issues of Language and Gender in Iweto  marriage as practiced by the Kamba in Kenya' In Atanga, L. Sibole, E, Litosseliti, L. and Sunderland, J. Gender and Language in Sub- Saharan Afirca Tradition, stuggle and change. London. John Benjamin Publishing Company. p,1-25.
  2. Kitetu C. (2012) ‘Mutual Intelligibility among the Taita, Taveta and Pare Languages spoken in the Cross Border Area of South - Western Kenya and North –Eastern Tanzania’. In, Nathan Oyori Ogechi, Jane A. Ngala Oduor, and Peter Iribe Mwangi (eds). The Harmonization and Standardization of Kenyan Languages, Orthography and Other Aspects. Cape Town. CASAS (The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society) ISBN:  Series No. 87 P. 64- 80.
  3. Kitetu, C (2013) ‘An introduction to Social Science Research’ in Kitetu, C and Mwenda Mukuthuria (2013)(eds) Research in social sciences: Preliminaries LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken Germany. P. 1- 13.
  4. Kitetu, C (2013) ‘Writing a Research Proposal’ in Kitetu, C and Mwenda Mukuthuria (2013)(eds) Research in social sciences: Preliminaries LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken Germany p. 25 - 40
  5. Kitetu, C (2013) ‘Ethics in Field work’ in Kitetu, C (2013) Research in social sciences: Fieldwork. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken Germany ISBN No. 978-3-659-41330-8 31-43
  6. Kitetu, C (2003) An introduction: Data analysis, Write-up and Beyond in Social Sciences’ in Kitetu, C (2003)(ed) Research in social Sciences: Getting out of the Field Egerton University Press P. 1-7
  7. Kitetu, C (2003) ‘The process of write- up and finishing a Dissertation’. In Kitetu, C and Mwenda Mukuthuria (2012)(ed) Research in social sciences:Getting out of the Field . Egerton Press P. 50-63
  8. Kitetu, C (2003) ‘Writing Skills for Dissertation/Thesis/Research Project’. In Kitetu, C (2003)(ed) Research in social sciences:Getting out of the Field. Egerton Press P. 64-69
  9. Kitetu, C (2008) ‘Discourse and Practice of Science: Implication for Women in Africa’ In, Kitetu, C. (2008) (ed) Gender, Science and Technology: Some perspectives From Africa CODESRIA ISBN: 978-2-86978-221. P. 1-7


Articles in Journals

16. Gacheiya, R, M. Chai, F. na Kitetu, C. (2022)  “Gari ni Testing”: Uhalalishaji wa Mahusiano ya Kingono Miongoni mwa Wazulufu Nchini Kenya.”   Jarida La Afrika Mashariki La Masomo Ya Kiswahili, 5(1), 388-398.

17. Ndung’u, P., Gacheiya, R., & Kitetu C. (2022)  “Mitazamo ya Lugha na Utambulisho wa Kijamii Miongoni mwa Wazungumzaji wa Kĩndia na Kĩgĩchũgũ.”  Jarida La Afrika Mashariki La Masomo Ya Kiswahili, 5(1), 215-223. (East African Journal of Swahili Studies)

18. Gacheiya, R, M. Chai, F. na Kitetu, C.   (2022)  ” Mikakati ya Kimazungumzo katika Uumbaji wa Ujinsia wa Miongoni   mwa   Wazulufu   nchini  Kenya” International    Journal    of    Advanced    Research (IJAR)

19.  Ouma, M. Chai, F., Kitetu,C. (2021) “Demystifying the Privacy Myth: Navigating around Gate Keepers in Male Reproductive Health Clinic” East African Journal of Arts and  Social Sciences

20. Ouma, M., Chai, F., Kitetu, C. (2023)  ‘Huyu Mtu Hasimami’: Uhuishi katika Mazungumzo ya Daktari na Wanaume katika Kliniki ya Afya ya Uzazi, Kenya”  East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences

