1.Mayaka, R. K., & Alocilja, E. (2025). Genomic nano-biosensor for rapid detection of carbapenem-resistant gene blaNDM-1 in carbapenemase-producing bacteria. Nanoscale Advances. For more details click https://doi.org/10.1039/D4NA00798K
2. Regina Kemunto Mayaka, Alice Wanjiku Njue, Moses Kiprotich Langat, Peter Kiplagat Cheplogoi1 and Josiah Ouma Omolo (2019): Antimicrobial compounds from the Kenyan Ganoderma adspersum (Schulz.) Donk species. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 13(7): 3390-3397. For more details click here.
3. Regina Kemunto Mayaka, Moses Kiprotich Langat, Alice Wanjiku NJUE, Peter Kiplagat Cheplogoi and Josiah Ouma Omolo (2019) Chemical compounds from the Kenyan polypore Trametes elegans (Spreng:Fr.) Fr (Polyporaceae) and their antimicrobial activity. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 13(4) 2352-2359. 8221-IJBCS. For more details click here.
4.evis K. Mokaya., Josiah O. Omolo., Regina K. Mayaka., Alice W. Njue., John O. Adongo and Joseph Matofari. Antimicrobial activity of the seed crude extracts of Triumfettarhomboidea (Tiliaceae). Science Journal of Microbiology (ISSN:2276-8572) For more details click here
5. Mayaka R. K., Langat M. K, Omolo J. O. and Cheplogoi P. K. (2012). Antimicrobial prenylated acetophenones from berries of Harrisonia abyssinica (Simaroubaceae). Planta Medica, 78: 383-389. For more details click here.