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Kibet is an Associate Professor of Economics at Egerton University with broad experience in research, consultancy and teaching. He has a good experience in management, having served as Chair of Economics Department and Dean of Faculty of Commerce; coupled with several opportunities of service in various University committees and boards. The consultancies involved in include assessment and reviews of reports, projects and proposals for National Bio-safety Authority, National environmental Management Authority, and several international refereed journals. He has served in several Editorial Boards of refereed international journals. Besides successfully supervising over 5 PhD students and over 20 Masters students Prof. Kibet has been an external examiner of Kabarak University, Meru University of Science and Technology and Moi University. He has actively participated in several funded research and consultancy projects.

He has widely published over 30 journal papers in refereed international Journals, four books and several refereed university learning manuals; apart from participating in numerous international conferences, seminars and workshops. Having taught in the University level for 30 years now, he has lectured a broad spectrum of undergraduate course units in economics that include: microeconomics, mathematics for economists, statistical economics, econometrics, macroeconomics, operations research, research methods, international economics, environmental economics, resource economics, energy economics, entrepreneurship economics, labor economics and supervised research projects. At the postgraduate level he has taught microeconomics, international economics, research methods and environmental economics.

Socially, Prof Kibet is a holistic academician and researcher who easily interacts well with members of the society both inside and outside the academic cycles; being an active member of local institutions, churches and communities.




2000-2008: Doctor of Philosophy in Economics - Egerton University

1988-1990: Master of Arts in Economics - M.S. University of Baroda

1985-1988: Bachelor of Commerce - R.D.V. Jabalpur University

1983-1984: K.A.C.E - Kisii High School

1979-1982: K.C.E - Kisii High School

1972-1978: C.P.E. - Langata Road Primary

  • International Trade
  • Microeconomics & Environmental Economics

2017 to Date: Member, Editorial Board of Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development   (JAERD)- An International, Monthly, Refereed Journal

2017 to Date: Member, Editorial Board of Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development (JDAE)- An International, Monthly, Refereed Journal

2016 to Date: Member, Editorial Review Board of Amity Journal of Economics - An International, Biannual, Refereed Journal of Economics

2015 to Date: Member, Kenya Environment Institute

2015 to 2017: Member, European Center for Research Training and Development UK (ECRTD).

2015 to Date: Member, National Cohesion and National Values Mainstreaming Committee, Egerton University Chapter

2015 to Date: Associate Expert, EIA - National Environmental Management Authority, Kenya


May 2018 to date: Associate Professor, Economics Department, Egerton University

Nov. 2014 to June 2017: Chairman of Department, Department of Economics, Egerton University.

March 2013 to May 2018: Senior Lecturer, Economics Department, Egerton University

Oct.2011 – March 2013: Lecturer, Economics Department, Egerton University

Oct 2008 - April 2011: Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Egerton University

2005 – 2008: Coordinator of Economics, Department of Sociology Anthropology and Economics, Egerton University

Oct 1991 – Oct 2008: Lecturer, Economics Department, Egerton University

Sept 1990 – Oct 1991: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management

  • July 1993 – Nov 1997: The Marketing System of Oil Crops in Kenya, VOPS(K) - IDRC
  • Oct 2005 – July 2008: Influence of Credit Access on Household Saving: Case of Farmers, Teachers and Small Businessmen in Rural Nakuru - Egerton University
  • Nov 2014 – to May 2016: Impact of Microfinance Act 2006 and SACCO Societies Act 2008 on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Nakuru - Egerton University
  • Jan – 2015 - Nov 2015: Training on Market Access for Sustainable Development (MASD). A refresher course for alumni of the Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) - Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation (CDI)