21. Kipyegon Rono, G., Kitetu, C.  na  Taib Ali, A. (2022)  "Muundo wa Mazungumzo ya Uuzaji na Ununuzi wa Nguo za Mitumba katika Soko Mjinga Kaptembwo"  East African Journal of Swahili Studies          , DOI ya Nakala:

22. Kipruto,M., Kitetu, C., Ongus, R.  (2021)  “Adapting Social Networking Sites for Scholarly Communication among Postgraduate Students in Kenyan Universities” Journal of Information and Knowledge DOI:

23.  Gacheiya, R., Chai, F., Kitetu, C. (2018) Discursive Construction of Sexuality Among School going Adolescents in            Kenya’ International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, ISSN 2321-9203. P. 15 -25.

24. Matasi,B., Chai, F., Kitetu, C. (2015) ‘Uchanganuzi wa athari za vitendo neni katika khutuba za ijumaa kwa waumini wa Bugisu Mashariki mwa uganda’. In Islamic University Journal Vol 4, no. 1 June P. 80 -92.

25. Nyaigoti, B.,  Kitetu, C (2014) ’The discursive construction and interpretation of Kenyan Newspaper Reports in the 2007 election campaigns. In Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social sciences and Education. XI, P 17 - 41

26. Kamau, N., Kitetu, C. Chai, F. (2014) ’Interactive monologues on FM Radio station in Kenya: case study of radio Citizen’. In Crossing Linguistic Borders in Post Colonial Anglophone Africa 188- 206

27. Kitetu, C (2013) 'Translation of ICT Terminologies from English to Mother tongue by Taita grass root ‘experts’: Steps towards Material Development for Teaching and Digitalization in African Languages’. In Bulletin De’Institut Fondamental D Afrique Noire. Cheikh Anta Diop, Serie B sciences Humaines Dakar Publication trimestielle. P. 159 -161

28. Kitetu, C. (2013) ‘Organisational Networks of Kenya Female Migrants in England: The Humble Chama now operating at Higher International Level’, In and Codesria .org. P. 12 -26

29. Abudi, M.; Yieke, F.; Kitetu, C. (2011) ‘The discursive Construction of Gender among Dholuo Speakers in Kenya’ in D. Majstorovic and I. Lassen Living with Patriarchy- Discursive Construction of Gendered Subjects Across Cultures. Philadelphia, U.S.A John Benjamin. p. 49 – 67.

30. Kitetu, C. and Chai, F. (2007) ‘Communication Strategies in Agriculture Extension: The Role of public meetings (Baraza) and Farmer groups in Kenya’. In Egerton Journal IX p. 129 – 148.

31. Kitetu, C. (2007) ‘Language and Gender: Changing Perspectives, Diversification of Contexts, Unanswered Questions’ in Egerton Journal Vol. VII special issue p.15-27.

32. Kitetu, C. (2006) ‘Which way Forward: Gender Theories, Debates and Practice After Nairobi and Beijing Conferences’ In Codesria Bulletin, Special Issue. The African Woman 1, 2006, p. 8 – 10.

33. Kitetu, C. and Ndambuki, J. (2004) ‘Disparities in Language use in Voting as an Aspect of the Democratization Process in Kenya’ In Momanyi and Wawire (eds) (2004) Disparities in Developing Countries, Types Challenges and the way Forward: Disparities in Social Sciences, Politics and Gender. Association of Third World Studies-Kenya Chapter. Vol.1. p. 191 – 198.

34. Kitetu, C. (2002) ‘Gender in Education: An overview of developing trends in Africa’. Crile working paper No. 54. Lancaster University

35. Kitetu, C and Sunderland, J, (2000) 'Gendered Discourses in the Classroom: The Importance of Cultural Diversity' in working papers in Applied Linguistics, Vol. 17, 2000, Temple University Japan p. 17 – 26.



