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Faculty of Science
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Chemistry Department, 536-20115, Egerton

Born and raised in the township of Kikuyu, Kiambu, Dr. Thomas Kinyanjui started his  schooling at Kikuyu Township primary School. Later he transitioned to secondary school at the then Thika Technical School. Here a lot of technical and vocational skills were imparted including wood work, metal work, electrical circuitry and Technical drawing. As a career at form three, he took agricultural mechanics and thus at an early age learned how to plough, tractor engine overhaul etc. The experince there has had a long lasting effect on how i carry out my professional and academic work especially in terms of originality of tasks to be carried out. 

after high school at Njiiris school, i proceeded to Egerton universty for a Bachelor of Science degree and majored in Chemistry after which i undertook a in chemistry at  University of Nairobi.

A research assistantship enabled my studies at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA) for PhD. i have engaged in teaching and research at Egerton University for more than seventeen years and different levels and capacities. This has given me a wealth of experience in the fields of chemical sciences.

my focus in academia has been on analytical chemistry, biofuels and other renewable sources of energy, value addition to our resources and chemistry applications to environmental conservation.


Analytical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry

Edible oil processing / Membrane Technology

Supercritical fluids, Extraction and Chromatography

Renewable energy sources /biofuels

Environmental chemistry


Certificate – External peer reviewers’ training (CUE 2014)

Certificate: Intellectual property workshop for Researchers in R&D institutions (August 2009)

Certificate in ICT awareness. (2009)

Certificate in Proposal writing (2009)

Commission for University Education Peer Reviewer (2014 – to date)

Journal of American Oil Chemists Society – Reviewer

Member of the Egerton University Exhibitions committee (2007 – 2012)

Certificate in Academic Advising (2009)

Certificate of Participation; Intellectual Property Workshop for Research and Development Institutions. 27th – 28th August 2009. Bontana Hotel, Nakuru.

Certificate in Remote control Chemical Instrumentation – pesticide Analysis (Arusha -2006)

Certificate: Intellectual Property (ICIPE 2007)



2012 – To date: Senior Lecturer, Chemistry, Egerton University  Key responsibilities:

Teaching and examining both undergraduate and postgraduate students, handling students’ practical sessions supervising students at Bachelors, M.Sc. and PhD levels. Research in Chemistry, curriculum Reviews for programs within the Department. Student Academic advising, faculty examination boardparticipation.Attending and presentations at seminars and conferences Proposal writing. Consultancy. community and societal engagements.                                  

2009 – To date: Examination officer, Chemistry Department, Egerton University

Key responsibilities: Coordination of all examinations in the Department including the setting, both internal and external moderation (both the exam papers and the marked scripts). Facilitation of exam processing, results handling, Departmental exit meetings with external examiners. Participation in faculty exams board meetings. Handling all complaints, concerns and correspondence pertaining to examinations and related issues.

2004 – 2011: Lecturer, Chemistry, Egerton University

Key responsibilities: Teaching and examining (Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors and postgraduate students), research in Chemistry. Member of faculty examination board, consultancy, curriculum review. Community work. 

2001 – 2003: Teaching Assistant, Chemistry and Food Processing, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign

Key responsibilities: Handling undergraduate tutorials, laboratory sessions. Marking and grading tests and assignments. Assisting students with coursework consultations. 

2000 – 2001: Research Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, USA

Key responsibilities:  Proposal writing, research work in the laboratory. Maintenance of the laboratory and research equipment, PhD research work. Industry consultancy.

1996 – 1999:  Assistant Lecturer, Chemistry, Egerton University

Key responsibilities: Teaching the lower level undergraduate students, handling students practical sessions, examining, marking and grading students’ exams and practical sessions. Faculty board meetings

1991 – 1992: Teaching Assistant, Chemistry, Egerton University

Key responsibilities:Handling undergraduate students’ practical sessions, marking and grading the practical reports. Handling tutorials in the respective classes allocated, assisting academic staff with marking and grading student quizzes and assignments.


