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Dr Mary Mathenge

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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Agriculture
Directorate / Dept
Main Campus, Njoro
P. O. Box 43913-00100 Nairobi

Dr. Mathenge is an agricultural economist with a firm background in economic theory and applied econometrics. She has strong analytical and quantitative skills, demonstrated leadership qualities and is team player, working effectively and seamlessly across diverse groups.

  1. 2008: Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University, USA
  2. 1995: Master of Science (MSc), Agricultural Economics, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  3. 1990: Bachelor of Science (BSc), Agricultural Economics Honors, Egerton University, Kenya

Internationals development, agricultural policy and price analysis, applied econometrics

  1. 2017: Corporate Governance Training Course, Center for Corporate Governance
  2. 2016: End Note Basic, Thomson Reuters
  3. Proficient in analytical softwares --SPSS, Stata, EViews


Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, Egerton University, Kenya

Director, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, Egerton University, Kenya

Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, Egerton University, Kenya

Graduate Research Assistant, Food Security Project, Department of Agricultural Economics, (MSU), USA

Research Fellow, Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, Egerton University, Kenya

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, Egerton University, Kenya

Teaching Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics, Egerton University, Kenya


Below are some key projects supervised/participated:

  1. Assessing Impacts of Maize Hybrids in Kenya: A Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) (2012 to 2017)
  2. Tegemeo Agricultural Policy Research and Analysis (TAPRA) II Program (2012 to 2017)
  3. Varietal Monitoring and Adoption Estimates in Tanzania (2014 to 2017)
  4. Making Agri-food Systems Work for the Rural Poor in East and Southern Africa in collaboration with other national and regional organizations (2010 –2013)
  5. Climate Change and Rural Livelihood (2010 - 2013)
  6. Improving Participation in Agricultural Commodity Markets for Smallholder Farmers in Kenya: Assessing Growth Opportunities for the Marginalized Groups (2011-2013)
  7. Access to Infrastructure and Shared Growth in Kenya (2010 )
  8. Market Participation among Marginalized Groups in Kenya and Uganda in collaboration with ICRAF and Makerere University (2009-2010)
  9. Several Monitoring and Evaluation activities and impact assessment studies for government, donors and other stakeholders, e.g.
    • Baseline study for the Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) under the Ministry of Agriculture – 2010/2011
    • Impact Assessment for the Agricultural Sector Program Support (ASPS) under the Ministry of Agriculture – 2009/10
    • Baseline Study for interventions of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) for Kenya (2009 – 2010)
    • Baseline study for TechnoServe’s Coffee Initiative Project (Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania)- 2008/09
    • Monitoring of key indicators for interventions by USAID under their Strategic Objective (SO) 7 of Increased Rural Household Income (2008-2011).
    • Feed the Future (FtF) Population Based Surveys in Kenya ( 2013 to 2015)

Rural income growth and diversification, farm and non-farm linkages, agricultural productivity and input demand analysis, agricultural policy and applied econometrics

  1. Gwako, G., Mathenge, M.K., Gido, E., and K. Kgosikoma. (2021). The Effects of Commercialization on Household Welfare among Smallholder Goat Farmers in Botswana. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 2(60) 151-160.
  2. Ochieng, J., Kirimi, L., Ochieng, D.o., Njagi, T., Mathenge, M., Gitau, R., Ayieko, M. (2020). Managing climate risk through crop diversification in rural Kenya. Climate Change, 162, 1107-1125.
  3. Oduol, J.B.A., Mith€ofer, D., Place, F., Nang'ole, E., Olwande, J., Kirimi L., and M. Mathenge. (2017). Women's participation in high value agricultural commodity chains in Kenya: Strategies for closing the gender gap. Journal of Rural Studies 50, 228-239,
  4. Smale, M., Kusunose, Y., Mathenge, M.K. and Alia, D. (2016). Destination or Distraction? Querying the Linkage between Off-Farm Work and Food Crop Investments in Kenya. Journal of African Economies, 25 (3), 388–417.
  5. Ochieng, J., Kirimi, L. and  Mathenge, M. (2016). Effects of climate variability and change on agricultural production: The case of small scale farmers in Kenya. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 77, 71–78,
  6. Mathenge, M.K., and D. Tschirley. (2015). Off-farm Labour Market Decisions and Agricultural Shocks for Rural Households of Kenya. Agricultural Economics, 46, 1-14.
  7. Olwande, J., Smale, M., Mathenge, M. K., Place, F., and D. Mithöfer. (2015). Agricultural Marketing by Smallholders in Kenya: A comparison of Maize, Kale and Dairy. Food Policy, 52, 22-32.
  8. Mathenge, M., Smale, M., and D. Tschirley. (2015). Off-farm Employment and Input Intensification among Smallholder Maize Farmers in Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 66 (2), 519-536. doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12093
  9. Mathenge, M.K., Smale, M., and J. Olwande. (2014). The Impacts of Hybrid Maize Seed on the Welfare of Farming Households in Kenya. Food Policy, 44, 262-271.
  10. Mwaura, S. N., Muluvi, A. S. and M. Mathenge. (2014). African Leafy Vegetables and Household Wellbeing in Kenya: A Disaggregation by Gender. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (4), 82-94.
  11. Ogada, M. J., Muchai, D., Mwabu, G., and M. Mathenge. (2014). Technical Efficiency of Kenya’s Smallholder Food Crop Farmers: Do Environmental Factors Matter? Environment, Development and Sustainability, 16 (5), 1065-1076. DOI 10.1007/s10668-014-9513-1


