- Zipporah Maluvu, Christopher Oludhe, Daniel Kisangau and Jacinta M. Maweu. Green gram yield projections for Kibwezi east subcounty, Kenya using the APSIM model under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. Journal of Agrometeorology; ISSN: 0972-1665 (print), 2583-2980 (online), Vol. No. 27 (1):33-37 (March - 2025); https://doi.org/10.54386/jam.v27i1.2722
- Faith M. Moses, Christopher Oludhe, Gilbert Ouma, Patrick D. Kisangau. Institutional Response on Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change in Selected Parts of Makueni County, Kenya. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology Vol-9, Issue-6; Nov-Dec, 2024.
- Maluvu, Z. M., Oludhe, C., Kisangau, D. & Maweu, J. Adaptation Strategies and Interventions to Increase Yield in Green Gram Production Under a Changing Climate in Eastern Kenya. African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability, 2024; 3(1), pp. 370-386. Doi: 10.37284/ajccrs.3.1.2336.
- Faith M. Moses, Christopher Oludhe, Gilbert Ouma and Patrick D. Kisangau. Smallholder farmers’ adaptation to the effects of climate change in selected parts of Makueni County, Kenya. Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), 12(7):6-17; July 2024.
- Maluvu Zipporah, Oludhe Christopher, Kisangau Daniel and Maweu Jacinta Mwende. Habitat suitability study for green gram production under present and future climatic scenarios in Kibwezi East Kenya; Journal of Scientific Agriculture, 8(3):1-37; 2024, doi: 10.25081/jsa.2024.v8.8903.
- Kimani C.K., Kisangau D.P. and Owuor M.A. Socio economic factors contributing to riparian ecosystem degradation along Kaiti River in Makueni County. Journal of Applied Life Sciences International; 27(3):58-73; 2024.
- Jane Wanja Mbiri, Kenneth Ogila, Patrick Kisangau and Michael Gicheru. Terminalia brownii Fresen: Stem Bark Dichloromethane Extract Alleviates Pyrogallol-Induced Suppression of Innate Immune Responses in Swiss Albino Mice. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID 9293335, 11 pages; 2023.
- Jane Wanja Mbiri, Kenneth Ogila, Patrick Kisangau and Michael Gicheru. Acute and Sub-acute Oral Toxicity Profile of Root Bark Methanol Extract of Carissa Edulis Pharmacognosy Journal 15(2): 253-258; 2023.
- Zipporah M. Maluvu, Christopher Oludhe, Patrick Kisangau and Jacinta Mwende Maweu. Analysis of Rainfall and Temperature Trends and Their Implications on Green Gram Production in the Arid and Semi-arid Lands of Kenya. Science Letters; 11(2):70-82; 2023.
- Patrick D. Kisangau, Jacinta M. Kimiti, Mary W.K. Mburu and Denyse J. Snelder. Factors influencing use of multipurpose trees and shrubs in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. Journal of Rangeland Ecology and Management; 74(125-134), 2021.
- Mutua U.M., Kisangau D., and Musimba N. Assessing the impact of Farming Systems and Land use change on Dryland Plant Biodiversity: A case study of Mwala and Yatta sub-Counties in Machakos County, Kenya. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB). Vol-4, Issue-5 (1425-1432), 2019.
- Mumbu Dominic Mutisya, Muusya Mwinzi and Kisangau Daniel Patrick. Socio – Economic Benefits and the Associated Environmental Degradation Effects of Osyris lanceolata (Hochst & Steudel) Utilization in Kitui County, Kenya. Scientific Research Journal, Volume VII, Issue IV (1-19), 2019.
- Christine B. Schmitt, Daniel Kisangau and Kennedy W. Matheka. Tree diversity in a human-modified riparian forest landscape in semi-arid Kenya. Forest Ecology and Management, 433:645-655, 2019.
- Daniel Patrick Kisangau, Matheaus Kauti, Royford Mwobobia, Titus Kanui, Nashon Musimba. Traditional knowledge on use of medicinal plants in Kitui County, Kenya. International Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 4(1):1-10, 2017.
