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Dr. Karori Mbuthia is a Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Egerton University. He has vast research and teaching experience in Biochemistry and particularly on Plant Biochemistry/Phytochemistry.

Dr. Karori has participated in implementing a donor financed programme to enhance market access and competitiveness of animal and plant-based products, participated in the development of high value Tea products and validation of their potential health benefits, provided extension services for Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in the Sorghum and Cassava Value Chain and promoted of sorghum for industrial and domestic uses for economic empowerment of smallholder farmers He has also published widely in peer refereed journals, books, manuals, conference/workshop papers, working and policy documents, and many other publications.

Additionally, Dr. Karori has also participated in diverse activities locally and internationally including on matters of food standards; Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)- Tea Technical Committee, KEBS Committee for Safeguarding Impartiality, National Steering Committee (NSC) to the Swedish Standard Institute-SIS KEBS, Standard Market Access Program (SMAP), International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee 34/SC 8, East African Community (EAC) Technical Committee 002. As a Chair of the National Technical Committee on Tea, Dr. Karori has reviewed and developed national standards that integrate food safety aspects through adoption of relevant international standards and improved regulation. He has skills in project proposal development, implementation, report writing and communication. 

Google Scholar

2010-2015: PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Egerton University

  • Project Title: Effect of Tea (Camellia sinensis) on tumour properties and gene expression profiles in 4TI metastatic breast cancer model.
  • Field of Research: Phytochemistry and Molecular Medicine. Area of research: Phytochemicals and cancer.
  • Collaboration: Kenya Medical Research Institute KEMRI-CTMDR; International Livestock Research Institute, ILRI; Tea Research Institute, TRI.

2005-2007: MSc -Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Egerton University

  • Project Title: Tea Flavonoids and their Effect on Chronic Inflammation Induced in Trypanosoma bruceibrucei Infected Mice.
  • Collaboration: Trypanosomiasis Research Institute, TRI; Tea Research Institute, TRI
  • Field of Research: Phytochemistry and Molecular Medicine Area of research: Phytochemicals and inflammation.

1998-2003: BSc- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Egerton University

  • Plant Biochemistry
  • Phytochemistry
  • Peace Management and Conflict Resolution. African Virtual University and the University of Nairobi. (2017)
  • Training of SIS-NSC committee training on project management. EKA hotel-Nairobi, 21st -23rd December 2015
  • Academic Record Management Systems. (ARMS). Tabor Hill Spirituality Centre. 9th -11th March 2015
  • Policy formulation workshop. 3rd April 2014. CMRT Multimedia Room.
  • DHS & SPA data users training. Naivasha. 19th -21st February 2014.
  • Transport of Infectious Biological Substances. 2nd Annual National Biosafety Conference. 5th and 6th August 2013. KICC
  • June 2013 to date: Lecturer - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Oct 2009  toJune 2013: Assistant Lecturer - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
  • 2008-2009: Pesticide Analyst - Pest Control Products Board (PCPB)



University Management: Acting COD, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-August 2015

University Committee Membership: 

  • Information and Security Management System Champion (ISMS). February 2020 to date.
  • Evaluation Processing Committee. 2019 to Date.
  • Chair of the Faculty of Science ICT committee- 29th September 2015 to 29th September 2018
  • Member of the Faculty of Science Sports and Health Committee- 1st September 2014 to date
  • Co-ordinator of the Postgraduate activities in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-July 2015 date

 Students’ activities:

  • Patron of Biochemistry Association (BASEU)- 3rd November 2014 to date
  • Patron of the International Youth Fellowship (IFY)-17th December 2015 to date.

