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Prof. Raphael Muchangi Ngure

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Job Category
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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Directorate / Dept
536 Egerton

Doctor of philosophy in Clinical Biochemistry, Barchelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery


1. Pendagogy Training (2024). Egerton University Held at the Faculty of Science Complex     2. University Academic Advising Training (2009). Held at FASS Theatre Egerton University.3.     Corporate governance training course (2008). At the hotel Cathay Nakuru.4.      Leadership and corporate Governance Seminar (2007). At The Kenya Institute of Monetary Studies.5.      Advanced Leadership Training (2007). At Haggai Institute of advanced leadership in Singapore.6.      ISO 9001: 2000 certification course (2006) at ARC Egerton University7.      Leadership, Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning and Institutional Management Seminar (2005). At Kenya Institute of Monetary Studies8.      Bioethics in research application and sustainable development (2004). At Egerton University.


1990-1991: Assistant lecturer, Department of Applied Sciences, Kenya Polytechnic: Nairobi

1991-1993: Assistant Research Officer, Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute (KETRI), Chemotherapy Division.

1993-1996. Research Officer, Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute (KETRI), Chemotherapy Division.

1996-1997. Senior Research Officer: Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute (KETRI), Chemotherapy Division.

1997-2000. Lecturer Egerton University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Njoro Campus

2000 to 2008. Senior Lecturer, Egerton University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Njoro, Campus

2008-to 2013. Associate Professor, Egerton University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Njoro Campus.

2013 to date. Full Professor, Egerton University, Department of Veterinary Pathology, Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Njoro Campus.


  • Ethics in Animal Welfare
  • Health benefits of tea as anti-cancer and anti-diabetic medication.
  • Pathogenesis and chemotherapy studies on human and animal trypanosomosis
  • Evaluation of Clinical Biochemical changes during disease and their use in disease diagnosis prognosis and follow-up.
  • Studies of phytochemical from various plants as possible sources of drugs in treatment and management of diseases especially anti-protozoa effects.