- Daniel Patrick Kisangau. Indigenous Leafy Vegetables with Potential Medicinal and Immune Boosting Properties; International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch. 2(6):23-33, 2017.
- Aaron M. Mwaniki, Daniel P. Kisangau, Nashon K. R. Musimba. Socio-economic factors affecting sisal cultivation and adoption in Kiomo Division, Kitui County, International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 11(3): 97-103, 2017
- Charles Ndungu Thuo, Simon Nguluu, Patrick Kisangau. Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Adoption of Tissue Culture Bananas in the Semi-Arid Areas of Lower Eastern Region of Kenya. International Journal of Life Sciences Research. 5(3):164-162, 2017
- Jane W Mbiri, Sichangi Kasili, Patrick D Kisangau, Michael N Musila, Mathew N Piero and Wilton M Mbinda, Antinociceptive Properties of Methanolic Bark Extracts of Terminalia brownii in Wistar Rats, Journal of Pain Relief, 2016, 5:5.
- Mbiri J. Wanja, Sichangi Kasili, Kisangau D. Patrick, Wilton Mbinda, Ngugi M. Piero, Anti-inflammatory properties of methanolic bark extracts of Terminalia brownii in Wistar albino rats, International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 2016, Vol 8, Issue 3.
- Jane W Mbiri, Sichangi Kasili, Wilton Mbinda, Patrick D Kisangau and Ngugi M Piero, Anti-Pyretic Properties of Methanolic Bark Extracts of Terminalia brownii in Wistar Rats (Rattus novegicus), Pharmacogn Nat Prod 2016, 2: 3, ISSN: 2472-0992.
- Sichangi Kasili, Daniel Patrick Kisangau, Josphert Kimatu, Mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS in Kenyan University Academic Programmes: Impact on Students’ Sexual Behaviour, International Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Education and Behavioural Science. 2016; 2(4): 20-26.
- Mercy C. Cheruto, Matheaus K Kauti, Patrick D Kisangau and Patrick Kariuki, Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques: A Case Study of Makueni County, Kenya, Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS 5: 2016; 175. doi: 10.4175/2469-4134.1000175.
- Kieti R.N., Kauti M.K. and Kisangau D.P. Biophysical Conditions and Land Use Methods Contributing to Watershed Degradation in Makueni County, Kenya. Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography. 2016, 6:4.
- Kieti Raphael Ndavi, Kauti Matheaus Kioko and Kisangau Daniel Patrick, Household Livelihood Strategies and Socio-Economic Conditions Influencing Watershed Degradation in Kaiti Sub-watershed, Makueni County, Kenya, Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 2016; 12(2): 1-13; Article no. JSRR.28412. ISSN: 2320-0227.
- Ezekiel Amri and Daniel P Kisangau. Ethnomedicinal study of plants used in villages around Kimboza Forest Reserve in Morogoro, Tanzania; International Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine; 2012; 8:200-211.
- Daniel P. Kisangau, Thora M. Herrmann, Herbert V. M. Lyaruu, Ken M Hosea, Cosam C. Joseph, Zakaria. H. Mbwamboa and Pax J. Masimba, Traditional knowledge, use practices and conservation of medicinal plants for HIV/AIDS care in rural Tanzania. Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 9:43-57; 2011.
- P. Kisangau, K. M. Hosea, H. V. M. Lyaruu, C. C. Joseph, Z. H. Mbwambo, P. J. Masimba, C. B. Gwandu, L. N. Bruno, K. P. Devkota and N. Sewald. Screening of traditionally used Tanzanian medicinal plants for antifungal activity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology; 47(8): 708-716; 2009.
- Krishna P. Devkota, Bruno N. Lenta, Jeaan D. Wansi, Muhammad I. Choudhary, Daniel P. Kisangau, Qamar Nazi, Samreen S. and Nobert Sewald. Bioactive 5α-pregnane type steroidal alkaloids from Sarcococca hookeriana. Journal of Natural Products; 2008, 71:1481-1484.