Other University Duties and Responsibilties 

  • Member, Egerton University International Conference Preparation Committee (2010 - 2017).
  • Trainer: Zain Africa Challenge students. (2007 – 2010)
  • Departmental representative to the faculty postgraduate committee (2007-2009)
  • Member of the Egerton University Show committee (2006 – 2008)
  • Faculty representative to the Egerton University exhibition committee (2006 – 2008)
  • Member, Departmental postgraduate committee (current)
  • Acting chair (Chemistry Dept.) June-July 2009
  • Acting Chair (Chemistry Dept.) June – August 2010
  • Acting chair (Chemistry Dept.) June-July 2011
  • Acting chair (Chemistry Dept.) June-July 2013
  • Acting chair (Chemistry Dept.) June-July 2014
  • Acting chair (Chemistry Dept.) April -October 2018
  • Acting chair (Chemistry Dept.) May- December 2019
  • Coordinator for Chemistry 4th year Undergraduate Research Projects (2007 – 2009)
  • Member, Egerton University Intellectual Property Rights Committee
  • Departmental examinations officer (Chemistry Department – 2009 to date)
  • Member, Chemistry Department postgraduate committee
  • Departmental Timetabling Officer (2009 – 2012)
  • Academic advisor to Science undergraduate students
  • Coordinator for the Postgraduate practical techniques course (2009 – 2012)
  • Coordinator for EU/West Michigan University twinning program (2012 – 2015)
  • Reviewer for Innovations Proposals for Egerton University. (2012- To date)
  • Member- University Conference Committee (2014 – 2017)
  • Internal examiner for various postgraduate Theses.