 Non-University Responsibility:

  • Convenor and Member of WG 11 in ISO TC 34/SC 8
  • Member of the KEBS committee for safeguarding impartiality-October 2018
  • Chair of the KEBS- Tea Technical Committee-6th February 2015 to Date
  • Member of the KEBS- Tea Technical Committee-1st February 2014 to Date
  • Chair of the Board of Management (BOM), Wendani Secondary School-3rd September 2015 to Date
  • Vice-chair of National Steering Committee (NSC) to the Swedish Standard Institute-SIS-KEBS-21st December 2015 to 21st December 2018.
  1. Evaluation of the Anti-microbial, Anti-mutagenic, and Anti-cancer Properties of Black Tea Products from Kenya-EU DIV R&E (2012 - 2014) KES 400,000. PI
  2. Development of High Value Tea Products and Validation of their Potential Health Benefits-NCST (2012-2016) - KES 5,000,000. CO PI
  3. Extension Services Provision for Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in the Sorghum Value Chain in Rumuruti, Olmoran, Salama, Ngobit, Tigithi and Segera Wards, Laikipia County for a period of twelve months. (2020-date) KCSAP- WORLD BANK/ IDA Credit P154784 GRANTS AGREEMENT THE KENYA CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE PROJECT (KCSAP) LAIKIPIA COUNTY - KES 3,000,000. CO PI
  4. Validation and Promotion of Sorghum for Industrial and Domestic Uses for Economic Empowerment of Smallholder Farmers. (KCSAP CGS/CRGs-AD-2019. (2020-date) - Sorghum Value Chain-KES 10,000,000. CO PI
  5. Evaluation of cassava tissue culture protocols, high quality flour production and development of safety tool kiti, KCSAP CGS/CRGs-AD 2019/CSLA/02-2/ CASSAVA VALUE (2020-date) - CHAIN--KES 5,899,500.00. CO PI

Phytochemistry (Tea, Sorghum, Cassava)

Molecular Medicine (Cancer, Inflammation)