  • Financial Economics
  • International Trade
  • Production & Environmental Economics
  1. Naftaly G. Mose, Symon K. Kiprop and Lawrence K. Kibet (2020) An Analysis of Optimal Government Size for Growth: Application of Scully Model in Kenyan Counties. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation. Vol.9(1) pp.22-30
  2. Naftaly G. Mose and Lawrence K. Kibet (2020) An Analysis of Optimal Government Size for Growth: Application of Scully Model in Kenyan Counties. Paper presented at the Kabarak University International Conference on Business and Economics. 17th – 18th Sept. 2019, Nakuru, Kenya.
  3. Monica Wanjiru Muiru, Lawrence K. Kibet and Fredrick Kalui (2019) Foreign Exchange Risk Hedging, Corporate Governance and Financial Perfomance: Evidence from Kenya. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol.10(5) pp.88-100
  4. Naftaly G. Mose, Symon K. Kiprop and Lawrence K. Kibet (2019) Growth Effect of Non-Devolved Government Expenditure: Evidence from ARDL Approach to Co-integration. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. Vol.10(14) pp.119-125
  5. L.K. Kibet “Emerging and Crosscutting Issues in Environment and Energy Management”.Address given as Guest Speaker in 9th Annual International Research on Sustainable Management of the Environment for Socio-Economic Development. Conference. Organized and Sponsored by Kabarak University. Held at Kabarak University on 16th – 20th Sept, 2019,
  6. Naftaly Mose, Lawrence Kibet and Symon Kiprop (2019) Effect of County Government Expenditure on gross county product in Kenya: A Panel Data Analysis. African Journal of Business Management. Vol.13(13) pp.428-437
  7. Kaboro, Jane, Kalio Aquilars and Lawrence Kibet (2018) The Effect of Real Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate Convergence on Exchange Rate Volatility in Search for the East African Monetary Union. Journal of Economics and International Finance. Vol.10(6) pp.65-76
  8. Bonface M. Mujuri, Lawrence Kibet and Symon Kiprop (2018) Effect of Financial Innovation on Money Demand in Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. Vol.9(16) pp.163-182
  9. Charity T. Kingi, Symon K. Kiprop and Lawrence K. Kibet (2017) Effect of Remittances on Economic Growth of Sub-Saharan African Countries. European Journal of Business and Management. Vol.9(26) pp.47-55
  10. Lawrence Were, Lawrence K. Kibet, Aquilars M. Kalio and Naftaly Mose (2018) Effect of Research and Development on Agricultural Sector Growth in the East African Community. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. Vol. 10(2) pp.45-54.
  11. Samuel O. Onyuma and Lawrence K. Kibet (2017) Does Economic Growth Influence the Relationship Between Financial Intermediaries and Securities Market Development in Kenya? Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development.           Vol.8(16) pp.19-30
  12. Loice Koskei, Lawrence K. Kibet and Andrew Nyang’au (2016) A Comparison of the Effect of Foreign Portfolio Equity on Stock Returns of Listed Banking and Non- Banking Institutions in Kenya. African Journal of Business Management. Vol.10(22) pp.569-575
  13. L.K. Kibet, (2016) Intermediate Macroeconomics for Business. Egerton University, E-Learning Module.
  14. Loice Koskei, Lawrence K. Kibet and Andrew Nyang’au (2016) The Effect of Foreign Portfolio Equity and Exchange Rate Risk on Stock Returns of Commercial Banks in Kenya. African Journal of Business Management. Vol.10(22) pp.563-568
  15. Loice Koskei, Lawrence K. Kibet and Andrew Nyang’au (2016) The Influence of Exchange Rate Risk and Foreign Portfolio Equity on Stock Returns of Commercial Banks in Kenya. International Journal of Development Research. . Vol.10(22) pp.569-575
  16. Oliver Barasa, Lawrence K. Kibet and Hillary Bett (2016) Digital Financial Services Insights and Loan Repayment in Microfinance Institutions: A Study of Smallscale Dairy Farmers in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. 4(3), 562-564.
  17. Gitundu, Esther Wanjugu, Symon Kibet Kiprop, Lawrence Kangogo Kibet and Sifunjo E. Kisaka (2016) Corporate Governance and Financial Performance: Theoretical and Philosophical Predicaments in Research. European Journal of Business and Management. Vol.8(11), 164-174
  18. Kirui Harrizon, Mutai K. Benjamin, Kibet K. Lawrence and Macharia Anthony (2016) Determinants of Tea Marketing Channel Choice and Sales Intensity among Smallholder Farmers in Kericho District, Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. 7(7), 105-114.
