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 Dr. Mercy Wamalwa is a Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University. She is Specialized in Plant Breeding, application and development of new technologies in plant breeding, disease eradication and contributing to increased food production. Dr. Wamalwa has a Ph.D in Plant Breeding which was a sand-witch program between Egerton University, Global Rust Research Centre (GRRC), (Denmark) and the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) in the UK under SCPRID grant BB/J012017/1 “Maximizing the potential for sustainable and durable resistance to the wheat yellow rust pathogen” which is part of international research collaboration.

 Dr. Wamalwa has been involved in various research projects, focusing on Association and diversity study of E.A bread-wheat genotypes. She has also worked on improving wheat and barley  for genetic resistance. The study was under a collaboration between Egerton University and Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization through CIMMYT – Durable Rust Resistance (DRRW) and genetic gain project. Currently she is the PI for Africa-UniNet project, ‘Sustainable networks for using next-generation quantitative genetics to modernize breeding programs in Kenya’.  This is a collaboration project with scientists from Egerton University, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria, and the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Kenya.  She has several publication peer review journals


Google Scholar

1.  2014-2021: Doctor of Philosophy in Plant breeding. Egerton University

 PhD Graduate Research project:  HOST PLANT RESISTANCE IN WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) GENOTYPES TO STRIPE RUST (Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Eriks) AND RACE ANALYSIS IN KENYA

2. 2009-2013: Masters of Science (Agronomy), Plant breeding option. Egerton University

Msc. Graduate Research project: Screening of Introduced barley lines and their Inheritance for Seedling and Adult plant resistance to stem rust raceUg99

3.  2003-2007: Bachelor of Science: Biological Sciences, Egerton University 


Plant Breeding/Geneticist



1. 3rd Africa-UniNet General Assemby. 2023. September 2023.  African Academy of Science,  Vienna Austria

2. Gentwork Training using R. 2023. March 2023.  Egerton University, Kenya and BOKU University Austria.

3. 2nd Africa-UniNet General Assemby. 2022. October 2022.  Egerton University, Kenya

4. Speed Breeding workshop. 2019. November 2019.  Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) -Njoro. Kenya.

5. Scientific Research Paper Writing and Science Communication Training Workshop. 2017. November, 2017. BecA-ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya.

6. Cereal Genomic Workshop. 2017.  26- 28June 2017, Worcester South Africa

7. Genotype by Sequencing (GBS) Workshop. 2017. 5 -16 June 2017. BecA-ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya.

8. Advancing cereals genetic research using the latest genomic and germplasm resources .2017.  31 January – 3 February 2017, BecA-ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya.

9. The Digital Scholar: Using Emerging and Multimedia Technologies to Further your Research and Teaching Projects course. 2017. 16 – 20 January 2017, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

10. The start to finish guide to research projects for Agri-scientists course. 2017. 9 –13 January 2017, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

11. PhD Research Training. 2016. 23 March – 1 October. 2016. National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)- UK: Cereal genetics and pathological research

12.  7th workshop course on standardization of stem rust field notes and germplasm evaluation with discussion on yellow and brown rust. 2015. 12 -18 October 2015, KALRO-Njoro. Kenya

13. PhD Research Training. 2015. 23 March – 10 September, 2015. Global Research Training Centre (GRRC)- Denmark

14. African Women in Agriculture Research and Development (AWARD) Science Writing Course 15-21 June, 2014, Jacaranda Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

15. African Women in Agriculture Research and Development (AWARD) Mentoring and Orientation Workshop. 2014. 17- 21 March, 2014 Safari Park Hotel Nairobi, Kenya

16. Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) 2013 Technical Workshop, 19 – 22 August, 2013 New Delhi, India.

17. Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development (SCRIPD) Connection Workshop by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 6-8, February, 2013, UK.

18. Standardization of stem rust field notes taking and germplasm evaluation workshop. 2012. 25 September – 5 October, KALRO – Njoro.

19. Standardization of stem rust field notes and germplasm evaluation with discussion on yellow and brown workshop. 2011. 5 - 12 October, 2011, KALRO – Njoro,Kenya

20.Standardization of stem rust field notes and germplasm evaluation with discussion on yellow and brown rust workshop. 2010. 5-12 October, KALRO - Njoro, Kenya

21.Research data management for women academician workshop. 2010. 26-30 July, 2010, CMRT Egerton University, Kenya.