  1. Thomas Momanyi, Josphat Matasyoh, Karori Mbuthia, Johnstone Ingonga. Phytochemical Composition and In vitro Anti-leishmanial Activity of Bidens pilosa, Tithonia diversifolia and Sonchusoleraceus extracts. (2020).  Journal of Medicinal Plant Research. JMPR/07.09.19/6839
  2. Chore K.J., M. Mwangi, S.M. Karori and A. M. Kibe (2020). Changes in carbohydrates associated with senescence of cut gladiolus spikes as affected by pulsing and wet cold storage durations . African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28 Issue Supplement, s1 pp. 1 - 9 DOI:
  3. Judith Kavulani Chore, Mariam Mwangi, and Stephen Karori Mbuthia. (2019) Changes in total free amino acids as quality biomarkers in cut gladiolus spikes as affected by pulsing and wet cold storage. Progressive Horticulture, Vol. 51, No. 2: 186-190.
  4. Urbanus Kinuthia, Alice Muchugi, Catherine Dembele, Ramni Jamnadass, Simon Mng'omba, Stephen Indieka, Karori Mbuthia (2019). Quantitative Variation of Fatty Acid Composition in Seed Oil from Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) Wild Populations in sub-Sahara Africa. South African Journal of Botany. SAJB_2018_1233.
  5. Judith Kavulani Chore, Mariam Mwangi and Stephen Karori Mbuthia. (2019). Effect of Pulsing and Wet Cold Storage on the Quality and Vase Life of Cut Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorusL.) ‘Fado’. Journal of Ornamental Plants, Volume 9, Number 1: 13-22.
  6. Gerald Otwabe Areba, Rashid Khalid, Nyaga Samuel Nderitu, Thuo Jesse Kevin, Moseti Kevin Okongo, Karori Stephen Mbuthia, Wachira Francis Nyamu, Ngure Raphael Muchangi (2018). Antioxidant activity and effects of Kenyan Tea (Camellia sinensis) on the liver function and serum biochemistry in male Wistar rats. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2018 Aug;7(8):1471-1479.
  7. Douglas Kahura Njuguna, Karori Mbuthia, Chrispus Mutuku, Mercy Jepkorir, Jecinta Wanjiru Ndung’u, Reginah Mwangangi, Jean Chepngetich and Peter Mwitari. (2018). Phytochemical Composition and In vitro AntiProliferative Activity of Oxygonumsinuatum (Meisn.) Dammer on Selected Cancerous Cells Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research, 6(2): 1-9. DOI: 10.9734/JOCAMR/2018/44413
  8. Karori S. Mbuthia, Paul O. Mireji, Raphael M. Ngure, Francesca Stomeo, Martina Kyallo, Chalo Muoki and Francis N. Wachira. (2017) Tea (Camellia sinensis) infusions ameliorate cancer in 4TI metastatic breast cancer model. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 17:202.
  9. Kinuthia U. Muthai, Mbuthia S. Karori, Alice Muchugi, Abwao S. Indieka, Catherine Dembele, Simon Mng’omba, RamniJamnadass (2017). Nutritional variation in baobab (Adansonia digitataL.) fruit pulp and seeds based on Africa geographical regions. Food SciNutr. 00:1–14.
  10. Karori SM, Wachira FN, Francesca S., Kyallo M, Muoki C Ngure RM and Mireji PO. (2016). Amelioration of 4TI Cancer Cells by Tea. Tea, 37: 139-147.
  11. Wachira FN, Kamunya S., Kerio C, Wanyoko J, Chalo M, Karori SM, Rashid R, Koech R, Ochanda O, Moseti K, George K, Njuguna D and Too J. (2016). Emerging Opportunities for Tea Product Diversification from Kenyan Tea Cultivars. Tea, 37: 58-69
  12. Mutuku A. Muthiani, Chalo M, John K.Wanyoko, Francis N. Wachira, Samson M. Kamunya, Samuel Kimutai, and Stephen Karori. (2016) Biochemical Diversity of Kenyan Tea Cultivars and Potential use in Processing of Diversified products. Tea, 37: 49-57
  13. Kerio L., Wachira FN, Obanda M., Karori SM., Koech R. (2016). Antimicrobial Properties of Cosmetic Products Developed from Kenya Tea Extracts. Tea, 37: 43-48
