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536, Egerton
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 2012: PhD (Environmental Sciences, Zoology) - North West University, South Africa

2006: MSc (Crop Protection), University of Nairobi

2001: BSc (Agriculture), University of Nairobi

  • Entomology
  • Acarology
  • Pest Management
  • Apiculture
  • Aflatoxin management

May 2014 to date: Lecturer – Biological Sciences Department, Egerton University

May 2012- April 2014: Tutorial Fellow, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, University of Nairobi

September 2009 – April 2012: Part-time Lecturer – United States International University

October 2003 -March 2004: Technical Assistant, Red Spider Mites Project, ICIPE

January – October 2002: Graduate Research assistant, Plant Sciences and Crop Protection Dept, UoN

  1. November 2020: An assessment and evaluation of earthworm meal as an alternative protein source for Poultry Feed in Kenya. Co-PI – NRF: Ksh.19.2M; Awarded, Awaiting disbursement of funds
  2. March 2020: Climate smart beekeeping practices and technologies for improved hive products and increased food and nutrition security and incomes. KCSAP-KALRO Adaptive research - Ksh. 20M: Ongoing
  3. December 2018: Integrated Management of Aflatoxins for better human health in Kenya: A value chain approach. Collaborator – NRF, Ksh. 19.8M: Ongoing
  4. March 2016-May 2019: Grasshopper/ Locust Farming as a Sustainable Feed/ Food Ingredient Source for Non-ruminant Livestock and Humans for Enhanced Food Security, Poverty Alleviation, and Resilience to Climate Change in Kenya: Co-PI – USAID – Michigan State University. USD 112,000 Status: Completed
  5. November 2014 – April 2016: Mycotoxin management by combining Drying and Storage devices. Co-PI – Grand Challenges Canada – USD 100,000
  6. August 2014 – August 2016: Integrated management of frenchbean pests and diseases for improved smallscale productivity. Collaborator – RUFORUM – USD 64,000
  7. February 2008: Acarology Development Fund: Taxonomic studies of spider mites genus Tetranychus at Plant Protection Research Institute, South Africa. USD 500
  8. October 2007: Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund: Assessment of the biodiversity of tetranychid mites in the Eastern Arc Mountains and East African Coastal Forest Hotspot. USD 3375
  • Adaptive research in applied entomology
  • Apiculture research
  • Sustainable utilization of arthropods and their products
  • Mycotoxin research
  1. Micah Kipkemboi Lagat, Faith Jebet Toroitich, Meshack Amos Obonyo. 2020. Development of an ELISA-based method for testing aflatoxigenicity and aflatoxigenic variability among Aspergillus species in culture. Scientific African 7 e00266
  2. Lucy J. Kiptui, Faith J. Toroitich, Dora C. Kilalo, Meshack Obonyo. 2020. Interaction between Cowpea Aphid-Borne Mosaic Virus Isolates and Its Effect on Passion Fruit Woodiness Disease on Passiflora edulis Sims and Passiflora ligularis Juss. Advances in Agriculture Volume 2020, Article ID 8876498, 8 pages
  3. Kiptui Lucy, Kilalo Dora and Toroitich Faith. 2020. Transmission of a New Cowpea Aphid Borne Mosaic Virus Isolate in Passion Fruits. Egerton J. Sci. & Technol. Volume 17: 121-131 ISSN No. 2073 – 8277
  4. Peter Kairu Kariuki , Faith Toroitich, George Ongamo, John Masani Nduko, Eunice Owino, Anthony King’ori. 2019. Diversity and Abundance of Grasshopper and Locust Species in Nakuru County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 102-109 AJCB: FP0108 ISSN 2278-7666
  5. Micah Kipkemboi Lagat, Faith Jebet Toroitich, Meshack Amos Obonyo, Huxley Mae Makonde. 2019. Modulation of Aflatoxin Production by Interaction of Aspergillus Species from Eastern Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 13(11)1-7 e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.
  6. Mwangi KW, Nduko JM, King’ori A, Toroitich F, Faraj A. 2019. Development and microbiological load of composite flours from grasshoppers, locusts and malted finger millet. African Journal of Food Science and Technology 10(1): 1320 DOI: http:/
  7. E N Salano, M A Obonyo, FJ Toroitich, B O Omondi and B O Aman. 2016. Diversity of putatively toxigenic Aspergillus species in maize and Soil samples in an aflatoxicosis hotspot in Eastern Kenya. African Journal of Microbiology 10(6): 172-184 DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2015.7645
  8. R N Onwonga, N A Templer, J J Lelei and F J Toroitich. 2015. Combined effects of legumes with phosphorus fertilizer on nutrient balances and gross margins in maize (Zea mays L.) systems in Kabete sub-county, Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 5 (16): 65-77 ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
  9. Benard Ouma, James Muthomi, John Nderitu and Faith Toroitich. 2014.  Management of thrips in French beans by integrating biological and synthetic pesticides in conventional spray regimes. Journal of Renewable Agriculture, 2 (2): 27-37
  10. FJ Toroitich, M. Knapp, JH Nderitu, FM Olubayo and M Obonyo. 2014. Effects of pesticides on the tobacco red spider mites Tetranychus evansi Pritchard on tomatoes in Kenya. Journal of Acarological and Entomological research 46:1469 18-23
  11. Faith J Toroitich, Edward A Ueckermann, Pieter D Theron, Markus Knapp, and Fabian Haas. 2011. The genus Brevinychus Meyer (Acari: Tetranychidae) with the description of a new species from Tanzania. International Journal of Acarology, 37:149-155
  12. FJ Toroitich, EA Ueckermann, PD Theron and M. Knapp. 2009. The tetranychid mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) of Kenya  and a re-description of the species Peltanobia erasmusi Meyer based on males. Zootaxa, 2176: 33-47
  • Faith Toroitich. 2008. The plant inhabiting mites in East Africa coastal and mountains biodiversity hotspots. Arc Journal, 22: 19-21
  • Apiculture Platform of Kenya Forum to develop draft Constitution and Guidelines for beekeeping standards in Kenya. KALRO Dairy Training Institute, Naivasha. 16-17th March 2021
  • 13th Egerton International Research conference, Egerton University, November 2020
  • Route to Food Initiative, Online Round table discussion panelist and OpeD contributor on Protection of insect pollinators, November 2020
  • 12th Egerton International Conference and Innovation Week, Egerton University, March 2019, Oral presentation
  • 11th Egerton International Research conference, March 2018. Poster Presentation
  • Stakeholders' Forum to Share Food Security Research Findings and Launch of National Food Security Report, University of Nairobi, Council Chambers. 21st November 2014. Seesion Co-Facillitator and Oral Presenter
  • East Africa Phytosanitary Committee Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda, June 2014
  • All Africa Horticultural Conference. Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. 31st August – 3rd September 2009. Integrated management strategies for the invasive spider mite Tetranychus evansi in Africa. Oral presentation
  • Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund Students Conference; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 26th-27th February 2009. Oral presentation.
  • Sixth European Acarology Association Congress (EURAAC); Montpellier, France: 21st to 25th July 2008. Molecular analysis of the genetic variability of Tetranychus evansi. Poster presentation.
  • Fourth African Acarology symposium; Hammamet, Tunisia from 22nd to 26th October 2007. Plant inhabiting mites in Kenya.  Oral presentation

