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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Science
Directorate / Dept
Materials Science and Electronics
536-20115, EGERTON

Dr. Charles Muga Onyango Ope graduated with Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)/Doctor of Engineering (D. Eng) in Materials Science and Engineering from Harbin Engineering University, PR China in the year 2017. He obtained his Master of Science in Physics (Electronics and Instrumentation) from Kenyatta Univesity, Kenya in the year 2011. Currently, He is the Ag. Chairman of Physics Department manadated to supervise and oversee the running of Departmental activities. He actively participate in research, supervision of post graduate  and undergraduate students and delivers course lectures at post graduate and undergraduate levels at Egerton University. Dr. Charles Muga examines students at both post graduate and undergraduate levels and continue to teach Physics courses in Egerton university. He is actively involved in supervisory role of undergaduate science students during Industrial Attachement. Dr C. Muga collaborates with Harbin Engineering Universuty in China for research purposes. He aspires to be practical, a mentor and an example to his students in and outside the university and a role model for Egerton university/organization.

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Course   : Doctor of Engineering (D. Eng.) in Materials Science and Engineering

Specialty: Materials Science/Physics

Institute : Harbin Engineering University (HEU), PR China

Period    : 2014-2017


Course    : Master of Science in Physics

Specialty : Electronics and Instrumentation

Institute  : Kenyatta University (KU), Kenya

Period     : 2008-2011


Course    : Bachelor of Education (Science)-Physics and Chemistry

Institute   : Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Kenya

Period      :  2004-2006

Grade Awarded: Second Class Honours-Upper Division




Materials Science/Physics

  • Materials Characterization and their Properties.
  • Materials Microstructure-Property relationship.
  • Thermo-Mechanical Processing Dynamics of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) & High Entropy Alloys (HEAs).

Thin films technology and modern solar cells

  • Thin Film Technology.
  • Fabrication and Characterization of modern solar cells.


Lecturer - Egerton University, Department of Physics (September 2018-to-Date)


  • Ag. Chairman of Physics Department
  • Member of Faculty of Science Management Board
  • Member of Departmental Post-graduate Committee
  • Member of Faculty and Departmental Examinations Moderation Committee
  • Member of Facultyy and Departmental Curriculum Review Committee
  • Member of Faculty and Departmental Academic advising/counseling of students


  1. Part-time Lecturer-Egerton University, Physics Department (September 2017-August 2018)
  2. Part-time Lecturer-Multi Media University, Physics Department
  3. Part-time Lecturer-Machakos University, Physical Sciences Department 
  4. Sessional Assistant Lecturer-Technical University of Kenya, Applied Physics Department 
  5. Part-time Assistant Lecturer-Kenyatta University, Physics Department 





Chairman, Department of Physics

Lecturer - Egerton University, Department of Physics 


  • Member of Faculty of Science Management Board
  • Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) Champion for Department of Physics in the University
  • Member of Departmental Post-graduate committee
  • Member of Internal Examinations Moderation Committee
  • Member of Faculty and Departmental Curriculum Review committee
  • Member of Faculty and Departmental Academic advising/counseling of students
  • Departmental Examinations and Time-tabling Officer (September 2018-July 2023)


       1. University Graduate Assistant - Harbin Enginneering University, China (January 2016 - June 2017)

       2. Part-time Lecturer - Egerton University, Physics Department (September 2017- August 2018)

       3. Part-time Lecturer - Multi Media University, Physics Department

       4. Part-time Lecturer - Machakos University, Physical Sciences Department

       5. Sessional Assistant Lecturer - Technical University of Kenya, Applied Physics Department 

       6. Part-time Assistant Lecturer - Kenyatta University, Physics Department 


MAY 2018-AUGUST 2018 (Teachers’ Service Commission-TSC)

Institution: Masai Technical Training Institute (Applied Physics & Electronics department), Kajiado County, Kenya.