  1. 2020 November Egerton University’s Virtual International Conference.   My paper "Protocol and Order During the Moaning Period for the Late President Moi: Understanding Official Discourse of the Disciplined Forces and Cultural Ideologies. 
  2. 2019 July  Seminar Series at Department of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, Egerton University Kenya. My paper ‘Academician in Government; Reflections as County Executive member, Nakuru County 2013- 2017.    
  3. 2018 June  Kabarak University Kenya,  International conference.
  4. 2017 Sept  Care work and property in Plural legal systems: High Court Judges of Kenya Workshop on ‘Women and Care’, British council Nairobi. Kenya. My paper,  ‘Iweto- woman to woman marriage in Kenya’. 
  5. 2014  August International Conference on African Languages and Literatures held at Kenyatta University, Kenya. Paper title: ‘The Challenge of Transferability in Translating from English into an African Language’ by  Jayne Mutiga,  Joyce Wangia and Catherine Kitetu
  6. 2012  June  Kabarak University Kenya. Conference. Paper title ‘Kenyan  Media and politics: Implications of the Print media’s use of foregrounding strategies in reporting election campaigns’ by Bichanga Nyaigoti, Onchoke Solomon and Catherine Kitetu 
  7. 2011 March   Lingua Pax International conference at Dakar, Senegal. My Paper title, ‘Translation of ICT Materials for Teaching and Digitalization in African Languages: Insight from Taita Language Grass Root ‘Experts’.  
  8. 2011 June  Kabarak University, Kenya. 1st International Conference. My Paper title, ‘Linguistic Challenges in Realising Science and Technological Development and Vision 2030 in Kenya, Proposals for a way forward’.
  9. 2011 Sept Egerton University Kenya. 5th International Conference. Paper title:‘Translation of Technological from English to Mother tongue  by Taita   language Grass root ‘Experts’: Language Issues for Transformative Research and Sustainable Development’  
  10.  2010 November CODESRIA’s Gender Symposium. Cairo Egypt. Paper title, ‘Organisational Networks of Kenyan Female Migrants: The Humble Chama Now  Operating  at Higher International Levels’
  11. 2009 September Egerton University Kenya.  3th International Conference. Paper  title; ‘Initiatives Towards Realisation of Sustainable Development: What is the Role of Linguistics?’ . 
  12. 2009 July  African Union, President Wade of  Senegal’s   and  President Gaddafi of Libya’s  Conference on United States of Africa. Dakar Senegal. Paper title: ‘Language Issues in the Envisioned United States of Africa’
  13. 2009 March Lingua Pax/UNESCO meeting.  Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Theme: ‘Linguistic diversity in Urban Centers’ Paper title: ‘Multilingualism the role of Advocacy groups’ 
  14. 2008 December CODESRIA General Assembly and Conference. Yaonde, Cameroon.Theme: ‘Governing public  Space’  
  15. 2008 October  Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Egerton University Kenya, Njoro Campus Research Week. Pape title ‘National Consciousness and Identity: Challenges of Multiculturalness and the Role Education Policy should have played’ 
  16. 2008 March    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Egerton University Kenya, seminar, Paper title: ‘Freedom and Higher Education Reforms in Kenya: Challenges of the New Millennium’ Laikipia College Campus 
  17. 2007 November  CODESRIA’s Gender Symposium  Cairo Egypt: Paper  title, ‘Gender and Modern day Slavery Dressed as Tourism: The Case of the Coastal Town of Malindi Kenya’
  18. 2007 April Egerton University Kenya. 2th International Conference. Paper title: ‘Communicative Strategies in Agriculture Extension: The role of Farmer groups’ 
  19. 2007 February UNESCO’s round table Conference on African languages. Addis Ababa Paper title: ‘A University Department’s Quest to Safeguard Indigenous Languages: Lessons from Egerton University Kenya’.               
  20. 2006 October FUTURES workshop, Pretoria, South Africa.  Paper title: ‘Technology an Agent of Cultural Transformation: Is there any Future for ICTs in  Africa?’ 
  21. 2006 September   Social Sciences Research Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa.Paper’s title: “Issues of  Diversities: Juggling, Global, Continental and Local Gender Issues in  Gender Research and Application. 
  22. 2005 December CODESRIA’s 11th General assembly. Maputo Mozambique. Paper title, ‘Farmer Groups as a Way of Mobilizing Citizen Participation in Development: An Example from Kenya’, 
  23. 2002 March IGALA Conference. Lancaster University. United Kingdom. Paper title ‘ I wish I were born a woman; gendered experiences and contestations    24. 1999 AILA  (Association Internationale de Linguistique Applique) International Association of Applied Linguists) conference  Tokyo Japan
  24. 1997 workshop on Language, gender and Education. USA, California