  1. Bird, S., Carter, M., Lybbert, T., Mathenge, M., Njagi, T., and E. Tjernstrom. (2020). Filing a Niche? The Maize Productivity Impacts of Adaptive Breeding by a Local Seed Company in Kenya. NBER Working Paper 27636, 2020.
  2. Wanyama, R., Mathenge, M., and Z. Mbaka. (2016). Agricultural Information Sources and Effects on Farm Productivity in Kenya. Tegemeo Working Paper 62.
  3. Smale, M., Mathenge M. K., and J. Opiyo. (2015). Nonfarm Work and Fertilizer Use among Smallholder Farmers in Kenya: A Cross-Crop Comparison. Tegemeo Working Paper 53.
  4. Gitau, R., Mburu, S., Mathenge, M.K., and Smale, M., (2011). Trade and Agricultural Competitiveness for Growth, Food Security and Poverty Reduction: A Case of Wheat and Rice Production in Kenya. Tegemeo Working Paper, 45.
  5. Smale, M., Mathenge, M. K., Jayne, T. S., Magalhaes, E., Olwande, J., Kirimi, L., Kamau, M., and J. Githuku. (2011). Income and Poverty Impacts of USAID-Funded Programs to Promote Maize, Horticulture and Dairy Enterprises in Kenya, 2004-2010.Tegemeo Working Paper.
  6. Miller, M., Mathenge, M., Bird, B., Karin, F. Z., Gitau, R., and E. K. Nteza. (2011). Ascending out of Poverty: An Analysis of Family Histories in Kenya. CPRC Working Paper, 219.
  7. Oehmke, J.F., Jayne, T.S., Aralas, S. B., and M. K. Mathenge. (2010). Impacts of USAID/Kenya Supported Agricultural Productivity Interventions on Household Income and Poverty Reduction. Tegemeo Working Paper 38.
  8. Olwande, J., and M. Mathenge. (2010). Market Participation among Poor Rural Households in Kenya, Tegemeo Working Paper 42

2017:    Ministerial Conference on Global Open Data for agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) on Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investment in Technology, Food and Nutrition Data and the 4TH AGRITEC Africa Exhibition, Nairobi, Kenya, 14 -16t June, 2017.

2014:    JEPAK Annual National Conference on ‘Enhancing Food and Nutrition Security in Kenya’, Nairobi, Kenya, November 2014.

2013:    American Association of Agricultural Economics (AAEA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, August 2013.

2013:    4th International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists, Hammerton, Tunisia, September 22-25, 2013

2012:    International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Brazil, August 2012

2011:    NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency’s (NPCA) Strategic Briefing Meeting on the Rural Futures Initiative, Addis Ababa, May 2011.

2011:    Workshop on Food Insecurity and National Security, National Security Intelligence Service offices, Nairobi, Kenya. October 2011

2010:    Center for Studies on African Economies (CSAE) Conference 2010 on Economic Development in Africa, Oxford University, UK, March 21-23, 2010.

2010:    Center for Studies on African Economies (CSAE) Conference 2010 on Economic Development in Africa, Oxford University, UK, March 21-23, 2010.

2010:    CAADP Program Design and Implementation Workshop, Nairobi, 20-22 October 2010

2009:    6th National Fertilizer Conference on “Towards Increased Use of Fertilizer and Improved Seed for Food Security and Economic Growth”, KARI headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya, August 20-21, 2009.

2007:    American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 29-August 1, 2007

1999:    Stakeholder Workshop on the Way Forward for the Pyrethrum Industry in Kenya, Hotel Kunste, Nakuru.  December 1999.

  • Microeconomic Theory
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Advanced Econometrics
  • Studies in Agricultural Economics
  • Agricultural Price Analysis
  • Project Proposal Writing
  • Agricultural Policy


  1. Simon N. Mwaura: Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. The Contribution of African Leafy Vegetables to Household Wellbeing in Kiambu District, Kenya: A Disaggregation by Gender (2013).
  2. Eric M. Njue: Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. Sweet Potato Marketing among Smallholder Farmers in Rachuonyo District Homa Bay County, Kenya: The Role of Collective Action (2014)
  3. Grace Kirui: Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. Technical Efficiency of Greenhouse Tomato Production as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy among Smallholder Farmers in Nakuru County (2014)
  4. Gomolemo Ngwako: Agricultural and Applied Economics, Egerton University. Commercialization and Household Welfare among Smallholder Goat Farmers in Kweneng East Sub District, Botswana (June 2021)


  1. Joseph Opiyo: Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. Adopting and Welfare Effects of Improved Sorghum Varieties among Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Kenya 
  1. Jack Odhiambo Malit. Agricultural and Applied Economics, Egerton University. Analysis of Fish Marketing and Household Welfare among Aquafarmers in Selected Counties. Adoption of climate smark agriculture /innovations and Maize Productivity 
  1. Boston Moono. MSc. Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture Innovations and Maize Productivity among Smallholder Farmers in Kalomo District, Southern Zambia.
  1. Patrick Marwa. PhD Agricultural Economics, Egerton University. An Assessment of the Effects of Trade-Related Institutional Environment on the Cashew Industry in Africa. (Proposal Stage)
  2. Walter Koech. PhD Agribusiness Management, Egerton University. Analysis of Fish Farmers Resilience and Farm Competitiveness in Kenya. (Proposal Stage)
  • 2013 to date: African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE)
  • 2012 to date: International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
  • 2007 to 2013: American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)
  • 2010 to 2019: Evaluation Association of Kenya (EAK)
  • 2014 to 2017: African Evaluation Association (AfrEA)
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