  • Lecturer (Senior Master Graduate III)



Institution: Nakeel Boys High School-Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County, Kenya


  • Senior Subject Master (Physics and Chemistry)
  • Head of Subject (Physics)
  • Patron Electronics club
  • Patron St. John Ambulance

Materials Science/Physics:

  • Materials Characterization and analysis of Novel Materials Microstructure-Property relationship.
  • Thermo-Mechanical Processing Dynamics of Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) materials & High Entropy Alloys.
  • Strengthening Mechanisms of Metal Matrix Composites and Multi-component Alloy Systems
  • Thin film technology and analysis
  • Fabrication and Characterization of modern solar cells.

Peer Reviewed Research Publications

  1. Muga, C.O., H. Guo, S.S. Xu and Z.W. Zhang, “Effects of Aging and fast-cooling on the Mechanical properties of Mg-14Li-3Al-3Ce alloy”. Journal of Material Science and Engineering A: 24 March, 2017, Volume 689, Pages 195-202. [DOI:]. (Key Laboratory of Superlight Materials and Surface Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, PR China).
  2. Muga C.O. and Z.W. Zhang, “Strengthening mechanisms of Mg-Li based alloys and composites”. Journal of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (JAMSE): Vol. 2016, Article ID 1078187, 11 pages. [DOI: 10.1155/2016/1078187]. (Key Laboratory of Superlight Materials and Surface Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, PR China).
  3. Muga C.O., Guo Hao, Zou Yun, Xu Songsong and Zhang Zhongwu, “Effects of Holmium and Hot-rolling on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Li based alloys”. Journal of Rare Earths (JRE): December. 2016, Volume 34, No. 12, Pages 1269-1276. [DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0721(16)60163-1]. (Key Laboratory of Superlight Materials and Surface Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, PR China).
  4. Muga C. O., Zhang (Z.W.) Zhongwu, Y. Zhao, H. Guo, S. Xu and Y. Zou, “Addition of Holmium and Erbium and Hot-rolling effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Li based alloys”. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 2017, Magnesium Technology 2017: Magnesium-Rare Earth Alloys II. Chapter No: 63, 19 January 2017, Pages 463-470. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-52392-7_63]. (Key Laboratory of Superlight Materials and Surface Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, PR China).
  5. Muga, C. O., Okumu, J. and Njoroge, W. K., “Optical and Electrical properties of Zinc oxide doped with Aluminium (ZnO:Al) thin films prepared by reactive evaporation method”. International Journal of Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IJREEE): Volume. 1, No. 1, November 2012. Pages 001-003 (School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Department of Physics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844-00100, GPO, Nairobi, Kenya).
  6. Muga, C. O., Okumu, J. and Njoroge, W. K., “Optical and Electrical properties of Tin selenide (SnSe) thin films prepared by evaporation method”. Journal of International Research in Arts and Sciences (IRAS): Volume 1, No. 1, November 2012, Pages 019-022. (School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Department of Physics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Kenyatta University, P. O. Box 43844-00100, GPO, Nairobi, Kenya).
  7. Muga, C.O. “Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Mg-Li Based Alloys Using Rare Earth Elements and Thermo-Mechanical Processing”. Doctor of Engineering (D. Eng) thesis in Materials Science and Engineering: June, 2017: (Key Laboratory of Superlight Materials and Surface Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, PR China).
  8. Muga, C. O. “Characterization of SnxSey-ZnO:Al P-N Junction For Solar Cell Applications”. Master of Science (MSc) thesis in Physics (Electronics and Instrumentation): October, 2011: (School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Department of Physics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Kenyatta University Library, P. O. Box 43844-00100, GPO, Nairobi, Kenya).

 Research Invention Patent

          Invention Tittle: Erbium-reinforced magnesium-lithium alloy and preparation method thereof.

         "Effects of Erbium and Thermo-mechanical treatments on the Microstructures and Mechanical        Properties of Mg-Li-Al based Alloys"

          Inventor:  Muga C.O. (Mu Jia), Zhang Zhongwu, Cui Ye, Chen Dan, Zhang Yang. 

          Patent No.: ZL 2016 1 1074096.1

          Patent application date: 29/11/2016

          Authorization announcement date: 26/10/2018

          Authorization announcement No.: CN 106676351 B 

          Patentee: Harbin Engineering University. 

          Address: Science and Technology department intellectual office. Harbin Engineering University, 145                    Nantong Street, Nangang District. Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, P.R of China. Zip code 150001.