22. African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Mentoring orientation workshop. 2010. 19-22 July, 2010. Mombasa, Kenya




Scientist with hands on experience, working as an Assistant lecturer and Researcher at Egerton University and Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) -Njoro

September 2014 to date: Lecturer Egerton University, P.O. Box 536(20115), Lecturing students in Biological Science Department, setting and marking of examination

July 2011 to December 2020: Research Assistant/ Student Intern (Contract) in Pathology and Breeding Sections.Kenya agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) -Njoro, P.O. Private Bag, 20107 Njoro, Kenya. Carrying out pathology work which included collection of wheat rust inocula, preparation and inoculation in the green house and field for seedling and adult plant screening of rusts genotypes, and assisting in extraction of rusts DNA in the molecular labolatory. Involved in preparation of excel books for data collection, notes taking and entering collected data in the worksheet. Involved in emasculation of wheat lines in crossing blocks for generation of F1 genotypes which are advanced to preliminary yield trials.


1. 3rd Call Cooperation Development Research Project: Improving the Genetic Resistance of regionally adapted wheat germplasm for resistance to Fusarium Head Blight and relevant fungal diseases in Ethiopia, Kenya and Zimbabwe. (Healthy Crops EKZ), project numberP002funded by Cooperation Development Research (KoEF) 2023-2026

2. 2nd Call for Africa-UniNet Research Cooperation: ‘Sustainable networks for using next generation quantitative genetics to modernize breeding programs in Kenya’. € 30,000 (Egerton University) Mercy Wamalwa (PI), Ruth Wanyera, Hermann Buerstmayr, Barbara Steiner, Sebastian Michel, Michael Okiror, Joel  Onyango. Duration 2022- 2024.

3. AFRICA BIOSCIENCES CHALLENGE FUND(ABCF) FELLOWSHIP project ‘Association and diversity study of Kenya bread-wheat genotypes using validated KASP assay for genes underlying important economic traits’. The ABCF Program is funded by the Australian Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the BecA-CSIRO partnership; the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA); the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF); the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) US$ 40,000


My research interests are in genetics/ plant breeding,  biotechnology, impact of climate change on  crops, renewable energy technologies,  application and development of new technology in crop improvement and disease eradication and contributing to  increased food production.


 Scientific journal articles

1.Wanyera, R, and  M. Wamalwa. (2022). Past, Current and Future of Wheat Diseases in Kenya. Submitted as a book chapter in InTech ISBN 

2.Wamalwa, M.N., Wanyera, R., Rodriguez-Algaba, J., Boyd, L., Owuoche, J., Ogendo, J., Bhavani, S., Uauy, C., Justesen, A.F., and Hovmøller, M. 2021. Distribution of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici races and virulence in wheat growing regions of Kenya from 1970 to 2014. Plant Disease, (Published online).


3.Mercy Wamalwa& Zerihun Tadesse & Lucy Muthui & Nasser Yao &HabtemariamZegeye & Mandeep Randhawa & Ruth Wanyera & Cristobal Uauy & Oluwaseyi Shorinola.(2020). Allelic diversity study of functional genes in East Africabread wheat highlights opportunities for genetic improvement.Mol Breeding (2020) 40:104.


4.Mercy N. Wamalwa, James Owuoche, Joshua Ogendo  and Ruth Wanyera (2019).Multi-Pathotype Testing of Selected Kenyan Wheat Germplasm and Watkin Landraces for Resistance to  Wheat Stripe Rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp tritici) Races(2019). Agronomy 2019,9,770 MDPI

5.Ruth Wanyera, Mercy Wamalwa, Mercy Odemba, Hannington Wanga, Philister Kinyanjui, Victoria Onyango, James Owuoche.(2016).Management of wheat rusts at different growth stages using Nativo 300 SC (trifloxystrobin 100g/L+tebuconazole 200g/L) fungicide.  AJCS 10(9):1273-1280 (2016) ISSN:1835-2707 .DOI: 10.21475/ajcs.2016.10.09.p7676 Australian Journal of Crop ScienceVolume 10 Issue 9 (Sep 2016)


6. Mercy N Wamalwa, Ruth Wanyera, Peter N Njau, Michael A Okiror& James Owuoche (2016). Inheritance of resistance to Ug99 stem rust pathogen in selected barley lines. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, DOI:10.1080/02571862.2015.1113446. Published online:11 Mar 2016.    