  19. Philemon K. Lagat, Lawrence K. Kibet and Gideon A. Obare (2016) Factors Determining Choice of Clean Domestic Energy by Households in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. 7(8) 65-71.
  20. Esther Wanjugu Gitundu, Symon Kibet Kiprop, Lawrence Kangogo Kibet and Sifunjo E. Kisaka (2016) The Influence of Ownership Structure on Financial Performance of Privatized Companies in Kenya. African Journal of Business Management. 10(4), 75-88.
  21. Esther Wanjugu Gitundu, Lawrence Kangogo Kibet, Symon Kibet Kiprop and Sifunjo E. Kisaka (2016) The Changing Role of Government in Commercial Activities: A Literature Review of the Kenyan Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. International Journal of Development Research. 6(2), 6847-6854.
  22. Esther Wanjugu Gitundu, Sifunjo E. Kisaka, Symon Kibet Kiprop and Lawrence Kangogo Kibet (2016) The Effects of Ownership and Corporate Governance Reforms on Efficiency of Privatized Companies in Kenya. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 6(1), 323-331
  23. Nixon K. Rono, Lawrence Kibet, Symon Kiprop and Moses M. Mwito (2015) Effect of Non-Bank Financial Institutions Credit on Poverty Reduction in Kenya: A Co-Intergration (1980-2013). European Journal of Business and Social Science. Vol.4 No.07, 126-141.
  24. Matuka, S.M., L.K. Kibet, J.P. Maloba, G.M. Beneti and S.O. Handa and R.A. Nyang’aya (2015) Principles of Macroeconomics for Business. Egerton University, E-Learning Module.
  25. Moses M. Mwito, R. Njeri Muhia, Lawrence Kibet and Symon Kiprop (2015) Does the Marshall-Lerner Condition Hold for Kenya’s Bilateral Trade? A Dynamic Panel Data Approach. Forthcoming in African Journal of Business Management.
  26. Gitundu, E.W., Kibet, L.K. Kisaka, S.E. and Kiprop, S.K. (2015) The Influence of Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance Reforms on Proffitability and Market Value of Privatized Companies in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. Vol.III(12), 314-330
  27. Gitundu, Esther Wanjugu, Sifunjo E. Kisaka, Kibet Lawrence Kangogo and Kiprop Symon Kibet (2015) The influence of Change in Corporate Governance on Financial Performance of Privatized Companies in Kenya Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol.6(22), 94-104.
  28. Gitundu, Esther Wanjugu, Sifunjo E. Kisaka, Kiprop Symon Kibet and Kibet Lawrence Kangogo (2015) Corporate Ownership and Financial Performance: A comparison between Privatized and other Publicly Listed Companies in Kenya America Journal of Research Communication. Vol.3(12), 32-48.    
  29. Tumwet, Emily, Ronald Chepkilot and Lawrence K. Kibet (2015) Effects of Employee Incentives on Employee Performance in Private Universities in Kenya: A Case of Kabarak University. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation. 3(2), 9-22
  30. P.K. Yegon, J.K. Lagat and L.K. Kibet (2015) Determinants of Technical Efficiency in Smallholder Soybean Production in Bomet District, Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. 7(5), 190-194.
  31. Asienga, Irene C., Roger Perman and Lawrence K. Kibet (2015) The Role of Fencing on Marginal Productivity of Labour, Land and Capital in ASAL Regions of Kenya. International Journal of Development and Economics Sustainability. Vol.3(11) 62-78.
  32. Kiprop, Mercy J., Aquilars Kalio, Lawrence Kibet and Symon Kiprop (2015) Effect of Financial Development on Economic Growth in Kenya: Evidence from Time Series Analysis. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences. Vol.3(11) 62-78.
  33. L.K. Kibet, S.M. Matuka, J.P. Maloba, G.M. Beneti, and R.A. Nyang’aya (2015) Introduction to Microeconomics for Business. Egerton University E-Learning Module.
  34. Koech, K. Erick, Mutai K. Benjamin, Kibet, K. Lawrence and Kosgei, K. Geoffrey (2015) Determinants of Market Facilitators Choice by Smallholder Farmers in Laikipia County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. Vol.8(1) 78-82.
  35. Naftaly Gisore, Symon Kiprop, Aquilars Kalio, James Ochieng and Lawrence Kibet (2014) Effect of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in East Africa: A Disaggregated Model. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences. Vol.3 (8) 289-304.
  36. Shadrack M. Kitavi, Lawrence K. Kibet Job K. Lagat and Walter Koech (2014) Evaluation of Technical Efficiency of Rabbit Producers in Buuri Sub-county, Meru County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol.1(5), 1-20.