Chemical contaminants in foods and their role in Health and food safety

  1. Khalid Rashid, Francis Nyamu Wachira, Alfred Orina Isaac, James Nyariki Nyabuga, Raphael Muchangi Ngure, Bernard Wanyonyi, Grace Murilla, Lilian Chebet Kerio (2013). Kenyan purple tea anthocyanins ability to cross the blood brain barrier reinforcing brain antioxidant capacity in mice. Kabarak University 3rd Annual International Conference. 15th - 18th October 2013, Venue: Kabarak University Main Campus.
  2. Khalid Rashid, Francis Nyamu Wachira, Alfred Orina Isaac, James Nyariki Nyabuga, Raphael Muchangi Ngure, Bernard Wanyonyi, Grace Murilla and Lilian Chebet Kerio. (2013). Ameliorating melarsoprol toxicity using Kenyan purple tea anthocyanins and Co-enzyme-Q10 in a mouse model. Kabarak University 3rd Annual International Conference. 15th - 18th October 2013, Venue: Kabarak University Main Campus.
  3. Mburu JN., Serem EK, Mdachi R, Korir SC and Ngure RM. (2013). Effect of herbal plant extracts on Trypanosoma brucei rhodesience infected mice. The first international Conference on Pesticidal Plants 2013, Venue: ICIPE Nairobi Kenya 21st – 24th 2013.
  4. Mungatana NK, Anakalo S and Ngure RM (2012). Potential of HP and SAA as biomarkers for evaluating antimicrobial efficacy: A study of S. aureus infected goats (abstract code: 62). The II International Conference on Antimicrobial Research-ICAR 2012 Canada.
  5. Catherine N. Muturi, Johnson O. Ouma, Imna I. Malele, Raphael M. Ngure, Jane J. Rutto, Klaus M. Mithöfer, John Enyaru, Daniel K. Masiga (2011). Tracking the feeding patterns of tsetse flies (Glossina genus) by analysis of bloodmeals using mitochondrial cytochromes genes. Proceedings of the Third International Barcode of Life Conference, Mexico City, PLoS One Collection
  6. Karori SM, Wachira FN, Ngure RM and Kagira J (2011). Effects of tea on survival rates and liver pathology of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected mice. 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo. At Agricultural Research Week, 22nd-24th September 2011.
  7. Mwangi W.W., Shitandi A. and Ngure R. (2010). Evaluation of the performance of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis as test organisms for assay of tetracyclines in chicken meat. Mount Kenya University1st Academic Conference (30th-31 July, 2010).
  8. Wachira W, Shitandi A and Ngure RM (2010). Evaluation of Bacillus subtilis for assay of beta-lactums in chicken meat. Egerton University’s 5th Annual Research Week and International Conference. At Agricultural Research Week, 22nd-24th September 2010.
  9. Ngure RM, Mungatana N and Shitandi A (2010). Evaluation of haptoglobin and serum amyloid A as biomarkers of caprine mastitis. At the 44th Annual Scientific Conference meeting. Almond Resort, Garissa Kenya 21st to 23rd April 2010.
  10. Ngambi C, Ngure RM, Masiga D, Ouma J and Enyaru J. (2009). Analysis of Tsetse fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) blood meal using mitochondrial cytochrome genes for vertebrate host identification. At the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISTRC), 30th Meeting, Specks Resort, Kampala, Uganda. October 2009. Publication No. 5.15
  11. Mbai FN., Ngure RM and Dunbar BS. (2008). Ethical issues in Animal experimentation in science. International Conference on Bioethics. ARC, Egerton University
  12. Karori S, Wachira FM, Munyokoli JK and Ngure RM. (2008). The anti-inflammatory properties of Kenyan tea. Bio-earn/Vicres Scientific Conference. At Speke Conference Resort Munyoyo Kampala Uganda 24th-26th November 2008.
  13. Oluoch S, Ogoyi DO, Ngure RM and Nguu EK (2008). Molecular characterisation of Bacillus thurigiensis strain with differential toxicity to Chilo partellus (Swinhoe). 5th International Congress of the African Association of Physiological Sciences (AAPS). University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus Egerton.
  14. Karori S, Wachira F, Wanyoko JK and Ngure RM. (2008). Antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties of Kenyan teas. Bio-earn/Vicres Scientific Conference. At Speke Conference Resort Munyoyo Kampala Uganda 24th-26th November 2008.
  15. Mungatana NK, Ngure RM, Shitandi A., Onyiengo and Mutumba . (2008). Effects of experimental Staphylococcus aureus mastitis on the composition of goat milk. Quebec Canada
  16. Karau G, Ngure RM and Bundi P. (2008). HIV-1 and HERV-K gag, pol and pro are significantly different in terms of the aggregation hot spots propensity and functionality. A bioinformatics prediction. XVII AIDS Conference. Mexico city. Abstract A-072-0166-02002.