  14. Mutuku A. Muthiani, John K. Wanyoko, Francis N. Wachira, Samson M. Kamunya, Richard M. Chalo, Samuel Kimutai, Rashid Khalid and Stephen Karori. (2016) Potential Use of Kenyan Tea Cultivars in Development of High Value Diversified Products. International Journal of Tea Science, Vol. 12 (1&2). pp30-48. DOI: 10.20425/ijts.v0iof.9599
  15. Mutuku, A., Wanyoko, J., Wachira, F., Kamunya, S., Chalo, R., Kimutai, S., Moseti, K. and Karori, S. (2016) Influence of Geographical Regions on Catechin and Caffeine Levels in Tea (Camellia sinensis). American Journal of Plant Sciences, 7, 562-571. DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2016.73049
  16. Kimutai, S., Wanyoko, J., Kinyanjui, T., Karori, S., Muthiani, A. and Wachira, F. (2016) Determination of Residual Catechins, Polyphenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Developed Theaflavin-3, 3’-Digallate Rich Black Teas. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 7, 180-191.
  17. Mavura, H.K.M., Ngure, R.M., Mwangi, W.W., Karori, S.M. and Murilla, G., 2015. haematological changes in sheep (Ovis aries) infected with human infective Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. International Journal of Medical and Pharma Research (IJMPR), 4(2), pp.41-48.
  18. Kimutai, S., Kinyanjui, T., Wanyoko, J., Wachira, F., Karori, S. and Muthiani, A. (2015) Optimization of Aeration Time in the Development Theaflavin-3, 3’-Digallate Rich Black Teas. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6, 3001-3012. DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2015.619295 
  19. Karori S. M., Wachira F. N., and Koech K.R. (2014). In-vitro antimicrobial and synergistic properties of water soluble green and black tea extracts. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 8:1527-1534.
  20. Koech K. R., Wachira F. N., Ngure R. M., Wanyoko J. K., Bii C. and Karori S. M, Kerio L.C. (2014). Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Synergistic activities of Tea polyphenols. African Crop Science Journal,22: 837-846. (ISSN 1021-9730).
  21. Karori Mbuthia, Francis Wachira, Raphael Ngure, Paul Mireji, Sabina Wachira.(2014). Antimutagenic effect of Kenyan Tea cultivars in a bacterial test system. Pharma Innovation ;3(8):94-100.
  22. Karori S.M, Wachira F.N, Ngure R.M and Mireji P.O. (2014). Polyphenolic composition and antioxidant activity of Kenyan Tea cultivars. J Pharmacogn Phytochem ;3(4):105-116.
  23. Koech K. R., Wachira F. N., Ngure R. M., Orina I. A., Wanyoko J. K., Bii C. and Karori S. M (2013). Antimicrobial, synergistic and antioxidant activity of tea products. In: Microbial pathogens and strategies for combating them: Science, Technology and Education.Formatex Research Center. Pp 971-981 (ISBN 2: 978-84-942134-0-3)
  24. Koech K. R., Wachira F. N., Ngure R. M., Wanyoko J. K., Bii C. and Karori S. M. (2013). Antibacterial and synergistic activity of different tea crude extracts against antibiotic resistant Aureus, E. Coli and clinical isolates of S. Typhi. Science Journal of Microbiology ISSN:2276-626X DOI: 10.7237/sjmb/115 
  25. Koech K. R., Wachira F. N., Ngure R. M., Wanyoko J. K., Bii C., Karori S. M. and L.C Kerio (2013). Antibacterial, synergistic and antioxidant activities of Tea Polyphenols of different tea Microbial Pathogens and Strategies for Combating them: Science, Technology and Innovation. ISBN (13) Volume 2: 978-84-942134-0-3. Pp 837-846
  26. Wachira F. N., S. Kamunya, S. Karori, R. Chalo, T. Maritim. (December 2013). The Tea Plants: Botanical Aspects. Pp 3-17. DOI: 1016/B978-0-12-384937-3.00001-X
  27. F. N.Wachira S.Karori L.C.Kerio J.K.Wanyoko .(December 2013). Cultivar Type and Antioxidant Potency of Tea Product. Pp 91-102.