  1. Vegetable oil de-acidification using membrane Technology and supercritical carbon dioxide, as an alternative to the Use of organic solvents with a view to making edible oil processing a more environmentally friendly process. The CO2 as a supercritical fluid has major advantages, one being its benign nature.
  2. Analysis of used vegetable oil as a potential biodiesel. The rationale for this is the known over use of frying oils that can have adverse effects to consumers. Some of the oxidation products can be carcinogenic. Finding an alternative economic use for these oils would encourage outlets to dispose of highly oxidized oils hence improving health of their consumers. This ties to the environment too since the biodiesel therein supplements fossil oils.
  3. Tea diversification and value addition including investigation of tea seed oil as a possible vegetable oil. The by products including husks were investigated as potential animal feed supplements. Study of GABA in tea as a health ingredient to consumers.
  4.  Study of renewable energy sources and their benefits to the environment. Solar ponds / salt gradient ponds as heat/energy reservoirs and their potential use in supplementing energy sources especially in small to medium sized facilities. Use of polyethylene films as a potential solution to the diffusion problem thereby increasing the mixing of the salt gradient layers was studied.
  5. Investigation of bone char as a potential defluoridation agent in high fluoride drinking water as a measure of mitigating the fluorosis problem.
  6. A study on a possible pre exposure of polyethylene bags to UV radiation with a view to weakening the polymer network via action of radiation on the chromophores present. This potentially would accelerate the degradation of these bags post use, hence reducing environmental pollution.
  7. Study carried out on edible oil oxidation and the effect that different fried foods have on this process. The conditions of storage and heating parameters were studied as they affect the oxidation status of the oils.
  8. Investigation of the various pollutants and health hazards emanating from combustion processes in the environment, smoke from Cigarettes, tires etc. The identity and potential harm effects from these by products were looked at.
  • Oil processing and alternative methods of reducing the impact of organic solvents and heat in the process.
  • Study of chemical processes that lead to alternatives in terms of renewable energy, reduction of environmental pollution.
  • Study of Supercritical fluids as solvents for use in chemical and industrial processes.
  • Renewable energy sources including solar energy and biofuels.
  • Oxidation processes of oils.
  • Membrane applications in food processing.
  • Degradation processes in frying oils
  • Biodiesel from non-food oil plants and waste oils
  1. Samuel K. Kirkok, Joshua K. Kibet*, Thomas Kinyanjui, Francis I. Okanga1 and Vincent O. Nyamori2. Dioxin and dibenzofuran like molecular analogues from the pyrolysis of biomass materials—the emerging challenge in bio‑oil production. BMC Chemistry (2021) 15:3 .
  2. Samuel K. Kirkok · Joshua K. Kibet · Thomas K. Kinyanjui · Francis I. Okanga1: Received: 27 April 2020 / Accepted: 17 September 2020. A review of persistent organic pollutants: dioxins, furans, and their associated nitrogenated analogues. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 
  3. Samuel K. Kirkok, Joshua Kibet, Francis Okanga, Thomas Kinyanjui, Vincent Nyamori. Mechanistic formation of Hazardous molecular heterocyclic amines from high temperature pyrolysis of model biomass materials: cellulose tyrosine. BMC Chemisrtry. (2019) 13: 126
  4. Joshua K. Kibet, Audriy Jebet, Thomas Kinyanjui.  Molecular oxygenates from the thermal degradation of tobacco and material characterization of tobacco char. Scientific African 5 (2019) e00153          
  5.  Audriy Jebet , Joshua K. Kibet , Thomas Kinyanjui, Vincent O. Nyamori: Environmental inhalants from tobacco burning: Tar and particulate emissions. Scientific African 1 (2018) e0 0 0 04. 
  6. Joshua Kibet, Josephate Bosire, Thomas Kinyanjui, Moses Lang’at and Nicholas Rono. 2017. Characterization of Forest Fire Emissions and Their Possible Toxicological Impacts on     Human Health. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 1-4, April, 2017
  7.  Audriy Jebet, Joshua Kibet , Lucy Ombaka and Thomas Kinyanjui. 2017. Surface bound radicals, char yield and particulate size from the burning of tobacco cigarette. Chemistry   Central Journal (2017) 11:79 
  8. Wangila Tsikhungu Phanice, Kinyanjui Thomas, Nakhone Lenah N. (2016). Concentration of I2, Na, K, Mg and Fe2+ in soils, Plants, Ash and Salt Samples of selected areas of Western Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol.5, No. 4. 
  9. Bosire, J., Kibet, J., Kinyanjui, T. and Githaiga, B. (2016) Tire Combustion Emissions and Their Histochemical Implications on the Lung Tissues of Albino Mice. Open Access Library Journal , 3: e3076.  