  17. Muriira GK. and Ngure RM. (2007). HERV-K superfamily envelope glycoprotein makes holes in immune repertoire during ontogeny leading to poor immune responses to HIV-1: Immunoinformatics Approach. 2nd International Workshop on HIV transmission. 26th-28th August 2007. Washington DC USA.
  18. Karori S, Wachira FM, Munyokoli JK and Ngure RM. (2007). Antioxidant capacity of different types of tea products. Egerton Research Week.
  19. Muriira GK. and Ngure RM. (2007). Human Leukocyte antigen A alleles diversity in HIV/AIDS susceptibility and resistance: Immunoinformatics approach. International Conference on the Bioinformatics of African pathogens and Disease Vectors. 28th-31st May 2007. Nairobi.
  20. Nancy MK., Ngure RM., Yole S. (2007). Acute phase response of albumin and haptoglobin in experimental infection of olive baboon with Schistosoma mansoni. 17th Institute of Primate Research (IPR) Scientific Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
  21. Gichuki, C.W., Karanja, S.M., Ngure, R.M., Muchina, D.K. and Otsyula, M.G. (1998) Co-infection of vervet monkeys with Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) leads to rapid disease progression and renders trypanocidal therapy ineffective.  2nd National HIV/AIDS/STDs Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
  22. Gichuki, C.W., Karanja, S.M., Ngure, R.M., Muchina, D.K. and Otsyula, M.G. (1998) Co-infection of Vervet monkeys with Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) leads to rapid disease progression and renders trypanocidal therapy ineffective.  19th African Health Science Congress, Arusha Tanzania
  23. Gichuki CW., Karanja SM., Ngure RM., Kamau DM. and Otsyula MG. (1998). Co-infection of vervet monkeys with trypanosomes and SIV leads to rapid disease progression and renders trypanocidal therapy ineffective. 12th International AIDS Conference. Geneva Switzerland. Abstract no. 11229.
  24. Ngure RM., Eckersall PD., Burke J., Jennings FW., Kennedy PGE., and Murray M. (1997). The role of endotoxin in the acute phase response to Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection of mice. 4th. International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock, Sepsis-Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches. Munich Germany.
  25. Ngure RM. (1996). The acute phase response in mice experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Trypanosoma congolense: A molecular gauge of parasite-host interaction. Proceedings of the First-African Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  Nairobi Kenya. Pp 237.
  26. Ngure RM., Burke J.M., Eckersall P.D., Jennings F.W. and Murray M. (1995). Endotoxin activity and acute phase response during African trypanosomiasis. In the Proceedings of the British Society for Parasitology, Spring Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland. April 1995. Pp. 47.
  27. Gichuki C.W., Burke J.M., Ngure RM., Jennings F.W., Rogers J., Ndungu J.M., Kennedy P.G.E. and Murray M. (1993). Do astrocytes have a role in the neuropathogenesis of African trypanosomiasis. At the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISTRC), 22nd Meeting, Kampala, Uganda. October 1993. Publication No. 117, Pp. 113-118.
  28. Ndungu J.M., Ngure RM., Ngotho J.M. and Sayer P.D. (1993). Post treatment total protein and white cell changes in the cerebrospinal fluid of vervet monkeys infected with Trypanosoma rhodesiense. In the Proceedings of the 14th Annual Medical Scientific Conference of KEMRI/KETRI., Nairobi, Kenya. February 1993.
  29. Ndungu J.M., Olaho-Mukani W., Ngure RM. and Nyanyuma A.R. (1993). Application of antigen ELISA in the assessment of cure in African trypanosomiasis. In the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology., Cambridge, United Kingdom. August 1993. Pp. 165.
  30. Ndungu J.M., Olaho-Mukani W., Ngure RM., Nyanyuma A.R. and Omuse J.K. (1993). The assessment of cure in African trypanosomiasis using antigen ELISA. In the Proceedings of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISTRC), 22nd Meeting, Kampala, Uganda. October 1993. Publication No. 117. Pp. 107-1112.
  31. Ndungu J.M., Ngure RM., Nyanyuma A.R., Ngotho J.M. and Sayer P.D. (1993). Changes in total protein and white cells in the cerebrospinal fluid of vervet monkeys infected with Trypanosoma rhodesiense and the effect of treatment. In the Proceedings of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISTRC), 22nd Meeting, Kampala, Uganda. October 1993. Publication No. 117.
  32. Ndungu J.M., Ngure RM., Karanja SM., Amakobe JA. and Nyanyuma AR. (1993). Establishment of a Trypanosoma rhodesiense vervet monkey model of sleeping sickness sensitive to alpha-difluoromethylornithine, melarsoprol and suramin. In the Proceedings of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISTRC), 22nd Meeting, Kampala, Uganda. October 1993