  37. Kibet L.K., P.K. Langat, and G. Obare (2014) Effect of income on demand for Clean Domestic Energy by Households in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Paper presented at 8th Egerton University International Conference. Organized and Sponsored by Egerton University. On 26th – 28th March, 2014
  38. Naftaly Mose, Aquilars Kalio, Symon Kiprop, Lawrence Kibet and James Babu (2014) Effect of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in East Africa: Panel Data Analysis Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. Vol.2(4) 428-444.
  39. Isaac Koimur, Lawrence K. Kangogo and Richard Bitange Nyaoga (2014) Assessment of Commuter Preferences of 14-seater Public Service Vehicles versus Alternative Modes of Public Service Transport in Nairobi City. Journal of Business Economics and Finance. Vol.3(1): 115-132.
  40. Walter Koech, Gicuru K. Ithinji, Lawrence K. Kibet and Evans Ngenoh (2014) Evaluation of Allocative Efficiency of Small-scale Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Production in Bureti District, Kenya. Agricultural Journal. Vol.9 Issue 1; 61-67.
  41. Sigei K. Geoffrey; Hillary K. Bett; Kibet K. Lawrence and Mutai C. Mary (2013) Determinants of Market Participation among Small-Scale Pineapple Farmers in Kericho County, Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development (JESD). Vol.4(19): 59-66
  42. Lilly W. Njanja, R.N. Maina, L.K. Kibet and Kageni Njagi (2013) Effect of Reward on Employee Performance at Kenya Power and Lighting Company Ltd., Nakuru. International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM). Vol.8(21): 41-49
  43. Walter Koech, Gicuru K. Ithinji and Lawrence K. Kibet (2013) Evaluating Technical Efficiency of Small-scale Pineapple (ananas comosus) Production in Bureti District, Kenya. Current Research Journal of Social Science. Vol.5(6): 192-196.
  44. Benjamin K. Mutai, Elvi N. Agunda, Augustus S. Muluvi and Lawrence K. Kibet and Mary C. Maina (2013) Determinants of Smallholder Sweet Potato Farmers Participation in Different Market Options: The case of Vihiga County, Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. Vol. 5(8): 314-320.
  45. L.K. Kibet “Explaining Institutional Inefficiencies Using Phillips Curve: Trade-off Between Unemployment and Inflation” Paper submitted for Egerton University Research Week and International Conference held at Egerton University on Sept 2012.
  46. Mwema, C.M., B.K. Mutai, J.K. Lagat, and L.K. Kibet (2012) Contribution of Selected Indigenous Fruits on Household Income and Food Security in Mwingi, Kenya. Current Research Journal of Social Science. Maxwell Science Publication. Vol. 4(6), pp. 425-530
  47. Kibet, L.K., B.K. Mutai, D.E. Ouma and A.S. Ouma (2009) Influence of Credit Access on Household Saving: A Comparative Study of Teachers, Entrepreneurs and Farmers in the Rural Nakuru. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology. Vol.9. 77-86, Egerton University Press.
  48. Kibet, L.K., B.K. Mutai, D.E. Ouma, A.S. Ouma and G. Owuor (2009) Determinants of Household Saving: Case Study of Smallholder Farmers, Entrepreneurs and Teachers in Rural Areas of Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. Vol. 1(7), pp. 137-143.
  49. Matuka, S.M., L.K. Kibet, J.P. Maloba, G.M. Beneti and S.O. Handa (2008) Principles of Macroeconomics. Egerton University Press, Egerton.
  50. L.K. Kibet, B.K. Mutai and D.E. Ouma “Influence of Credit Access on Household Saving: A Comparative Study of Teachers, Entrepreneurs and Farmers in the Rural Nakuru” Paper submitted for Egerton University Research Week and International Conference held at Egerton University on 16th – 20th July 2007.
  51. Matuka, S.M., L.K. Kibet, J.P. Maloba and G.M. Beneti (2007) Introduction to Microeconomics. Egerton University Press, Egerton.
  52. Kibet, L.K., B.K. Mutai, D.E. Ouma and A.S. Ouma “Determinants of Household Savings: Case of Teachers, Entrepreneurs and Farmers in the Rural Nakuru” Paper presented at Egerton University Research Week held at Egerton University on 17th – 21st July 2006.
  53. Kibet, L.K. “Use of Environmental Accounting To Estimate Optimal Extraction Levels For Quarries: Case Of Nakuru Town”   A Paper Presented at Beijer Institute Of Ecological Economics For Teaching Workshop On Ecological Economics held at Addis Ababa On 4th – 15th January 2004
  54. Kibet, L.K. & C.M. Elijah (2003) The Economic Performance in Kenya’s Manufacturing Sector. Egerton Journal. Vol.4 (2&3) 238-255.