  10. Josphine Chebet, Thomas Kinyanjui, Peter K. Cheplogoi. Impact of Frying on iodine value of Vegetable oils before and after deep frying in different types of foods in Kenya. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research. 2016: 5(5) 193-196.
  11. Kelvin Omondi George, John K. Wanyoko, Thomas Kinyanjui, Kelvin O. Moseti, Francis N. Wachira. 2016. Comparative Assessment of the Fatty Acid Profiles of Crude Oils  Extracted from Seeds of Selected Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Cultivars. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2016, 7, 1-7
  12. Wangila Tsikhungu Phanice, Tsimbiri Pamella, Peter Nyongesa, Nakhone Lenah, Kinyanjui Thomas, Mule Shadrack (2015). Micronutrients I2, Fe2+, Mg, K and Na concentration in Typha Latifolia and Cyperus papyrus reed salts of Busia and Lugari regions of Western Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research, ijsr. vol. 4 No. 1, Jan 2015. 
  13. Too C. Janet, Wanyoko K. John, Kinyanjui Thomas, Moseti O. Kelvin, Wachira N. Francis 2015. Effect of Seasons on Theanine Levels in Different Kenyan  Commercially Released Tea Cultivars and Its Variation in Different Parts of the Tea Shoot Food and Nutrition Sciences,6, 1450-1459
  14.  Kelvin Omondi George, Kelvin Okong’o Moseti, John Kanyiri Wanyoko,Thomas Kinyanjui, Francis Nyamu Wachira. 2015. Quantitation of the Total Catechin    Content in Oils Extracted from Seeds of Selected Tea (Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze,         Theaceae) Clones by RP-HPLC. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6, **-**Published Online April 2015 in SciRes. doi.How to cite this paper: Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3 (2015) Paper Title. American   Journal of Plant Sciences, 6, **-**.***.2015.*****
  15. Kimutai, S. , Kinyanjui, T. , Wanyoko, J. , Wachira, F. , Karori, S. and Muthiani, A. (2015) Optimization of Aeration Time in the Development Theaflavin-3,3’-Digallate Rich Black Teas. American Journal of Plant Sciences6, 3001-3012. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2015.619295.
  16. Wetungu Martin W., Matasyoh, J. C., Kinyanjyui T.  2014. Antimicrobial Activity of Solvent Extracts from the Leaves of Tarchonanthus camphorastus (Asteraceae). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytchemistr, 3(1): 123 -127
  17. Wangari Stephen, Kinyanjui Thomas, Odongo Alfred and Kariuki Samuel. 2014. Assessment of heavy Metals in Rooftop dust around Lake Nakuru Basin, Kenya. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 4(11): 13 -17
  18. P. K. Kamweru, F. G. Ndiritu, T. K. Kinyanjui, Z. W. Muthui, R. G. Ngumbu, P. M. Odhiambo. 2014. UV Absorption and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Polyethylene Films. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 9(24):545-555.
  19. J. O. Owiti, C.K Chepkwony and T. Kinyanjui. 2014. Effect of Combinations of Phosphate Rock and Superphosphate on Dissolution of Phosphate Rock in Water.  International Journal of Life Sciences Research 2(4): 205 -212
  20. D. B. Sifuna, T. K. Kinyanjui, F. G. Ndiritu, R. G. Ngumbu. 2014. Comparison of Thermal Storage Efficiency of Solar Pond with and without a Polyethene Membrane. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 9, September 14 1 ISSN 2250-3153
  21. Kinyua J.K., Kinyanjui T., Gachanja A.N., Maina Jedidah. Correlation of Leaf Glucose content with Mineral Nutrients Uptake of South African Geranium. (Pelargonium Sidoides) 2014. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, vol. 7 (IV) pp. 10 -19.
  22.  Kelvin Omondi George, Thomas Kinyanjui, John Wanyoko, Okong’o Kelvin Moseti and Francis Wachira 2013. Extraction and analysis of tea (Camellia sinensis) seed oil from different clones in Kenya. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(8), pp. 841-846, 20 February, 2013. Available online at ISSN 1684 DOI: 10.5897/AJB12.273
  23. K.O. Moseti, T. Kinyanjui, J.K.Wanyoko, J.K. Kurgat, J.C. Too, K.G. Omondi, F.N. Wachira. 2013. Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in Tea Grown and Marketed in Kenya; A Quantitative Assessment. International Journal of Environmental Protection June 2013, Vol 3(6), pp. 24-30
  24. K.O. Moseti, J.K.Wanyoko, T. Kinyanjui, F.N. Wachira. 2013. Extractability of Fluoride into Black Tea Liquors, Kenya.  International Journal of Environmental Protection Vol.3(5), PP. 14-19
  25.  Njuguna D. G., Wanyoko J. K., Kinyanjui T. and Wachira F.N. 2013. Mineral Elements in the Kenyan Tea Seed Oil Cake.  International Journal of Research In Chemistry and Environment. Vol. 3 Issue 1 January 2013. 253-261
  26.  Njuguna D.G., Wanyoko J.K., Kinyanjui T. and Wachira F.N. 2013. Polyphenols and free radical Scavenging Properties of Kenyan Tea Seed Oil Cake. International Journal of Research In Chemistry and Environment. Vol. 3 Issue 2: 86 – 92 