33.  Maathai RG., Masiga RC., Sayer PD., Ngure RM. and Ndungu JM. (1991). The role of propylene glycol in melarsoprol toxicity during treatment of Trypanosoma rhodesiense infected mice. In the Proceedings of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control. Yamoussoukro. Cote D’ Ivoure. Abstract 4.8


1. 2012-2013- Recognised as the best postgraduate student supervisor of the year.

2. 2007-Haggai Institute –International Leadership Training Scholarship.

3. 1993-1996-British Council Scholarship (PhD Fellowship), Glasgow University.

4. 1985-1989-Kenya Government Scholarship (BVM), University of Nairobi 


Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Pathology, Immunology and Parasitology

  1. Otwabe GA (2019). MSc. Antioxidant and metal chelating properties of tea in ameliorating cadmium induced toxicity in an animal model. Graduated
  2. Elizabeth Kiptoo (2015). Factors Influencing Low Immunization Coverage Among Children Between 12 - 23 Months in East Pokot, Baringo Country, Kenya.. Graduated
  3. Chemwetie M J. (2014). MSc. The effects of tea flavanoids on the blood biochemical changes and wound healing in type 2 diabetes in mice. Gradauated
  4. Kirui J. Kipngetich (2013). MSc. Antimicrobial and antifungal activity of clove and Eucalyptus oils alone and in combination. Graduated.
  5. Mwangi Nicholas N. (2013). MSc. Rate and extent of adhesion of representative rumen bacteria in local bovine breeds to maize stover at three fibre levels as determined by real time PCR. Graduated.
  6. Khalid Rashid (2013). MSc. Ameliorating melarsoprol toxicity using ant-oxidant Co-enzyme Q10 and tea anthocyanins. Submitted thesis to graduate school for examination.
  7. Merioth W. Korir (2013). MSc. Bioavailability of tea antioxidants and their effects on endogenous cellular antioxidant. Graduated.
  8. Kipyegon Robert (2012). MSc. Antibacterial, synergistic, antagonistic and additive effects of tea liquors and antibiotics against methicillin and penicillinase resistant. Graduated.
  9. Munyela Bramwel (2012). MSc. Determination of Benzo{A} pyrene levels and establishment of limit of detection in smoked and oil fried Lates niloticus. Graduated.
  10. Serem Eric (2012). MSc. Determination of the anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective role of Solanum nigrum crude extracts in Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense infected mice. Graduated.
  11. Ongeri Richard (2011). MSc. Comparative analysis of sickle cell frequency in malaria epidemic and endemic regions in Kenya.
  12. Celestin Mudogo (2011). MSc. Characterisation of drug sensitive and resistant Trypanosoma evansi isolates from Eastern Africa.
  13. Bertin Bisimwa (2011). MSc. Identification and comparative pathogenesis of Trypanosoma congolense subspecies from Eastern Africa.
  14. Yves Kayamba (2011). MSc. Characterisation of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense strains in Swiss white mice.
  15. Kavunga Hugo (2011). MSc. Phenotypic and genotypic drug resistant and sensitive Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense strains selected in East Africa.
  16. Willy Mutangala (2011). MSc. Transmisibility and virulence study of drug sensitive and resistant Trypanosoma congolense in mice.
  17. Wachira William (2010). MSc. Evaluation of the performance of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis as test organisms for detection of tetracyclines and Beta lactam antimicrobials in poultry meat.
  18. Ngambi CN (2009). MSc. Thesis entitled: Blood meal analysis of tsetse fly host species (Dipthera: Glossinidae) in East Africa using cytochrome C oxidase 1. Graduated
  19. Karori (2008). MSc. Thesis entitled: The role of tea catechins in down regulation of inflammation induced by Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in mice. Graduated
  20. Sydney Opondo Oluoch (2008). Msc. Thesis entitled: Molecular characterisation of Baccilus thuringensis strains with differential toxicity to Chilo partellus. Graduated
  21. Zipporah Chelangat Maiyo (2008). MSc. Thesis entitled: Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Amaranthus spp. and Corriandrum sativa. Graduated
  22. Ramah Uduh Yusuf (2008). MSc. Thesis entitled: Molecular assessment of anti-malarial drug resistance in P. falciparum in the Nuba Mountains, Southern Sudan. Graduated
  23. Murrira Geffrey Karau (2008). MSc. Thesis entitled: Analysis of human leukocyte antigen-G levels in placental malaria: A puntative indicator for pregnancy outcome. Graduated
  24. Njagi Julia Wawira (2008). MSc. Thesis entitled: Induced protein profiles in the haemolymph of desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) following a trypanosomatid ( brucei brucei) challenge. Graduated.
  25. Mungatana N.W.K (2005). Msc. Thesis entitled: Assessment of the acute phase response of baboon (Papio anubis) and mouse models to Schistosoma mansoni. Graduated

1. Mavura Hawa (2016). PhD. Thesis entitled Use of isoenzyme profiles in the development of a rapid diagnostic method in the staging of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense infection using sheep model.

2. Karori S. (2015). PhD. The effect of tea on growth, invasion and suppression ability and gene expression on SCC-12 cancer cell line. Graduated

3. Florence Wamwiri (2014). PhD. Characterisation of Wolbachia endosymbiot association in Glossina population in Kenya. Graduated

4. Mungatana N.W.K (2010). PhD. Thesis proposal entitled: Evaluation of haptoglobin and serum amyloid as biomarkers for caprine mastitis. Graduated


1.      Member of the British Society of Parasitology

  1. Member of the Biochemical Society of Kenya
  2. Member of the Kenya Veterinary Association.
  3. Registered by the Kenya Veterinary Board (No 1287)
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