1987  Kabarak trust. Funding to do M.A studies

1994-1998   Commonwealth Scholarship Plan, Funding for Ph. D. studies

1999   AILA conference fund. Funding to attend conference in, Tokyo. Japan.

1996  Lancaster University, Departmental funding to attend workshop on Language, gender and Education in USA, California

1997   Family welfare trust fund UK. Funding for family upkeep

1997   African student trust fund UK. Funding for thesis binding

1999   Solidarity scholarship, to attend AILA World Congress, Tokyo, Japan

2000  A British Council award to participate in the Ethiopian Language teachers’


2003   AICAD (African Institute for Capacity Development) funding for a research project on ‘Communication Strategies and conversation of Extension Workers with Farmers’

2005  AICAD (African Institute for Capacity Development) funding for a research project on ‘Communication Strategies; the Role of the Farmer Groups’

2009   Egerton University Research Division funding for research groups

2016  Awarded  the best performing ministry department in the Nakuru County Government



Post graduate course:

ENGL 811 Research Methods (Ph.D)

KISW 851 Mbinu za utafiti katika lugha (Ph.D)

KISW 852 Maendeleo ya Lugha na Isimu (Ph.D)

ENGL 711 Research Techniques in linguistics (M.A)

ENGL 741 Discourse Analysis (M.A)

KISW 751 Mbinu za Utafiti (MA)

KISW 752 Uchanganuzi wa Usemi na Matini(MA)

KISW 716 Mawasiliano katika Kiswahili (MA)

KISW 712 Isimu jamii (MA)

Undergraduate courses:

KISW 425 Isimu jamii

KISW 426 Lugha na utamaduni.

KISW 111 Misingi ya Lugha na Isimu




Over 30 theses supervised. Sample below:

Njeri kamau 2014 an MA thesis
Karubiu Ann 2015 an MA thesis
Mary Gathitu 2017 an MA thesis
Loise Omolo 2017 an MA thesis
Karen Nyandiba, (2005) an M.A Project.
Roslyne A. Ogola (2007) an M.A Thesis
Makori, D. O. 2008 an M.A Project
Moses K. N. Chebonya (2009) an M.A Thesis
Weldon Kipngeno Kowogen (2010) an M.A Thesis
Bichanga W Nyaigoti (2010) an M.A Thesis.
Norah Bonareri Atambo (2011) an M.A Thesis
Abudi M. O (2011) an M.A Thesis
Margaret Baraza (2010) an M.A Thesis
Gedion Rono 2023 an MA Thesis


Dorothy Nyakwaka graduated 2013, A Ph. D Thesis of Egerton University

Matasi Badru Haroo graduated 2015,A  Ph. D Thesis of Egerton University
Raphael Gacheia graduated 2018, A Ph. D Thesis of Egerton University
Antony Somba 2019, Ph.D thesis of Kabarak University
Joyce Laboso-Abonyo. 2006 A Ph.D. Thesis of Egerton University
Ernest Mohochi. 2006 A Ph.D. Thesis of Egerton University

Melvin Atieno 2022 A Ph.D thesis of Egerton university

Fransisca Kamren A Ph. D thesis of Kabarak University
Ann Akoth Juma A Ph.D thesis of Egerton university
Bervely Ochieng A Ph.D thesis of Egerton university

Peris mwihaki A Ph.D thesis of Egerton University

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