  55. Kibet, L.K. “Externality Costs of Sand Harvesting on Household Rents: Case of Barut Location, Nakuru District.” A Paper Presented at Research Workshop by Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics held at Mombasa On 27th -30th Oct 2002..
  56. Kibet, L.K. “Property Rights and Environmental Degradation in Pastoral Regions of Kenya” A Paper Presented at Beijer Institute Of Ecological Economics For Teaching Workshop On Ecological Economics held at Zanzibar on Sept. 2001.
  57. Maritim, H.K., Kapsoot C., Kangogo, L. & Mwakubo, S. “The Marketing System of Oil Crops in Kenya.” Paper presented in the proceedings of VOPS(K) IDRC Sponsored Workshop at Egerton on 29th – 30th April 1997.
  1. April, 1997: Maritim, H.K., Kapsoot C., Kangogo, L. & Mwakubo, S. “The Marketing System of Oil Crops in Kenya.” Paper presented in the proceedings of VOPS(K) IDRC Sponsored Workshop at Egerton on 29th – 30th April 1997.
  2. September 2001: Kibet, L.K. “Property Rights and Environmental Degradation in Pastoral Regions of Kenya” A Paper Presented at Beijer Institute Of Ecological Economics For Teaching Workshop On Ecological Economics held at Zanzibar on Sept. 2001.
  3. October 2002: Kibet, L.K. “Externality Costs of Sand Harvesting on Household Rents: Case of Barut Location, Nakuru District.” A Paper Presented at Research Workshop by Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics held at Mombasa On 4th – 15th January 2004.
  4. January 2004: Kibet, L.K. “Use of Environmental Accounting To Estimate Optimal Extraction Levels For Quarries: Case Of Nakuru Town” A Paper Presented at Beijer Institute Of Ecological Economics For Teaching Workshop On Ecological Economics held at Addis Ababa On 4th – 15th January 2004
  5. July 2006: Kibet, L.K., B.K. Mutai, D.E. Ouma and A.S. Ouma “Determinants of Household Savings: Case of Teachers, Entrepreneurs and Farmers in the Rural Nakuru” Paper presented at Egerton University Research Week held at Egerton University on 17th – 21st July 2006.
  6. July 2007: Kibet, L.K., B.K. Mutai, D.E. Ouma and A.S. Ouma “Influence of Credit Access on Household Saving: A Comparative Study of Teachers, Entrepreneurs and Farmers in the Rural Nakuru” Paper submitted for Egerton University Research Week and International Conference held at Egerton University on 16th – 20th July 2007.
  7. September 2012: Kibet, L.K. “Explaining Institutional Inefficiencies Using Phillips Curve: Trade-off Between Unemployment and Inflation” Paper submitted for Egerton University Research Week and International Conference held at Egerton University on Sept 2012.
  8. Oct 2013: Emily Tumwet, Ronald Chepkilot and Lawrence K. Kibet: Effects of Employee Incentives on Employee Performance in Private Universities in Kenya: A Case of Kabarak University. Paper presented at Kabarak University 3rd Annual International Conference. 15-18th Oct 2013
  9. March 2014: Kibet L.K., P.K. Langat, and G. Obare (2014) Effect of income on demand for Clean Domestic Energy by Households in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Paper presented at 8th Egerton University International Conference. Organized and Sponsored by Egerton University. On 26th – 28th March, 2014
  10. July 2015: Peter Pembee, Lawrence K. Kibet and Cynthia J. Kipchillat: Factors Influencing the Use of Library Information Systems by Staff and Students in Kabarak University. Paper presented at Kabarak University 5th Annual International Conference. 14th -17th July 2015
  11. Sept 2019: L.K. Kibet “Emerging and Crosscutting Issues in Environment and Energy Management”.Address given as Guest Speaker in 9th Annual International Research on Sustainable Management of the Environment for Socio-Economic Development. Conference. Organized and Sponsored by Kabarak University. Held at Kabarak University on 16th – 20th Sept, 2019,
  12. Sept 2019: Naftaly G. Mose and Lawrence K. Kibet (2020) An Analysis of Optimal Government Size for Growth: Application of Scully Model in Kenyan Counties. Paper presented at the Kabarak University International Conference on Business and Economics. 17th – 18th Sept. 2019, Nakuru, Kenya.
  • Research Methods
  • International Economics
  • Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
  • Microeconomics
  • Public Finance
  • Macroeconomics
  • Mathematics for Economists
  • Economic Statistics
  • Econometrics
  • Operations Research
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