Abstracts and Proceedings in conferences

  1. Changes in Carbohydrates Associated with Senescence of Cut Gladiolus Spikes as Affected by Pulsing and Wet Cold Storage Durations J.K. Chore1*, M. Mwangi 2, M. Karori3 and A. M. Kibe4. 1,3 Department of Biochemistry, Egerton University, P.O. Box 536 – 20115 2,4. Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University, P.O. Box 536 – 20115 Corresponding Author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 13th Biennial Egerton University International Conference (2020). Pp 112.
  2. Effect of Pulsing and Wet Cold Storage on Post Harvest Quality and Vase Life of Cut Gladiolus (Gladiolus Grandiflorus) L. Cv. Fado Chore Kavulani Judith1 ; Mwangi Mariam2 and Karori Mbuthia Stephen3 1,3Department of Biochemistry, Egerton University, P.O. Box 536 – 20115 2Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University, P.O. Box 536 – 20115 Correspondence Email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Citation: KIBU International Conference (2018). Creativity and Innovation for Sustainable Development. Book of Abstracts of Kibabii University 3rd International Conference 12 - 14 June 2018. Kibabii University Main campus, Bungoma Kenya ISBN: 978-9966-59-011-5
  3. Characterization of selected herbal plants and their potential use in diversification of tea products. (2018). Agnes Kavoo, Dennis Maina, Helen Kamiri, John Kiige, Patrick Mathenge, Mary Muchiri and Karori S. Mbuthia. 2nd African Tea Science Symposium and Exhibition. 22nd 0-23rd November 2018. Green Hills Hotel, Nyeri. Pp 11.
  4. Karori SM, Wachira FN, Francesca S., Kyallo M, Muoki C Ngure RM and Mireji PO. (2016). Amelioration of 4TI Cancer Cells by Tea. 1st African Tea Science Symposium and Exhibition and Spa. Enashipai, Naivasha. 23rd -25th May 2016. Pp 59
  5. Wachira FN, Kamunya S., Kyallo M, Muoki C, Kerio C, Wanyoko J, Koech R, Karori SM, Rashid R. (2016). Emerging Opportunities for Tea Product Diversification from Kenyan Tea Cultivars. 1st African Tea Science Symposium and Exhibition and Spa. Enashipai, Naivasha. 23rd -25th May 2016. Pp 24-25.
  6. Douglas Kahura, Karori Mbuthia, Ngule Chrispus Mutuku, Mercy Jepkorir, Jecinta Wanjiru, Reginah Mwangangi, Jean Chepngetich, Peter Mwitari. (2016). Phytochemical Composition and in vitro Antiproliferative Activity of oxygonium sinuatumon Vero (normal) and Selected Cancerous Cells. Proceedings of the 7th KASH Conference.8th -10th February 2017. KEMRI, Panari Hotel Nairobi. Abstract 051 pp 118-119
  7. Douglas Kahura, Karori Mbuthia, Peter Mwitari. (2016). Phytochemical Composition and in vitro Antiproliferative Activity of oxygonium sinuatumon Vero (normal) and Selected Cancerous Cells. Proceedings of the 11th Research Week Held on 30th March-1st April at Egerton University. Pp 126
  8. Mutuku A. Muthiani, John K.Wanyoko, Francis N. Wachira, Samson M. Kamunya, Richard M. Chalo, Samuel Kimutai, Rashid Khalid and Stephen Karori. (2016) Biochemical Diversity of Kenyan Tea Cultivars and Potential use in Processing of Diversified products. 1st African Tea Science Symposium and Exhibition and Spa. Enashipai, Naivasha. 23rd -25th May 2016. Pp 20
  9. Kerio L., Wachira FN, Obanda M., Karori SM., Koech R. (2016). Antimicrobial Properties of Cosmetic Products Developed from Kenya Tea Extracts. 1st African Tea Science Symposium and Exhibition and Spa. Enashipai, Naivasha. 23rd -25th May 2016. Pp 19
  10. Karori SM, Wachira FN, Ngure RM and Mireji PO. (2016). Tea and Cancer. Research and Networking. Laying the Foundation for the sustainable Development goals. HumboltKolleg. Naivasha, Kenya. April 6th -8th Pp 69-70
  11. Mutuku M.A, Wanyoko JK and Wachira FN, Kamunya SM, Chalo RM, Kimutai S, Karori SM (2016). Potential use of High Value Kenyan Teas in Development of Diversified Products. Proceedings of the 10th Research Week Held on 30th March-1st April at Egerton University. Pp 29
  12. Kimutai S, Kinyanjui T, Wanyoko JK and Karori SM (2016). Determination of Residual Catechins, Polyphenolic content and Antioxidant Activity of Developed Theaflavin-3, 3’-digallate rich black teas. Proceedings of the 10th Research Week Held on 30th March-1st April at Egerton University. Pp 107
  13. Mutuku M.A, Karori SM, Wanyoko JK and Wachira FN (2015). Determination of levels of bioactive molecules in Kenyan tea cultivars for suitability in development of high value tea products. Proceedings of the 9th Research Week Held on 25th to 27th March at Egerton University. Pp 98
  14. Kimutai S, Kinyanjui T, Wanyoko JK and Karori SM (2015). Tea Products value addition; Development of Theaflavin-3, 3’-digallate rich black teas. Proceedings of the 9th Research Week Held on 25th to 27th March at Egerton University. pp 11
  • ISO TC 34/SC8 on Tea. 29th-31st October 2019. Hangzhou City, China.
  • East African Community Technical Committee EASC/TC/002- Tea Standards Harmonization. 21st May to 25th May 2018. Lemigo Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda
  • 2nd Africa Tea Science Symposium and Exhibition. 22nd to 23rd November 2018. Green Hills Hotel, Nyeri-Kenya.
  • 26th meeting of ISO/TC 34 SC 8 Tea. 13th to 15th December 2017. London, UK.
  • Regional planning workshop for the EAC-SIS programme, 7th - 9th march 2016, Arusha, Tanzania
  • ISO TC 34/SC8 on Tea. 2nd June 2015 to 4th June 2015 at the Shizuoka Convention and Art Centre, Shizuoka City, Japan.
  • Training of SIS-NSC committee training on project management. EKA hotel-Nairobi, 21st -23rd December 2015
  • Academic Record Management Systems. (ARMS). Tabor Hill Spirituality Centre. 9th -11th March 2015
  • 2nd Karatina University on Tea Science and Development. 24th to 27th September 2014. Karatina.
  • Policy formulation workshop. 3rd April 2014. CMRT Multimedia Room.
  • DHS & SPA data users training. Naivasha. 19th -21st February 2014.
  • Transport of Infectious Biological Substances. 2nd Annual National Biosafety Conference. 5th and 6th August 2013. KICC
  • Participation in Mau-Egerton University Cross Country
  • Structural Biochemistry 
  • Biomolecules
  • Endocrinology
  • Biochemistry of Hormones
  • Industrial Biochemistry 
  • Plant Biochemistry
  • Phytochemistry
  • Projects