February 2009: First prize - Best student presentation award - Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund students’ conference (Dar es Salaam)

2006: African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Science- PHD Scholarship

  • Fundamental and Appplied Entomology
  • Arthropod Biology
  • Invertebrate Zoology
  • Ecology
  • Parasitology


  1. Kiptui J. Lucy – Interaction between two Passionfruit Woodiness Disease causing virus isolates and their transmission. Egerton University. Graduated, 2021
  2. Nginya S. Eunice – Effects of substituting grasshopper meal for fishmeal on performance and meat quality of Improved Indigenous chicken growers. Egerton University. Graduated. 2018
  3. Templer Noel. Enhancing phosphorus release from minjungu rock phosphate through integration of legumes in maize based cropping systems of Kabete, Kenya.  UoN. Graduated, 2015
  4. Njue I. Nicholas. Identity, abundance and management of Banana thrips in Embu County, Kenya. UoN. Graduated. 2015
  5. Kihoro W. Esther. Use of mulches to manage spider mites and whiteflies in open field and greenhouse tomatoes UoN. Graduated, 2014


  1. Kariuki, K. Peter. Diversity and Abundance of Grasshopper and Locust Species in Nakuru County. UoN.
  2. Karanja, W. Elizabeth. Efficacy of Bacillus and Atoxigenic Aspergillus as biocontrol agents against toxigenic Aspergillus species. Egerton University
  • Apiculture Platform of Kenya
  • African Acarology Association
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