  1. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Implementation Course by Kenya Bureau of Standards in Egerton Universty, Njoro, Main Campus (22nd- 24th July 2024)
  2. World Metrology Day Celebrations for 'Measurements for Sustainability' by Kenya Bureau of Standards in Nairobi, Boma Hotel (20th May 2024)
  3. Radiation Protection and Safety Training for Physics Laboratory experiments/research by Kenya  Bureau of Standards in Naivasha town (08th - 12th April 2024)
  4. Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) Champion by Faculty of Education and Community Studies (FEDCOS) in Physical Science Complex Building at Egerton University (16th October 2023)
  5. Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) Training by Faculty of Education and Community Studies (FEDCOS) in Physical Science Complex Building at Egerton University (16th - 18th August 2023)
  6. The 26th International Conference (Online) of International Academy of Physical Sciences on “Advances in Physics” held at Gondwana University, Republic of India (December, 18th- 20th, 2020)
  7. National e-Seminar on “Advances in Physical & Mathematical Science” held at Gondwana University, Republic of India (10th October 2020)
  8. National Cohesion and National Values Training, Egerton University, Nakuru Town Campus College, Kenya (27th February 2019)
  9. Ethics, Integrity and Corruption Prevention and Complaint Handling Mechanism Training; Education Theatre II, Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Kenya (8th October 2018)
  10. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Awareness Training, Education Theatre II, Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Kenya (12th October 2018) 
  11. Crystallographic textures analysis of polycrystalline metals and multi-component alloys systems; Harbin Engineering University, Harbin city, PR China (February, 20th-21st 2017)
  12. The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Materials (IWAM); Yangzhou city, Peoples’ Republic of China (March, 27th-31st 2016)
  13. High Temperature alloy and large scale complex thin-walled castings and precision moldings by Vacuum Differential Pressure Casting (VDPC); Harbin Engineering University, Harbin city, PR China (21st April, 2016)
  14. A high-strength Mg-Ni-Y alloy sheet with a long-period ordered phase prepared by hot-rolling deformation; Harbin Engineering University, Harbin city,  PR China (10th March, 2016)
  15. Thermo-mechanical processing and mechanical properties of Aluminum and Magnesium based alloys; Harbin Engineering University, Harbin city, PR China (15th April, 2015)
  16. Experimental methods for in-situ observation of Dynamic Microstructure evolution using high speed X-Ray Phase Change Contrast (PCI) and XRD; Harbin Engineering University, Harbin city,  PR China (8th October, 2014)
  17. 3D Printing research direction & application and intelligent manufacturing; Harbin Engineering University, Harbin city, PR China (18th October, 2015)
  18. Strengthening Mathematics and Sciences in Secondary Education (SMASSE) in Kenya;  (August, 2007-2008)
  19. Providing solutions to problems facing teaching of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics by Ministry of Education, Kenya (April 2008)
  20. Intensive in-service course for Kenya Secondary Schools Physics Teachers facilitated by Directors of Education (February 2007)
  21. Curriculum Implementation in Kenya’s Secondary Physics and Chemistry Education (February 2007)
  22. Provision of solutions to problems facing curriculum teaching of Physics and Chemistry (February 2007)
  23. Adjudication of Secondary Science Congress in Physics Talks & Exhibitions (August 2007)


  1. Awarded for winning Outstanding International PhD Graduate award in Materials Science/Physics for the academic year 2016/2017 by Harbin Engineering University (HEU), PR China on 27th June 2017.
  2. Awarded for winning Academic Star award of Harbin Engineering University (HEU) College of International Cooperative Education, PR China, in the year 2017 on 27th June 2017.
  3. Awarded Chinese government scholarship (China Scholarship Council (CSC)) to pursue Doctor of Engineering in Materials Science in the year 2014 at Harbin Engineering University (HEU), PR China.