  1. Augustine Muthiani Mutuku. MSc Student. Title of Project; Determination of Bioactive Molecules in Kenyan Tea Cultivars for Suitability in the Development of High Value and Diversified Products. Collaboration; Tea Research Institute and Egerton University.  Completion date October 2016
  2. UrbanusMuthai Kinuthia. MSc student. Characterization of Baobab (Adansonia digitata l.) for Nutritional Variation across six agro-climatic zones in Africa. Collaboration; ICRAF and Egerton University. Completion date October 2018

Submitted Thesis (Arpil 2021)

  1. Thomas Momanyi MSc Student Characterization OF ANTILEISHMANIAL SECONDARY METABOLITES FROM Tithonia diversifolia, Sonchusoleraceus and Bidens pilosa. Egerton University and Kenya Medical Research Institute. 

Defended Proposal (Friday 9th April 2021)

  1. Rachael Muthoni Kamau - KM121/13705/19: Msc Agronomy. Influence of lipid fractions on reproductive phase cold tolerance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) genotypes

Proposal stage

  1. Zipporah Wambui Muchiri - Identification of effective and safe local herbal antidotes to commonly encountered cone snail envenomation along the Kenyan coast.




Completed (APRIL 2021)

  1. Judith Kavulani Chore. PhD - Biochemical Changes and Microbial Profiles affecting Quality and Vase Life of Cut Cladioli (Gladiolus grandiflorus L. Fado) following Pulsing and Cold Wet Storage. Egerton University- Collaboration; Egerton University, UON

Defended Proposal (24th September 2019)

  1. Peter Amwoga Ayeka - SD14/13019/17: Pharmacological and anticancer activity of Hydnora abyssinica a. br and Bersama abyssinica fressen extracts, Collaboration; Egerton University, KEMRI

Professional affiliations and Professional linkages:

  • Member 0093 BBPSK
  • Member of the ISO TC 34/SC 8
  • Member and current chair of Technical Committee on Tea-KEBS.
  • Patron of Biochemical Society of Egerton University (BASEU).
  • Tea Research Foundation, Kericho (TRFK), Kenya.
  • Member of the Biochemical Society of Kenya (BSK).
  • Member of St. Johns Ambulance Kenya-international lifesaver
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