- Daniel P. Kisangau, Herbert V.M. Lyaruu, Ken M. Hosea and Cosam C. Joseph. Use of traditional medicines in the management of HIV/AIDS opportunistic infections in Tanzania: a case of Bukoba Rural District. International Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine; 2007, 3 (1):29.
- Daniel Patrick Kisangau and Thora Martina Herrmann. Utilization and conservation of medicinal plants used for primary health care in Makueni district, Kenya. International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management; 2007, 3:184-192.
- P Kisangau, K.M. Hosea, C.C. Joseph and H.V.M. Lyaruu. In vitro antimicrobial assay of plants used in traditional medicine in Bukoba Rural district, Tanzania. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 2007, 4(4):510-523.
- Owuor, B.O. and Kisangau, D.P. Kenyan medicinal plants used as antivenin: a comparison of plant usage. International Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine; 2006 2(1):7.
- Kisangau D.P and Muthoka P.N. An overview of the conservation status of medicinal plants in Kenya, Annals of Arid Zone; 2004, 43:391-400.
Book chapter contributions
1. D.P. Kisangau, K. M. Hosea, H.V. M. Lyaruu, C. C. Joseph, Z.H. Mbwambo, P.J. Masimba. In Vivo Anticandida Activity of Three Traditionally Used Medicinal Plants in East Africa; Book Chapter contribution in Neffat M, Najjaa H. and Mathe A. (Eds.). Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World - Africa Volume 3; Springer Science. ISBN-978-94-024-1119-5; 2017, pp 357-373.
2. D. P. Kisangau, H. V.M. Lyaruu, K. M. Hosea, C. C. Joseph, L. N. Bruno, K. P. Devkota, T. Bogner and N. Sewald. In vitro cytotoxicity of some medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in Tanzania; In C. P. Kala (Ed.), Medicinal Plants and Sustainable Development; Book Chapter publication; Nova Science Publishers,USA, © 2011; ISBN 978-1-61761 942-7, Chapter 7, Pg. 91-100.
3. Kisangau, D. and Kokwaro, J.O. Use of Medicinal plants in Kenya, Book Chapter contribution in: UNDP. Sharing Innovative experiences of the successful conservation and sustainable use of Dryland Biodiversity, UNDP, Special Unit for South-South cooperation, TWAS, TWNSO, GEF, UNEP; 2004. 9:60-63.
Articles published in professional magazines
- Kisangau D.P. Preliminary survey of indigenous fodder plants in Elangata Wuas and Kilonito Locations of Kajiado district, Kenya, 2002. Published in RPSUD biannual magazine.
- Kisangau D.P. Aloe secundiflora: A case study on its conservation status at Loodokilani and Kilonito locations, Kajiado district, Kenya, 2000. Published in RPSUD biannual magazine.
- Kisangau D.P Ethnobotany and conservation status of Xerophyta spekei in Makueni district, Kenya, 1999. Published in RPSUD biannual magazine.
Peer review of scientific articles
I acted as a Peer Reviewer for the following articles:
- Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants used by traditional healers and indigenous people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh for the treatment of snakebite; Evidence-based Journal of Complementary and Alternative medicine; December 2014.
- Manuscript ID. 782-IJBCS, ‘Induction of early apoptosis and ROS production activity of Tanzanian basidiomycetous fungus (Cantharellus miomboensis)’, International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (IJBCS), July 2010.
- Manuscript ID. NPHB-2008-0005.R1., ‘Antifungal activity analysis of various plant extracts against Phytophthora capsici Leonia which commonly causes Root Neck burn in pepper in Kahramanmarap Region, Turkey’, Int. Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology. March 2008.
- Manuscript ID. NPHB-2008-0516., ‘The Anti-inflammatory activities of Echinacea extracts do not correlate with traditional marker components’, Int. Journal of pharmaceutical Biology. June 2008.
- Manuscript ID. NPHB-2008-0733., ‘Cosmetic application of selected traditional Indian herbal medicines’, Int. Journal of pharmaceutical Biology. August 2008.