  27. P. K. Kamweru, F. G. Ndiritu, T. K. Kinyanjui, Z. W. Muthui, R. G. Ngumbu, P. M. Odhiambo. 2012. Study of Humidity and UV wavelength effects on degradation of photo-irradiated polyethylene films using DMA. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, 51:817–827.
  28.  ISSN: 0022-2348 print / 1525-609X online DOI: 10.1080/00222348.2011.610214
  29. K.O. Moseti , J.K. Wanyoko, T. Kinyanjui , J.C. Too , K.G. Omondi  and F.N. Wachira. 2012. Potential extractability of essential and non-essential elements in tea liquor: quantification and safety evaluation. Tea 33(2), 58-66. Tea is a journal of the Tea Research Institute. It is published twice annually, in July and December, by the Tea Research Institute (TRI), P.O. Box 820-20200 Kericho, Kenya, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., website and
  30. Njuguna D.G., Wanyoko J.K., Kinyanjui T. and Wachira F.N.  2012.  Characterization of Essential and toxic Elements in the Kenyan Tea Seed Husks. Tea 33(2): 89-94. Tea is a journal of the Tea Research Institute. It is published twice annually, in July and December, by the Tea Research Institute (TRI), P.O. Box 820-20200 Kericho, Kenya, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., website and 
  31. P. K. Kamwerua; F. G. NdirituaT. K. Kinyanjuib; Z. W. Muthuia; R. G.   Ngumbua;  P.M. Odhiamboa 2011. Study of Temperature and UV Wavelength Range Effects on Degradation of Photo-Irradiated Polyethylene Films Using DMA. .Journal of Macromolecular    Science, Part B: Physics 99999 (1) 1. 
  32. Kinyanjui T. 2008. Book review: Teaching Innovations in Lipid Science (ed.Randall J. Weslake. Inform 19 (8) 565-566.
  33. Kinyanjui T., Gitu P.M., Ichangi D.W., Kamau G.N. 2007. Applications of anti-termite extracts from Juniperus Procera and Croton Megalocarpus. International Journal of Biochemphysics 16 44-50.
  34. Kinyanjui T, Artz WE, Cheryan M. 2005. Deacidification of Soybean oil using supercritical Fluid and Membrane Technology. Journal of American Chemists Society. 
  35. Kinyanjui T, Artz WE, Cheryan M. 2005. Solubility optimization of oil components in supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of Food Lipids 12.91-102.
  36. Kinyanjui T, Artz WE. 2003. Emulsifiers: Organic emulsifiers. Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition, (Eds.) Caballero B, Trugo LC, Finglas PM. pp. 3684- 3689.
  37. Kinyanjui T, Artz WE. 2003. Emulsifiers: Uses in processed foods. Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition, (Eds.) Caballero B, Trugo LC, Finglas PM. Pp. 3678-3683.
  38. Kinyanjui T, Artz WE. 2001. Soybean oil and oil component solubility in supercritical Carbon dioxide (SCD) and in a SCD/ Hexane mixture. Abstracts, Inform supplement, 92nd AOCS annual meeting and Expo,Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
  39. Kinyanjui T, Gitu PM, Kamau GN. 2000. Potential anti-termite compounds from Juniperus procera extracts. Chemosphere. 41: 1071-1074.          
  1. Kinyanjui T. Chemical Safety and Security Workshop for University Leaders in Kenya. 12th July 2018, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nairobi.
  2. Kinyanjui T.*1; Chebet J.1; Cheplogoi P.K. Effect of deep frying different foods on the oxidative stability of several vegetable oils in Kenya.
  3. The second DEKUT International Conference on Science, Technology, innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2nd – 4th November 2016 venue: Dekut main campus, Nyeri, Kenya
  4. Samuel Kimutai, Thomas Kinyanjui, John K. Wanyoko and Stephen Karori. Determination of Residual Catechins, Polyphenolic contents and antioxidants activities of developed Theaflavin -3,3 –digallate rich black tea. 10th Egerton University International Conference and Agriculture Summit, 30th march to 1st April ,2016.           
  5. Kinyanjui T.  External Peer Reviewers Training Workshop. 11th and 12th November 2014. Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Ruaraka.
  6. K. O. Moseti, T. Kinyanjui, J. K. Wanyoko, and F. N. Wachira, "Water extractable fluoride in tea from East Africa: A case study of Kenyan
    tea," Proceedings of the 2nd ASARECA General Assembly and Scientific Conference, Royal Palace Hotel, Bujumbura, Burundi. 9th to 13th December, 2013. Book of abstracts pp. 1.
  7. The Tea Research Foundation of Kenya. Workshop on Potential health benefits of Kenyan Tea. 24th August 2010.
  8. Kinyanjui T. Vegetable Oil Purification Using Supercritical Fluid and Membrane Processing. Egerton University research week. 2005
  9.  Kinyanjui T, Artz WE and Cheryan M. Vegetable oil purification using supercritical fluid and membrane processing. 93rd AOCS annual meeting and Expo. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. May 5th-8th 2002.
  10.  Artz WE, Kinyanjui T., Soledad A. Food ingredients: Future approaches. IFSC meeting, Denmark, November 2002.
  11.  Artz WE, Kinyanjui T. Supercritical fluid chromatographic techniques for lipid analysis. Edward G.Perkins Memorial Conference. Gurgaon, India. November 30th 2000.