1. Mercy Wamalwa, Ruth Wanyera, James Owuoche, Julian Rodriguez, Annemarie Justesen, Lesley Lesley, Sridhar Bhavani, Cristobal Uauy, Mogens Hovmøller. 2018. Virulence evolution of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici on wheat in Kenya between 1970 to 1992 and 2009 to 2014.Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) 2018 Technical Workshop, 14 -17, April 2018. Marrakech, Morocco.  

2. M. Wamalwa, R. Wanyera, M. Hovmoller, J. Owuoche, J. Rodriguez, A.F. Justesen, L. Boyd, S. Bhavani and C. Uauy.2016. Virulence Characterization of the Past and Current Wheat stripe Rust Pathogen in Kenya. Monogram 2016 Conference 12-14, April 2016.


3. M. Wamalwa, J. Owuoche, R. Wanyera, L. Boyd, M. Hovmollerand C.Uauy. 2015. An Intergrated Strategy for Rust Resistance in Kenyan Wheat: Understanding PathogenVirulence and Screening for New Resistance Sources. 14th International Cereal Rusts and powdery Mildews Conference 5-8 July 2015 at Hotel Marienlyst, Copenhagen, Denmark

4. R. Wanyera, P. Njau, Macharia G, H. Wanga, P. Kinyanjui and M. Wamalwa. 2014. Yellow rust: Distribution in the major wheat growing regions of Kenya during 2011-2013 seasons., 2nd International wheat stripe (yellow) rust Symposium,  28 May-June 2,  2014 Izmir Turkey.


5. M. Wamalwa and R. Wanyera. (2014).Characterisation of wheat leaf rust races in Kenya.In: Proceedings of EAAPP Mini-Conference and stakeholders’ open day (Muinga R., WanderaF., Ouda J., Maina J., Ilatsia E., Kariuki J., Onyango T., and WainainaR.Eds.). 12-15November 2013. RDCoE/Morendat Training Centre, Naivasha, Kenya. pp 240-244.

6. R. WanyeraR., Wanga H., Kinyanjui P. and Wamalwa M. (2014). Wheat diseases

Their distribution in the major wheat growing regions of Kenya. In: Proceedings of EAAPP Mini-Conference and stakeholders’ open day (Muinga R., Wandera F., Ouda J., Maina J.,Ilatsia E., Kariuki J., Onyango T., and WaineinaR.Eds.). 12-15 November 2013.RDCoE/Morendat Training Centre, Naivasha, Kenya. pp 254-251

7. Kimani N. C, Cheruiyot D., Ngina B., Cheruiyot  A. K, Kosgey Z., WamalwaM., Tubei J., Macharia G., Onguso J., Njau P., Bhavani S.  2014. Screening of Kenyan Commercial Wheat Varieties for Resistance to the Emerging Strains of Stem Rust Race Ug99 In: Proceedings of EAAPP Mini-Conference and stakeholders’ open day (Muinga R., WanderaF., Ouda J., Maina J., Ilatsia E., Kariuki J., Onyango T., and WainainaR.Eds.). 12-15November 2013. RDCoE/Morendat Training Centre, Naivasha, Kenya. pp 240-244.

8. M. Wamalwa, J. Owuoche, C. Uauy and R. Wanyera. Sources of Resistance to Stripe Rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) Landraces 2013: In Proceedings of International Plant Breeding Congress 10-14November 2013, Antalya

9. M. Wamalwa, J. Owuoche, C. Ndirangu and R. Wanyera. Screening of Barley Introduction Lines for Adult Plant Resistance to Ug99 Stem Rust Race 2011. In Proceeding of 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo. 21- 23 September, Egerton University.


  • 2017 Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund Fellowship (ABCF)
  • 2016 Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum ( WIT)
  • African Women in Agriculture and Research and Development (AWARD) 2014 Post Masters 2014 -2016
  • Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI ) Women Travel AWARD to Attend International Plant Breeding Conference (IPBC)  November10th-14th 2013: International Plant Breeding Congress Antalya, Turkey

. Genetics

. Microbiology

. Botany







1.American Phytopathological Society (APS)

2.  Kenya Professional Association of Women in Agriculture and Environment  (KEPAWAE)

 3. African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD)

4. Kenya African Women in Agriculture Research and Development (KeAWARD)

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