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Mrs. Beatrice M. Onsarigo is a lecturer of Sociology and Peace Studies at Egerton University, Department of Peace, Security and Social Studies and a member of East African Universities International Humanitarian Law Round Table and all Africa's I.H.L. Trainer of Trainers.  She joined the department as an Assistant Lecturer in 1990.  She is currently the acting chair person of the department of Peace, Security and Social Studies since September 2017.

Mrs. Onsarigo acted as a departmental examination and Timetable Officer from 1991-12004, before she was appointed to chair the department between 2001-2004.  During her tenure as head of department she was involved in the development of Masters programmes in Sociology with various options of study.  These programmes have continued to attract many students even todate.

Mrs. Onsarigo has served as a departmental co-ordinator in Nakuru Town Campus for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology and Security Studies as while as Masters programmes in Criminology and Criminal Justice and Security Management. The co-ordinator of these programmes demanded a close working relationships with the part time lecturers and students to ensure the smooth running of University operations.

On academic projects Mrs. Onsarigo has been involved in the development of academic material for OSSREA Post Graduate Gender Studies Programme in Sub-Saharan Africa Higher Learning Institutions with Prof. Ondimu and Prof. Keraro of Egerton University in 2012 in the area of; Gender and Population Dynamics in Kenya.  She has also been involved in a Departmental Academic Project with the Department of Probation and Aftercare Services.  This project had two key activities;

  • Develop a postgraduate course for probation and aftercare service and
  • Develop teaching course modules for the various courses.

The two activities were accomplished, however the teaching of the programme has not yet started.  Mrs. Onsarigo has served as a board member to the centre of conflict resolution Kenya (CCR-Kenya), Kilimo High School, Loreto High School and is currently a member of the Nakuru Minicipal Board, that is instrumental in implementing key projects and policies within the Municipality.


  • September 1990: Post Graduate Diploma in Extension, Administration and Management IN Rural Development - Germany Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture University of Witzenhausen
  • 30th November 1989 - Diploma at Sozialwirt equivalent to Masters in Social Science.  Thesis: Social-Economic and Cultural Factors influencing Population growth rate in Kenya (In German Language) University of Goettingen Germany
  • 20.06.1983: Diploma in Deutsch Fuer - Auslander Media Institut Internationale Frankfurt am Main
  • 1979:  East African Advanced Certificate of Education (A Level) 3 Principles 1 Subsidiary Kereri Girls
  • 1977: East African Certificate of Education (O Level) Division 2 Asumbi Girls
  • Gender and Development issues
  • Urbanization and development
  • Conflict Resolution and Management
  • Internal Humanitarian Laws
  • Political Sociology
  • Criminology
  1. March 2000 - Course in Human Rights and conflict Management presented by: Five center for Conflicts Resolution, Cape Town
  2. August 2001 - CODESRIA Governance Institute. Theme: Democratization and electoral processes in Africa, Dakar Senegal
  3. November 2001 - All _ Africa Course on International Humanization Law Pretoria South Africa
  4. October 2005 - University for Peace; Developing Research skills and conceptual capacity for Peace Building and Development Dakar Senegal
  5. May 2007 - Leadership and Management in Higher education KCCT Mbagathi _ Nairobi _ Kenya
  6. June 2014 - Training of Trainers on Human Rights United Nation Office – Kenya
  7. November 2016 - Completed the requirements for certification as a professional mediator with mediation Training Institute International U.S.A
  8. April 2016 - successfully completed an Integrity assurance officers course conducted by the Ethics and Anti-corruption commission at ARC HOTEL - Egerton University
  9. July 2018 - PEDAL Training on catalyzing systematic change in Teaching and Learning in African Universities. Organized by PASGR and UKaid

September 2017 to Date: Ag COD of Peace, Security and Social Studies. The chair of department is an academic and administrative position that entails the following responsibilities:

  1. Promote efficient management of the department
  2. Articulate vision, mission and objectives of the department
  3. Implement the objectives of the department
  4. Convener of departmental meetings
  5. Represent the department in the faculty, senate and other organs
  6. Manage academic programs (Chief Examiner )
  7. Provide a conducive working environment for all staff in the department
  8. Perform any other duties assigned/ delegated by Dean, DVC (AA) and Vice Chancellor

2012- 2017: Co-ordinator NTC. Responsible for coordinating departmental work to ensure effective running of programmes
1991- 2001: Departmental and Timetabling Officer Responsible for all examination and Timetabling issues of the department

  1. B. Onsarigo, The role of women in Peace Building in Kenya, Edited by Eddy Maloka (2001): A united states of Africa, Pretoria S. Africa
  2. B. Onsarigo, Factors influencing women’s participation in Democratization and Electoral processes in Kenya. A cause study of Guzii women 1992_1997, Edited by Tukumki Lumumba Kasongo (2005) Liberal Democracy and its critics in Africa, ZED Books, London
  3. B. Onsarigo and Hadija M. Murenga, Factors influencing conflicts in institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya, in: Ruwaza Africa, Journal of contemporary Research in Humanities and social sciences -Vol. 3 No. 1 October 2015
  4. Obadia Tinega Nyariki , Erick K. Bor and Beatrice Onsarigo, Effects of custodial sentence on Recidivism at Shimo La Tewa prison in Mombasa County Kenya, International Academic Journal of Law and Society, Volume 1, issue 2 pp 227 - 241 2019

Teaching Modules development.

  1. OCI 204 - Social Institutions
  2. MILS 411 - Armed conflict and International Humanization Law
  3. CRSS 100 - Introduction to criminology
  4. CRSS 207 - Crime and Conflict
  5. SOCI 314 - Gender issues and Development
  6. SIHL 100 - Society and International Humanization Law
  1. First Research week and International conference held at ARC 2006. Presented a paper on: Civil Servants and their role in combating corruption; A sociological perspective.
  2. Second Research Week and International Conference held at ARC July 2007.
  3. 10th Egerton International Conference and Agriculture Summit held on 30th March – 1st April 2016; Theme Research and Innovation for the Advancement of Humanity. Presented a paper on; Influence of social and economic factors on implementation of children’s Rights.

My teaching is geared towards producing wholistic students who are self driven. They should be able to critical analyze society problems as well as find solutions to them. I expect my students to be critical thinkers in all aspects of society. They should be able to analyze situations, contribute to discussions and class presentations. Through this approach they learn to be independent thinkers and solution providers. Therefore such students are expected to be dependent upon as change agents of society as well as problem solvers.



  1. Joseph O. Nyandoro (MSc MRPP), Social and Economic Factors affecting implementation of children’s Rights Policy in Nakuru County, Kenya (2016).
  2. Obadia T. Nyariki (M.A. CRIM); Effects of custodial sentence on recidivism at Shim La Tewa Prison in Mombasa County, Kenya (2019)
  3. Lucy A. Yuya (M.A. Sociology), Dynamics of Women in Polygamous unions in Ugenya Sub-County Siaya County. (Currently being examined)

I have internally examined several Masters students works without any challenges before the CUE requirements came into force.

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