Post -Graduate (Materials Science and Electronics)

  • PHYS 821: Physics of Complex Systems
  • PHYS 732: Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Metals and Alloys
  • PHYS 731: Composite Materials
  • PHYS 721: Advanced Solid State Physics
  • PHYS 720: Optical Physics
  • PHYS 700: Electrodynamics

Undergraduate (Materials Science and Electronics)

  • PHYS 428: Microprocessors II
  • PHYS 422: Electromagnetic Theory
  • PHYS 421: Digital Electronics
  • PHYS 417: Communication Electronics II
  • PHYS 411: Solid State Physics
  • PHYS 324: Communication Electronics I
  • PHYS 321: Analogue Electronics
  • PHYS 312: Basic Electronics
  • PHYS 222: Electricity and Magnetism II
  • PHYS 221: Introduction to Materials Science

On Going

  1. Zachary Moronge Kibagendi, 'Extraction and Optimizating pigments from Spincia Oleracia, Beta Vulgaris and Rubus Fruticosus for Co-Sensitization in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells'.  Egerton University.
  2. Janet Wamuyu Njoroge, 'Investigating Effects of Gamma radiations on Physico-mechanical and Optical Properties and yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)'. Egerton University.
  3. Musembi Lucy Kalondu, “Effects of Zinc-Silver Doped Cobalt Ferrite, CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles Synthesized by Sol-Gel Technique on Selected Strains of Bacteria”. Egerton University.
  4. Nduvi Justus Wambua, “Determination of Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Hydrogenated Gallium Manganese Nitride”. Egerton University.
  5. Margaret Mugure Karanja, "Use of Cobalt-60  Source of Gamma irradiations for Treatment of Potatoes “Shangi” variety to inhibit Sprouting and increase Storage Period". Egerton University.
  6. Reuben Kipngetich Kirwa, "Investigation of Pollution of Lake Nakuru waters by Oil-Based Pollutants Using Intergating Sphere Spectrophotometry and Infrared Spectroscopy". Egerton University.

MSc Thesis and Proposals  Examined

  1. George Gichaga Njema "Numerical Analysis Of The Electrical Characteristics Of Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cell Based On Methylammonium Tin Iodide” Egerton University -Thesis

  2. Vincent Otieno, “Investigation of Magnetic Properties of FeMnP-based Material for near room temperature Refrigeration using DFT”. Egerton University - Proposal
  3. Gabriel Chirchir, “Investigation on Electronic, Structural and Mechanical Properties of FeMnP1-xAx (A = Si, Ga, Ge; x = 0.33, 1-x = 0.66) as Magnetocaloric Refrigerant Alloy”. Egerton University.- Proposal

On Going

  1. Kemei Solomon Kiprono “Synergistic Effects of Graphene on Salient Properties of -(Ga2-x yx)O3 (y = V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu) (x = 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1) Nanomaterials” Egerton University. 

PhD  Thesis and Proposals Examined

  1. Francis Gichuho Irungu "Potential of Magnetic Induction on the Reduction of post-harvest Losses in Potatoes and Its effects on Physicochemical, Nutritional, Glycoalkaloids and Antioxidants of Stores Potatoes" Egerton University - Thesis

  2. Edward Tindibale, “A density functional theory study of elastic and thermoelectric properties of selected Heusler alloys”. Egerton University.  - Proposal
  3. Jerefasio Ndungu, “A study of the electrical and optical properties of inorganic (Sn02/CsCiO3 CiSCN) perovskite solar cells prepared using solgel technique”. Egerton University.  - Proposal
  4. Peter Wafula, “Geophysical characterization of paka volcano geothermal resources based on 3D inversion of gravity data.”. Egerton University.  - Proposal
  5. Anne Thirika, “Ab initio study of structural, elastic and vibrational properties of Fe2P-TYPE materials for near -room -temperature refrigeration.” Egerton University.  - Proposal
  • Member of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • Member Physics Society of Kenya
  • BOM Chairman, Bishop Okumu Secondary School, Kisumu County, Kenya
  • BOM Member, Langata Boys High School, Nairobi County, Kenya
  • BOM Member, St. Mary's Nyamarimba Girls Secondary School, Kisumu County, Kenya
  • Member of Parents Teachers' Association (PTA), Mangu High School, Kiambu County, Kenya.
  • Member of Seventh Day Adventist Church-Ongata Rongai Main Church, Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County, Kenya.
  • Former Member of Parents Teachers' Association (PTA), Maranda High School, Siaya County, Kenya
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