1992- Egerton University staff development scholarship- M.Sc. program (UON).

1999- Research Assistantship – University of Illinois.

2002- Graduate fellowship recognition award.

2003- Best teaching assistant award, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition).

2006- Best presentation award- Egerton research week

2007- Certificate of appreciation; Training Egerton University students for the Celtel Africa challenge championship (Egerton University got 1st position).

2008- Certificate of appreciation; Training Egerton University students for the Celtel Africa challenge championship.

  • Physical Chemistry
  • Oil Chemistry 
  • Thermodynamics
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Supercritical fluids
  • Environmental Chemistry


  1. M.Sc Thesis: Wetungu: Antimicrobial triterpene glycosides from the plants: Plectranthus lanuginosus, Tephrosia vogelii and  Tarchonanthus camphoratus. Graduated Dec 2008
  2. M.Sc. Thesis: Mwanasiti: Isolation and characterization of essential oils of Ocimum americanum, Lantana camara, Lantana trifolia and Tephrosia vogelii. Graduated Nov.2007
  3. M.Sc. Thesis: Kamweru: Investigation of humidity and temperature effects on the accelerated photo-degradation of polyethylene flimsies using DMA. Graduated May 2010
  4. M.Sc. Thesis: Opondo: Evaluation of trans-esterified waste vegetable oil for use as biodiesel fuel. Graduated Dec. 2010
  5. Thesis: Kamotho: Investigation of coagulation- flocculation active compounds of broad beans (Vicia faba), cassava tubers (Manihotsculenta) and maize (Zea mays). (2010)
  6. M.Sc. Thesis: Njuguna Dennis: Determination of essential and Toxic Elements In Tea Seed oil Cake and Huskd Of Selected Varieties In Kenya. (2012)
  7. M.Sc. Thesis; Omondi K.: Determination of fatty acid profile and stability evaluation of tea seed oil extracted from different cultivars of Kenyan te . (2013)
  8. M.Sc. Thesis: Kelvin O. Moseti:  Levels of Selected Heavy Metals and fluoride in tea (camellia sinensis), Grown, Processed and Marketed in Kenya. (2013).
  9. M.Sc. project: Kinyua J.: Correlation of leaf sugar content with mineral nutrients uptake of South African geranium (Pelargoniu sidoides) (2013)
  10. M.Sc. Project: Kimemia Kanyora A.: Determination of Fluoride Removal Capacity Of Regenerated Bone Char In Treatment Of Drinking Water. (2014)
  11. M.Sc. project: Wangari S.: Characterization of Dispersion of heavy metals Through dust; A case Study of Lake Nakuru Basin. (2014)
  12. M.Sc. Project: J. O Owiti.: Effect of Combinations of Phospate Rock and Superphosphate on dissolution of Phosphate Rock in Water. (2015)
  13. M.Sc. project: Too J.: Profiling for the antihypertensive amino acid, (theanine) in Kenyan tea clones. (2016)
  14. M.Sc. Project: Josphine Chebet. Oxidative Stability of Selected Vegetable Oils after Deep frying in Different Types of Food in Kenya.(2017) 


  1. Audriy Jebet. Surface Bound radicals, Char yield, particulate size and selected    carbonyl molecular products from thermal Decomposition of selected Tobacco Cigarettes.
  2. Anzelim E. Sunguti. Benzene Derivatives and Speciation of Trace metals in Lake Bogoria Geothermal System.
  3.  Muiva O. K. Analysis of Chitin from crabs abd chicken egg Shells for Adsorption of Heavy metals in Water


  1. Wangila Phanice T. : Analysis of Micronutrients and Heavy Metals of    Indigenous Reed Salts and Soils from selected Areas in the Western Kenya. (supervisors: Dr. T. Kinyanjui and Prof. Nakhone Lenah). Graduated November 2016.


  1. Samuel Kipyegon Kirkok: The Mechanistic and Thermochemical Behaviour for the formation of Dioxin-like and Benzofuran-like Nitrogenated Compounds from Diphenyl amine model compound. (Supervisors: Dr. J. Kibet and Dr. T. Kinyanjui)
  1. Kenya chemical Society, Member
  2. Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (NAPRECA) Kenya, Member and Chairman (Strategic planning committee)
  3. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, Publications’ reviewer
  4. Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK), member, Nakuru Branch and member of Strategic  planning and Catalogue subcommittee and Editor of the Catalogue (2009 -2010)
  5. Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK), Nakuru Branch. Chairman, Strategic planning and Show Development Sub- committee.
  6. External Peer Reviewer for Commission for University Education (2014 – To date)
  7. External Examiner, Department of Chemistry, Dedan kimathi University of Science and    Technology. (2013 – 2019)
  8. External examiner for theses of various Universities
  9. Member, Technical Committee KEBS) on Vegetable Oils and Fats
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